Death: Marry Unohana Retsu at the beginning.

Chapter 80 Opposing violence, pointing out that five dragons are released in other people's tea

Chapter 80: Opposing violence, pointing out that the five dragons are released against other people's team buildings? (First update)
"Tian Shilang is too weak now..."

Araki looked at Kirinji Tenshiro, who was extremely 'decadent' because his hair was cut off, and commented in his heart.

With Araki's current strength, he doesn't even need to use the Zanpakutō's 'Swastika' to deal with Kirinji Tenshiro who has not yet left for the 'Zero Division'...

"Okay, now I've played the game~" Araki patted Kirinji's shoulder and pointed to the long hair scattered on the ground, "You saw it yourself..."

"So now, can you teach Unohana and Yoruichi about 'Return' and 'Shunpo'?!"

Araki asked to the Kirin Temple in front of him.

"I'm not in the mood right now!"

"Do you know how long it takes me to take care of this cool airplane head of mine every day?"

"Do you know how much I paid for my handsome hair?"

"Ever since I started growing this cool airplane head, I have never had the pleasure of burying my face in a pillow!"

Qilin Temple looked at the long hair scattered on the ground, and tears kept pouring out of his eyes. He was filled with infinite sorrow in his heart. He was grieving for his dead aircraft head!
"Sure enough, this guy is a damn scoundrel, let's just kill him~"

Seeing this, Maozhihua once again pulled out the knife from her waist.To be honest, she had long wanted to chop the bastard in front of her to death.As for how early?From the first time she met this disgusting guy in front of her...

"Come! Come and kill me! If you kill me, no one will teach you 'Shunpo' and 'Return'!"

Kirinji raised his head and yelled at Unohana.

It was just the beads of sweat that kept overflowing from the tip of his sensitive nose, which revealed that he was just bluffing at the moment.


In this regard, there was no sympathy at all in Uozhika Retsu's eyes. She just raised her hand holding the knife expressionlessly and pointed it at Kirinji's neck.

"Are you serious?!"

When Qilinji felt that he was targeted by Uozuka's murderous intent, he realized that something was wrong. Uozuka Retsu seemed to really want to kill him...

It seems that this guy from Kirin Temple really doesn't know how disgusting his character and appearance are.

In short, I don’t have any B numbers in mind...

"Alas..." Seeing this, Araki could only sigh, and then activated his ability again, "ROOM!"

With the activation of Araki's ability, a miracle happened at this moment!

I saw Qilin Temple's long hair that was cut off by Araki's knife and scattered all over the ground. It floated up from the ground in an instant, and then was put on Qilin Temple's head, re-forming Qilin Temple's disgusting airplane head...

To be honest, Araki really forced himself to connect the 'aircraft head' to Kirinji. He kept hypnotizing himself that the 'Kirinji' in front of him still had a little bit of use value...

"Back! They're all back..."

"My proud airplane head is finally back!"

When the plane's nose returned to position, Qilin Temple was stunned for a moment. Then with a worried heart, he gently stroked the long hair on his head with his trembling hands. His cautious look seemed to be stroking a hair. A beautiful piece of art...

Then, when Qilin Temple was sure that his long hair had grown back again, he became excited and shouted to the sky crazily.

"Araki, you are really my half-brother from Kirinji! You know, I, Kirinji, am the most loyal person! From today on, if you need a brother, just ask me, as long as I can do it Things are 'no two words' and go all out!"

The resurrected Kirinji leaped up from the ground. He first held Araki's hand and spoke excitedly!At this moment, Kirinji wished he could immediately become sworn brothers with Araki.

Then Kirinji swore to Araki: "As for what you asked me to do just now, just don't worry! I will definitely teach 'Shunpo' and 'Return' to Yoruichi and Unohana!"


In this regard, Araki just raised his eyebrows. The Kirin Temple that was now resurrected because of the aircraft head gave Araki the illusion that the aircraft head of Kirin Temple was actually the main body of Kirin Temple.

"He's still useful now!"

"Wait until he teaches you everything he knows from the bottom of the box, and then kill him!"

Araki ignored Kirinji, who was his brother and brother. He first pulled out his hand that was tightly held by Kirinji from Kirinji's greasy arms, and then he did it to Uozhika Lie beside him. He made a gesture of wiping his neck...

He signaled Unohana Retsu that after they finish using Qilin Temple and squeeze out all the knowledge of Qilin Temple, they can get rid of the damn aircraft head in front of them.


After hearing this, Uzhihua put away her Zanpakutō that was about to swing towards Kirin Temple.
"What if he doesn't teach well?!"

Immediately afterwards, Unohana continued to ask Araki.

"Then kill him too!"

Araki gave an affirmative answer.

"I know~"

Unohana smiled after hearing the answer that satisfied her from Araki's mouth.

"Hey hey hey! I'm still here listening!"

"Even if you two really want to kill me immediately after using me, you still have to consider my feelings a little bit, right? At least you have to discuss this matter behind my back, right? Please tell me who has 'Thunderbolt' As for the title, I don’t take it seriously!”

Qilin Temple looked at the two people in front of him, as if they were talking about killing a 'chicken', loudly plotting how to kill his 'unparalleled murderer' in front of him, and his eyelids began to twitch again!

Well, now he finally knew why his right eyelid kept twitching. It turned out that he encountered two 'evil stars'.

"In short, since I have promised you to teach you about 'Shunpo' and 'Return', then I will never go back on my word! But how much you can learn~ That depends on you... "

Kirinji put his hands on his waist and regained his former self-confidence.

Sure enough, once this man got a plane head, he started to look different!Ahem...

"It seems that Si Fengyuan Yoruichi is not the only one who lacks lessons."

In response to this, Araki decided to wait until he had free time to educate Kirinji Tenshiro, the damn pilot.

But before that, Araki had more important things to do. He returned to Seireitei from Hueco Mundo not just to be the captain of the [-]th Raushiko Squadron... He had a more lofty ideal.

"Araki, where are you going?!"

Unohana seemed to see Araki's heavy thoughts, and she asked aloud. "After seeing 'Yorichi' and 'Jighead', I had a few more ideas in my mind, so I decided to test the feasibility of the idea."

Araki looked at Unohana and explained.

However, Araki did not explain to Unohana Retsu what exactly he was going to do...

"Bon Voyage!"

Unohana Retsu didn't ask any more questions. She and Araki have lived together for more than 100 years, and they have developed a complete tacit understanding.

"be careful!"

Then Unohana added that although Unohana didn't know what Araki was going to do, she had a hunch that Araki was definitely going to do something big that would shock Soul Society.

"Don't worry, I will definitely be fine! You know that I have always been against violence." After Araki waved goodbye to Unohana Retsu, he then looked at Si, who had his arms wrapped around him and his expression changed. Hoin Yoruichi: "Yorichi, you must remember to learn Shunpo with your uncle Kirinji! When I come back, I will check your homework."

"And Qilin Temple, I'm asking you to teach me a lesson!"

Araki is really worried about the 'little bastard' Kirinji.


"My talent is the best in the world!"

After listening to Araki's words, Si Fengyuan Yoruichi gently waved his hand towards Araki, as if his talent surpassed that of others.

"Huh? Uncle? Shouldn't it be brother?!"

Only Kirinji was confused whether he should be Yoruichi's 'brother' or 'uncle'. He thought he was young~

Araki felt initially relieved after receiving Yoruichi's response.

"Then next..."

Araki turned around and walked towards the distance while planning in his mind.

Currently, the Seireitei is divided into three major organizations under the "Central 46 Chambers" composed of nobles.

They are the Shinigami of the Gotei Thirteen, which symbolize the 'samurai' class and are based on the 'samurai' and are responsible for protecting the safety of the 'Seireitei' and 'Soul Society'.

Symbolizing 'assassins', or more accurately based on 'ninja', they are 'stealthy mobile' killers who are responsible for handling some shady matters for the major nobles.

And based on the 'Onmyoji', he is responsible for various 'enchantments', 'seals', 'sacrifice' and 'ceremonies', including holding the 'soul burial ceremony' to make the 'spiritual power' of those who suddenly die are third-level or above. We, the 'Ghost Daoists' who can successfully fall into hell.

The Gotei [-], the Secret Maneuver, and the Oni Daozhong, the three major organizations in the Seireitei are theoretically on the same level!At least that's what it looks like on the surface...

And the reason why Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni, as the captain of the Gotei 46, can mobilize the "Secret Maneuvers" and "Ghosts" within the scope of his authority is simply because Yamamoto is too strong!Whether it's 'Secret Mobile', 'Ghost Daoist' or 'Central Room [-]', they must give him face.

According to normal development, this situation would have lasted for hundreds of years. It was not until Shihoin Yoruichi, who was also the commander-in-chief of the 'Secret Mobile' and the leader of the Gotei [-]nd Division, took office that an essential change occurred. .

Yoruichi successfully brought the 'Secret Maneuver', which was once on par with the 'Gotei [-]', under the jurisdiction of the Second Division!And the captain of the second division, Aya Aya, also known as Zaihou, who later took office, succeeded in continuing the glory created by Yoruichi!He continues to be in charge of the 'Secret Mobile' unit as the leader of the Second Division.

What Araki has to do now is very simple. Before he kicks Old Man Shan away from the position of captain, he should bring these two organizations that are nominally on the same level as the 'Thirteenth Team' under his command in advance!

In other words, Araki has reached out to institutions beyond his scope of authority, and has even touched the bottom line of 'major nobles'!

After all, for these 'nobles', the ghosts in charge of the 'enchantment' operation are fine, but once Araki uses the 'secret maneuver' to handle the dirty work for them, then they really have no minions. The cat is dead, and besides meowing constantly, it can't even protest.

"Although the covert maneuvers can all be left to that girl Yoruichi, let's forget it! Just let her be the deputy commander~ By the way, I can use the 'graduation exam' as an excuse to let that girl do it. I conquer those 'assassins'! Whether it's 'stealth maneuvers' or 'ghosts', I want them all."

Araki finally made the decision, adults never make choices.

When Araki was thinking about this, others had already arrived outside the team building of the 'Ghosts'.

"who are you?"

Outside the gate of the huge building, the 'gatekeeper' wearing the unique robe of the ghosts saw Araki and immediately blocked his path and asked coldly.

"Who am I? I am here to teach you, the Great Ghost Dao Master, how to use ghost ways correctly~"

After hearing the gatekeeper's question to him, Araki explained in an extremely calm tone, as if he was not making any big talk, but was just stating a fact to everyone.


The gatekeeper was stunned after hearing Araki's words. The man in front of him actually said "shamelessly" that he wanted to teach their "big ghost master" how to use the ghost method correctly?

If we follow what the person in front of us means, doesn't it mean that their great ghost master, the ghost master, has been useless over the years, right?What a joke!
"Do you know who the Great Ghost Daoist Master is? He is the strongest man in the use of 'Ghost Dao' in the entire 'Three Realms'! How can you teach such a person? I see you are wearing a haori , should be the captain of the Gotei Thirteenth Team. Since you are from the Thirteenth Team, please leave quickly! Don’t fool me here, otherwise we, the Oni Daozhong, will definitely report today’s events to you. Captain Yamamoto, ask him to give us, the Ghost Demons, an explanation!"

The gatekeeper looked at Araki and yelled.

Araki ignored the gatekeeper's question. He just raised his hand and said calmly to the 'Ghost Daozhong' team building in front of him: "The 99 Five Dragons of the Broken Path!"

As Araki finished speaking, a blue dragon flew up from Araki's feet and lifted Araki into the air.

"In other words, whoever's ghost path is 'No. [-] in the Three Realms' will be the Great Ghost Daoist, right?"

Araki stepped on the 'dragon head' and asked the ghosts guarding the door.


The ghosts guarding the door opened their mouths wide as they looked at the blue 'Dragon' summoned by Araki.

"This thing? With this level of spiritual concentration, is this really a ghost?!"

"The broken path numbered as high as 99? I have never even heard of it! If it is this trick, maybe not even the current Daogei Taoist can use it?!"

The Ghost Daoists were dumbfounded. The more they understood the Ghost Dao, the more terrifying they could feel the Araki's move in front of them.

Even if he hadn't seen Araki chant and release the ghost in front of him...

Just by inferring from the aggregation degree of the ghost's spirit, he would definitely mistakenly think that the 'Dragon' at Araki's feet was not a ghost, but the swastika interpretation of the Zanpakutō by the Shinigami of the Gotei [-].

"Then next..."

As Araki said, he stepped on the 'Dragon' and flew up into the sky in front of the Ghost Daoist in front of him.

 Sorry everyone, the update is a little late. I went to the hospital today to get the results. It was initially determined to be inflammation, but there seemed to be flakes of pink-stained material in the interstitium in the duodenum. I did an immunohistochemistry, and I don’t know what the final result was. , it feels like it shouldn’t be a big problem.

(End of this chapter)

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