Death: Marry Unohana Retsu at the beginning.

Chapter 81: Grizzi Tessai: You defeated us with Kidō, and then told me that you are actually not goo

Chapter 81: Grizzi Tessai: You defeated us with Kidō, and then told me that you are actually not good at Kidō?

With a dragon's roar, a 'Dragon' with an illusory body and completely composed of spirits was flying between heaven and earth. Araki stood with his feet on the head of the 'Dragon' and his hands behind his back, looking down at everything under him with his peripheral vision. It's like an emperor who rules over the world is patrolling his territory.

"what happened?!"

"What's going on? What's that dragon?"

"Damn it! Who let him in?"

When the dragon's roar spread in the team building of "Ghost Daozhong", team members ran out of the team building one after another. They raised their heads and looked at the "Shenlong" in the sky and kept asking.

"Broken Path 33 Blue Fire Pendant!!"

At the same time, there are also some members of the Ghost Dao Sect who are trying to use their powerful Ghost Dao to knock down all the Araki in the sky and the dragons at the feet of the Araki.

It's a pity that Araki stood too high, and the 'Blue Fire Pendant' dissipated between heaven and earth before it could touch the tail of the dragon at Araki's feet...

"Breaking Path 32 Yellow Fire Flash!"

"Destroy yourself, the black dog of Rondanini! Burn it completely with one glance, and cut your own throat! - The Nine Blows of the Dao Binding!"

Someone else tried to use the 'Binding Path' and other 'ghost paths' that were farther away from the sky, but unfortunately they couldn't hit Araki even half a point.

"Damn it, even if you fully chant the Binding Dao or the Broken Dao, you can't hit that high a place!"

"Damn it! Who can make that guy in the sky come down?!"

Suddenly, a group of ghosts and demons frowned in distress as they looked at Araki who came up from the sky to cause trouble in their team building. They really had no way to do anything to Araki.

"what happened?!"

Just when everyone was panicking, an old man with short gray hair wearing a purple robe and holding a Zen staff in his hand led a tall man who was at least two meters tall, with a mustache and square glasses. We arrived at the square where the 'Ghost Taoists' were.

"Big Ghost Priest, Deputy Ghost Priest! Look at the sky!"

With the arrival of those two people, the Ghost Daoists finally let go of their worries. It was obvious that they were full of confidence in their captain and vice-captain.


The old man who was respected as the 'Big Ghost Taoist Master' heard the sound and looked up. When he saw the 'dragon' dancing in the sky, his pupils suddenly shrank...

Immediately after he saw the young man standing with his hands behind Shenlong's head, and the white captain's haori worn by the young man, which symbolized his identity, the old man's heart instantly ignited with anger.

"That's Haori, the leader of the Gotei [-]? So the dragon at the young man's feet is the swastika of the Zanpakutō?"

The old man obviously made the same mistake as the ghost guards who guarded the door before.

In other words, as ghosts who have an extremely deep understanding of ghost ways, they subconsciously believe that their ghost ways are the strongest in the Soul Society, and the ghost ways that they cannot achieve are even more powerful for the Shinigami of the Gotei [-]. Can't do it!

"Okay! Okay! The people of the Gotei [-] have now bullied us and the other demons! Very good!"

The old man laughed wildly and clenched his fists.

In fact, if you look at the time when the organization was established, the Gotei [-], which was founded by Yamamoto Genryusai and has only a few hundred years of history, is the youngest organization among the three major organizations in the Seireitei. !
But who makes Yamamoto, the captain, strong enough, and the Gotei [-] are always full of talented people? !Therefore, within the Seireitei, it is the youngest organization established by Yamamoto that has the greatest power!

This, of course, made some old people in Seireitei feel very unconvinced. The big ghost Taoist priest in front of him was one of those unconvinced old men.

"Watch it! Let me tell you, when we, the Ghost Daoists, encounter this kind of enemy flying into the sky, how should we deal with it..."

The old man said that powerful spiritual pressure erupted from his body, and its spiritual pressure was impressively above the third-level spiritual power. If the old man can practice the 'Kido' at the same time as the 'Zanpakutō', he will be placed in the Gotei Ten. There is no way that three teams can be combined into one team to take the lead.

"Breaking the Way: 88 Flying Dragon Strikes Thief and Sky-shaking Thunder Cannon!!"

As the old man spoke, he directly used his best ghost technique. He heard bursts of 'muffled thunder' in the sky. The next second, accompanied by dazzling blue lightning, a huge electric light cannon bombarded the wild trees in the sky. .

"Ah! It's the broken road No. 88!"

"You can actually give up the chanting that is No. 80 or above? You are worthy of being a great ghost!"

The ordinary ghosts and Taoists cheered excitedly as they watched the lightning flying into the sky.


Only the man known as Giryo Tessai shrank his pupils slightly after seeing his big ghost master's thunder cannons all day long. In terms of ghost master's talent, his talent was still behind that of the big ghost master. , so he noticed something was wrong.


At the moment when Nie Ling Te Zhai was meditating, the flying dragon that struck the thieves and the thunder cannon had already blasted into the sky, colliding with Araki and the 'dragon' at Araki's feet!
Immediately, there was a loud noise from the sky, and the 'dragon' suddenly stood straight and fell from the sky toward everyone.

"it is good!"

This scene was seen in the eyes of all the Ghost Daoists. It was their Big Ghost Dao Master who successfully blasted the Ghost Dao to a thousand meters in the sky, and then killed the 'Dragon' flying in the sky and the one who stepped on it. The man above the 'Shenlong' was shot down.

However, only the current Daogei Daoist Priest and the deputy Daoist Demon Priest, Gribbling Tessai, noticed something was wrong.

"Run! Run!"

At this moment, the Great Ghost Taoist Master no longer had the calmness he had before. He kept shouting to the surrounding Ghost Taoist members, hoping that everyone would disperse quickly.

It's a pity that everyone is still silent in their joy and has no reaction to the upcoming crisis in the sky!
"The proud son of heaven, the city wall made of iron, the dragon's walk, the lion's roar, the tiger's roar, the wolf's run, cut off the sky and the earth before it collapses, the 81 of binding the way, breaking the sky!"

On the other hand, the moment Niryo Tessai saw the 'Shenron' descending from the sky, he started chanting!
As the words of Niryo Tessai fell, a transparent wall of light appeared in the sky, blocking the way between the Kidou team building and the divine dragon!
"...Bound Dao No. 81·Duan Kong!!"

The old man, who is the current Daogei Taoist Master, did not waste any time. He quickly completed the chanting of the Binding Dao and released a wall to the sky that was thicker than the light intensity of the Niryo Tetsusai.


It was at the moment when the two ghost Taoist masters released Duan Kong that the divine dragon in the sky let out a roar. Amidst the laughter and laughter of the ghost Taoists on the ground, it 'dropped from the sky' and crashed towards everyone.


The two ghost priests had almost exhausted all the spiritual pressure they had exerted on Duan Kong. In front of the 'Shenlong', they were as fragile as a piece of glass that could break with a single knock. Then the dragon's head went straight towards everyone...


For a moment, a huge explosion filled the entire team building of the Ghost Daoists.

The originally noisy Ghost Daoists all closed their mouths. They lay on the ground and rolled their eyes, completely losing consciousness.And the old man who is the current Great Ghost Taoist was bleeding from all his orifices. He knelt down on one knee and was bleeding from the mouth!

"The dragon under your feet is not the Zanpakutō's swastika! It's the legendary No. 99's Hōdō·Goryu Tensei!"

The big ghost Taoist priest caressed his chest, and spoke unwillingly to the young man standing in the smoke.

When the great ghost master saw that his No. 88 ghost path was offset by the young man in the sky using the 'anti-ghost killing' technique, he knew that he was defeated!And as the 'Dragon' flying thousands of meters high in the sky descended from the sky, the Great Ghost Priest, who is extremely sensitive to ghost ways, finally discovered that the 'dragon' was not actually Araki's swastika, but the one he broke with No. 88. The same as Tao, they are all ghost Tao that belongs to the broken Tao classification!

But what is different from his No. 88 broken path is that Araki uses the legendary broken path No. 99, a broken path that has been lost for a long time and no one can use it for a long time...

When this ghost path, which even the current Great Ghost Dao Master of the Ghost Dao Sect had only seen in books, appeared, the Great Ghost Daoist became blind at first and regarded this legendary broken Dao as a ghost path. The swastika of team [-] was solved. In the eyes of the great ghost master, this was simply a blasphemy to this broken path!
I got to see it today, but unfortunately the ones who used this move were not members of their Oni Dao clan, but the Shinigami of the Gotei Thirteenth Team... This completely shattered the pride of the Great Oni Dao Priest, even if he He doesn't want to admit it, but he also knows that the truth and facts will not change because of his refusal!
The fact is that from today on, the Ghost Daoists can no longer claim to be the 'Seireitei', the organization that is best at Kidō. The truth is that the 'Big Ghost Dao Master' will give up his position from today on, and the new one will take the seat of the Big Ghost. The person in the position of Taoist priest was the member of the Gotei [-] that he hated the most.

"Are you two the best at 'ghost' among the 'ghosts'?!"

Araki did not answer the question of the big ghost Taoist priest in front of him. He looked at the white-haired old man in front of him and the tall and strong man beside him, and asked aloud.

"Compared with you, I can't be said to be good at ghost ways!"

After listening to Araki's words, Niryo Tessai answered humbly.

"No need to be humble! The fact that you can block my five dragons is enough to prove your understanding of ghost ways!"

Araki shook his head and expressed his approval to Nie Ling Te Zhai and the white-haired Daoist Priest next to him.

"Block? Can this also be called blocking?!"

Hearing this, Niryo Tessai looked around with a blank look at the Kidō team buildings that were completely destroyed by Araki's Oolong Tensei, as well as a group of Kidō members who had fainted on the ground. This couldn't be called anything. Is it to block it?

That was just a bet on the Ghost Daoists. The two ghost Daoists, the first and the deputy, had all the spiritual pressure of Duan Kong!As a result, they were still in such a mess, they were so shameless!
"Don't worry! They just fainted, I have the strength!" Then Araki's next words completely broke the defense of the two ghost masters.

"The terrifying force that passed through two layers of air just now and still seemed to be razing the entire team building of the Ghost Daoist to the ground was the result of the young man in front of me restraining his strength?!"

Thinking of this, the big ghost Taoist priest felt a surge of blood in his heart, and then a little scarlet spewed out of his mouth.

"I'm looking for you this time to ask for your help..."

Before the two ghost priests could say anything, Araki's voice slowly sounded in their ears.

"Please help us?!"

The big ghost Taoist priest and the deputy ghost Taoist priest, He Ling Tiezhai, looked at each other after hearing this, with a somewhat strange look in their eyes.

"How can I help?! In fact, the two of us are only slightly familiar with some ghost ways. We may not be able to help you with anything!"

They really didn't know that this young man in front of them, who was so powerful that it was unfathomable, needed help from the two of them who only knew the ghost!The most terrible thing is that the ghost path that they think is extremely powerful can only be called mediocre in front of the young man in front of them...

"What I need is someone who can use Kidō!"

"To be honest, I'm not very good at ghost magic~"

Araki looked at the two people in front of him and said truthfully. Araki believed that sincerity is always the surefire way.

"You said you don't know how to ghost?"

When Niryo Tessai and the white-haired old man heard Araki's words, they rolled their eyes angrily.

"You rode on horseback and used Kidō to defeat all of us who have been studying Kidō for nearly a lifetime, and now you tell me that you are not good at Kidō? Are you looking for a fight? Even if I can't beat you, I will die. I’m going to splatter you with blood!”

Even a gentle-tempered person like Niryo Tessai was getting angry at this moment.

"You're kidding! If you don't even know Kidō, who are we who were defeated by you using Kidō?!"

The old man covered his chest with one hand. He endured the pain from his heart and asked Araki.

Then, the old man continued without waiting for Araki to speak: "If you are here to fool us, then you can leave. We would rather die than accept your humiliation to us!"

"You misunderstood me! I really haven't practiced the ghost path very much. After all, for me, the ghost path is as simple as breathing! Do you still remember how you learned to breathe? I don't remember, so I can't understand how difficult it is for other people to use ghost ways. This is why I came to you..."

Araki looked at the old man in front of him, as well as Gribi Tessai and spoke calmly.

Araki is telling the truth. Araki, who has the full level of 'Spiritual Trend' ability, can use Ghost Way with great ease...

"Have you never exercised? Is it as simple as breathing?! If you want to experience the difficulty of mortals practicing ghost ways, I'll screw you..."

After hearing what Araki said, the white-haired Taoist priest who was thousands of years old became angry and blood boiled in his head. He rolled his eyes in front of Araki and fainted.

"Master! Master, are you okay?!"

Watching from the side, Gribi Tessai shouted anxiously to the old man.

"He's fine. He's just old and too excited, so he's tied there! I've already taken out the tie in his head. I think he'll wake up soon."

Araki spoke softly to Giryo Tessai.


However, Kirito Tessai did not believe Araki's words. It was not until the old man opened his eyes that Kirito Tessai breathed a sigh of relief, stood up and thanked Araki: "Thank you for your help!"


Araki waved his hand to Giryo Tessai.

"Am I dead?!"

And the big ghost Taoist priest lying flat on the ground still looked dazed at this moment.

"Master, you are okay. It was the captain of the Gotei [-] who saved you!"

Grizzly Tessai told the old man what happened.

"..." In response, the old man was very silent. He looked at Araki angrily and asked: "What on earth are you doing here with us?!"

The reason why the big ghost priest didn't thank Araki was because he thought that if it weren't for Araki, he wouldn't have come up in one breath and just tied him there!
"I'm here to find you to help me study the true usage of ghost ways..."

Araki spoke frankly to the great ghost priest.


After listening to Araki's words, the old man felt that his heart began to hurt again.

"Because I want to combine Kidō and Bai Da and create a power system that can combine the two! I wonder if you two are interested in researching with me?!"

Just when the old man was about to scold Araki, Araki told his thoughts to the old man and Giryo Tessai. Of course, Araki mainly told the two people present about the 'instant coax' theory studied by Shifengin Yoruichi. listen.


After hearing this, the eyes of the old man and Niryo Tessai shone brightly. Both of them are masters of ghost ways. Of course, they can understand what Araki said. Although Araki's ideas are wild and unreasonable, if you think about it carefully, it seems that it is really feasible. sex.

"Are you a master who fights for nothing?"

Seeing this, the old man asked Araki.

"Yes and no!"

Araki nodded first, then shook his head.

"What do you mean?"

The old man continued to ask.

"To me, drinking this thing for nothing is like drinking water..."

Araki sighed helplessly.

"Stop, stop, stop, I understand..."

The old man really couldn't stand it anymore, so he planned what Araki said.

"So where are you going to find physical masters among mortals?"

The old man asked Araki.

"Speaking of 'in vain', the strongest in Soul Society is probably the one with stealth maneuvers, right?"

Araki stood with his hands behind his hands, seemingly asking the old man, but in fact he had already given the answer.

"I'll lead the way!"

The old man jumped up from the ground after hearing the words. This matter can't be just for them, the Ghost Demons, to be embarrassed. They are also an organization under the Seireitei's Central Room 46. The Secret Maneuvers also have to lose their talents along with them. yes.


Araki looked at the eager Daoist Demon Master in front of him and nodded lightly, with a smile on his lips.

In fact, everything is in his plan right now.

If you want to conquer the 'Ghost Daoist' and the 'Secret Maneuver', you can't expose his purpose immediately. Instead, you can approach the two organizations under other names, and then take over the two organizations in one fell swoop without anyone noticing. Take it all~
At the end, the 'Secret Maneuver' and the 'Ghost Dao Zhong' not only had to work for him, but also had to smile from the bottom of their hearts after seeing him, and looked at him and called him: "Captain Araki, that's another high-level job." 'Hard' again!"

(End of this chapter)

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