Death: Marry Unohana Retsu at the beginning.

Chapter 94 The legendary First Generation Gotei Team 3!

Chapter 94 The legendary First Generation Gotei Thirteen! (Second update)
three days later.

Ukitake completely passed through the 'weak period' that caused instability in his spiritual pressure and the collapse of his spiritual body after 'Mimihaki' left. He returned to the state he should have, and under the guidance of Araki, continued to carry out 'Swastika Interpretation'. 'train!
Without the hindrance of the Soul King's right arm, Mimihaki, Ukitake's training in swastika was much smoother than expected. It didn't take long for Ukitake to successfully learn his own swastika. untie!

At the same time, perhaps because Ukitake had been fused with 'Mimihaki' for too long, his body still received part of the power of 'Mimihaki'. Ukitake called this power 'Shenkake'.

At this point, among the four people, Kyōraku, Ukitake, Tokinada, and Yoruichi, only Yoruichi is left who has not successfully learned his own Zanpakutō Swastika.

Time flies, 27 days later...

"I finally finished swastika!"

The last day of "one month" that Araki left to Yoruichi to learn swastika!Yoruichi finally successfully completed her swastika. She put away her Zanpakutō that released endless thunder, and at the same time wiped the sweat on her forehead, with an excited look on her little cheeks.

To be honest, the practice of swastika is more difficult than Yoruichi imagined!

"One month!?"

Araki looked at Yoruichi who had finally learned the meaning of swastika and nodded slightly.

One month is the deadline that Araki left for his disciples. After all, it took that guy from Takube a month to successfully learn swastika!The time it takes for his disciples to learn swastika cannot be slower than that guy from Quebu.

After Yoruichi successfully learned the swastika, Araki summoned Kyōraku and others back together.

"Teacher Araki, is it time for the next training?!"

During the month of training at the Soul King's Palace, Kyōraku looked more and more mature. This was mainly because he had been taught by Araki and others more times, and he naturally became sensible.

"Next, I will take you for actual combat training..."

"You will continue to hone your skills between life and death, and work hard to improve your own spiritual pressure!"

Araki looked at Kyōraku, Ukitake, Tokinada and Yoruichi and spoke calmly.

"Practical training?! Could it be that Mr. Araki is your opponent?!"

When Kyoraku narrowed his eyes slightly after hearing Araki's words, there was a dangerous light in his eyes. He seemed to be calculating, if he, Ukitake, Tokinada, and Yoruichi now faced Araki, what would happen? No chance of winning.

"Oh? You seem confident?"

Araki looked at Kyōraku's narrowed eyes and asked calmly.

"Ahaha, haven't we all learned the swastika of Zanpakutō? It's inevitable that our mentality will be a little inflated."

Kyōraku was quite honest and directly told Araki his problem.

“It’s good to have this mentality!”

"But if you go too far, it will be bad..."

"With your current strength and the extremely weak 'Swastika' in your hands, let alone defeating me, even hurting me is a problem..."

"Let's go! Your opponent is not me. I will take you to see your real opponent."

After Araki finished speaking, he turned around and walked forward.

"Teacher Araki, where are you taking us?!"

As for what Araki said just now, Yoruichi and the other three were noncommittal. After they learned the swastika, their mentality was indeed a little arrogant, but they were not so arrogant that they thought that with their current strength, they could defeat Araki, who was known as the 'strongest' .

"Speaking of which, you haven't been to my palace since you came to the Soul King's Palace, right?!"

Hearing this, Araki turned around, looked at Yoruichi and the four others and asked.

"Teacher Araki, is this what you mean?!" When the four of them heard this, they were all shocked by what Araki said. Then the four of them looked at each other first, and then said to Araki: "We need to bring Will you take us to your palace?!"

"What? Don't you want to go?"

Araki did not answer everyone's words, but asked with a smile.

"I want to go! Of course I want to go!"

Yoruichi and the other four kept nodding their heads. How could they not want to go to Araki's Riden? !They had long been curious about Araki's departure. After all, that was the only departure they had never been to, the departure of a member of 'Team Zero'!
"Then follow me!"

Araki said and walked towards his Riden.


Yoruichi and the other four looked at Araki who was striding forward, and immediately followed him with small steps.

"Teacher Araki, why is the color of your Riden different from other people's Riden?!"

"Teacher Araki, why are there constant roars in the sky above your Riden?!"

"Teacher Araki, before this, why didn't you let us go to your palace?"

The four of them, Yoruichi, Kyōraku, Ukitake, and Tokinada, were hugging Araki around them. They kept asking Araki questions while talking to each other.

"Stop, stop..."

"When you get to that place, you will naturally understand everything! Before that, please keep my Lidian a little mysterious~"

Araki's eyelids twitched slightly after listening to the words of the four "Yorichi". As expected, these people were brought together. That's the only disadvantage. It was too noisy.

"Teacher Araki, how on earth are we going to get to your Riden?!"

Tokinada, who had been following Araki silently, frowned slightly when he discovered that there were no intersecting stairs between Araki's Riden and Omotesando. A somewhat ominous premonition arose in his heart, but even so, He still looked at Araki honestly and asked.


In this regard, Araki just looked at his own Lidian in the sky, and lightly snapped his fingers. As Araki's thoughts moved slightly, the Lidian suddenly roared, followed by one after another, flashing endlessly. The glorious translucent glass steps appeared out of thin air, tightly connecting Araki's Riden Hall with the Soul King Palace Omotesando.

"Let's go~"

Araki said, taking the lead up the glass steps in front of him, and then walked towards the sky step by step.


Behind Araki, the four people, Yoruichi, Kyoraku, Ukitake, and Tokinada, looked at the shocking scene in front of them. They were stunned for a moment, and then followed Araki.Just like this, a few people stepped on the transparent glass steps suspended in mid-air, walking step by step towards Araki's Lidian...

"The steps suspended in mid-air are really high! If one of us falls from here, we will probably fall directly into the mud, right?!"

Jingle walked under the steps, stretched his neck and looked down, and cold sweat immediately broke out on his forehead.

"If you're afraid of heights, don't look down!"

Tokinada looked at Kyōraku, who was sweating profusely, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"It's not like..."

Kyoraku shook his head and continued to climb up the steps.


When everyone climbed up Araki's exit hall along the translucent steps, the steps disappeared in an instant. When he realized this, Tokitan's frown deepened.

"Come and take a look, this is my palace!"

Araki stood on a higher step and waved gently to everyone, signaling Kyoryu and others to come to him quickly, because from where Araki was, he could see the entire Lidian.


Following Araki's call, 'Kyōraku', 'Ukitake' and 'Yoruichi' immediately walked to Araki's side. As for Tokinada, who was walking at the end, he hesitated for a few seconds, gritted his teeth, and decided to bite the bullet. , walked over.

"This is……"

The moment everyone came to Araki's side, they were all shocked by the scene in front of them. They saw the direction Araki pointed, looking towards Lidian...

The glazed light all over the floor shines in all directions, the exquisite concierge, the gorgeous streets, the clock tower exuding a simple atmosphere, and the items made of glazed items one after another, making Jingle and others unable to take their eyes away and looking at them intently. .

"Teacher Araki, this place is too beautiful?!"

"Is this the legendary Lower Fairyland?!"

"Teacher Araki, how on earth did you use such gorgeous colored glaze to create such a beautiful city?"

"Teacher Araki, is there really a place suitable for me to exercise in a town like this where the entire body is made of glass? I'm really afraid that I might accidentally break the glass during exercise. I will definitely It will be very heartbreaking!”

'Kyōraku', 'Yoruichi' and 'Ukitake' were all immersed in the beauty of the town in front of them. Even Tokinada couldn't help but be attracted by the town in front of him, forgetting the sense of disobedience that had arisen deep in his heart before. .

"Let's go~"

Araki saw this, without any nonsense, he directly kicked Yoruichi, Kyoraku, Ukitake and Tokinada in the buttocks, kicking them off the high platform.


Without thinking much, the four people fell from the sky in an instant and landed in the glazed world.

"Pain, pain, pain..."

"Teacher Araki, what do you mean by this?!"

When Kyōraku stood up from the ground, holding his sore buttocks, and turned to look at Araki, Araki had already controlled the high platform under him to slowly float up through his mind, completely separating from Lidian under him.

"Well, enjoy the feast I give you~"

Araki ignored Kyoryu and the others. He just patted the sky twice...


The next second, the entire glazed town roared loudly!

"How is this going?!"

After Kyoraku and others noticed the strange movement in the palace beneath their feet, they stood up from the ground one after another and pulled out the Zanpakuto Realm from their waists. They finally saw that their teacher Araki had no intention of letting them do this from the beginning. It's better to be an apprentice...


Before Jingraku and the others could think too much, accompanied by a roar, one after another, the glass-colored monsters came towards Jingraku and the others from all directions.

"This is false?!"

Yoruichi looked at the appearance of the monster in front of him and said subconsciously.

"No! It's just a doll made of glass, it's not the same as the real Daxu!"

Tokinada felt the spiritual pressure of the monster in front of him and kept shaking his head. "In short, strike first is the best!" The moment Jingle finished his words, he was already slashing at the monsters in front of him, and he was still moaning softly: "They are just monsters made by Liuli! Just look at me and kill them with one strike Crush them to pieces!"


When the monster saw Kyōraku's slashes, his eyes suddenly showed a bit of amusement, and he allowed Kyōraku to slash at his body at will.


With a soft sound, Kyoraku felt as if his Zanpakuto had struck the alloy, unable to penetrate at all.


After the monster saw Kyōraku's shocked expression, he immediately struck back. Then before his attack could even touch Kyōraku, Kyōraku dodged away.


Kyoraku used Shunpo to distance himself from the monster in front of him, then raised his Zanpakutō and slashed it on the ground with all his strength.


There was another loud noise, and Kyōraku's Zanpakutō bounced off the ground made of glass...

The huge force from the counter-shock shocked Kyoryu and he only felt pain from the tiger's mouth.

"You have to be careful! The bodies of these monsters are harder than steel! And I also discovered that the material that makes up the bodies of these monsters is the same as the material that makes up the 'ground' and the surrounding 'buildings' that make up this town... …”

This was the conclusion Kyōraku came to the moment he came into contact with the monster.

"In other words, were all these monsters created by Araki-sensei?!"

Hearing this, Ukitake understood instantly.

"Moreover, even if these monsters are knocked down by us, they will get up again soon! They are extremely troublesome!"

Ye Yi's whole body was covered with lightning. After she had just used her teleportation to smash a glass monster into pieces, it didn't take long for the monster to stand up again. As for the place where she had broken it, it had also been damaged over time. be repaired.

"To put it simply, retreat first?!"

Tokinada concluded after listening to what everyone said.

"Yes! Let's go to a place without monsters first to think about countermeasures! Right now we don't know the number, strength, speed, wisdom and defeating methods of these monsters at all! We need to collect as much intelligence as possible so that we can find Through the trial..."

Kyoryu nodded lightly and told everyone what he thought.

"Then withdraw..."

Everyone present was a decisive person. After deciding to retreat, no one hesitated and immediately moved in the direction with the fewest monsters.

However, as everyone advanced, the monsters not only did not decrease, but became more and more numerous. In the end, there were so many that everyone could not move forward unless they defeated the monsters in front of them...

"...Hua Tian Kuanggu!"


"...Chasing wind and shadow!"

"Go crazy! Martial Hammer!"

Seeing that the battle is inevitable!

In an instant, all four of them completed the liberation of their Zanpakutō.

"Get out of here!"

The four people who had freed their Zanpakutō turned to attack. If they couldn't avoid it, then they should destroy all the monsters in front of them!Thinking like this, endless spiritual pressure exploded from the four people...


For a moment, four people, Kyoryaku, Ukitake, Tokinada, and Yoruichi, made a huge commotion on the glass-colored street.

"Ah! It's really noisy! Could it be that someone new has arrived?!"

Just when Jingraku and the others were having their brains racing on the glazed street, a group of 'Shuras' who had been staying in the palace for hundreds of years slowly woke up.

"Kyōraku, Ukitake, Tokinada and Sayoichi~"

"I never said that the content of your trial is to destroy the monsters in the palace~"

"The real opponent you are testing is an existence more terrifying than a monster..."

Araki floated in mid-air, seeing everything that happened in the palace, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

the other side……

After Kyoryu and the others eliminated all the monsters one after another, they finally collapsed on the ground and gasped for air.

Even with their strength, after killing these monsters hundreds of times without interruption, they would be exhausted and out of breath.

"not yet!"

Tokinada took the scabbard of his Zanpakuto, poked at the monster fragments on the ground that were about to move again, and said helplessly.

"Really, a monster that will resurrect no matter how many times it is defeated is really not compatible with us!"

Kyōraku sighed helplessly. He was obviously tortured by these monsters.

"No, these monsters don't seem to have any intention of attacking..."

"They are actually running away?!"

Just as Ukitake stood up and prepared to continue fighting the monsters, he was surprised to find that the monsters in front of him one after another began to run towards the streets in all directions, as if they had encountered something terrifying. He was so frightened that he ran away.

"First of all, they are definitely not scared by us, right?!"

Kyōraku's eyelids twitched slightly as he looked at the scene in front of him.


Ukitake nodded, his cheeks already covered with sweat.

"In other words, what comes next will be more terrifying than the monsters just now..."

Tokinada continued to add.

"I want to go home!"

Ye's eyes were blank, she was tired.

"Hey hey hey! Are you new here?!"

Just when Kyoraku and the others were holding their Zanpakutos and gritting their teeth on guard, accompanied by a hoarse voice, one after another, figures wearing white captain Haori walked out of the surrounding streets and walked towards Kyoraku and the others. Come.


When Ukitake and others saw that what came out of the street was not a monster, but a human being, they were all stunned. The current situation was indeed beyond their imagination.

"How can there be anyone other than us here?!"

Kyōraku was doubly confused, and the current situation was making him more and more confused.

"Look, what they are wearing seems to be Haori, the captain of the Gotei [-]!"

At this time, Yoruichi was vaguely aware of the identities of these people. She was at least certain that these people were related to the Gotei [-].

"Captain Haori?!"

Kyōraku and Ukitake were stunned for a moment. Another piece of information exceeded their expectations.

"How could it be? Aren't they all supposed to be dead?!"

Tokinada was the only one present who seemed to recognize the identities of the people in front of him.

During these 100 years, in order to understand Araki, Tokinada collected all the knowledge about the Gotei [-] from the Tsunayashiro family...

It was precisely because Tokinada had learned about the history of the establishment of the Gotei [-] through books that he recognized the identity of the group of people in front of him.

"The situation is not good! The people we meet now are worse than the monsters! To be precise, these people should be more cruel than the monsters..."

"I never expected that in my lifetime, I would be able to see the seniors of the First Gotei [-] who once conquered the world with Captain Yamamoto!"

Tokitan looked at the people arriving with a bit of shock.

"You said they are the seniors of the original Thirteenth Team?"

As Tokinada finished speaking, 'Kyōraku', 'Ukitake' and 'Yoruichi' all showed shocked expressions.

"Aren't they all dead?"

Yoruichi looked a little confused.

"It seems that this is also Master's secret hand!"

Tokitan looked at the faces of everyone in front of him and smiled bitterly.

Originally, he thought that these monsters that only existed in legends would only be seen in hell until the day he died...

What I didn't expect was that these people were not dead at all!This is completely different from what was written in the Tsunayashiro family information. It seems that their master has once again played the nobles of Soul Society like monkeys...

"Let me ask you? Are you the kids Araki asked us to train?!"

Just when Totanada and the others were watching the members of the original [-]th team in front of them, the pressure doubled...

'Uruhara Kinraku', 'Shishima Chigiri', 'Ohana Danjiro', 'Executive Nobutsuna', 'Shikatori Hatsuunsai', 'Kumen Ii Yantetsu', 'Otukawa Uobi', 'Zendeiji Temple's concubine' and ' It’s only when you go against your bones that you can hide it!
A total of nine captains of the original thirteenth team walked towards the crowd with 'peaceful' smiles on their faces...

That terrifying aura made Jingraku and others' expressions change wildly.

"Don't come here!!"

Even Kyōraku and the others, who had reached the third level of spiritual power, couldn't help but feel the pressure doubled when they looked at the group of villains in front of them, and they wailed loudly.

 Sorry everyone, I have something to do today, so the update is a bit late. I will update two chapters with [-] words first, and then there will be more, but I will update later!By the way, please give me some votes~
(End of this chapter)

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