Death: Marry Unohana Retsu at the beginning.

Chapter 95 The powerful 3 first-generation Gotei teams!

Chapter 95 The powerful First Generation Gotei Thirteen! (First update)
"If the nobles on the ground knew that the captains of the original Thirteenth Team who accompanied Lord Genryusai, the founder of the Gotei, to conquer the world were all alive and well, I'm afraid they would never be able to sleep peacefully again in the future. Let’s go~”

"Teacher Araki! Teacher Araki! You really prepare surprises for others~"

Tokitan's eyelids twitched slightly. No one could have imagined that Araki actually hid a group of captains of Team [-] in the "Zero Team"'s exit hall. If not everyone knew that Araki himself was a member of the "Zero Team" Member, symbolizing the great glory of His Majesty the 'Spirit King', I thought Araki was planning to rebel against the Seireitei and become the master of his own house~
"Let me try what level these brats taught by Araki are like!"

Just when Kyoraku and others were shocked by the ferocious aura of the leaders of the Thirteenth First Generation Gotei in front of them!The concubine of Zenjoji Temple, who was two meters tall, covered in muscles and looked like a brown bear, smiled and talked to the captains of the First Gotei [-] around her, and then she couldn't help but say , walking towards Jingraku and others.

"Little cubs! Come on together!"

A concubine from Zending Temple said this and raised her fingers at Kyōraku and the others.

"Go together!"

After 'Kyōraku', 'Ukitake', 'Tokinada' and 'Yoruichi' confirmed that the captains of the [-]th team of the first generation in front of them were the examiners of their final assessment, they no longer hesitated and pulled out their weapons directly. The Zanpakutō struck at the concubine of Zenjoji Temple.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing this, the concubine of Shanding Temple showed a ferocious smile. The red U-shaped character tattooed on his face continued to squirm with his laughing cheeks, giving people a particularly "wild" and "ferocious" feeling. Normal people will feel great psychological pressure just by meeting him.

"Not alone!"

Kyōraku looked at the concubine of Zenjoji in front of him and after a brief hesitation, he gave up the idea of ​​going over to fight with Zenjoji. He took the lead in slashing a line of sword energy in the direction of Zenjoji to test it. The strength of Zenjoji Temple!

Except for Kyōraku, Ukitake, Tokinada and Yoruichi did not choose to engage in close combat with the concubines of Zenjoji. After all, no one was willing to engage in close combat with a brown bear. The opponent's size had already fully demonstrated its size. Yes, the opponent has powerful melee capabilities.

"Haha! Interesting!"

Zenseiji looked at the slash that hit him and laughed, then he didn't use his Zanpakutō and just relied on his own hands to strike at the slash from Kyōraku in front of him.


With a roar, and with just one encounter, the concubine of Zenjoji used his broad and thick palm to crush Kyoraku Shunsui's slash to pieces.

"too weak!"

After crushing Shun Shui's "Bujin Dule", Zendingji grinned.

"Hey, hey, hey! Are you kidding? Kyoryaku's slash was actually crushed by someone's bare hands? To what extent has this guy's body been trained by him?"

Although Yoruichi has never liked Shunsui very much, she is still very aware of Shunsui's strength. Seeing Shunsui's slashes being crushed, she couldn't help but be shocked.

"Haha, can the body be so powerful? I'm really convinced!"

On the other side, Shunsui looked at the concubine of Zenjoji who easily chopped and crushed him. He chuckled, but his eyes became sharper, and at the same time he winked at Tokinada beside him.


Tokinada didn't speak, but the spirits in the atmosphere kept gathering towards the Zanpakutō in Tokinada's hand.

"Create opportunities for Tokinada!"

Seeing this, Kyoraku lectured to 'Ukitake' and 'Yoruichi' on the side.

"You don't need to tell me! Keep your eyes open for me to see your senior sister's true strength."

Yoruichi said, lightly moving his neck, then turned into a bolt of lightning and rushed towards the concubine of Zenjoji Temple.

"Oh! The little kitten that can generate electricity~"

Zenjoji looked at Yoruichi who was heading towards the attack and said with a smile.

"It's not just as simple as a cat's tricks!"

Yoruichi said, and instantly jumped into the air, his left foot flashed with lightning, and he kicked Zenjoji in the head.

"Ha ha……"

Zenjoji raised the corner of his mouth slightly when facing the fast Yoruichi. He seemed to be too lazy to hide and allowed Yoruichi to attack him.


With a muffled sound, Yoruichi's kick landed on Zenjoji's cheek, causing a big dent in Zenjoji's fat-looking face.

"Good fight! Just not strong enough..."

Zendingji squinted his eyes, looked at the little foot that kicked his cheek, and said with a smile.


Yoruichi frowned slightly as she looked at the senior member of the First Gotei Division [-] who treated her like a child. To be honest, since her first kick had little effect on the man in front of her, Yoruichi knew it in her heart. Knowing his own strength, it is difficult for him to break his defense.

But this doesn't mean that Yoruichi will give up...

"Shuanghu! Open!"

As Yoichi whispered softly, thunder seemed to resound in the sky, and thunder wrapped around Yoichi's small body one after another. At this moment, Yoichi in Sifengyuan felt like the god of thunder had descended.

"Not strong enough? How about this move?"

While Yoruichi activated the instant coax, he used his left foot, the Arashi Kick, one of the "Araki Six Styles" given to him by Araki!
The strong wind that wrapped around Ye Yi's toes and the thunder that kept coming were mixed together at this moment. The phoenix and the thunder continued to echo each other. When the two forces successfully merged into one, the terrifying power instantly spread over Ye Yi. The tip of his toe exploded and kicked the concubine of Zenjoji Temple hard on the cheek...


With a roar, the concubine of Zending Temple was instantly kicked out by Yoichi, and like a cannonball, she smashed into the Liuli City not far away.


Countless colored glasses were smashed into pieces by Zenjoji who kicked out Yoruichi.


After Yoruichi kicked Zenjoji away, the thunder that erupted from her body began to slowly dissipate. She wiped the sweat on her forehead and sighed.

"Clap clap clap..."

"Sister, you are amazing!"

"Sister, we rely on you!"

Before Yoruichi could take a breath, intensive applause rang out in her ears. Kyōraku and Ukitake, with their eyes widened at this moment, looked at Yoruichi Yoruichi with admiration on their faces and kept praising them. road.

"Hehe~ Isn't that of course?!"

When Ye Yi heard this, she quickly put her hands on her waist, but she was very hurt.


However, just as Kyōraku and Ukitake kept showing off to Yoruichi, and Yoichi was triumphant with his hands on his waist, with a roar, the Zenjoji Temple that had been kicked out by Yoichi reappeared. In front of Ye Yi.

"That kick just now hurts so much~"

There were some red spots on Zenjoji's face, and blood was still pouring out of his nose. Yoruichi's kick just now exploded the fragile capillaries in his nose.


Ukitake looked at Zenjoji, who was almost unharmed except for the capillaries in his nose. His forehead was covered with cold sweat. There was a bit of disbelief in his eyes: "I have withstood such a powerful blow. , it’s just blood from the nose? Is this the strength of the original Thirteenth Team?”

"The strength of the original Thirteenth Team? Why don't I remember that I showed my strength?"

Upon hearing this, Zenseiji grinned at Ukitake, and then stretched out his hand to grab Yoruichi.

"Sister, be careful!"

Ukitake looked at the scene in front of him and immediately reminded his senior sister, Shifengin Yoruichi.

"I can see it! How can you catch me at this speed?!"

Yoruichi looked at Zenjoji's huge palm with disdain in her eyes, and she was about to use Shunpo to avoid it as she spoke.


However, just when Yoruichi was about to dodge, she suddenly realized that something was wrong with the right foot she used to attack Zenjoji. She couldn't use any strength!


In an instant, Yoruichi knew what was wrong with her right foot, but she didn't expect Zenjoji's body to be so hard. The powerful reaction force directly broke the bones of her right foot.


It was because of Yoruichi's short distraction that she was immediately caught by Zenjoji.


This made Kyoraku Shunsui immediately stunned. The reason why he did not rescue Yoruichi was precisely because in his opinion, Zenjoji's attack should not be able to touch Yoruichi. However, the current situation was huge. It exceeded his expectations.

"Broken leg!"

Yoruichi seemed to be aware of Shunsui's doubts and said bluntly.


Kyoraku frowned, holding his Zanpakutō and slashing towards the right side of Zenjoji Temple.


Faced with Kyōraku's slashing attack, Zenjoji calmly blocked it with his left hand.

The moment Kyōraku's sword collided with Zenjoji's left hand, there was a crisp metallic echo.

"Hey! Senior's skin is simply harder than those monsters made of full-body glass just now! I'm really convinced!"

Kyōraku looked at Zensōji who blocked his attack with only his left hand, and a few drops of sweat broke out on his forehead.


After hearing Kyoraku's words, Zenjoji just chuckled, then punched Kyoraku with his left hand and punched Kyoraku violently.


Along with a roar, Kyōraku was directly knocked out by Zenjoji.


However, Kyōraku, who was knocked away, did not change. He directly connected with Zenjoji's strength and flew towards the distance. At the same time, he let out a chuckle. Yes, this was Kyoraku's escape route!

"Ukitake, get out of the way!"

It was at the moment when Kyoraku flew backwards that Tokinada, who had been standing in the distance accumulating energy, finally completed the energy storage of his sword and shouted to Ukitake.

"Sister, prepare to retreat! Tokitan has completed charging up!"

Upon hearing this, Ukitake first reminded Yoruichi who was caught by Zenjoji, and then used Shunpo to distance himself from Zenjoji.

"Is it finally done?! My body and bones will be crushed~"

Yoruichi, who was caught in Zendingji's hand, smiled when he heard this.

"Third of the four maples, empty cicada!"

Just hearing Yoruichi's whisper, Shifengyuan Yoruichi, who was originally firmly held in Zenjoji's hand, immediately turned into a dark night suit.


Zendingji looked at the night uniform in his hand and was obviously stunned.

"Take the move! Wind-charging slash!"

It was at the moment when Zenseiji was distracted that Tokinada, who raised his Zanpakutō high and gathered the strong winds from all directions, finally swung the sword towards Zenseiji.


For a moment, the endless violent wind destroyed everything in front of Tokinada. At this moment, the violent wind turned into a giant dragon and roared straight towards Shanding Temple.


"Good job!!"

Zendingji looked at the huge mad dragon and grinned. He had not encountered such a powerful attack for a long time!I saw Zensadaji concentrating his spiritual power on his hands, pushing forward directly like a sumo...


For a moment, the giant dragon-like slash collided with the 'brown bear'-like concubine of Shanding Temple, causing an endless roar.

"Just kidding?!"

"Such a slash was actually blocked?"

Kyōraku, who was knocked out by Zenjoji's punch, had stabilized his figure in the air and landed smoothly. When he landed, he looked at the slash that was blocked by Zenjoji's hands, his eyes There was something incredible about it. "Let's go!"

Before Kyoraku could think about it, Zenjoji had already thrown the slash in his hand into the sky.

In an instant, the violent dragon engulfed everyone above their heads...

"No matter how powerful a slash is, it's useless if it can't hit anyone, right?!"

After Zendingji finished all this, he looked at Kyungraku and the others and laughed.

"As you said, slashing is useless if it can't hit anyone~"

"However, our slashing attack is not something that can be changed by you so easily~"

Kyoraku held his Zanpakutō in his hand and walked towards Zenjoji Temple while speaking softly.


Kyōraku's words made Zenjoji slightly stunned.

"thanks for treatment!"

Just when Zendingji was puzzled, a whisper suddenly came from the sky, attracting Zendingji's attention.


Upon hearing this, Zendingji looked up subconsciously and saw that the slash that had just been thrown into the sky had long since disappeared, replaced by a white-haired young man holding two swords.


The young man said, pointing one end of his Zanpakutō at Zenjoji Temple.

The next second, a slash even greater than before was struck towards Shanding Temple in an instant.

The young man was of course Ukitake Jūshirō. He had been storing the spirit son since the beginning of the battle, so that the spirit son that had reached the storage limit of his Zanpakutō was released towards Zenjoji Temple in one breath.


With a roar, a huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky.

"These brats still have some strength, right?"

"By the way, that guy from Zenjoji Temple won't be 'trapped', right?"

Not far away, a group of members of the First Gotei [-] looked at the huge mushroom cloud in front of them and smiled. At the same time, they kept joking about their first companion, "Zendeiji Temple's Concubine".

On the other side, 'Kyōraku', 'Ukitake' and 'Tokinada' frowned as they looked at the huge mushroom cloud in front of them. There was no carelessness in their eyes.


At this time, Yoruichi, who had a broken right leg, jumped to the side of Ukitake and others on one leg and asked.

"Although I really hope that the battle can end here, I'm afraid it's not that simple!"

Hearing this, Kyōraku couldn't help but shake his head. The captain of the original Thirteenth Team was not so easily defeated.

"Sister Ye Yi, let me treat you."

Ukitake came to Yoichi's side with a broken right leg. He squatted down to perform 'return' treatment on Yoichi. Among Araki's several apprentices, Ukitake was the strongest among them.


Hearing this, Yoruichi nodded towards Ukitake.


As the roar of explosions continued to sound, endless smoke rose from the ground, and the billowing black smoke made it difficult to see what was going on inside. Therefore, Yoruichi and others did not know whether Shanding Temple had been attacked by them together. Get rid of it!It's just that they don't dare to be careless, after all, their opponent is a legend!


At the moment when the fire light dissipated, a strong wind suddenly blew up and blew away all the smoke.

"Ah! Ah! Ah..."

After the strong wind dissipated, Zenjoji was revealed to be in a not-so-good condition. The feather fabric on his body had been burned through, numerous large holes had been ripped through his Death Domination suit, and a large area of ​​skin on his upper body was exposed...

"Is this guy a monster?!"

However, seeing this scene in the eyes of Kyōraku and others, they couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. They saw that the concubine of Zenjoji Temple, who had taken the strongest blow from the joint efforts of several of them, was under his deadly arrogance. The skin is still delicate and smooth, with a strange luster like white marble, which shows that the attack by Kyoryu and others, apart from making Zendingji look a little embarrassed, actually did not cause any substantial damage to it.

"Haha! Hahaha..."

"I'm going to be serious!!"

Zenjoji laughed wildly and drew his Zanpakutō.


Kyoraku looked at Zensadaji who was drawing his sword, and his eyelids twitched slightly.

Although it is somewhat unbelievable, the fact is that they have tried their best to fight against Zenjoji, but Zenjoji can't even use the Zanpakutō...

"You have to use swastika."

Looking at the scene in front of her, Yoruichi also drew her Zanpakutō. She now understood that it was absolutely impossible to win if she continued to hide it.

"My swastika cannot be used in crowded places!"

Kyoraku and Tokinada answered almost simultaneously after hearing what Yoruichi said.


Following this, both Jingraku and Tokinada were stunned for a moment.

"My swastika will attack indiscriminately."

Kyōraku first explained why he couldn't use swastika.

"My swastika will form a huge field, and everything within the field will be attacked by my Zanpakutō."

Tokinada's situation seems to be similar to Kyoraku's.

"You two are really useless!"

Regarding this, Yoruichi criticized Kyoraku and Tokinada mercilessly.


Hearing this, Kyoraku and Tokinada did not refute anything.

"Then let me and Ukitake Swastika fight against each other!"

Yoruichi sighed, but that was all he could do for now.

"My swastika is not suitable for use in such an occasion."

Just after Yoruichi made his decision, Ukitake raised his hand and explained.

"Are you three useless?!"

Yoruichi suddenly felt a little tired and couldn't really carry her.

"I am coming……"

On the other side, a concubine from Shanding Temple had finished accumulating his strength at this moment, and he rushed towards everyone.


Seeing this, cold sweat continued to break out on Yoruichi's forehead. If she was the only one who could perform swastika interpretation at the moment, she wouldn't have enough confidence to stop the beast in front of her!
Just as Yoruichi was thinking about it, Shandingji Temple, which was still far away, had arrived in front of Yoichi at some point. With a huge fist, carrying a majestic wind, it went straight to beat Yoichi on the head...


The moment Zenjoji started to get serious, the remaining members of the [-]th First Generation Team, who had been watching the show, immediately used Shunpo from a distance to arrive on the battlefield...

In just the blink of an eye, the surroundings of Zenjoji Temple, Kyoraku, Ukitake, Tokinada, and Yoruichi were all occupied by the captains of the Thirteenth First Gotei Team.

for a while...

Zenjoji kept pumping his fist, and his fist stopped steadily about one centimeter away from Yoruichi's head.

"So fast……"

Yoruichi looked at Zenjoji beside her, and realized that the opponent was not only huge, but also incredibly fast, so fast that she had no time to dodge.

As for the three people behind Yoruichi, 'Kyōraku', 'Ukitake' and 'Tokinada', they were now completely controlled by the captains of the original Thirteenth Team, making it difficult to move at all.

"I surrender!"

Kyōraku's eyes swept over the faces of the captains around him, and finally he raised his hands helplessly.

"Kid! True surrender is not just saying surrender, then preparing a high-level ghost path near your hands, and being ready to counterattack at any time~"

Ohana Danjiro dodged and came to Kyōraku's side. He put his hand on Kyōraku's shoulder and spoke with a smile.

"Eh? Was it discovered?"

Hearing this, Jingraku looked helpless and immediately dispersed the ghost in his hand.

However, Ohana Danjiro could feel that Kyōraku's muscles were tense all the time, ready to fight back at any time.

"I like this boy~ so let me train him!"

In response, Ohana Danjiro chuckled, pulled Kyoraku's voice, and ran towards the distance.

"Then leave him to me!"

Concubine Wang Tuchuan Yuxu looked at Ukitake Jushiro.

"Let me train this little girl!"

Shikatori Hatsuunsai said and walked to Yoruichi's side.

"It's so troublesome!"

"In short, you are the smartest one among the four of them. I hope you can complete it as soon as possible. Your master has left you with the starting point~"

Shijima Chigiri held a piece of dogtail grass in his mouth and spoke calmly to Tsunayashiro Tokinada.

For a moment, 'Shishima Chigiri', 'Ohana Danjiro', 'Otukawa Uobi' and 'Shikatori Hatsuunsai' all selected their respective training targets...

"Hehehe! I'm also very interested in this kid! Let me get involved too~"

Nikoku Saizou preached to Shijima Chiwu.

"Whatever you want~"

Shishima Chigiri replied nonchalantly.


This made Tokinada feel a little twisted in his heart. Are they a commodity?Are you free to choose here?Sure enough, is this the consequence of insufficient strength?

As for Shihoin Yoruichi's training, in addition to 'Shikatori Baunsai', there are also concubines from Zenjoji Temple joining the team!

In addition to Oka Danjiro, the executive Nobutsuna also has a crush on Kyoraku Shunsui...

The most people are interested in Ukitake. In addition to "Ou Tukawa Uobi", "Kumien Aoi Tetsu" and "Uruhara Kinler" are all interested in the taciturn but powerful Ukitake Jushiro.

At the same time, in view of the fact that if the four of them, Kyōraku, Ukitake, Yoruichi, and Tokinada, were training together, some people might not be able to let go. Therefore, the captains of the [-]th team of the first generation took Kyoraku and others. , training separately in the four corners of the Araki Rikyu, the southeast, northwest and northwest.

"That Ohana Danjiro-senpai! Are you sure our battle won't hinder others?!"

Kyoraku Shunsui looked at Ohana Danjiro and asked.

"Of course! The four corners of Araki's palace are surrounded by powerful barriers. Unless the spiritual pressure of our battle exceeds Araki himself, we will never be able to interfere with other people~"

Ohana Danjiro explained the structure of Araki Rikyu.

"In that case, I understand~" Kyōraku Shunsui looked relieved when he heard this, and then said calmly with the Zanpakutō in his hand, "Swastika..."

At the same time, in other corners of Araki Rikyu, Ukitake, Tokinada, and Yoruichi raised their Zanpakutos almost at the same time, and then whispered: "Swastika!!"

(End of this chapter)

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