Three Kingdoms: Do you call this a weak counselor? !

Chapter 20 Sir, you are lying to me again!

Chapter 20 Sir, you are lying to me again!

"When you get to Fengqiu, you will know that it is definitely a very good thing. I guarantee that you will be very happy, Awei."

Zhang Cheng looked at Dian Wei and said.

Hearing what Zhang Cheng said, Dian Wei became even more excited.

Even more urgently, I want to know what my husband is going to do when he takes me to Fengqiu.

But Zhang Cheng didn't tell him directly. He just told him that he would find out when he got there.

Dian Wei will be very happy.

With Zhang Cheng's words, Dian Wei hurried on, really majestic and high-spirited.

He just wished he could grow wings and come to Fengqiu immediately.

This will help you know what your husband is talking about.

What on earth could make me so excited?

Zhang Cheng smiled and said nothing, just followed Dian Wei forward...

Three days later, in a large village near Fengqiu.

Dian Wei's trousers were rolled up high and his bare feet were on the ground.

He holds the curved shaft plow with one hand and pulls the reins with the other hand to control the direction of the plowing cattle in front of him and plow the fields here.

At this time, Dian Wei's energy and spirit had disappeared.

When plowing the fields, it felt so uncomfortable. One look at Dian Wei's expression, and it seemed that he was being forced to plow the fields.

Arriving all the way to Fengqiu excitedly, he finally knew what his husband wanted to do when he brought him to Fengqiu.

It turned out to be farming! !
After learning the news, Dian Wei was instantly numbed by the huge surprise.

It turns out that this is what I have been looking forward to.

It was also what the gentleman said was a huge surprise.

What a surprise! !

For a person like me who can fight, my husband actually asked me to farm?
Dianwei has not liked farming since he was a child.

Now I am with such a capable gentleman.

I originally thought that I would be able to ride on the battlefield, take the enemy's head, and then achieve a lot of achievements.

Eat well every meal, and get rid of the life of farming.

But who would have thought that after going around and around, he would become the same young man again without any change.

This... this was something Ling Dianwei didn't expect.

However, after he saw his husband plowing the land not far away, Dian Wei felt a lot more balanced.

The identity of the gentleman is undoubtedly very precious.

If your husband can do this, you can do it too.

It's just that...he just can't understand that his husband is obviously staying with Cao Cao, the governor of Yanzhou, and has no leisure time to do.

Why did you just come to Fengqiu to farm in a flash of your mind?

The reason why Zhang Cheng came to Fengqiu to farm was because a few days ago, information appeared on his panel again.

If you do this in farming, you can increase your life span.

The better the farming is done, the longer the life expectancy will be.

He was feeling distressed that he had lost three days of his life in vain.

After getting this information, naturally he couldn't wait to come to Fengqiu and start farming.

At this time, in addition to being the chief registrar, he also had the position of field captain.

When Zhang Cheng told Cao Cao about this matter, Cao Cao felt very puzzled.

I don’t understand why Zhang Cheng suddenly wants to go to the fields when he is fine by his side.
Generally speaking, what many counselors like to do most after defecting to him is to follow him.

In this way, not only can I often discuss things with him and make suggestions, it is also easy to accomplish some great achievements.

It can also quickly shorten the relationship with his lord.

And when you are around him, generally speaking, the position seems relatively light and noble.

This is what many people ask for but cannot get.

But as a result, Zhang Cheng actually wanted to work in the fields.

To be honest, Cao Cao was really reluctant to let Zhang Cheng leave and didn't want Zhang Cheng to be too far away from him.After all, he had already deeply experienced Zhang Cheng's talent.

Knowing that this is a man of great talent, if he stays by his side, he will definitely be able to give him better ideas.

But in the end Zhang Cheng convinced Cao Cao.

He said to Cao Cao:

"We have finished all the ideas that should be given now, and the most important thing is farming.

It was he who proposed the method of using the bent-turn plow and the field method to increase grain production.

Then he would naturally start farming.

It is imperative to promote these two methods. "

Therefore, Cao Cao was extremely reluctant to give up, so he could only follow Zhang Cheng's wishes.

Let Zhang Cheng go to Fengqiu as a military commander and be responsible for military affairs.

Cao Cao was deeply moved when he saw that Zhang Cheng didn't stop for a moment after he became the captain of the field. He quickly packed up his things and rushed to Fengqiu to take up his post.

Zhang Chengzhang Gaojiu is really a person who sincerely works for himself!

Think what you want, worry about what you worry about!
How great it would be if everyone under me could be like Zhang Gao!
However, what Cao Cao didn't know was that the reason why Zhang Cheng ran so fast was because he wanted to increase his lifespan earlier, that's all.

Yanzhou is very large and there are many places where farming can be done.

The reason why Zhang Cheng came to Fengqiu, Chenliu County to farm.

It's because he has deeper considerations...

"Awei, don't be down here and work hard on your fields.

I know you want to achieve military success, but you just need to follow me here and cultivate the land well.

Then military merit will definitely not be missing from you. "

During the break, Zhang Cheng looked at Dian Wei and said this.

Listening to Zhang Cheng's words, Dian Wei always felt that his husband's words could not be believed.

I feel that my husband has started to lie to me again and paint a big picture for me.

I have never heard that farming can produce military merit.

Next, it is obvious that Cao Cao will attack Xuzhou. This is an excellent opportunity to make meritorious deeds.

But my husband took me to a place far away from Xuzhou to farm.

And depending on his lord's wishes, he is not prepared to participate in the upcoming Battle of Xuzhou.

Under such circumstances, how can I obtain military merit by farming here?
"Sir, you can't lie to me like this just because I haven't read any books!"

Dian Wei looked at Zhang Cheng and said with some grievance.

Zhang Cheng saw this:
“People in Awe must speak according to their conscience.

Tell me sir, when did I lie to you? "

He also said he had never been cheated!

You lied to me this time.

Didn't you say there are good things waiting for me here?

The result came, but farming...

However, Dian Wei didn't say these words, he just thought about them in his heart.

Who makes Zhang Cheng the gentleman?

The first-level official crushes people to death!
Everything Mr. said is correct.

Looking at Dian Wei, Bao Baobao was feeling bitter, but he didn't say anything.

Zhang Chengdao:
"Awei believes in me, just farm here with peace of mind.

When the time comes, military merit will naturally come to your door. "

Zhang Cheng was very confident when he said this.

Because he remembered very clearly that when Boss Cao attacked Xuzhou, there would be a fire in the backyard.

Fengqiu is located to the west of Chenliu County. A few dozen miles to the west, we reach Hanoi.

Lu Bu is in Hanoi now.

(End of this chapter)

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