Three Kingdoms: Do you call this a weak counselor? !

Chapter 21 Cao Cao was stunned. What is an unreasonable disaster?

Chapter 21 Cao Cao was stunned. What is an unreasonable disaster?

If Zhang Cheng remembers correctly, in history, Zhang Miao, Chen Gong and Lu Bu collectively caused trouble when Cao Cao sent troops to attack Xuzhou.

A wave of house stealing was carried out against Cao Cao.

Now, the Fengqiu he came to was on the west side of Chenliu County.

Not far from Hanoi County.

Under this situation, Dian Wei really didn't have to worry about not having a fight.

That's why Zhang Chengcai told Dian Wei to just farm here with peace of mind.

The war is indispensable without him.

Dian Wei was doubtful about this.

I always feel that my husband is fooling me here again.

Seeing that Dian Wei didn't quite believe what he said, Zhang Cheng did not explain any more.

At this time, no matter how much you say, it's useless.

When things really happen, everything will become clear...



In Cao Song's mansion, Cao Song and his fat concubine were enjoying the tranquility of the afternoon under the shade of the trees.

"Sir, Zhang Cheng and Zhang Gao are our saviors.

If he hadn't desperately rescued me and rescued my husband and my concubine, my concubine would never see her husband again! "

Cao Song's fat concubine, nestled next to Cao Song, looked at Cao Song and said this.

Thinking of what happened that day, I still feel frightened.

At the same time, I am even more grateful to Zhang Cheng, the person who rescued her in critical moments.

Cao Song nodded and said: "That's true, thanks to Gaojiu.

If it weren't for him, we wouldn't have the leisure time we have now. "

"Then husband, you must reward me with good rewards."

Cao Song nodded and said, "That's natural.

Ah Hao, this kid, has already been given the position of chief bookkeeper by Gaojiu, which is not too low. "

Hearing Cao Song say this, the fat concubine shook her head and said: "Husband, I think this is still a bit low.

Ordinarily, as a woman, I shouldn't have much to say in this matter.

However, the position held by Gao Jiu still seems a bit low compared with the contribution he made.

Not as good as... The husband said again.

Make up for this height well. "

After hearing what the fat concubine said, Cao Song looked a little embarrassed.

"This official position was given to me by Ah Ma. Although I am his father, I don't care much about political affairs now.

It's better to let Ah Ma make the decision in everything.

Ah Man asked him to be the chief clerk, presumably because of Ah Man's consideration.

The fat concubine heard this and said: "Husband, you are right to consider this aspect, but my intention is not to ask you to raise your high official position to a higher level.

Perhaps...husband, you can also make some compensation in other ways. "

"You mean, let me give him some money?"

The afternoon sun was very warm, and it made Cao Song feel a little confused.

For a while, I didn't understand the true meaning of my concubine.

The fat concubine shook her head and said: "Husband, although money is better, sometimes it is the least important.

According to my humble opinion, it would be better if my husband kept Gao by his side as his adopted son.

Gao was alone, without parents.

He is alone and has no relatives.

I have such great kindness to my husband.

The husband adopted him as his adopted son, which just repaid his kindness.

It also gave him someone to rely on.

Moreover, none of the many civil servants and generals under Meng De's command were of particularly low origin.

Gao, a person from Guizhou Province, could easily look down upon others.

But if you can become your husband's adopted son, everything will be different.

Even if you are tall, you can hold your head up.

In terms of origin, he is not inferior to anyone.Moreover, Gaojiu's martial arts skills are so strong and his thinking is quick.

He is a rare all-rounder in both civil and military affairs.

Such people are very important to Meng De.

Mengde now needs the help of talents.

If the husband can adopt Gao Jiu as his adopted son, then he can be firmly tied to Meng De and there will be no way to leave him.

For Meng De, it is also an excellent thing. "

The fat concubine had obviously been thinking about this matter for quite some time.

At this point, it makes sense.

Cao Song was originally half-lying under the shade of a tree. When he heard what the fat concubine said, he turned over and sat up.

His somewhat cloudy eyes were shining brightly at this time.

"Haha! Good! It's really good!

This is a great suggestion!You are indeed my good wife!
Take Gao as your adopted son!
It’s great to adopt him as an adopted son!

Why didn't I think of this good idea before?
Indeed, the child Gao Ju was lonely and pitiful.

He has a lot of skills.

For such a person to become my adopted son does not insult me.

And after becoming my adopted son, Gaojiu also has a root.

Among the many people under Meng De, no one dared to look down upon him because of his superior background.

As long as I, Cao Song, am still alive, I can protect him for one day! "

The more he talked about it, the more excited he became. He couldn't help but hug the fat concubine in his arms and give her a kiss.

After that, I didn’t care about taking a nap in the afternoon.

Just get up and do it.

After receiving Cao Song's praise, the concubine had a smile on her face.

I am in a good mood.

Cao Song was anxious to do this.

Don't want to wait for a moment.

But not long after, Cao Song came back.

After he went out, he realized that Zhang Cheng had left Juancheng.

He went to Fengqiu to serve as a field captain.

Fengqiu is still a long way from Zhencheng.

In addition, Zhang Cheng had just left, and even counting the time, he only went to Fengqiu to do things.

So after thinking about it, Cao Song decided to suppress the matter for the time being and wait until Zhang Cheng finished his work.

At this time, Cao Song looked angry.

This was not because he was angry that Zhang Cheng was not found.

But he had just given a scolding to his son Cao Mengde.

At this time, Cao Cao was a little confused.

Because of his own family, the old man suddenly came to him to ask about Zhang Cheng's whereabouts.

After learning that Zhang Cheng left Zhencheng and went to Fengqiu to work as a field captain, the old man, who had always had a good temper, suddenly became angry with himself.

He asked himself why he wanted to drive Zhang Cheng, his savior, from Zhencheng to Fengqiu.

And he also served as a field captain!
Do you think Zhang Cheng is an eyesore here? Do you think Zhang Cheng's life-saving kindness to him, an old man, is not important at all?

The anxious Cao Cao quickly explained.

After learning that it was Zhang Cheng who took the initiative to go to the fields, and that Zhang Cheng had offered the strategies for the fields before, Cao Song gave up and stopped reprimanding Cao Cao.

Cao Cao, who watched his old man leave and was suddenly beaten up, felt that he was particularly unjust.

In other words, Zhang Cheng left Zhencheng and went to work as a captain in the field. He was strongly opposed to it at the time.

As a result, this made his father angry with him.

This made Cao Cao miserable.

It was also because of Cao Song's reprimand that Cao Cao forgot to ask Cao Song about the purpose of coming to see Zhang Cheng this time.

Therefore, this also led to a misunderstanding in the future.

Of course, this is something for later, so let's not mention it for now.

When Cao Cao was confused by Cao Song's sudden reprimand, a young man came under Cao Cao's rule...

(End of this chapter)

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