Three Kingdoms: Do you call this a weak counselor? !

Chapter 28 Guo Jia: It smells so good!

Chapter 28 Guo Jia: It smells so good!
Here Zhang Cheng teaches Wu Qin Xi to Xi Zhicai and Guo Jia.

He taught it five times in a row and corrected them both.

After five times, although the postures the two of them performed were still not up to standard in some places.

But basically, I can make general movements.

Although these five times, what the two of them did was not standard.

But after this, I was already sweating profusely.

Especially Guo Jia, he didn't want to stand and talk anymore, he just wanted to sit down.

On the other hand, Zhang Cheng, after teaching the two of them, was still in high spirits and didn't sweat at all.

The physical difference between the two sides can be seen from this.

"Okay, that's it for Wu Qin Xi, it's not complicated.

After you write it down, remember it carefully.

If you have nothing to think about, just practice more every day.

After a period of time, I guarantee that your body will improve a lot. "

Zhang Cheng said to Xi Zhicai and Guo Jia as if they were fished out of the water.

Then I went to have a meal and then went to the fields to continue working.

Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai, who were too tired to move, glanced at the energetic Zhang Cheng.

When they looked at each other again, they were as tired as dogs.

Everyone felt a huge gap from this.

At the same time, he also seemed a little puzzled. These were also scribes. Why was Zhang Cheng's physique so strong?


"Fengxiao, let's leave from here, it's time to go back to the Lord.

It has been some time since Fengxiao came to Yanzhou, and it would not be a good idea not to see his lord after all. "

Guo Jiadao: "Brother Zhicai, it's already noon, and soon it's afternoon.

We had a very good chat with Brother Gao Jiu.

The food cooked by Brother Gaojiu is really delicious.

How about staying here one more night and we set off tomorrow morning? "

When Xi Zhicai heard Guo Jia talking about the food made by Zhang Cheng, he looked up at Tiandao again:

"Well! What you said is indeed right, just follow Feng Xiao's words.

We'll stay here for one more night and leave tomorrow. "

The third day......

"Fengxiao, are we going back now?"

Guo Jiadao: "It's really time to go back. After today, we will set off early tomorrow morning."

That night, Guo Jia lay on his bed and said full of self-blame and guilt: "Guo Fengxiao, Guo Fengxiao, you can't do this anymore.

Isn't it just some delicious food, isn't it just that Brother Gaojiu talks a little nicer, is this what you think?
No matter what happens tomorrow, I have to leave Fengqiu and return to Zhencheng to see Duke Cao!

Don't stay here any longer. "

When Guo Jia said this, his voice was sonorous and powerful.

As a result, the next night, Guo Jia, the play Zhicai, was still here in Zhang Cheng's residence.

Guo Jia reached out and picked up a chopstick, Zhang Cheng's dish, and put it into his mouth.

While chewing, he couldn't help but give Zhang Cheng a thumbs up and said:

"Brother Gaojiu! It smells so good!"


Zhencheng and Cao Cao were waiting a little anxiously.

He had heard of Guo Jia's name before.

I know this is a man of great talent.

As a result, I didn't see him when I got here, but I ran to Fengqiu to see Zhang Cheng first.

I thought that after Guo Jia arrived at Zhang Cheng's place, he would come back to see him in a few days.

Cao Cao had already prepared everything. How could he have thought that one day had passed, two days had passed, and three, five, six or seven days had passed.

Xi Zhicai and Guo Jia still haven't come back.

Cao Cao couldn't keep his temper, and finally had to send someone to Fengqiu to see Xi Zhicai and Guo Jia.At the same time, people were also asked to inquire and see what Zhang Cheng had done.

Let Guo Fengxiao and Xi Zhicai be so lingering!
Xi Zhicai and Guo Jia also waited until the people sent by Cao Cao arrived at Fengqiu before finally making up their minds.

He left Zhang Cheng reluctantly and returned to see Cao Cao.

Before leaving, Guo Jia still held Zhang Cheng's hand and said goodbye reluctantly.

“The days spent with brother Gao Jiu always make people feel lingering.

Brother Gao Jiu is really my best friend in life!

After I settle down in Zhencheng and deal with some things.

Then I came here again to meet Brother Gaojiu. "

What Guo Jia said was sincere.

But Dian Wei beside him couldn't help but roll his eyes at him.

I thought to myself, this scholar has a lot of eyes and a thick skin.

When you come here to meet my husband again, do you really feel that you are so close to each other?
You came here just for the food cooked by my husband!
Originally, Dian Wei still had some sense of awe towards scholars.

But now, after following my husband, I met two so-called scholars, Xi Zhicai and Guo Fengxiao.

This sense of mystery and awe was quickly broken.

It turns out that scholars are just like him.

I can't resist Mr.'s delicious food.

After sending Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai away, Zhang Cheng continued to be busy here.

Up to now, he has cultivated a lot of land here.

Many of the seeds that were sown have already sprouted, looking green and very attractive.

"I'm really happy that Fengxiao came here this time.

With my filial piety, I am like a tiger with wings, just like the Emperor Gaozu got Chen Ping! "

In Zhencheng, Cao Cao finally saw Guo Jia, and immediately began to hold a banquet to greet Guo Jia.

"Fengxiao is a man of great talent, and he must have great opinions when he comes here. Please speak frankly, Fengxiao."

After drinking for a while, Cao Cao looked at Guo Jia and asked with a smile.

Guo Jiadao:
"Gong Cao was so complimentary that my talents are mediocre.

Compared with Zhang Gaojiu, it is really far behind.

Zhang's talent is ten times better than mine!
Brother Gao Jiu had already proposed the strategies I proposed.

And better than mine. "

Guo Jia said sincerely.

There is nothing to hide about this, and I don't feel any embarrassment about it.

Hearing what Guo Jia said, Cao Cao couldn't help but smile.

I feel that Zhang Cheng really made him look good this time.

If it weren't for Zhang Cheng, he would have wanted to destroy the arrogance of a talent like Guo Jia so quickly.

I'm afraid it will take some time and some means to make him be convinced to follow him.

“As for the current situation, I don’t have any suggestions at the moment.

However, there is something further that can be discussed with Mr. Cao. "

How could Guo Jia not know that Cao Cao's meeting with him not only meant meeting him, but also for assessment?
He couldn't give an answer that satisfied Cao Cao, and he would probably make Cao Cao and others look down upon him.

Cao Cao said:
"Fengxiao, please tell me."

After saying this, Cao Cao sat up straight and his expression became serious.

Guo Jiadao:
"With Gaojiu's plan, my lord will have no worries when he attacks Xuzhou next.

But one needs to look further than the immediate.

Such as Guanzhong.

For example, the emperor.

Dong Zhuo was dead, and Li Jue and Guo Si kidnapped the emperor, causing endless turmoil in Guanzhong.

Have you ever thought about welcoming the emperor back east, and not obeying the emperor's orders? "

(End of this chapter)

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