Three Kingdoms: Do you call this a weak counselor? !

Chapter 29 was rolled up by Zhang Cheng!

Chapter 29 was rolled up by Zhang Cheng!
The banquet held by Cao Cao was silent for a moment.

Cao Cao was originally going to pick up the wine glass and take a sip of wine.

At this time, after hearing Guo Jia's words, he put the wine bowl back again.

The body suddenly sat upright.

Among smart people, there is no need to say too much.

Just a few words is enough.

There is no need for Guo Jiado to explain the benefits of serving the emperor and not being a minister, Cao Cao himself already knows.

He sat here and paused for a moment, then raised his glass and invited Guo Jia to drink with him.

"I have long heard that Guo Fengxiao of Yingchuan has an unpredictable opportunity for ghosts and gods.

Meeting at this time, it is indeed the case!
I am really lucky to have such help from you. "

Facing Cao Cao's praise, Guo Jia shook his head and said:
"Jia dare not monopolize this strategy.
What I came up with during the night discussion with Brother Zhicai and Brother Gaojiu was not my fault alone.

Brother Gao Jiu, in particular, played a leading role in this. "

After hearing Guo Jia's words, Cao Cao's eyes lit up.

There is actually something high-ranking about it.

Then, Cao Cao smiled even happier.

He raised his glass and invited Xi Zhicai to drink together.

After the invitation, I remembered that Xi Zhicai had stopped drinking.

Let people bring tea and wine. After drinking this cup together, Cao Cao smiled and said:

"With Fengxiao, Zhicai and Gaojiu, I have nothing to worry about!"

After finishing speaking, he said:

“It’s just that Yanzhou is too far away from Guanzhong.

The two thieves Li Jue and Guo Si over there in Guanzhong are rampant, and there are so many princes in the world.

It is somewhat difficult to welcome the emperor back eastward. "

Guo Jia nodded and said:
"It is indeed difficult. I have discussed it with brother Zhicai and brother Gaojiu for a long time, but we have not thought of an overly safe solution.

Brother Gaojiu said there was no rush in this matter.

Waiting for the right time.

The most important thing at this time is to cultivate crops and then attack Xuzhou.

Only by doing these two things well can we consider welcoming the emperor's return eastward.

If you can’t do it well at the moment, then there’s no need to talk about the rest. "

Hearing what Guo Jia said, Cao Cao put away a little regret in his heart and nodded:
"This statement makes sense. You really shouldn't be too ambitious."

After this discussion, Cao Cao discovered that Guo Jia and Guo Fengxiao were indeed very talented and a rare talent.

He got the general strategy of serving the emperor and disobeying his ministers. He was in a better mood, and immediately he diligently persuaded the emperor to drink and provide food.

After a feast, I was already a little tipsy.

"I wonder what Fengxiao thinks of today's meal?"

Most people have the habit of bragging after drinking, and Cao Cao is the same.

At this time, I was talking and doing things after being a little drunk.There is more madness than usual.

Pointing to the many delicacies on the table, he looked at Guo Jia and asked with a hint of complacency.

Guo Jiadao:
“The categories are rich, the varieties are wide, and the assortment is dazzling.”

When Cao Cao heard this, he laughed and said:

"how is the taste?"

Guo Jiadao:
"Among the meals I have ever used, it ranks second."

Cao Cao couldn't help but be stunned when he heard this, he was only second? !
You know, the delicious food this time was carefully prepared by others, and he thought it was unparalleled in the world.

In the end, Guo Jia said he was second!
This made him a little curious.

I also wonder if Guo Jia said this on purpose to suppress himself.

"Then where did you eat it first?"

Cao Cao looked at Guo Jia with blurry eyes and asked.

Guo Jiadao:
"The first one was tasted under Cao Gong's command.

Brother Gao Jiu’s cooking skills are truly outstanding!
A very ordinary meal, when it comes into his hands, is extremely delicious and makes people forget to leave.

The reason why Brother Zhicai and I stayed there for such a long time was because the food cooked by Brother Gaojiu was so delicious. "

When Guo Jia said this, he still had a look of yearning and intoxication on his face.

Cough...cough cough...

When Xi Zhi heard what Guo Jia said, he immediately felt that something was bad.He coughed quickly and reminded Guo Jia not to talk nonsense after drinking.

After all, when they met Cao Cao, they told Cao Cao that the reason why they stayed at Zhang Cheng's side for so long before returning to Zhencheng was because they were too speculative with Zhang Cheng.

We have been discussing some world affairs there, and it has nothing to do with food.

As a result, Guo Jia accidentally told the truth.

Hearing Xi Zhicai's cough, Guo Jia realized that he had made a mistake.

When Cao Cao heard this, his eyes towards the two of them suddenly changed.

Good guy, did you say you were discussing important matters there all the time?

The result was that there, Greedy refused to come back.

It turns out that the orgasm conquered my stomach!

“Is the food cooked by Gaojiu really that delicious?
Is it even more delicious than the food at my banquet? "

Cao Cao ignored this small matter, but looked at Guo Jia and continued to ask.

He was somewhat unconvinced.

Guo Jia has already spilled the beans, and there is nothing to hide at this time.

Xi Zhicai and Guo Jia both had no choice but to tell the truth.

He also greatly praised Zhang Cheng's cooking skills.

After hearing this, Cao Cao suppressed the shock in his heart.

"This high position is so well hidden!

There are so many things I know!
Not only is he highly skilled in martial arts, but he also has such profound attainments in the art of cooking. He is really a strange person!
If you have the opportunity in the future, you must taste the superb craftsmanship! "

After hearing Cao Cao's words, Xi Zhicai and Guo Jia nodded repeatedly.

I very much agree with Cao Cao's opinion.

He also said that he must take them with him at that time.

Guo Jia originally thought that being a counselor was a relatively easy task.

With his talent, he is more than qualified.

But after I came to Cao Cao and met Zhang Cheng, I realized that good guys, it turns out that being a counselor has become so complicated now.

Not only must you be proficient in strategy, but you must also have strong martial arts skills.

At the same time, it can go to the hall and the kitchen.

This...this was all swept out of the sky by Zhang Cheng.



Xuzhou Mu Tao Qian was lying on the bed, looking languid.

The reason for this was because he was angered by what Zhang Kai did.

When they found out that he actually robbed Cao Song and planned to kill him to silence him.

Tao Qian was so angry that he was about to spit out a mouthful of blood.

Feeling that he was going to be tricked to death by Zhang Kai, he wanted to kill Zhang Kai's whole family to vent his hatred!

But Zhang Kai was originally a Yellow Turban thief.

There are no family members.

He couldn't vent his anger even if he wanted to.

Fortunately, Cao Song was rescued at the critical moment and never really died.

If he really dies, things here will be really troublesome for him.

Tao Qian was old. When Yuan Shu attacked Cao Cao, he had some friction with Cao Cao.

I know that Cao Cao is very powerful and is not easy to provoke.

After that contact, he deliberately wanted to repair the relationship with Cao Cao.

Who would have thought that Zhang Kai would take such a stabbing blow at the critical moment?

Tao Qian was here. After learning about this, he immediately wrote a personal letter.

He also brought a lot of money with him and asked people to take it with him and send it to Cao Cao.

He explained and apologized to Cao Cao, hoping to put this matter behind him.

"Yuanlong, what do you think Cao Cao will do next?"

Tao Qian sat up from the bed and looked at Chen Deng in front of him to ask.

(End of this chapter)

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