Three Kingdoms: Do you call this a weak counselor? !

Chapter 3 Ah Ma, I am really your father!

Chapter 3 Ah Ma, I am really your father!

In Yanzhou, Cao Cao was discussing matters with his counselors.

After some discussion, one of them suddenly said:

"My lord, I seem to have heard that Captain Cao, if he wants to come to Yanzhou, needs to pass through Xuzhou. Is this true?"

The person who spoke was thin and his face looked a little pale, with a hint of abnormality.

The two eye sockets are somewhat darkened and the expression is gloomy.

Even when facing Cao Cao, he felt a little unruly.

This person is Cao Cao's military advisor, called Xi Zhong Xi Zhicai

The Captain Cao he refers to naturally refers to Cao Cao's father, Cao Song.

Cao Song once spent [-] million yuan to buy the post of Taiwei when Emperor Ling was alive.

Although he didn't serve for a long time, he eventually became a captain.

Therefore, when many people address Cao Song, they still address him as Taiwei to show respect.

Cao Cao nodded and said:
"You really have to go through Xuzhou, how can you be ambitious? Is there anything wrong with that?
Xi Zhong said:
“Lord, something is indeed very wrong.

I think your lord should immediately send troops and horses to meet Captain Cao at this time.

Or send someone to send a message asking Captain Cao to take a detour, leave Xuzhou as quickly as possible, and come to us from other places.

Tao Qian has always had a close friendship with Yuan Shu.

There had been some minor friction with the lord before.

At this time, Captain Cao was passing through his territory, fearing that something unexpected would happen to him. "

When Cao Cao heard what Xi Zhong said, he shook his head and said:
"Impossible, absolutely impossible.

Zhicai, you are worrying too much about this matter.

Even if I lent him a hundred courages, Tao Qian wouldn't dare to do this.

And it is true that Tao Qian had some friction with us before.

But this is based on the premise that Yuan Shu comes to attack us.

In the battle at Fengqiu, Yuan Shu's traitors were defeated and fled in a hurry.

Under such circumstances, Tao Qian would never dare to provoke us.

My father came from Xuzhou to give Tao Qian face.

Tao Qian would only seize this opportunity to entertain my father well.

Use this to make friends with me, Cao Cao.

Without any disrespect. "

Cao Cao was very confident about this matter.

After Xi Zhong heard what Cao Cao said, he immediately started to persuade him again.

But Cao Cao didn't take this seriously. He determined that Tao Qian didn't dare to mess around at this time.

He knew Tao Qian's character quite well.

Seeing that Cao Cao didn't listen, the opera loyalists were upset and said too much.

As a result, at this moment, someone came in a hurry outside.

As soon as he arrived, he knelt on the ground and shouted loudly.

“No…it’s not good!!
Mr. Cao encountered an accident! !

The soldiers sent by Tao Qian killed Mr. Cao at night.

Thousands of soldiers and horses surrounded Mr. Cao and killed him!

The villain risked his life to run out and report..."

The visitor was panting and looking miserable. After saying these words, he was so tired that he collapsed on the ground and couldn't stand up.

It was the man who desperately escaped to report the news when he was in the ancient temple.

"What?! What did you say?!!"

After Cao Cao heard the news, he was stunned instantly.

Then he immediately stepped forward to inquire, grabbing the person's collar with his hand and looking extremely excited.

Seeing Cao Cao's current appearance, the man was a little frightened, and hurriedly recounted what he had just said.

thump! !

Cao Cao fell to the ground, his expression changed drastically, and his face turned pale instantly.

Tao Qian!Tao Qian!He actually did something to his father! !

How dare you really hurt his father!
Cao Cao couldn't stop crying and almost fainted.

The Han Dynasty ruled the world with filial piety, and filial piety was taken very seriously.

Cao Cao is Cao Song's eldest son, and in the past, he was not favored by Cao Song because of his naughty nature.

Now Cao Cao finally has some tricks up his sleeve and wants to take his father over to enjoy his old age.

By the way, I also want to show my father what he has achieved now.

Prove to him that his son Ah Ma is no longer the original Ah Ma.

As a result, my father encountered an accident on the road before he arrived.

Although when this person escaped, his father had not been killed.

But there is absolutely no way out!

After all, there were too many people on the other side, nearly a thousand, and they were all soldiers.Under such circumstances, how could his father have any way to survive?
The opera loyalist Xun Yu and others were also shocked by it.

Some people advised Cao Cao, and some people started to think of ideas here.

And after Cao Cao went through the initial cry.

Soon, with tears and red eyes, he took Cao Ren, Xia Houdun and others and rushed to Xuzhou, where his father met with the accident.

Although he already knew that something unexpected had happened to his father.

But I still want to go and have a look.

At the very least, he must bring his father's body back in person.

Xun Yu played with Zhicai and others and tried to persuade him.

But Cao Cao didn't listen at all at this time. He just led his troops and horses to move quickly, crying all the way.

The sudden death of his father Cao Song was a huge blow to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao led thousands of people and galloped all the way.

After a while of this, the spies sent ahead suddenly came galloping over.

Reported a piece of news to Cao Cao that he absolutely did not expect.

"What! You father is still alive??
A motorcade with my father's flag appeared ahead? "

After Cao Cao heard the news, he was stunned and forgot to cry.

Then he gritted his teeth and said:

"Tao Qian, the traitor, has a tendency to go too far, so he just killed my father.

Now he actually dares to use my father’s name to come to Yanzhou to cheat!
Follow me forward and cut these people pretending to be my father to death with a thousand cuts! "

Cao Cao gritted his teeth and issued the order, then took the lead in riding forward...


"Strong man, my son Ah Man has sent an army here, and we will meet Ah Man next.

My son Ah Man is the most filial person. I don’t know how happy I am to know that I am safe and sound.

He immediately led the army and hurried over to greet him.

I will definitely use you again in the future.

If he doesn't dare to reuse you, he won't be able to pass my test! "

Cao Song looked at Zhang Cheng with a smile on his face and said this.

When he mentioned his son Cao Cao, he was very satisfied and kept saying things like Cao Cao's filial piety.

Zhang Cheng also deeply agreed with Cao Song's words.

But what happened next made Zhang Cheng feel a little different.

How could Cao Cao's army be so murderous after they arrived?

Where is the joy of knowing that his father is not dead?

It all looks like the enemy who killed his father wants to kill himself and others?

Le Jin took the lead and came straight towards Cao Song, Zhang Cheng and others.

Then he stabbed Cao Song, who was standing in front, with the spear in his hand, without holding back at all.

Le Jin's time with Cao Cao was not too long.

I have never seen Cao Song before.

I had received an order before saying that these people in front were Xuzhou soldiers and horses, pretending to be after killing Mr. Cao.

The anger in his heart must be uncontrollable, so he fired his gun as soon as possible to kill this person who dared to pretend to be his lord's father!

Zhang Chengneng saw this scene and looked at Cao Song with doubts in his eyes.

Is this what you said, Cao Cao is a filial son? ?

Knowing that you are alive, you will be particularly happy?

Is there such a filial son who sees his father alive and instead sends his generals to kill him?

Is this because he is afraid that his father's death will not be thorough enough?

Not to mention Zhang Cheng, even Cao Song was stunned.

After being stunned for a moment, he quickly shouted loudly.

"Ah Ma, I am your father."

Cao Cao, who was in the rear, heard Cao Song's shout and took a closer look. He couldn't help but be extremely surprised.

This is actually his father, not a thief pretending to be him!
He could never mistake his father's voice and appearance. His father was not dead!
I was excited, but the next moment I was already out of my mind.

Because Le Jin had already shot Cao Song!

In such a short period of time, there was no time to stop him.

Cao Cao's heart was twitched together, and he shouted:
"Wen Qian stop, this is really my father!!!"

But it was too late, Le Jin's gun had already stabbed him, and there was no way he could take it back.

Cao Cao's liver and gallbladder are broken!

His father was not killed by thieves, but was beheaded by his own soldiers?
What a big joke this is!

But this incredible thing was happening right in front of his eyes, and there was no way to stop it!
Just when Cao Cao was shocked and despairing, Zhang Cheng, who was beside Cao Song, took action...

(End of this chapter)

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