Three Kingdoms: Do you call this a weak counselor? !

Chapter 4 I worship you as General Polu

Chapter 4 I worship you as General Polu

Seeing that Cao Song was about to be stabbed to death by Le Jin, Zhang Cheng took action.

He really made a move.

He suddenly stretched out his right hand and held the gun that Le Jin stabbed Cao Song with one hand.

Le Jin thrust out the gun with full of anger, it can be said that he used a lot of strength.

As a result, after being held by Zhang Cheng, he stopped moving!

The tip of the spear stopped less than three inches away from Cao Song's throat, unable to move forward at all!

Le Jin himself is an extremely powerful military commander with high combat prowess.

At this time, one hand was opened and he held the gun.

This shows how strong Zhang Cheng is.

At this time, Cao Cao also galloped over on horseback.

Cao Cao's mind went blank.

I just feel that my father is going to die this time.

He will leave his name throughout the ages and become a great filial son.

Now, after seeing Le Jin's stabbing spear being stopped by Zhang Cheng, with the tip of the spear less than three inches away from his father's throat, Cao Cao breathed a sigh of relief.

My heart, which was about to jump out of my chest, returned to my stomach.

Then there was a burst of unstoppable fear.

Just a little bit, just a little bit!

He is about to become a patricide!
After Cao Song was frightened this time, his legs and feet were sore.

If it weren't for Zhang Cheng, he would never have survived this time!
As for Le Jin, he was completely stunned at this time.

If at ordinary times, the weapon in his hand was blocked by someone, he would definitely be furious.

Then he would engage in a desperate fight with anyone who could block his weapon.

But now, seeing his gun being held by Zhang Cheng, it was easily resolved.

Not only was Le Jin not angry at all, but he was also filled with excitement.

At this moment, he looked at Zhang Cheng in front of him.It was like seeing a lifesaver.

fine!Fortunately, I was stopped!

If he hadn't been stopped by this person, he would have caused a big disaster this time!

"Thank you so much for saving my life, my father. Without the help of our heroes, my father would have been in danger!"

After Cao Cao came to Zhang Cheng, he reached out and took Zhang Cheng's hand, holding it tightly, very excited.

The situation just now was really dangerous!
Zhang Cheng's action not only saved his father's life, but also restored his reputation as Cao Cao.

The Han Dynasty ruled the world with filial piety, and filial piety was taken very seriously.

If Cao Cao had committed this act of patricide, even if it was unintentional, he would definitely be drowned in the spit of the world in the future.

And he himself will feel guilty for the rest of his life!

Zhang Cheng shook his head when he heard this and said:
"It doesn't matter, it's a small thing, nothing important."

The frightened Le Jin also jumped off the horse at this time and thanked Zhang Cheng repeatedly.

I wish I could kneel on the ground and kowtow to Zhang Cheng.

After thanking Zhang Cheng, Cao Cao began to ask what happened.

He had just received urgent information that his father had been poisoned, but now he was safe.

Cao Song had now calmed down a lot from the shock, and said with a smile:
"The fact that my father and his entire family are safe and sound depends entirely on the success of this strong man in front of us.

It was he who came on horseback at the critical moment, fought bravely, and saved us by entering and exiting three times..."

As Cao Song spoke, he told how Zhang Cheng rescued them, how he defeated many enemies by entering and exiting three times, and how he beheaded Zhang Kai.

When Cao Cao heard what Cao Song said, he was frightened because of his father's previous dangerous encounter.

He was also delighted and shocked by Zhang Cheng's bravery.

Looking at Zhang Cheng's eyes, they were sparkling.

It was like seeing a rare treasure.

What kind of warrior is this, capable of such bravery?

"My father is relying entirely on the strong men this time.

If I were not a strong man, I would be separated from my father, heaven and man, forever.

This great kindness, I, Cao Cao, will never forget! "

As soon as Cao Cao's voice fell, Cao Song beside him said:

"Amao, you really can't forget. In addition, this strong man has already saved me twice.

This kind of kindness will never end. "

Cao Cao quickly nodded in agreement.

Then he said to Zhang Cheng:
"The brave man is so brave and has such kindness to me, Cao Cao. I, Cao Cao, am grateful.

If he is not a strong man, he will remain in our army and serve as a Polu captain, leading three thousand troops. "

Cao Cao's move could be described as generous, and he gave it directly to the captain.

And he also asked Zhang Cheng to lead three thousand troops!

This kind of treatment has never been experienced by others.

They are people like Xiahou Dun, Xiahou Yuan and Cao Ren.

In the beginning, Cao Cao only led [-] troops, and then he gradually reached his current position.

Now an outsider like Zhang Cheng, as soon as he arrived at Cao Cao's place, was promoted to captain of Polu, leading three thousand troops. What an honor it was!

You know, now is not the time for generals to be as numerous as dogs and captains to be everywhere.

The position of captain is extremely valuable.

Cao Cao was willing to take it out, and you can see how much he values ​​Zhang Cheng from now on!

After Cao Cao said this, he waited for Zhang Cheng to agree.

In this way, he can repay Zhang Cheng for saving his father's life.

At the same time, he can also recruit a fierce general like Zhang Cheng under his command.

Cao Cao has always been greedy for generals who can fight.

At the beginning, the princes gathered at Sishui Pass to fight against Dong Zhuo.

He was so covetous of Liu Bei's second brother that he wanted to get it into his own hands.

It's a pity that Guan Yu refused to leave Liu Bei, and he always regretted it.

Now, here comes a man who is Zhang Cheng and Gao Ji.

His bravery is definitely not inferior to that of Guan Yu. How can such things not make him happy?

At this time, Cao Cao offered such extremely high-standard conditions.

Xiahou Dun, Cao Ren and Le Jin, all the generals under Cao Cao, were all dissatisfied.

Zhang Cheng saved Cao Song twice in a row and was so brave.

Not to mention that he entered and exited three times, but in the end he killed thousands of soldiers and horses by himself. What a feat it was.

Just looking at the shot he held Le Jin with one hand and fired with all his strength, you can tell that this person is extremely brave.

With such merit and bravery, it is appropriate to be treated so unusually by Cao Cao.

Cao Cao stood here with a smile on his face, waiting for Zhang Cheng to agree to his condition.

The same is true for Cao Ren and others.

They all felt that Zhang Cheng had no way to refuse in the face of this condition.

In other words, no one can refuse.

However, Zhang Cheng's next move shocked these people.

Facing Cao Cao's burning gaze, Zhang Cheng shook his head and said:

"Thank you very much, Mr. Cao, for your kindness, but I still won't take up the post of Polu Colonel."

Cao Cao was stunned when he heard this, and then thought of something.

He hesitated for a moment and then said:

"In this case, I will make you General Polu and lead five thousand troops!"

After hearing what Cao Cao said, Xiahou Dun, Cao Renlejin and others were not calm anymore!

You know, this General Polu, although he is just an ordinary general, has a very high gold content!
Among them, only Xiahou Dun, who is the oldest and has made the greatest military exploits, has the title of general.

They are all just captains.

Now that Zhang Chenggang has arrived, he can surpass them and be on an equal footing with the tallest Xiahou Dun!

While surprised, everyone also looked at Zhang Cheng, waiting for Zhang Cheng's answer.

In their opinion, Zhang Cheng will never refuse again this time.

As a result, Zhang Cheng's answer once again exceeded their expectations.

Facing Cao Cao's scorching gaze, Zhang Cheng shook his head again, saying that he did not want to serve as the ruthless general...

(End of this chapter)

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