Three Kingdoms: Do you call this a weak counselor? !

Chapter 82 Zhang Cheng: Lord, I want to challenge my weakness, you don’t have to be polite!

Chapter 82 Zhang Cheng: Lord, I want to challenge my weakness, you don’t have to be polite!
Whether it is Cao Cao or Cao Song, both of them can be said to have seen the world.

But now, both of them were confused by the title of Zhang Cheng, a familiar person and the very warm father-in-law.

This... why did you shout this?
This is very different from the Mr. Gao Jiu they have always known.

In their impression, Mr. Gao Jiu was both brave and brave.

There seems to be nothing he can't do, and no matter what he does, he can do it very well and extremely well.

The most important thing is that Mr. Gao Jiu seems to be very indifferent to fame and fortune, and he doesn't like money and fame very much.

My biggest hobby is probably farming.

Now we have to add one more, delivering sows and castrating boars.

Moreover, Mr. Gaojiu always seemed very indifferent when encountering problems.

But how could I have thought that I would mention it again at this time, and that I would be a matchmaker for Mr. Gao Jiu and marry my daughter to Mr. Gao Jiu.

This Mr. Gaojiu suddenly changed and became so different.

This doesn’t fit well with your character, Mr. Gaojiu!
Can we be more reserved?
Don't be so eager on this matter.

Isn't it just a matchmaker?
Aren't you just planning to marry your daughter to you?
How could you do this!

It turns out that you are such a talented person!

Of course, while I was a little confused, I was actually even happier inside.

This is true for both Cao Cao and Cao Song.

On the one hand, this is because, through Zhang Cheng's performance, they can feel that Zhang Cheng is very happy and fond of this marriage.

This shows that his daughter will never suffer a loss after marrying Zhang Cheng.

And Zhang Cheng had no objection to becoming a member of their Cao family.

This shows that this move was very correct.

On the other hand, it was also an aspect that made Cao Cao even more pleased.

It's because he suddenly discovered it.One of Mr. Gaojiu’s preferences.

Cao Cao was never afraid of the hobbies of his subordinates.

It can also be said to be a shortcoming.

Especially those with talent.

Because only with his shortcomings and hobbies, it will be easier for him to prescribe the right medicine.

Easier to control and win over.

After all, it is better to win over people who have special hobbies than those who are not exhausted and do an excellent job in all aspects but have no desire. If you want to use it, you will feel at ease too much, or you will win over too much.

Before this, Cao Cao was still very troubled by this.

Because he found that Mr. Gaojiu, whether it was for fame, wealth, or other things.

I don't like them all very much, and they look very indifferent to fame and fortune.

What I like most is farming.

However, we can’t really let him farm all the time, right?

It was not until today's marriage that all the fog in Cao Cao's eyes suddenly disappeared.

There is a sense of enlightenment.

Very good!
This is so good!
This suddenly gave Cao Cao a new direction for his efforts.

In the future, I may be able to work harder in this direction!
While thinking this in his mind, Cao Cao suddenly remembered what Cao Hong had said in his previous letter to him.

At that time, Mr. Gao Jiu was fighting in a big battle with Lu Bu.

Zeng led his troops and horses straight to Lu Bu's camp.

He rushed to kill Lu Bu's wife, children, and children.

He looked like he wanted to get Lu Bu's wife and daughter into his hands.

When Cao Cao saw this, he felt it was outrageous.

I feel that Cao Hong must have misunderstood what Mr. Gao Jiu meant.

After all, Mr. Gao Jiu is such a noble person, how could he have such vulgar hobbies?
It must be to completely destroy Lu Bu's camp as quickly as possible.

This was done to make Lu Bu become even more panicked.

It has nothing to do with Lu Bu's wife and daughter, it's just a coincidence.

But now, after seeing Mr. Gao Jiu's reaction at this time.

Cao Cao felt that he had wrongly blamed Cao Hong before.

The news Cao Hong told him might actually be true.

He looked at Zhang Cheng and his eyes suddenly became a little different.

But thinking about the engagements we are talking about now, these involve my own daughter.

So Cao Cao quickly became serious again.

"I have five daughters on my knees, and I have never been married to anyone else."

Cao Cao looked at Zhang Cheng and opened his mouth. When Zhang Cheng heard this, his eyes widened.

Then he looked at Cao Cao and said with a smile:
"My lord, this...isn't this a little bad?

My lord, you are so magnanimous and generous!
It's so embarrassing to have to marry five people at once.

My father-in-law is here, please accept your respects from my son-in-law! "

After hearing Zhang Cheng's words, Cao Cao was stunned for a moment and immediately wanted to hit someone.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't defeat the man in front of him, Cao Cao would definitely take action at this time.

His face couldn't help but twitch, why is this smart gentleman always so confused at times like this?

His weakness is too obvious!

Cao Song, who was not far away, was stunned for a moment and suddenly felt that he had been cheated.

Not long ago, Mr. Gao Jiu was persuading himself to give up accepting him as his adopted son and dissolve the father-son relationship.

Then he married his granddaughter.

What I said at that time was all kinds of righteousness, clarity, and everything was analyzed so well.

Let yourself feel that what Mr. Gao Ju said is indeed very reasonable, and it is all for his own Cao family.

But why, now it seems that his original intention was to let himself give up the father-son relationship.

So that he can marry his granddaughter.

Seeing Cao Cao glare at him, Zhang Cheng stretched out his hand and scratched his head and said with a smile:
"Um...father-in-law, don't be offended. He was a little excited for a moment."

Cao Cao looked at this picture and snorted:

How dare you!

Are you trying to wrap up my daughter?

Besides, my little daughter is only two years old. "

When Zhang Cheng heard this, he immediately changed his words and said:

"Then...or...three will do."

Upon hearing this, Cao Cao couldn't help but stare again.

This is Mr. Gaojiao.It's just too much.

If someone else marries their own daughter, marrying one is already doubly favored.

It turned out to be a good thing when I got to him, and I started bargaining for myself.

Three at a time.

This is to marry a daughter, not to buy groceries, okay?
"No! Absolutely not! How can you marry so many at once!
You can only choose one! "

Cao Cao resisted the urge to hammer Zhang Cheng and patiently explained to Zhang Cheng.

He felt that something must be said clearly on this matter.

Otherwise, Mr. Gaojiu, who has always been very smart, would not know how to circumvent this matter!

"This is my Cao Cao's daughter.

No matter who it is, they can only choose one at most, not two, let alone three. "

Cao Cao's words were awe-inspiring.

Zhang Cheng heard this and glanced at Cao Cao.

I thought to myself, you can fool me here, is that really the case?
Why do I remember in history, after taking Emperor Xian of Han into his hands?

Later, you sent all three daughters to the palace at once?

Historically, Cao Cao did send his three daughters to the palace together to give birth to Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty Liu Xie.
These three people are Cao Xian, Cao Jie and Cao Hua.

Among them, Cao Xian and Cao Hua were nobles, and Cao Jie later became the queen of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty.

Thinking back on what Cao Cao did in history.

Zhang Cheng looked at the serious person in front of him and said to himself that he would never marry his daughter to the same person.

Not to mention three daughters, Cao Cao, who had two daughters married to the same man, felt a little contempt in his heart.

By the way, why do you have the face to say this?

Others don't know your details, but I know it very clearly.

However, Zhang Cheng tested Cao Cao's attitude through jokes.

After all, he regretfully gave up the idea of ​​keeping Cao Cao's daughters by his side at the same time.

The idea is good, but the reality is still a bit cruel after all, and this thing cannot be realized.

In this case, we have to choose the best among the best.

As a result, before Zhang Cheng could speak, Cao Cao announced his choice.

"Among my daughters, Xian'er is the oldest, now 13 years old.

She has reached the age of marriage and is the best candidate.

It would be better to marry Xian'er if she didn't want to go high.

In this way, you can get married as quickly as possible. "

Cao Cao looked at Zhang Cheng and expressed his choice.

In his opinion, the marriage he decided on was quite acceptable.

Judging from Mr. Gaojiu’s performance just now.

He is very looking forward to and has a strong interest in this marriage and some things after the marriage.

Now Xian'er's age is just right. As long as they decide, they can get married soon.

Mr. Gaojiu shouldn't refuse, right?
However, what he didn't expect was that Zhang Cheng shook his head after hearing his words.

He looked at Cao Cao and said:
"Um...Master, can you change it to another one?"

Cao Cao said:
"Could it be that you want to marry Hua'er?

As for Hua'er, it's not impossible. She is 12 years old this year.

It won't take too long to leave the cabinet. "

Cao Cao felt that he should be satisfied with this achievement.

After all, the only daughters suitable for marriage in terms of age are Cao Hua and Cao Xian.

Except for her two, the rest are not suitable.

However, Zhang Cheng shook his head again.

After seeing this scene, Cao Cao was momentarily confused.

Why is it that I still can't figure out Mr. Gaojiu's thoughts?
"It's not Hua'er or Xian'er. Could it be that you want to marry Jie'er?"

Cao Cao looked at Zhang Cheng and asked. Zhang Cheng nodded vigorously and said:

"Yes, Master, if I can only choose one of them, then I will choose her.

I am willing to make an engagement with her. "

To be honest, Zhang Cheng still wants to keep all of Cao Cao's daughters by his side.

This is his weakness.

He also wanted to challenge his weaknesses.

But after Cao Cao made it clear that he could only marry one.

After some thinking, he was still more interested in Cao Jie.

This is of course not just because Cao Jie has the highest status in history and became the queen of Han Xian Emperor Liu Xie.

The most important thing was that she took a fancy to Cao Jie's character.

When Cao Cao sent his daughters to the palace, they were already in high positions of power.

Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty said he was an emperor, but in fact he was also a puppet.

Zhang Cheng did not believe that Cao Cao did not give special instructions to his daughters when he sent them to the palace.

In this case, it is the individual who knows how to choose.

But Cao Jie, in the end, did not wholeheartedly help the Cao family because of Cao Cao's special instructions and her mission.

On the contrary, under this situation, she later firmly stood on the side of Han Xian Emperor Liu Xie.

When Cao Cao died and Cao Pi led his men to force the palace to ask for the jade seal, it was Cao Jie who hid the jade seal and refused to hand it over.

As a result, there was a lot of conflict with Cao Pi and others.

From this alone, we can see that Cao Jie is a person who dares to love and hate.

He is also a person who wholeheartedly stands by his husband’s family.

When he marries her from now on, she will also be attracted to him, not to the Cao family.

Zhang Chengke didn't want to marry someone who, after getting married, would only care about his parents' family, not his own.

If you really meet such a person, it will be really frustrating and uncomfortable.

Therefore, after thinking quickly, Zhang Cheng chose Cao Jie without hesitation.

Judging from Cao Jie's character, Cao Jie is undoubtedly the most suitable for getting married.

As for Cao Cao, his eyes widened after receiving Zhang Cheng's clear answer.

This... why did you choose Cao Jie?
"Gaojiu, you have to think carefully, Jie'er is only seven years old now.

Even if you send her out of the palace to marry you at the age of 13, you will have to wait for another six years.

Do you really have no regrets? "

Only seven years old! ?

Zhang Cheng was stunned for a moment after hearing what Cao Cao said.

How could he be so young?
Originally, when he heard Cao Cao say that Cao Xian was thirteen and Cao Hua was twelve, he thought that even if Cao Jie was younger than them, he couldn't be much younger.

As a result, a seven-year-old man popped out of Cao Cao's mouth.

This... how can this be good?
After some further thinking, Zhang Cheng nodded and said:
“You made the right choice, it’s her.

At worst, I have to wait for her for a few more years, that's all.

Anyway, I am still young, only seventeen or eighteen years old now. "

After Cao Cao confirmed Zhang Cheng's choice three times, he finally decided to fulfill Zhang Cheng's wish.

Just betroth Cao Jie to him.

After the matter was settled, Cao Cao and Cao Song were relieved.

Especially for Cao Cao, although things were very twists and turns this time, Zhang Cheng finally became his son-in-law and did not run away.

The most important thing is to pass this time.

He discovered Mr. Gaojiu's weakness, which was what made him happiest.

After the three people discussed the matter properly, they did not stay here any longer.

After all, they have to announce this matter as soon as possible to prevent people from thinking wildly.

Seeing Zhang Cheng, Cao Cao and Cao Song, they walked out of the room.

The people who were still eating in the courtyard were actually paying attention to the movements here, and all of them looked over in an instant.

He looked like he was waiting to eat a big melon.

They have been looking forward to this for a long time.

Cao Cao faced everyone's gaze and coughed lightly.

Then he said seriously:
“After some discussion just now, it was determined that there was some misunderstanding on this matter.

Now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, I will announce the outcome of this matter again.

The father-son relationship between Mr. Gao Jiu and my father has been officially dissolved.

From now on, they are no longer father and son.

And I also decided to betroth my daughter to Mr. Gao Jiu as his wife.

From now on, Mr. Gao Jiu will be my son-in-law, Cao Cao! "

After hearing Cao Cao's announcement, many people looked at Zhang Cheng with extremely envious looks.

This is Cao Cao's daughter!
If you marry her, you will surely rise to great heights from now on.

Something that no one can ask for.

As a result, it turned out that Cao Cao came all the way and forcibly acted as a matchmaker for Mr. Gao Jiu.

The gap between people is really too big!

Of course, many people also feel that the current way of handling the situation is the most normal.

After Cao Cao arrived and announced the matter, he had already guessed that this would be such a result.

However, Dian Wei is not included among these smart people.

Dian Wei felt very sorry after hearing the news announced by Cao Cao.

He thought that his husband could be both Cao Song's adopted son and Cao Cao's son-in-law!

Only in this way can we better reflect the status of our husband.

Zhang Cheng didn't know what Dian Wei was thinking.

If he had known about it, he would have silently given Dian Wei a thumbs up and added a chicken drumstick to him.

After announcing this, Cao Cao, who was very happy, continued to have a banquet here.

At the same time, I added a few more dishes, and I felt very happy.

Everyone congratulated Cao Cao and Zhang Cheng.

But among the many happy people, Cao De was not included.

Cao De was feeling particularly uncomfortable at this time.

You know, this time in order to make Zhang Cheng the adopted son of his grandfather.

But under Grandpa's coercion and inducement, I knelt down and hugged Mr. Gaojiu's legs, and used all the tricks of kneeling down and crying.

As a result, after a long time, the father-son relationship between Mr. Gao Jiu and his grandfather only existed for a short time and was abolished.

Suddenly, he became his brother's son-in-law.

Doesn't this mean that he cried and knelt in vain?
I have paid such a heavy price, and if things were to work out in the end, they didn't work out.

Just thinking about it makes people feel like they are at a loss.

How great would it be if I and my grandpa came a little later and met my brother on the road?

This was not the most uncomfortable thing for him.

What made him feel most uncomfortable was when his grandfather adopted Mr. Gaojiu as his adopted son.

As the elder brother of Mr. Gao Jiu, he has already expressed his gratitude and given him a meeting gift.

As a result, now his brother has taken back Mr. Gao Jiu as his son-in-law.

He transformed into Mr. Gaojiu's elder.

Now, as an uncle, he can't be without any expression, right?
My grandfather had already taken the lead in giving a gift, and my brother also gave it to me.

Now, if I don't give it to myself, my uncle really can't justify it!

So I could only endure the pain and gave Zhang Cheng another gift.

When Cao De thought about this, he felt it was a big loss!
What do you think, why do you feel like you are a big victim this time?

After the feast, it was already getting late.

There were also some drunk Cao Cao, but they did not go to sleep.

When he came to the room with Zhang Cheng, he had something important to say to Zhang Cheng.

Especially, Cao Cao was tired after running all the way and wanted to sleep very much.

I want to sleep for a while first, and then talk to Zhang Cheng in the middle of the night after I regain my energy.

Just thinking of Zhang Cheng's weird habits, he forcefully endured the thought.

Holding back the exhaustion all over his body, he decided to talk to Zhang Cheng about some serious matters before going to bed.

Otherwise, he thought that he would wait until he took a nap to regain his energy before discussing things with Zhang Cheng.

Zhang Cheng had already gone to bed, and there was no way he would stay up late waiting for him here.

After washing his face, Cao Cao looked very energetic.

The drunken look he had originally had disappeared at this time.

This made Zhang Cheng feel a little emotional, this Boss Cao is worthy of being Boss Cao.

This kind of willpower is not something that ordinary people can possess.
“I encountered something, and I was always hesitant and couldn’t make up my mind.

Fengxiao and Zhicai also disagreed on this matter.

So I just want to ask Gao Jie what he thinks about this matter. "

As Cao Cao spoke, he explained how to treat Liu Bei.

What was also said at the same time were the opinions of Guo Jia and Xi Zhi on this matter.

"That's the specific thing. How should I treat Liu Bei? Please tell me."

Hearing Cao Cao's words, Zhang Cheng couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

He really didn't expect that Cao Cao, who was so solemn, would actually ask such a thing to himself.

This matter turned out to be related to Liu Bei.

This suddenly reminded him of the Baimen Tower in history.
Cao Cao asked Liu Bei how to deal with Lu Bu's situation.

At that moment, at this moment.

Liu Bei's fate was actually related to him at this time.

It can be said that to a certain extent, it is in one's own hands.

To be honest, Zhang Cheng has no ill intentions towards Liu Bei.The reason why he chose to be Cao Cao's adviser before was because he did not choose Liu Bei.

The biggest reason was that he felt that Cao Cao had a good start.

And the position he was in at that time was relatively good.

It's not too far from the place where Cao Song's accident happened.

He is far away from Liu Bei, but he has many choices, and his lifespan is not long.

Moreover, compared to Cao Cao, who had gradually become confused at this time.

It will take a long time for Liu Bei to really gain a foothold.

It would take almost ten years, and Zhang Cheng was naturally unwilling to do so.

However, this does not prevent him from admiring or admiring Liu Bei.

In fact, whether it is Cao Cao, Liu Bei, or other famous figures in the Three Kingdoms.

Zhang Cheng admired them all in his heart.

After all, those who can do it and leave their names in history are not ordinary people.

Liu Bei was a man whose family had already fallen into decline, but he finally made a comeback.

To be honest, Zhang Cheng admired him very much.

Zhang Cheng never thought that one day Cao Cao would throw this question to him and let him answer it.

To this, he did not answer immediately, but fell into deep thought.

I was wondering what to do.


In Yanzhou, in a house in Zhencheng, Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Jian Yong lived here.

This is the residence of Liu Bei and others for temporary shelter.

Zhang Fei was already snoring, but Liu Bei was not asleep yet.

Standing in front of the window, looking at the moonlight outside the window, I felt a little lost.

After a while, Jian Yong came over, looked at Liu Bei and said:
"My Lord, you are still thinking about Cao Mengde, leaving many people in Zhencheng and running to Fengqiu?"

Liu Bei nodded when he heard this, and then shook his head.

This kind of behavior makes people a little confused.

Liu Bei said:
“I’m really thinking about it.

I was thinking that after Cao Cao got there, Cao Song had already adopted Zhang Cheng as his adopted son, how wonderful it would be.

In this case, he can no longer accept him as his son-in-law. "

Although neither Cao Cao adopted Zhang Cheng as his son-in-law, nor Cao Song adopted Zhang Cheng as his adopted son.

For Liu Bei, the possibility of getting Zhang Cheng into his hands is no longer too great.

But relatively speaking, it is much better for Zhang Cheng to become Cao Song's adopted son than to become Cao Cao's son-in-law.

Liu Bei can figure out the joints here.

This is also what makes Liu Bei feel the most uncomfortable in his heart.

Originally, he thought that Cao Cao would be suspicious of Zhang Cheng.

This leads to discord between the king and his ministers, so that he can take advantage of it.

Use his personality charm and his methods to poach Zhang Cheng away from Cao Cao.

But as soon as he arrived here, his thoughts were cut off by Cao Cao.

Zhang Chengnai is Cao Cao's confidant.

From Cao Cao's performance, we can see how high Zhang Cheng's status is in Cao Cao's heart.

And how much influence his suggestions would have on Cao Cao.

"I'm thinking that Cao Cao is going to Fengqiu this time.

Will you ask Zhang Cheng about me? "

Liu Bei expressed his worries.

Originally, there was a big reason why he surrendered to Cao Cao.

I just want to come to Yanzhou, meet Zhang Chengzhang, and see with my own eyes what kind of person he is.

And try to poach.

But who could have imagined that things would change so much as soon as they arrived in Yanzhou.

He was the first to encounter such a big crisis before he saw Zhang Cheng.

“I think it’s based on Cao Cao’s suspicious character.

Regarding this matter about me, Cao Cao will not let go so easily.

It is very possible that you will have to ask the counselors around you in many ways.

And Zhang Cheng, as an extremely important counselor beside him.

I don't believe that when Cao Cao met Zhang Cheng this time, he would not ask about my handling.

And Zhang Cheng's opinions will inevitably have a great impact on Cao Cao.

It can even be said that it is related to my life and death..."

Liu Bei informed Jian Yong of his considerations.

After Jian Yong heard what Liu Bei said, he thought about it carefully and felt that what Liu Bei said made sense.

What Liu Bei was worried about was not impossible.

Jian Yong also began to think in his heart.

What should happen if something like this really happens?

But there is no good way.

"Brother, don't worry, if this is really the case.

I will risk my life to protect my eldest brother and fight my way out!

No matter if he is in Yanzhou or where?

Whoever dares to do harm to my eldest brother will have to step on my corpse! "

Guan Yu's voice rang out.

"Me too!!"

Zhang Fei held the Zhangba Snake Spear in his hand and said aloud.

The two people who were already asleep unexpectedly came over at some point.

Hearing what the two of them said, Liu Bei smiled and was so moved that he almost shed tears again.

"Since eldest brother feels there is danger, how about I take action now and escape from Zhencheng.

At this time, Cao Cao's traitors were not in Zhencheng, but far away in Fengqiu.

If I wait for a sudden action here, the thief will definitely be unable to intervene.

In this way, you can successfully escape from this dragon's pond and tiger's den. "

Guan Yu looked at Liu Bei and said this, giving his opinion.

Zhang Fei also said angrily:

"Yes! Brother! Just do it!

If he wants to do harm to his elder brother, I will kill him first and turn the world upside down! "

When Liu Bei heard this, he shook his head and said:

"No, actually this is just my idea.

There is just a certain possibility that it will happen.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, the possibility of such a thing happening is not too big.

First of all, we had no interaction with Zhang Cheng in the past.

And my performance.It seems mediocre again, always failing again and again, with nothing overly outstanding.

That Zhang Cheng may not take me seriously.

This is the greatest possibility.

Moreover, Cao Cao had agreed to my surrender as early as the beginning.

And until now, no one has killed me.

Since he didn't take action at that time, it is unlikely that he will take action now. "

Hearing what Liu Bei said, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and others were relieved again.

Even Liu Bei's own worries were reduced a lot.

After thinking about it carefully, he smiled bitterly and shook his head, showing a self-deprecating look.

Compared with Cao Cao, I am really not the same person now.

Looking at my life, it can be said that there is not much worthy of praise.

At least compared to Cao Cao.

For a person like me, in the eyes of Zhang Cheng, I'm afraid he doesn't have much praise, and it's hard for him to care about him.

Some of my previous thoughts were indeed over-thought.

When such thoughts arose in his heart, Liu Bei felt both happy and disappointed. His mood was very complicated.

After figuring things out, Liu Bei felt relieved...

However, what he didn't know was that Zhang Cheng on Fengqiu's side was speaking to Cao Cao at this time.

If he heard it, he would be frightened and unable to sleep!
Contrary to what he thought, Zhang Cheng, who came from later generations, knew very well how much achievements Liu Bei had made in history.

What kind of career have you done?

This is a man who has repeatedly failed and fought hard, and turned the impossible into possible. He is the Zhaolie Emperor in history.

"My lord, I think your lord should not be merciful towards Liu Bei, and should kill this man as quickly as possible.

This person is by no means an ordinary person.

He seems to be stuck now, but this person has great ambitions.

The most important thing is that he also possesses an extremely tenacious character and is not just a thing in the pool.

If it goes on for a long time, it will definitely become the Lord’s number one concern! "

Zhang Cheng looked at Cao Cao and said seriously.

At the same time, he muttered in his heart, I'm sorry, Uncle Liu Huang.

Now he is here in Cao Ying, and he is Cao Cao's man.

As Cao Cao's adviser, he naturally has to make suggestions for Cao Cao.

I know that Liu Bei will definitely make great achievements in the future.

Then Zhang Cheng would naturally not hide the matter.

He will definitely inform Cao Cao and ask him to get rid of Liu Bei.

Liu Bei now is the best time to get rid of Cao Cao.

After all, at this time, he had been brought back to Yanzhou by Cao Cao, and there were no troops under his control.

There was no room for resistance.

If Cao Cao agrees, he would not mind personally fighting against Guan Yu and Zhang Fei to get rid of Liu Bei.

Cao Cao was stunned for a moment when he heard what Zhang Cheng said.

Obviously, he didn't expect that Zhang Cheng would say such words.

He thought for a moment, looked at Zhang Cheng and said:
"Such a high-ranking person... Is Liu Bei really so difficult to deal with? Can he really achieve such great achievements?"

Zhang Cheng nodded and said:
“It is indeed very difficult to deal with, and he can be called the Lord’s biggest opponent.

In fact, even Yuan Shao couldn't compare with him. "

Hearing that Zhang Cheng spoke so highly of Liu Bei, Cao Cao sat up straight.

"My lord, in my opinion, it is better to strike first and nip it in the bud.

Get rid of him at this time to avoid future troubles forever. "

Cao Cao thought for a while and said:

"But Liu Bei has a good reputation, and he surrendered voluntarily.

If I kill him, it will definitely have a big impact in the future and produce many bad effects.

There will be many people who will no longer surrender to me because of this matter, and will no longer surrender to me. "

Cao Cao originally didn't feel very deeply about these things.

But he had killed him before, and the celebrities gave way, which made Chen Gong and many others dissatisfied with him.

As a result, Chen Gong planned to join forces with Zhang Miao and others to welcome Lu Bu into Yanzhou and stab him.

So now, he attaches great importance to the human heart.

This can be regarded as a lesson learned.

Hearing this, Zhang Cheng looked at Cao Cao and said:
“Lord, there are few ways to have the best of both worlds in this world.

Most of them have pros and cons, and you can only choose the lesser of two evils.

Compared with killing Liu Bei, the adverse effects would be.

Killing Liu Bei will have a greater beneficial impact on the lord's side.

In this case, we have no choice but to attack Liu Bei. "

Here, Zhang Cheng told Cao Cao a lot about the necessity of killing Liu Bei.

Cao Cao remained silent.

After a while, Cao Cao opened his mouth to speak.

As a result, Zhang Cheng stood up and spoke first:

"Lord, it's getting late, I'm going to bed first."

Cao Cao was so cold that he was stunned when Zhang Chenglai said this.
"My lord, please consider this matter carefully.

There is no need to rush into making a decision for a while.

It's better to weigh the pros and cons in your heart first.

Well... I'm going to bed first. It doesn't hurt to think about it for a while, my lord.

I don't mean to neglect my lord, but I am really not in good health and cannot stay up late, so I need to go to bed early and get up early. "

Zhang Cheng said, bowed respectfully to Cao Cao, and then left.

Cao Cao was left sitting here stunned.

By the way, I have always been afraid that you would do something like this, so I endured the exhaustion all over my body to talk to you here.

As a result, now, you still go to bed before me!

He also said that you are not in good health and need to go to bed early and cannot stay up late.

Are you not in good health?

A person in poor health can carry enough food for three people in one meal?
Still on the battlefield, invincible?
You are still so young and at your age, how can you sleep! !
Compared with you, I am a person who is not in good health and cannot stay up late, okay?
Can you be a person!

Sure enough, this is still the same Mr. Gaojiu, with the same personality, which makes people angry to death!

After Cao Cao sat here and complained in his heart full of resentment for a while, he simply didn't want to go to bed.

It's just that he was still very sleepy at first, but now, after Zhang Cheng's analysis.

In his mind, Liu Bei was all around.

I lay here unable to fall asleep even if I wanted to. I stayed up until most of the night and finally fell asleep upset.

This made his resentment even deeper.

I always feel that this high position is going further and further away from being a human being.

Moreover, he has now become his future father-in-law, and he is still going so far. It is really too much! !

Early the next morning, Zhang Cheng got up in high spirits.

[If you go to bed on time and don’t stay up late, your body will get adequate rest, and your life span will be increased by two days. 】

Seeing the information that appeared on the panel, Zhang Cheng felt very good.

Sure enough, this person has to go to bed early and get up early so that his life span can be extended.

After getting up in the morning, Zhang Chengcheng immediately washed up and went to practice Wuqinxi.

Dian Wei and Gao Shun followed him.

After this period of practice, Gao Shun's face has already been developed.

Following Zhang Cheng and the others, I no longer feel any embarrassment.

After Cao Cao got up, he felt dizzy.

He didn't have a good rest last night. Accompanied by Cao De, the two brothers quickly arrived at the school ground.

I saw Zhang Cheng and others in the school field, practicing Wu Qin Xi.

Cao De took a look and was stunned.

What is this and what are you practicing?

"Brother, this... Mr. Gaojiu, what are you doing?
It's really a bit immoral. could he be so thick-skinned to do such a thing here? ! "

Cao De stood here and watched for a while, feeling uncomfortable all over.

I feel embarrassed for Zhang Cheng and the others.

Cao Cao said:
"That's okay! It's not immoral or embarrassing."

Cao De said:
"Isn't this embarrassing?
This thing makes people feel uncomfortable just looking at it.

How can you practice like this in public? "

Cao Cao glanced at Cao De and said, "Oh? Really?
Why do I feel that something you said is not quite right? "

After saying that, Cao Cao took off the big clothes he was wearing.

He quickly came to Zhang Cheng's side and practiced with Zhang Cheng and others.

After trying every move, he turned out to be very proficient.

After Cao De saw this scene, he was stunned.

No wonder my brother had such a reaction just now!
It turns out that my brother, I don’t know when, actually joined the ranks!
Cao Cao practiced Wu Qin Xi because he was recommended by Xi Zhicai and Guo Jia.

After learning about the efficacy of this thing, Cao Cao immediately fell in love with it.

I immediately started practicing with the two of them.

There are also some complaints.

Why did Mr. Gaojiu not teach him such good things at the beginning?

After a period of training, Xi Zhicai, Guo Jia and Cao Cao went to Goulan to listen to the music twice in Xuzhou.

I found that this was indeed much more powerful than before.

After verifying the effect, Cao Cao felt even more like a treasure.

I also started practicing unshakably every day.

Cao De stood here, watching his brother, Zhang Cheng and others dancing and dancing in front of the public.

However, they still looked extremely serious, and suddenly felt a little blind.

He thinks this is so embarrassing!

However, after knowing what the effects of these five animals are.

Cao De's view on this immediately changed 180 degrees.

And, he soon joined the ranks, which made him feel ashamed.

And after the exercise, he did not admit what he had said before.

Is it shameful to practice Wu Qin Xi?
Is it really shameful?

No shame at all, okay?
Have I said this before?
Have it?Have it?Have it?

Am I, Cao De, that kind of person?

It's all slander!

After practicing Wu Qin Xi for a while, Cao Cao looked at Gao Shun beside him.

There was a look of great interest in his eyes.

Gao Shun's name.Naturally, he had heard of it and knew that this was one of Lu Bu's warriors.

In fact, Cao Cao didn't pay much attention to Gao Shun at the beginning.

But when I heard that Lu Bu was fleeing.

With Gao Shun and his men blocking them from behind, Zhang Chengdianwei and others were stopped abruptly, and Lu Bu was allowed to escape. After that, his interest in Gao Shun suddenly increased.

I think such a person is indeed very good.

And I saw Gao Shun, who looked very honest to Zhang Cheng.

I heard that Gao Shun also started training troops here.

Cao Cao subconsciously believed that Gao Shun had completely surrendered and became Cao Cao's man.

Then he greeted Gao Shun with a smile and said:
"Boping, I have long heard of Boping's talent.

Having Boping come to my side really makes me shine and makes me even more powerful.

It is a blessing for Cao Cao to get Bo Pingjian! "

Cao Cao looked at Gao Shun and said with a smile.

In his opinion.Since Gao Shun has surrendered, and now that he comes to speak to Gao Shun in person, he will definitely get a good response.

However, what happened next was far beyond Cao Cao's expectations.

After Gao Shun glanced at Cao Cao, he turned around and left without saying a word to go do his own thing.

Cao Cao was left standing here, stunned.

How is this different from what I thought?
After being stunned, Cao Cao also had a strong murderous intention in his eyes.

For Zhang Cheng, he has extremely strong endurance.

I feel that nothing Zhang Cheng does is excessive.

But if similar things happen to others, it won’t work! !

(End of this chapter)

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