Three Kingdoms: Do you call this a weak counselor? !

Chapter 83: When something happens, call me father-in-law. When nothing happens, call me lord!

Chapter 83: When something happens, call me father-in-law. When nothing happens, call me lord!

Zhang Cheng noticed Cao Cao's face, which instantly turned ugly, and his expression of wanting to kill someone.

My heart suddenly thumped, and I secretly cried out.

Gao Shun's behavior just now was indeed a bit excessive. Do you really think Boss Cao has a good temper?

At that moment, he quickly looked at Cao Cao and said:
"Father-in-law, please calm down, Gao Shun Gao Boping has such a character.

This man is very capable, especially when it comes to leading and training troops. He is definitely a strong player.

He is very skilled in this.

The soldiers and horses here have become very different after being trained by him for a period of time.

It can be called elite.

It would be a pity to kill such a person.

Moreover, although this person may appear to be subdued now, in fact, this is not the case.

The reason why he is still alive today is because I threatened him with the lives of those trapped in the camp, so he did not commit suicide or escape.

After coming here, this person has been trying to use various means to anger me and let me kill him.

If I kill him, then I won't be able to attack those who are trapped in his camp.

This person's strategy has been used on me many times.

But I ignored him at all, so I gradually gave up on this idea.

Now that he saw his lord coming, he wanted to repeat his old trick.

If you want to kill him with the help of the lord, the lord must not fall into his trap. "

At this time, if someone else begged for Gao Shun's mercy, and when they begged for mercy, they said it so straightforwardly.

So according to Cao Cao's character, it may not be easy for him to let Gao Shun go.

But when it comes to Zhang Cheng, it's naturally different.

Zhang Cheng can always be an exception on Cao Cao's side.

After listening to Zhang Cheng's words, especially hearing Zhang Cheng call him father-in-law.

Cao Cao suddenly felt very comfortable in his heart, and his expression softened a lot.

Zhang Cheng struck again while the iron was hot and told him some things about Gao Shun's original intention to commit suicide.

After hearing this, Cao Cao said:
"Gao Shun never expected to be such a loyal and brave person. It is indeed a pity that such a person dies.

As long as you are doing the right thing, for such a person, you should use means to keep him, and slowly let him change, so that he can be used by me and others.

But generally speaking, it is very difficult for such a person to change his mind. "

Zhang Cheng heard this and said:
"According to the appearance of my lord, is it possible that he is no better than Lu Bu?

Lu Bu was able to make Gao Boping desperate.

Could it be that when the Lord comes here, he can't do what Lu Bu can do? "

When Zhang Cheng brought out Lu Bu to talk about things, Cao Cao suddenly became different.

He straightened his body and stood up straight, showing strong confidence and said:
"How is it possible? Who is Lu Bu and dares to compare with me?
What Lu Bu can do, I, Cao Mengde, can do the same! "

Zhang Cheng saw Cao Cao's reaction and nodded secretly in his heart.

I thought to myself, I have to find someone to compare this with.

The effect is great!
At the same time, the hanging heart also relaxed.

He knew that Gao Shun's life would not be in danger again.

In other words, he admired Gao Shun very much, and he had spent so much effort to change Gao Shun's attitude step by step.

Now it has had a lot of effects.

It would be a real loss if Cao Cao was allowed to knock Gao Shun under such circumstances.

After talking about Gao Shun, Cao Cao looked at Zhang Chengdao:
"Gaojiu, regarding the issue of Liu Bei's stay.

After some thinking, I have made a decision. "

Zhang Cheng looked at Cao Cao and said:
"My lord, it's okay if you make a decision.

Liu Bei is indeed a person, and if he is not dealt with as soon as possible, he will definitely be a serious problem.

Dealing with it at this time will have some impact on the lord's reputation and bring some disadvantages.

But relatively speaking, getting rid of it is still the most beneficial.

The price is totally worth it. "

After hearing what Zhang Cheng said, Cao Cao felt a little uncomfortable with what he said next.

He hesitated for a moment, then looked at Zhang Cheng and said:
"That... Gaojiu, I mean, I am not going to kill Liu Bei, I want to keep him."

Hearing what Cao Cao said, Zhang Cheng was a little stunned and seemed surprised.

I originally thought that through his story, Cao Cao would most likely take action against Liu Bei after some thought.

But who would have thought that Cao Cao didn't listen to his own opinion on this matter this time.

Instead, he decided to keep Liu Bei.

Could it be that this is the repair function of history?
"My lord, please listen to me. It's better for my lord not to do this, and to kill Liu Bei.

If this person is not eliminated, he will really become a serious problem.

A great threat to the Lord.

If the master does not get rid of him today, he will definitely regret it later. "

Hearing what Zhang Cheng said, Cao Cao laughed and said:
"Gaojiu, you don't have to persuade me on this matter, Cao Cao will not regret it.

I now own the land of two states, and I have many talented people like Gaojiu, Wenruo, Zhicai, Fengxiao, Zhongde, Yuanrang, Wenqian, etc. to assist me.

The army will be strong and the food and grass will be sufficient.

Liu Bei is now just a person who has never established a foothold and does not even have a place of his own.

I am already so far ahead of him. If I can't beat Liu Bei from now on, then I, Cao Cao, will just hit him and kill him!
Even if Liu Bei is really talented, why should I, Cao Mengde, be afraid of him?

How talented he is, I can suppress it!
If I can't even do this, wouldn't I, Cao Mengde, be a waste?
Gaojiao, open up the situation a little bit, and be broad-minded.

In this world today, there are many capable people and ambitious people.

If everyone was worried that they might do something in the future, they would be killed.

Wouldn't that be a huge loss for me, a big man?
And I am Cao Mengde.They are not useless, in the end, I can still subdue them! "

When Cao Cao said this, he stood very straight.

There is an extraordinary domineering force coming towards you.

This kind of mentality and magnanimity are indeed heartbreaking.

But Zhang Cheng heard Cao Cao say that he should broaden his mind.

I always feel that these words are a bit strange coming from Boss Cao.

It seems a little inappropriate to say this from your mouth!

How do you have the nerve to say these words that make people broad-minded?

While feeling convinced by Cao Cao's demeanor at this time.

Zhang Cheng also silently thought in his heart, will Cao Cao regret his decision at this time in the future?

If possible, he would like to record Cao Cao's words and gestures at this time.

I'll show it to Cao Cao then. I think Cao Cao's reaction will be very exciting.

What a pity, what a pity.

Zhang Cheng actually wanted to continue to persuade Cao Cao to kill Liu Bei.

But Cao Cao has already said this, and his attitude is so determined.

After Zhang Cheng thought for a while, he put this idea aside.

Anyway, as a counselor, he has fulfilled his duties.

Since Cao Cao doesn't want to listen, he won't say anything more about it.

Anyway, as long as Boss Cao doesn't regret it in the future, his decision today will be fine.

Of course, the more important point is that there is no task on Zhang Cheng's panel to kill Liu Bei and increase his lifespan.

If there is such a task, under the stimulation of many lifespans, Zhang Cheng will definitely say a few more words to Cao Cao.

Even if there are no conditions, we must create conditions and kill Liu Bei...


"Is this the Red Rabbit Horse? It's indeed a good BMW horse!
With such a magical horse, no wonder Dong Zhuo was able to bribe Lu Bu with the help of the red rabbit horse!

A BMW matches a hero. With such a good horse, Gao will definitely be able to continue to dominate the battlefield in the future.

It can better kill enemy generals and make them frightened! "

Cao Cao looked at the red rabbit horse in front of him, his eyes full of admiration.

Looking at Zhang Cheng, he couldn't help but say such a sentence.

Hearing this, Zhang Cheng coughed, and in a serious manner, he justified himself and corrected Cao Cao's mistakes.

"Um...Lord, I am a weak counselor.

I only like farming, not fighting. What I dislike most in my life is fighting. "

Hearing Zhang Cheng's words, Cao Cao suddenly seemed speechless.

I almost choked on Zhang Cheng's words.

Although he had heard Zhang Cheng say this more than once.

But now, hearing it again, I still feel that the psychological gap is a bit big.

"Yes, you are a weak counselor, the kind who can't help being weak."

Cao Cao followed the path of good deeds.

He added silently in his heart.

Your weakness means that you cannot withstand the kind of wind that can uproot big trees and blow down houses!

After finishing speaking, Cao Cao looked at Zhang Cheng with some dissatisfaction and said:
"Gaojiu, now that I have announced you as my son-in-law in public and will marry my daughter to you, please stop calling me lord.

Calling the lord more life, or father-in-law as before, this sounds pleasant to the ear. "

Zhang Cheng immediately shook his head and said:
"No, no, didn't I say it's still too early to get married?
If you don't get married, you can't shout like this.

Although you will definitely be my father-in-law from now on, you are not married at this time, so it is really inappropriate to call me this way.

Father-in-law, please respect yourself! "

Hearing what Zhang Cheng said, Cao Cao's eyes widened.

Good guy, you weren't the one who went up on the pole to call your father-in-law before, right?
Also, not long ago, in order to intercede with Gao Shun, it wasn't you who called the father-in-law, right?

How did I realize that you are so shameless!
When you need it, just call him father-in-law.

There’s no need for it, just one master at a time. Is there anyone like you who does this?

Cao Cao also felt that his son-in-law, Mr. Gao Jiu, was a bit unruly.

"This red rabbit horse looks really good, it can be compared with my Jueying.

"Xian son-in-law, how about the two of us switch rides?
You ride my Jueying, and I ride your Red Rabbit. "

Cao Cao looked at Zhang Cheng and said.

By the way, Cao Cao's Jueying is also a famous horse.

As he fought around, he also gained quite a reputation.

But for Zhang Cheng, the most famous horse during the Three Kingdoms era was naturally the red rabbit horse.

The boss's silhouette has to be further back.

Then he shook his head and said:

"It still doesn't work. I like this red rabbit horse as soon as I see it. It is also destined to me."

To be honest, not only Zhang Cheng couldn't let go of Chi Tu Ma, but Cao Cao also couldn't let go of his Jueying. That's it.

After hearing Zhang Cheng's refusal, Cao Cao did not force it.

But after thinking about it, he said:

“Then how about we switch rides now, it’s just temporary.

I also want to feel how different this red rabbit horse is.

And you, Gaojiu, can also feel my absolute beauty. "

It's just a matter of changing and riding for a while, not a long-term change.

For Zhang Cheng, this was no problem, so he agreed simply.

Then he looked at Cao Cao and said:
"Um... my lord, this red rabbit horse has a somewhat fierce personality and is generally not allowed to be ridden by strangers.

If an ordinary person rides on it, it will easily get him off.

The Lord must be careful if he wants to ride. "

Hearing Zhang Cheng's words, Cao Cao laughed indifferently and said:

"It doesn't matter, I have ridden many fierce horses.

Also, this Jueying had a bad temper at the beginning, but he was still obedient when I rode him.

I also want to remind my virtuous son-in-law that my Jueying is usually not allowed to be touched by others.

Be careful when you ride on it. "

Zhang Chengdao:
Lord, this is true, you must be careful. "

Cao Cao said:
"It doesn't matter. I haven't ridden any kind of fierce horse. My riding skills are also very good."

Seeing this, Zhang Cheng said no more.

And he also believed in what Boss Cao said.

After all, Cao Cao is not a person who knows nothing.

As a person who has not had to worry about eating meat since he was born, he has achieved the freedom of eating meat and housing.

He is naturally proficient in the martial arts of bow and horse.

Immediately, he stopped talking and came to Boss Cao's Jueying side. He turned over and got on the horse of Boss Cao's Jueying horse.

Cao Cao was a little surprised when he saw Zhang Cheng being so direct and reckless and said hurriedly:

"Be careful when you're high!"

He originally thought that Zhang Cheng would develop a relationship with his Jueying.

Who would have thought that Zhang Cheng would be so reckless and just ride on it.

According to Jueying's temperament, shouldn't she just give up? !
However, what happened next left Cao Cao stunned.

After Zhang Cheng got on the Jueying horse, the Jueying actually stood there and let Zhang Cheng ride it honestly.

He doesn't have any bad temper at all, he is extremely docile.

It even seemed to be more docile than when he was riding it.

Seeing this scene, Cao Cao was immediately speechless.

Is this still his Jueying, who always seems to have a bad temper and won't let others ride?
However, after being influenced by Zhang Cheng, Boss Cao also became a little more energetic.

He came to Zhang Cheng's red rabbit horse and reached out to pull the reins of the red rabbit horse.

If you want to imitate Zhang Cheng, just jump on the horse.

But after thinking about it for a while, I decided that it would be better for me to play it safe.

He tickled the red rabbit horse and combed its fur.

The red rabbit horse has been very quiet during this process, and has not shown any violent and thunderous scenes. It seems to be very useful.

When Cao Cao saw this, he understood.

Just now, Gao had said something about Red Tuma having a bad temper, which was probably just a shirk.

He said this to prevent himself from riding his horse.

Look at how docile this red rabbit horse is, tamer than many war horses. How could it be a hot-tempered person who wouldn't let others ride it?

By the way, Cao Cao has been proficient in bow and horse since he was a child. He has ridden many famous horses, and this red rabbit horse is nothing more than that.

With this thought in his mind, Cao Cao came to the side of Red Rabbit Horse, stepped on the one-sided horse stool, and then with a force of his body, he came to sit on Red Rabbit Horse in an instant.

Looking at Zhang Cheng, a look of pride appeared on his face.

"How's it going? My skills are pretty good, right?

The red rabbit horse is so difficult to ride, it’s nothing more than that..."

But the next moment, Cao Cao didn't think so.

I saw the red rabbit horse that was very docile just a moment ago.

After Cao Cao sat on it, his temperament suddenly changed.

He raised his head and neighed before starting to kick like crazy.

It's such a splendid war horse, it's really scary to kick up and kick.

Although Cao Cao had some precautions, he was still shaken left and right by the suddenly angry red rabbit horse.

The smile on Boss Cao's face disappeared in an instant!
That proud look also disappeared.

Zhang Cheng saw this.He immediately jumped down from Jueying and prepared to help.

But Boss Cao is also a stubborn person.

I remembered what I said to Zhang Cheng not long ago.

After thinking about his very good riding skills, he refused Zhang Cheng's help.

He doesn’t believe in evil today!
He had to rely on his own efforts to subdue the red rabbit horse.

I must ride this red rabbit horse.

But Boss Cao obviously overestimated his riding skills and underestimated the fierceness of the red rabbit horse.

It didn't take long before the red rabbit was thrown off his back.

If it weren't for Zhang Cheng's quick hands and quick eyes, he could pull the red rabbit horse to prevent the red rabbit horse from hurting anyone.

It is very likely that after the red rabbit horse knocked Cao Cao off the horse, he would also take advantage of the opportunity to add a hoof.

With the power of its hoofs, if it doesn't pay attention, it can kick a person to a vital point.

The father-in-law whom I had just mentioned would be gone soon.

Zhang Cheng will also become a filial son.

"Lord, are you okay?!"

Zhang Cheng pulled the red rabbit horse and asked.

At this time, Cao Cao also stood up with the help of two guards.

The faces of the personal guards were all pale at this time.

If Zhang Cheng hadn't been standing here, the war horse that threw Cao Cao off was Zhang Cheng's mount Red Rabbit Horse.

Then at this time, they would do something to the horse out of nowhere.

Cao Cao patted the dust off his body and laughed:

“It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter.

I didn't realize that this red rabbit horse was so fierce.

With my riding skills, I can't do anything about it.

It can also be seen from here that Gao was able to subdue this horse and how capable he was.

Sure enough, BMW still needs a hero. "

Zhang Cheng originally thought that Boss Cao would be a little embarrassed if he didn't listen to him and was thrown off the red rabbit horse.

But now it seems that he has underestimated Boss Cao's thickness.

At this time, he seemed not to feel any embarrassment and didn't care about it.

Sure enough, among other things, people who can achieve great achievements are generally very thick-skinned.

"If my lord wants to ride a red rabbit horse, why don't you let me hold it."

Originally, Cao Cao wanted to be born but refused.

After all, in his opinion, just riding a horse and letting others hold it is really a bit too incompetent and incompetent.

But thinking about what I just experienced, I still have some lingering fears.

Don't look at him acting very indifferent at this time.

In fact, in my heart, I was panicking about what I had just experienced.

Falling off a war horse is no joke!

The possibility of becoming disabled or even dying from it is very high!
At that moment, he followed the good advice and decided to do what Zhang Cheng said.

Zhang Cheng held the reins of the red rabbit horse and comforted the red rabbit horse.

Cao Cao stepped on the stirrup from the side, turned over and got on the red rabbit's horse again.

Red Tuma felt a stranger climb on his back and immediately became angry.

Fortunately, Zhang Cheng is here, holding its reins and constantly comforting the red rabbit horse.

This red rabbit horse gave Zhang Cheng face.

Did not continue to kick the child.

Reluctantly, he jogged twice and snorted, so as not to embarrass Cao Cao further.

Cao Cao rode on the red rabbit horse and felt that his field of vision was broadened.

This red rabbit horse is indeed a BMW horse!
Although he is a unique horse, he is still a good horse.

But compared with this red rabbit horse, there is still some gap.

A good horse is extremely attractive to people in this era who like to wield swords and guns.

After riding twice, Cao Cao got off the red rabbit horse.

He kept praising the red rabbit horse and praised Zhang Cheng's ability to snatch the red rabbit horse away from Lu Bu.

Then he took Zhang Cheng’s hand and said:
"Originally, I was thinking of giving my absolute shadow to you.

Unexpectedly, you already have a better red rabbit horse than Jueying.

In this case, I will ride this Jueying by myself! "

Seeing this, Zhang Cheng rolled his eyes secretly.

By the way, Boss Cao is indeed Boss Cao. He is very thick-skinned and does well by following the flow of favors.

If he hadn't snatched the Red Rabbit Horse, he wouldn't have given Jueying to him, and he would never have said this.

Zhang Cheng said:

"Um...father-in-law, I actually think that sometimes, just a horse is not enough and is not conducive to killing the enemy in battle.

If my father-in-law's Jueying is also given to me, I can ride the red rabbit horse and the Jueying horse interchangeably.

One person and two horses.

In this way, you can definitely kill the enemy better. "

Hearing Zhang Cheng's words, Cao Cao's face twitched.

He gave Zhang Cheng a sideways glance.Is this unfilial son-in-law intentional? !

He coughed and said:

"Well... forget it, it's a great luck to get one of this beautiful horse.

Two horses is a bit too much and too wasteful.

Besides... Gaojiu, aren't you a weak counselor?

If I don’t like fighting, I’ll keep Jueying and ride it myself. "

After finishing speaking, Cao Cao stopped looking at Zhang Cheng and looked up at Tiandao:

"It's really blue today, the weather is really nice."

Zhang Cheng curled his lips when he saw this. Sure enough, this old thief was just trying to excuse himself, nothing more.

Zhang Cheng looked at the time and saw that it was time for him to continue going to the countryside to do general education and protect his life.

If we don't leave, today's mission will not be completed.

Then he said to Cao Cao:
"Lord, please rest here first.

I still have some things I haven't done today that I need to finish.

My lord, please do as you please in Fengqiu.

I will let Awei stay here with the Lord. "

Cao Cao was actually not too surprised when he heard Zhang Cheng's words.

After all, he already knew Zhang Cheng relatively well, he said:
"Gaojiu, are you ready to go to the fields again?
That's fine, so Gao and I went to the fields together and did some farm work.

I'm still very interested in this. "

Zhang Cheng shook his head and said:
"Lord, that... is not to go to the ground, but to do something else.

This is something I can do, not you.

Still here in Fengqiu, feel free to wander around! "

Hearing what Zhang Cheng said, Cao Cao became more and more curious.

Is there anything more important than farming in Zhang Cheng's eyes?
Then he must go and see it!

"Gaojiu, it doesn't matter. I have nothing to do here, so I'll go take a look with Gaojiu.

Look at Gaojiu, what new things have come out.

I also like to learn. "

Zhang Cheng saw that he could not convince Cao Cao.

After thinking for a while, I had to tell the truth:
"My lord, today I am going to a village under Fengqiu's rule to teach the villagers how to raise pigs scientifically?"

Cao Cao's eyes widened when he heard this.

Why did you stop farming and raise pigs instead?
Also, isn’t it easy to raise pigs?

Pigs will eat anything, as long as they don't get short of food, wouldn't it be fine?
What new tricks can you come up with in raising pigs?

After Cao Cao was shocked, he became even more curious.

You must follow Zhang Cheng to gain knowledge.

Zhang Cheng couldn't shirk, so he had to take Cao Cao with him.

Then, Cao Cao became confused.

Watching him teach the villagers how to castrate pigs.

Later, Zhang Cheng, who was breeding sows, and Cao Cao were all in bad condition.

Stunned, thunder rolling from the sky!
Even if it is his psychological quality.Extremely powerful, and now he was completely shocked by the sight he saw in front of him.

It turns turns out that this is Mr. Gao Jiu who talks about scientific pig raising!

So, this is scientific pig farming? does this look so outrageous!
Could it be that he is a high achiever? He has some special hobbies! ?

Cao Cao looked at Zhang Cheng, who was serious and explaining knowledge to everyone, and fell into deep suspicion.

Then, Cao Cao seemed a little worried about marrying his daughter to Zhang Cheng.

Why does it look like Mr. Gao Jiu is so different from ordinary people?

This kind of worry existed in my heart for a while.

Cao Cao was a little lucky to marry his daughter to Gaojiu.

Fortunately, I found a suitable partner in time.

Otherwise, I don’t know what Gaojiu could do with the terrifying appearance he is showing now!
However, Cao Cao's peace of mind did not last long.

Because he quickly thought of a very bad thing.

That is his daughter, who is too young now.

The age of marriage is still several years away.

Mr. Gao Jiu is so energetic at such a young age, and his health is incredible.

Moreover, it’s okay to practice Wu Qin Xi, your body is very strong.

In these...the past few years, I'm afraid Mr. Gaojiu is a little anxious!

Do you want to think of some other ways?
Zhang Cheng had no idea that so many unorthodox thoughts would arise in Cao Cao's mind when he saw him popularizing science and imparting serious knowledge to people.

If he knew, he would definitely say to Cao Cao - Boss Cao!Father-in-law, you are right!
Your idea is really commendable.Hurry up and think more about this and work harder!
Find me more concubines!

Dian Wei has been paying attention to Cao Cao's expression.

Cao Cao's shocked expression was caught in his eyes.

At this time, he felt some sympathy for Cao Cao, and at the same time, he felt a little want to laugh in his heart.

I told you not to follow me even though I told you not to follow me. You must follow me.

Are you all right now?
You must have been severely shocked!
After Zhang Cheng was busy, it was already afternoon and the sun was about to set.

He finally finished imparting the corresponding knowledge in two villages.

At the same time, we also harvested several pairs of pig lychees.

On the way back, Cao Cao seemed relatively silent.

After a while, he looked at Zhang Chengdao:

"Um...Gaojiu, is what you said true?

Can pigs really grow faster and better through these methods?
Can more pigs be bred?
Also save more feed?
Can people increase their income and make pork delicious? "

Zhang Cheng nodded and said:
“Of course, there are many benefits to raising pigs scientifically.

If it is widely promoted in the future, there will definitely be many more pigs under the lord's control.

The income of many people will increase as a result.

Many people can eat meat once or twice a year.

If my estimate is not bad, if the Lord can promote new technologies in Xuzhou and Yanzhou.

Then I'm afraid that in one year, if the two places are combined, if nothing else, the amount of pork alone will increase by hundreds of thousands of kilograms."

Cao Cao suddenly became a little stunned.

People also seemed a little excited.

"Good good!

Raising pigs scientifically is good!Raising pigs scientifically is good!
This is a great technique to promote!

Once done well, it will be a great thing that benefits the country and the people!

This thing needs to be promoted! "

After listening to Zhang Cheng, he said that he could increase the number of hundreds of thousands of pounds of pork every year.

Cao Cao immediately no longer disliked Zhang Cheng's scientific method of raising pigs, which was too weird.

The whole person suddenly became excited.

By the way, Cao Cao is not the kind of person who eats minced meat.

Compared with Cao De, Cao Cao knew more about the sufferings of the people.

At least you can know how many people live.

Of course, he didn't know very clearly in the past.

The main thing is that this time in Xuzhou, they followed Zhang Cheng's words and implemented benevolent government.

Start gradually lowering your posture and lowering your gaze.

Start to truly understand the lives of many people.

After careful understanding, I discovered that the lives of the people at the bottom are actually so difficult!
He had never eaten pork before.

It always tastes bad.

But these many people at the bottom can eat such a meal every year, but they despise the bad-tasting meat.

It is already extremely happy!
It can be said to be a luxury wish.

That's why he became so excited when he heard Zhang Cheng say this.

Because of his in-depth understanding, he actually has a great understanding of the needs of these many people.

He knew that they actually didn't want much.

As long as you are really good to them, they will remember you and give you great rewards.

If I can pass Mr. Gaojiu's scientific breeding method.

The pork production under his command was greatly increased, which improved the lives of the people.

Then Cao Cao felt that he would be more popular among the people in the future.

The power that can be gathered together is even more powerful.

As for what Zhang Cheng said about making the taste of pork better, he didn't pay much attention to it.

Because the real people at the bottom don't care about this at all.

Cao De, who followed this time, heard what Cao Cao said.

Look a little surprised.

After hearing what Mr. Gao Jiu said, his brother agreed to the matter straightforwardly.

We are also preparing to do it with great fanfare!

This is really surprising.

At the same time, this also allows Cao De to provide advice between counselors and lords.

Got a new understanding.

Or it refreshed his understanding and shattered his illusions.

When he thought about it, generally speaking, when the counselor made suggestions and suggestions to the lord.

Naturally, he was very personable, chatting about all kinds of things, talking about the past and present.

His words are astonishing and his witty remarks are endless. The scene is as wonderful as it is wonderful.

How uplifting, how uplifting.

But in reality, it was Mr. Gao Jiu, a counselor, who took his eldest brother and watched for a long time how to castrate a pig and deliver a sow.

Then on the way back, the matter was settled in a few words.

And generally speaking, aren’t all high-level strategies being implemented?
Why did Mr. Gaojiu and his brother end up raising pigs?

The gap between this ideal and reality is really big.

When Zhang Cheng heard what Cao Cao said, he bowed his hands and saluted Cao Cao:
“My lord cares so much about the people and implements benevolent government.

With so many people, how can they not be used by the Lord?
If the Lord is not strong, who is? "

Hearing Zhang Cheng's words, Cao Cao couldn't help laughing, very happy.

He immediately decided that when he returned to Zhencheng, he would start organizing pig farming.

And organized people to come to Zhang Cheng's place to learn the technology and promote it

Raising pigs is indeed a good thing, and this pig is also a good thing.

Through it, Cao Mengde can further win the hearts of the people.

why not?

However, during dinner in the evening, I learned that Zhang Cheng had actually cooked pork for him.

The joy in Cao Cao's heart immediately disappeared without a trace.

I think Zhang Cheng’s strategy of promoting pig farming is very good.

But it doesn't mean that he likes to eat pork!
As a person who has realized the freedom to eat meat since he was a child, he will go home and inherit hundreds of millions of wealth if he doesn't work hard.

Of course, Boss Cao also stays away from things like pork.

I think the taste is really too big and not delicious.

Pork once left a deep shadow that is difficult to erase.

Even now, this pork is made by Zhang Cheng.

He also felt it didn't taste good.

When he thought that there was pork in it, he felt uncomfortable all over.

Even if Zhang Cheng said it was delicious, he didn't believe it.

But soon, Cao Cao's eyes widened.

Because he saw his brother Cao De and his grandfather.

After the food was served, I didn't eat anything else, but started with the pork.

He also enjoyed eating it and kept saying it was delicious.

Cao Cao had goosebumps all over his body when he saw this.

Could it be that I am dazzled? !

You know, his younger brother Cao De is even more cunning than him!
Could it be that Mr. Gaojiu can really turn this pork into extremely delicious food?

With doubts and shock, Cao Cao suppressed the extreme discomfort in his heart, stretched out his chopsticks, picked up a small piece of braised pork and put it in his mouth.

He waited for the familiar and unpleasant smell to come, but he didn't wait.

on the contrary.What you are waiting for is an excellent texture and taste.

It's oily but not greasy, and very soft. At the same time, the lean meat inside doesn't lose its texture.

good to eat!

Really delicious!
Cao Cao was stunned instantly.

Then we started here and feasted.

No more talking about why pork is not delicious.

His prejudice against pork was instantly cured by Zhang Cheng.

I think that when eating meat, you should eat pork. It tastes so delicious!

This pork, which he had despised in the past, became so delicious after passing through Zhang Cheng's hands.


It's amazing!
There is really nothing to say about this superb cooking skill.

In the following time, it was time for Cao Cao to feast.

After dinner, we had another conversation...

Cao Cao also deliberately moved closer to Gao Shun and got close to Gao Shun, hoping to improve the relationship with Gao Shun.

As a result, Gao Shun still ignored Boss Cao.

But because of what Zhang Cheng said before.

Cao Cao is not angry now.

On the contrary, his feelings towards Gao Shun became even more different because of this.

This is indeed a very capable person!
Especially after seeing the soldiers and horses trained by Gao Shun, he became more and more convinced of Zhang Cheng's opinion.

What Gao Jiu said was indeed correct, Gao Shun was very talented.

Not to mention the rest, among all the people under his command, no one can compare to Gao Shun for his ability in training troops!
Even Yu Jin, who was very strict in running the army, was much worse than Gao Shun.

Gao Shun must be kept.

Not to mention letting him lead troops to fight, just letting him train soldiers and horses can produce great benefits for himself.

While he was happy, Cao Cao also seemed a little surprised.

I don't know what kind of methods Zhang Cheng used to make Gao Shun willingly train his troops here.

Ordinarily, judging from Gao Shun's various performances, Gao Shun is not such a person.

After he came here, shouldn't he do nothing?

Cao Cao called Zhang Cheng in for questioning.

Zhang Cheng then told Gao Shun how to train his troops.

After learning what happened, Cao Cao couldn't help laughing.

He pointed at Gao Shun and then at Zhang Cheng and said with a smile:

"Gaojiu, Gaojiu, I really have you!

This method can actually make you think of it!
You have to be the best!

When meeting Gao Jiu, it seems that Gao Shun can't afford to make waves!
Gao Shun, you should treat him well.

This man is indeed as you said, Gao Jiu, a very talented person.

Once it can be used properly, it will bring great benefits to our side! "

Zhang Cheng nodded, indicating that he knew.

Cao Cao said:
"Originally, I wanted to transfer Gao Shun from here to Zhencheng.

Now it seems that no one can conquer him except Gaojiu.

Then let him stay here in Gaojia! "

Zhang Cheng naturally had no objection to this.

Someone came to Cao Cao in the evening, looked at Cao Cao and said:
"My lord, something seems not right.

That person, Gao Shun, was unwilling to surrender to his lord.

He didn't show any pretense to his lord, but he was actually here willingly training soldiers for Mr. Gaojiu.

And I also heard that Gao Shun said that he would never hold any official position and was only willing to serve as Zhang Cheng's bodyguard.

It’s really not good for such a talented person to serve as Zhang Cheng’s bodyguard!

And Na Dianwei.

Dian Wei was also a man of great martial arts.

It is the best choice for leading troops in war.

However, he was unwilling to hold an official position.

I only want to be on Zhang Cheng's side and serve as Zhang Cheng's bodyguard.

Plus Mr. Gaojiu himself.He is an all-rounder who can be both literary and military.

He is also very good at farming and winning people's hearts.

I'm just afraid... I'm just afraid that the lord will have to be careful in the future.

Defenses can not do without……"

The person who said this to Cao Cao was one of Cao Cao's personal guards named Cao.

A nephew of their Cao family.

After hearing what this person said, Cao Cao's face suddenly darkened.

"Who asked you to come here and say these things to me?"

This man was startled by Cao Cao and hurriedly shook his head and said:

“There is no one, it’s just what I think in my heart.

I don't doubt Mr. Gaojiu's loyalty either.

It's's just that sometimes people's hearts are unpredictable..."

Before he finished speaking, Cao Cao slapped him hard.

Just whip him to the ground.

"Gao is my son-in-law!
Now he is a member of my Cao family, and he has made great contributions. How dare you sow discord here? ! "

This man was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and cried and begged:
“That’s not the case, I don’t dare to have any intention of sowing discord.

Just a little worried.

Besides... this son-in-law is an outsider after all. His surname is Zhang, not Cao. "

Cao Cao made a clanging sound and drew the sword from his waist.

Staring at this person and saying:
"People can be mediocre and incompetent, but they can't be too stupid.

Don't be stupid enough to destroy the Great Wall!

I will kill you now to prevent you from causing more trouble in the future! "

With that said, he was about to attack this person.

This man was immediately frightened by Cao Cao.


"Uncle, uncle, please show mercy and tell me! I will tell you! I will tell you everything!!!"

Seeing this, Cao Cao had a cold face, stared at him coldly and said:

"Tell me carefully, if you dare to hide anything, I will kill you immediately!"

When he said this, Cao Cao was filled with cold murderous intent.

This is obtained by killing on the battlefield.

Once you let go, it's really not something anyone can bear.

As for Cao Cao's nephew, at this time, he was actually completely confused by Cao Cao.

I originally thought that he was Cao Cao's nephew. Although they were already in the same five servers, they still had a lot of affection for him after all.

Far beyond the reach of outsiders like Zhang Cheng.

But who could have imagined that Zhang Cheng's status in Cao Cao's heart was so high!
As an outsider, he actually dealt harshly to a descendant of his own race!

While I was surprised and shocked, I didn't dare to hide anything anymore.

Then he told the reason behind this.

Cao Cao's eyes gradually narrowed as he listened to this man's words.

A strong murderous intention permeated his body...

(End of this chapter)

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