Three Kingdoms: Do you call this a weak counselor? !

Chapter 91 Serving the Emperor's Orders and Not Subjects!

Chapter 91 Serving the Emperor's Orders and Not Subjects!
As soon as Zhang Cheng spoke these words, the surroundings immediately fell silent.

Whether it was Xi Zhicai, Guo Jia, or Cao Hong and others, the way they looked at Zhang Cheng changed.

Good guy, really good guy!

I didn’t expect Gao to be so brave!
The Lord has already said what he said, so clearly and straightforwardly.

In the end, he actually dared to say that he wanted them all!
It's too bold!
You know, the current lord of his family is not only a superior lord, but also his future father-in-law.

As a result, now that his future father-in-law has given him concubines in person, he actually thinks one is too little and wants both!
Probably only Mr. Gao Jiu dared to say this in front of his lord.

Everyone looked at Zhang Cheng, and their eyes suddenly changed.

It doesn't matter if you don't admire it.

Mr. Gao Jiu is so brave!
Of course, while I admire him, I also feel a little sweaty for Gao.

I was afraid that he would annoy the lord by being so out of touch.

Cao Cao's face also looked a little dark.

He also didn't expect that Zhang Cheng would dare to say that he wanted both of them when he made his words so obvious.

Good guy, why didn't you realize that your weakness was so obvious before?

"Gaojiu, what did you just say?
I didn't hear it clearly.

I'll give you permission to rearrange the language a little bit more. "

Cao Cao glanced at Zhang Cheng with a kind smile on his face.

After hearing what Cao Cao said, look at Cao Cao's state.

Many people present couldn't help but sweat for Zhang Cheng, and they all said to themselves, this... is indeed Mr. Gaojiu!

In front of the lord, if you say such words, the lord will not remember you.

The master will be very tolerant and give him another chance.

I think after having this opportunity, Mr. Gao Jiu will definitely know how to choose.

However, what happened next once again left everyone present stunned.

Zhang Chengdao:
"Um...father-in-law, what I just said is that children only take multiple-choice questions.

I want this daughter of the Gan family and the daughter of the Mi family.

I feel that both of them are rare people, and it would be a pity to let them down. "

What Zhang Cheng said was from his heart.

After all, this one is Mrs. Gan and the other is Mrs. Mi.

Two ladies, if they were kept by their side at the same time.

Thinking about this makes people feel infinite happiness.

As soon as Zhang Cheng said these words, the expressions of everyone present changed.

Isn't this too brave to become a child? !
So disrespectful to the Lord!

Even if the lord has always been very tolerant towards you, he cannot do this.

If this is the case, it is very easy for something to happen.

Cao Cao's face darkened as he prepared to scold Zhang Cheng.

As a result, Zhang Cheng took the lead and said:

"Father-in-law, I know what you are worried about.

What you actually mind is not that I keep both of them by my side, but that the Mi family girl was told to me by Liu Bei and Liu Xuande, not through your hands, my lord.

I feel a little uncomfortable with this.

In fact, my lord, this matter can be easily solved!
If you take the initiative to be a matchmaker again, wouldn't it be enough if you become the matchmaker between the Mi family girl and me?

If that doesn't work, you can also follow the same method as this to treat Naganmei.

Take action again and take Mi Zhen as your goddaughter.

In this case, the Mi family will definitely be devoted to their lord and become a great help to him.

Wouldn't it be possible for the Lord's worries to be resolved smoothly and disappear completely? "

As long as the mind does not slip, there are more solutions than difficulties.

If Zhang Cheng is on top of this, his thoughts will naturally not slip.

Since he dared to say to Cao Cao just now, both of them would do this.

Then there must be corresponding methods to solve it.

He is certainly not the kind of person who has no brains.

For the sake of a woman, I will not care about anything.

He did this with certainty.

If there was no good way, of course he would not dare to jump like this.

Upon hearing Zhang Cheng's words, Cao Cao, who had already wanted to reprimand Zhang Cheng, was stunned for a moment.

Then his complexion became much better.

He sat here and thought seriously for a while.

I think Zhang Cheng's method is indeed a good one.


Why can't he take the daughter of the Mi family as his goddaughter when he has harvested Ganmei as his goddaughter?

And then marry them to Gaojiao?

On his own side, he will personally act as a matchmaker for Zhang Cheng.

In this way, doesn't it mean that he has completely become his own person?
What does it have to do with Liu Bei?

As soon as I thought about it, my thoughts suddenly became clear.

"How about it, father-in-law? Is my idea okay?"

Zhang Cheng looked at Cao Cao and said as if he was taking credit.

Cao Cao glared at him.

"What a fart, what a beautiful idea!

In this case, wouldn't you be equivalent to marrying my three daughters? "

Zhang Cheng chuckled and said:

"Father-in-law, isn't this a closer kiss?

Besides, there are two of them, but they are still quite different."

Cao Cao hesitated for a while, then nodded and said:

"Okay, I'll go with your wishes this time!

After I returned, I took Mi Zhen as my goddaughter.

I will officiate your marriage later and ask her to come to you as your concubine.

But things come first, first served, and you can’t accept two at once.

Therefore, we still have to follow the decision made before.

Accept Ganmei first, then Mi Zhen. "

Seeing this, Zhang Cheng hurriedly said:

"Okay, okay, father-in-law, you can take care of this matter.

You will definitely be able to arrange it properly and securely.

I trust your expertise on this. "

As long as Boss Cao agrees, it doesn't matter even if it's at night.

If you can't accept two at a time, then don't accept two. It's also good to marry one first and then the other at the end. "

Xi Zhicai, Guo Jia, Cao Hong, Le Jin and others present were all stunned at this time.

Did it really happen? !
Mr. Gaojiu actually made his lord agree?

His suggestion that sounded outrageous at first sight?
Isn't this amazing?

It’s truly a great job!

He can actually accomplish this kind of thing!

At that moment, everyone's gazes looking at Zhang Cheng changed.

There were many people who couldn't help but give Zhang Cheng a thumbs up.

When looking at Zhang Cheng, it was like looking at a god.

Probably only those with high qualifications would dare to do this.

And you got the job done, right?
I have to say that Mr. Gao Jiu really wins the heart of the hero.

And Zhang Cheng is also very good at getting things done.

He immediately said that in the evening, he would cook in person, use more of his special skills, and entertain his father-in-law well.

After hearing what Zhang Cheng said, Cao Cao snorted and nodded.

I think this makes sense.

He gave Zhang Cheng a knowing look.

After finalizing these matters, Cao Cao quickly asked Zhang Cheng about the business.

“Xuzhou has been won and all aspects have become stable.

Then, we need to implement welcoming the emperor's return eastward as the next goal.

But for now, it is not easy to welcome the emperor from the distant Guanzhong to us. There are many difficulties.

The first is the problem of too far distance.

Secondly, Li Jue and Guo Si led their army to occupy Guanzhong.

It is impossible for me to mobilize the army to go to Guanzhong and welcome the emperor and others into our hands.

There will inevitably be strong resistance from the two of them.

Because the distance is too far and the military line is stretched too long, supplies and the like will increase exponentially.

It is impossible for us to mobilize a large number of troops and horses to go to Guanzhong to meet the emperor.

Get rid of the reason that the distance is too far and the consumption is too high.

There are other reasons that also need to be considered.

For example, we really mobilized a large number of troops to go to Guanzhong.

Then will the people around me take the opportunity to take action against me?
This is an extremely practical reason that needs serious consideration.

But without using a large army, how could we welcome the Emperor here? "

Cao Cao looked at Zhang Cheng and said this.

He told Zhang Chengting about the difficulties he encountered here.

I want to hear if Zhang Cheng has any good ideas for welcoming the emperor.

Cao Cao wanted to accomplish this very much.

As long as it is done, there will definitely be a lot of benefits for him in the future.

After Cao Cao said these words, he stared at Zhang Cheng with burning eyes.

I want to hear a good idea from Zhang Cheng.

After all, since he met Zhang Cheng, he had already seen too many magical things with Zhang Cheng.

He doesn't know what to do here.

There is no good way.

As a result, when it came to Zhang Cheng's hands, it was easily solved and it was no big deal.

Zhang Cheng could handle these matters with ease.

This time, he wanted to get a good idea from Zhang Cheng again
So that he can get the emperor in his hands very safely.

Xi Zhicai and Guo Jia also turned their attention to Zhang Cheng at this time.

I also want to hear if Zhang Cheng has any clever insights on this matter.

After all, it was first talked about welcoming the emperor back to the east and serving the emperor to punish disobedient ministers.

It was the three of them who discussed it with Fengqiu.

Neither Xi Zhicai nor Guo Jia had a good solution to the difficulties Cao Cao was facing now.

So they all wanted to hear if Zhang Cheng had any good ideas to do this.

They always have the greatest expectations for Zhang Cheng.

I feel that Zhang Cheng always dares to think things that ordinary people would not dare to think, and does things that ordinary people would not dare to do.

They couldn't think of a good solution to this matter.

But Zhang Cheng should be fine.

Under the gaze of everyone, Zhang Cheng thought for a while and quickly shook his head.

"Lord, I don't have any good solution for this matter.

After all, the Lord has also mentioned the difficulties here.

Now the main thing is that it is beyond our reach.

If the lord's Xuzhou and Yanzhou are close to Guanzhong, then of course there is nothing to say.

But the problem is that the place where the lord is located is too far away from Guanzhong
Being out of reach, it is really not easy to welcome the emperor into the hands of the lord. "

Hearing Zhang Cheng's words, several people present looked a little surprised.

They did not expect that Zhang Cheng, who had always been expert in all kinds of difficult and complicated diseases, specialized in solving problems that could not be solved.

In this case, there was nothing we could do.

This is really too surprising.

However, an accident is an accident, but if you think about it carefully, it is not that surprising.

After all, they had already considered this matter before.

After thinking about it for a long time, there was no particularly feasible solution.

Now Zhang Cheng really can't think of it, which is reasonable.

They are all smart people, and this is what they are good at.

They can't figure it out. The height is right here, so it's normal if they can't figure it out.

Zhang Cheng thought carefully about the historical incident of Cao Cao welcoming the emperor back east.

Then he said:

“Lord, maybe we don’t need to be so anxious about this matter.

Next, the lord, just do your own thing.

As for welcoming the sky and returning eastward, we should put it aside until the weather comes.

Maybe in time, the situation will change.

All the things that the Lord is worried about will be easily solved.

A great opportunity will be presented to the Lord on his own initiative.

It seems that there is no good solution to some things now.

But as long as we wait, a big difference may occur.

Things that seem unsolvable at the moment will become easier to do if you do them at that time. "

Zhang Cheng is telling the truth, after all, this is the case in history.

Hearing what Zhang Cheng said, Cao Cao was speechless.

I really want to give Zhang Cheng a look and let Zhang Cheng understand it for himself.

He felt that what Zhang Cheng said was tantamount to not saying anything.

Because in his opinion, the so-called heavenly time and other things are too metaphysical and cannot be explained at all.

No one knows what will happen next.

Who knows that the next changes in things will develop in one's own favor instead of for the worse?

Compared to the so-called waiting for the right time, there is still a chance to leave your fate to God to decide.

Cao Cao prefers to take everything into his own hands, so that he can feel safe.

Xi Zhicai and Guo Jiaren looked at each other and shook their heads.

I think what Zhang Cheng said was not very good.

They are also worried that if they wait, something unexpected will happen.

“Furthermore, judging from the current situation, the sooner we can get the Emperor in our hands, the more advantageous it will be.

You can do more things around the emperor.

It is difficult to predict what will happen next, and no one knows what will happen next.

If this matter can still be done as early as possible, do it as early as possible.

On our side, we also want to serve the emperor in order to make him disobedient.

How many princes are there in the world today?
There are many intelligent people, and I'm sure there will be others who will also think of obeying the emperor's orders and disobeying them.

This will allow other princes to do it.

At that time, others will take the lead and take the emperor into their hands.

Then on our side, we really regret it.

Therefore, this matter cannot wait and needs to be completed as soon as possible. "

After hearing what Guo Jia said, Cao Cao and Xi Zhicai both nodded.

Obviously, this is the consensus of the three of them.

This is also one of the reasons why Cao Cao wanted to get the emperor into his hands as quickly as possible.

“Among these people, the one I am most worried about is actually Yuan Shao.

There are many talented people on Yuan Shao's side, and it is very possible that someone will see the benefits of welcoming the emperor to disobey him.

He also suggested that Yuan Shao do this.

And Yuan Shao is very likely to do it, and he also has the ability to do so.

Once the emperor is in Yuan Shao's hands.

Then, it will be difficult for me to wait here. "

Cao Cao expressed what he was most worried about.

Generally speaking, Cao Cao was very respectful to Yuan Shao when dealing with the outside world.

He looked like he was following Yuan Shao's lead and regarded Yuan Shao as his big brother.

But the few people present now are all his confidants.

So Cao Cao no longer hides and tucks in

In his words, he expressed some of his worries about Yuan Shao.

At the same time, it also exposed an idea in my heart.

That is, for now, Cao Cao views Yuan Shao as a strong opponent.

It is reasonable for Cao Cao to think so.

After all, Cao Cao has been following his big brother Yuan Shao since he was a boy.

Yuan Shao took away a lot of his resources and got a lot of things from the Cao family.

But the rewards given by Yuan Shao were not that much.

Cao Cao is not a fool.

Yuan Shao, as well as the scholars around Yuan Shao, felt very clearly about some of his prejudices and discrimination.

Even if he tried his best to fit into that circle, it would be difficult to squeeze in in the end.

No matter how hard he tries, they still only have one eye on him.

That is, after being a eunuch, you cannot get on the stage.

There is no way to compare with their noble scholars.

What kind of person is Cao Cao?

On the surface, he may appear smooth, but inside, his self-esteem is actually extremely strong.

Under such circumstances, it would be really impossible if he had too much affection for Yuan Shao.

It is certain that Yuan Shao is regarded as his biggest opponent and wants to catch up.

If this were not the case, then Cao Cao would not be Cao Cao.

Although Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai did not speak.

However, it can be seen from their expressions.

This is also what they are worried about.

This is the common conclusion reached by the two of them and Cao Cao after some previous discussions.

Hearing this, Zhang Cheng shook his head and said:

"My lord...father-in-law, you don't have to worry about this.

I don't think this kind of thing will happen.

The rest of the princes in the world may take action to welcome the emperor's return eastward, but Yuan Shao will not do so.

Yuan Shao was extremely ambitious, and his Yuan family had become the best in the world a long time ago.

Today's big man has become what he is now.

He, Yuan Shao, was inside and was adding fuel to the flames.

Is it really just Dong Zhuo who is responsible for causing the Han Dynasty to be in such chaos with princes everywhere?
Dong Zhuo was not the only one who caused chaos in the world.

The Yuan family also contributed a lot of effort.

When the eunuchs were killed, the lord proposed not to mobilize foreign troops, but to use only the jailers from Luoyang, which would be enough to take down Shi Changshi.

But in the end, Yuan Shao suggested that He Jin use foreign troops to enter Luoyang and jointly punish the officials.

At that time, the Lord had already made it clear that recruiting foreign soldiers into Luoyang would have some terrible consequences.

But Yuan Shao still insisted on doing it, and finally made He Jin listen to his opinion.

Yuan Shao is not a fool, on the contrary, he is very smart.

But for such a smart man, he made such a big mistake in this matter.

Lord, do you think... is this possible?
In my opinion, the most likely possibility is that Yuan Shao did this deliberately.

The Yuan family has its own agenda.

Want to take advantage of the opportunity to obtain greater benefits.

Dong Zhuo was promoted by Yuan Wei. .

It can be said that he is a disciple and former official of their Yuan family.

After Dong Zhuo came to Beijing, the Yuan family benefited the most.

It's a pity that he had calculated everything, but he didn't take into account Dong Zhuo. At the critical moment, he gave up his choice and stopped working with the Yuan family.

Lord, this is what Yuan Shao and others did back then.

Now, do you want to welcome the emperor?In my opinion, this is unlikely.

From the Lord's point of view, if the emperor can be by his side, he can obey the emperor's orders and not submit.

The emperor will become a great help to the lord.

But from Yuan Shao's point of view, he might regard the emperor as a burden.

He, Yuan Shao, now works freely and is completely like a local emperor.

But if it is the emperor, welcome him to his side.

How many more people will there be above Yuan Shao's head?
You have to know that the Emperor is not the only one who comes with the Emperor.

There are also some veterans of the Han Dynasty.

Under this situation, Yuan Shao will definitely be subject to some restrictions.

Of course, what is more important is that there are many people gathered on Yuan Shao's side, all of whom are members of aristocratic families.

After the Emperor came to Yuan Shao's side, judging from this priority level alone, many people inside would give priority to joining the Emperor.

Yuan Shao is not a particularly generous person.

Therefore, there is a great possibility that he will not do this.

Even if there are counselors under his command who propose to him and tell him various benefits.

The possibility of him doing this is not very high.

Yuan Shao is indeed very powerful, and he is also very powerful now.

But the lord doesn't have to think too highly of him sometimes.

Yuan Shao is a man who is always scheming.

However, relying on the huge reputation of the Yuan family and the many political legacies left by the Yuan family, they have reached this point.

If they were really compared on the same plane, he would definitely not be able to compare with his lord. "

Zhang Cheng's words made Cao Cao feel happy in his heart.

I think Zhang Cheng speaks very nicely, and he is worthy of being his chosen son-in-law.

He is very talented and speaks very well.

He felt that what Zhang Cheng said was very correct.

Especially in these words, Zhang Cheng elevated him a lot and criticized Yuan Shao, which sounded really enjoyable.

Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai both nodded, feeling that Zhang Cheng's analysis did make some sense.

But after a while, Xi Zhicai still spoke.

"Gaojiu, your analysis does make sense.

But this matter is just analysis.

Although Yuan Shao seems to be a bit ambitious and lacking in talent, he really has some abilities.

What he has achieved now is not just relying on the big tree of the Yuan family.

He finally achieved his current achievements by virtue of his status as a concubine of Yuan Dynasty.

It is enough to show that he himself is also very capable.

This man also has some knowledge.

There is still great uncertainty in welcoming the emperor.

After all, welcoming the emperor to his side, although it had some disadvantages for him.

But if you calculate it carefully, the benefits are actually greater. "

When Zhang Cheng heard Xi Zhicai say this, he suddenly looked at Xi Zhicai with a smile and said:

"Since Brother Zhicai said so, how about the two of us make a bet on this matter?"

When he heard about Zhang Cheng, he said he wanted to make a bet with himself.

The drama arose immediately, and it was a very unpleasant memory.

Originally, he was very confident in his own judgment.

I feel that Yuan Shao may not be so stupid.

It will not act as analyzed by Zhang Cheng.

I really made a bet with Zhang Cheng, and I won very much.

But when Xi Zhicai heard what Zhang Cheng was going to say about making a bet for himself, he immediately shook his head like a rattle.

"If you don't fight, I'll be deadlocked with gambling and drug addiction!"

Last time, he had already suffered a loss and been cheated at Gaozuo.

That time I also felt that I had a very good chance of winning.

I went to gamble with Zhang Cheng very confidently, but ended up losing all my wine in one fell swoop.

Until now, I haven’t drank.

Although he gave up drinking and practiced Professor Zhang Cheng's Wu Qin Xi diligently, his health became much better.

It cannot be the same as before.

But when he thought of the painful experience he had when he quit drinking, Xi Zhicai decided to take a warning.

I will never make any more bets with Zhang Cheng.

Even if he thinks he can definitely win, he will never bet with Zhang Cheng again.

This was a lesson learned in blood and tears. He would never allow himself to fall down twice in the same place!
"Brother Zhicai, let's bet again. It's not like I win every bet.

There are many things that I am actually not sure about. "

Hearing Zhang Cheng say this, Xi Zhicai shook his head harder.

“If you don’t bet, don’t bet, and definitely won’t bet.

Just talk about things, don't let the bet get involved. "

Zhang Cheng, a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, is so evil!

I screwed myself last time and can't drink anymore.

This time I have to make a bet to myself. If I can't go to Goulan to listen to music again, then I will really live a long life from now on.

Life has become boring.

He doesn't gamble with his own happiness.

The drama ambition is not worthy of Zhang Chenge.

He thought for a moment, then turned to look at Guo Jiada:

"Fengxiao, how about we make a bet?
Brother Zhicai is so boring.

A small gamble brings pleasure, but a big gamble harms the body. Let's make a bet on this matter here. It is considered an elegant thing. "

Guo Jia also immediately shook his head, indicating that he would not bet with Zhang Cheng.

Although Zhang Cheng had never made a bet to Guo Jia in the past.

Guo Jia has never suffered a loss at the hands of Zhang Cheng.

But with Xi Zhicai's experience, a smart person like Guo Jia would never fall for Zhang Cheng's tricks.

Zhang Cheng invited him again and again, but Guo Jia still shook his head and refused.

Zhang Chengcheng turned his gaze to Cao Cao and said, "Um...father-in-law, how about we make a bet?"

Cao Cao glared.

"Do you want one concubine or two concubines?"

Zhang Cheng immediately shook his head
"Father-in-law, we won't bet anymore, we won't bet anymore."

Good guy, you Cao thief doesn't play according to common sense!
Why are you talking about your concubine?
Bah, stinky shameless!

Although Xi Zhicai Guo Jia and Cao Cao were determined not to be fooled by Zhang Cheng or make a bet with Zhang Cheng.

But after experiencing this bet, the three of them were much less worried about this matter.

Especially Cao Cao.

According to the fact that Zhang Cheng is reluctant to bet with others, he is sure to win if he bets.

I'm just afraid that this time, maybe Zhang Cheng can really get things right.

At least Yuan Shao will not compete with him for the throne.

If Yuan Shao doesn't take action, the possibility of others trying to compete with him to steal the emperor is not too great.

If you really try to rob him, you may not be able to rob him.

Several people discussed here for a while, but there was no suitable solution.

So I can only listen to Zhang Cheng, put this matter aside for now, don't rush to do it, and wait for the situation to change.

They all hope that the situation can really develop in a direction that is very beneficial to them as Zhang Cheng said.

If that's the case, that's really lucky.

Zhang Cheng looked at Cao Cao, thought for a while and said:

“Lord, in my opinion, this matter is very likely to change.

You know, Li Jue and Guo Si were both warlords from Xiliang.

Although the relationship between the two is relatively good, it may not always be so harmonious for a long time.

Moreover, in addition to Li Jue and Guo Si, there are also the emperor and the veterans around the emperor, who may not be willing to remain under the control of Li Jue and Guo Si.

As time goes by, I think there is a good chance that they will do something.

Actively promote the emperor's return eastward. "

After hearing Zhang Cheng's words, Cao Cao thought for a moment, nodded first, and then shook his head.

"The emperor and the old ministers are naturally unwilling to be controlled by these two people for a long time, and they definitely want to return eastward.

But it is not easy for them to return eastward.

The power they have there is really too weak.

And Li Jue and Guo Si would never allow them to leave.

Even if they have the intention, it will be difficult for them to change the situation.

In addition, I think what you said is not quite accurate.

The relationship between Li Jue and Guo Si has always been very good.

Today, the two of them jointly control the court.

The distribution of interests between the two has always been very good.

Moreover, Guo Si has always followed Li Jue's lead.

Under such circumstances, it is absolutely impossible for the two of them to have any conflicts or even kill each other.

The possibility of such a thing happening is also very small. "

After hearing what Cao Cao said, Zhang Cheng thought about the Battle of Jue and Si that happened in history.

One person kidnapped the emperor, and the other took the minister hostage, and the dog's brains were knocked out.

You also said that it is impossible for the two of them to fight?

How is this possible?
"My lord, I don't think you are right about this.

No matter how good our relationship is, can it be better than that between you and that Zhang Miao?

The two of you are as close as a wife and a son.

But in the end, he couldn't resist the word profit.

Zhang Miao still chose to unite with outsiders to stab you during the important moment when you were out.

Both of them are rough people and have no long-term vision.

Although such people have a good relationship, disagreements can easily arise over the distribution of interests.

In my opinion, it is only a matter of time that the two of them are at odds, and sooner or later there will be a fight. "

While saying this, Zhang Cheng thought of the poisonous warrior Jia Xu from Chang'an.

With such a person here, it is impossible to settle down in Guanzhong.

Although Jia Xu is easily reluctant to make suggestions, as long as this person makes a move, it will definitely be effective.

Moreover, as long as the matter is related to his life.

As a person who always likes to fish, his strategies are more clever than anyone else's.

He heard Zhang Cheng talking about something between him and Zhang Miao.

Cao Cao's eyes flashed, and he felt that what Zhang Cheng said was indeed reasonable.

However, the situation between Li Jue and Guo Si was very different from his.

He still felt that the possibility of conflict between the two of them was not too great.

As a result, at this moment, someone came in a hurry all the way.

An urgent military message was sent to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao was originally discussing matters with Zhang Cheng and others.

As a result, at this time, an emergency military situation suddenly came.

He suddenly became nervous.

My heart couldn't help but thump.

Wondering, what went wrong?
Before he saw the military situation, he actually had an idea in his mind.

That means there is a great possibility that Yuan Shao from Huainan is dishonest!
Taking advantage of his own side, he returned to Yanzhou and attacked his own Xuzhou.

Yuan Shao can definitely do this.

Although he was there, Xiahou Dun and others were left behind to garrison.

However, there is no guarantee that it will be foolproof.

Guo Jiaxi and Zhicai also seemed nervous.

I was also thinking in my mind as to where the big problem was.

And their thoughts were similar to Cao Cao's. They all felt that the most likely problem was that there was a problem in Xuzhou.

As for Zhang Cheng, he was not nervous at all. Even if there was an emergency military situation, it would not have much to do with him.

After all, he is a weak counselor, a farmer and pig farmer, so others have to do the fighting.

As long as you don't provoke him or hit others, your lifespan will be increased.

Normally, he doesn't pay much attention to it.

But then, after learning the specific situation.

Cao Cao, Xi Zhicai and Guo Jia were all stunned.

Because the urgent military situation that came through was completely different from what they had thought before.

It wasn't that something happened in Xuzhou, but a place they had never thought of before!

Cao Cao looked at the urgent military information in his hand, was stunned for a while, and looked at Zhang Cheng.

After seeing what was written on the military information, Xi Zhicai and Guo Jia both looked at Zhang Cheng.

He looked completely stunned.

The look he looked at Zhang Cheng seemed very complicated.

He was enjoying himself there, drinking tea and eating two roasted soybeans from time to time. Zhang Cheng, who did not come here to join in the fun, felt a little uncomfortable with the strange looks from the three of them.

"Why are you looking at me like this?
There are no flowers on my face, so what kind of look do I have? "

After he said this, he found that Cao Cao, Xi Zhicai, and Guo Jia were still looking directly at him.

That look is as strange as it gets.

Even a tough guy like Zhang Cheng felt a little creeped out by the looks of these people.

Think again about the slightly open atmosphere of this era.

For example, he couldn't help but shrink down when sleeping with his feet up.

“Well… don’t look at me like that again.

I have a fiancée, and I even have two unmarried concubines.

Don't think too much about me! "

"Go away! What are you talking about?"

Cao Cao and Guo Jia Zhicai, who were still staring at Zhang Cheng with shock, immediately lost their temper when they heard Zhang Cheng's words and couldn't help scolding him angrily.

"Gaojiu, did you figure out that Li Jue and Guo Si will inevitably turn against each other?"

Cao Cao took two quick steps and came to Zhang Cheng's side. He looked at Zhang Cheng and asked, his voice trembling.

Zhang Chengdao:
"Didn't I just say that?

It is analyzed from the perspective of people's hearts and interests.

I feel like he will never last long there.

After all, the two of them do not have an absolute superior-subordinate relationship.

It's okay for a short time, but if it lasts for a long time, there will definitely be problems and there will definitely be some civil strife. "

Cao Cao, Guo Jia and Zhicai looked at each other after hearing this.

Then, Cao Cao put the general's love in front of Zhang Cheng and let Zhang Cheng see it.

"Gaojiu, I really belong to you! This really belongs to you!

You just mentioned that Li Jue and Guo Si may have internal strife.

As a result, the information has now been sent.

It is said that Li Jue and Guo Si have already fallen out! ! "

When Cao Cao said these words, his voice was extremely excited.

The tone of voice has improved a lot.

The look he looked at Zhang Cheng was like looking at a god!
It's amazing!
Zhang Cheng's brain is really powerful.

To his surprise, his analysis was so accurate.

So much so that Cao Cao wondered whether Zhang Cheng had already learned the news in advance, so he said this.

But after thinking about it, he shook his head.

Because Zhang Cheng has not set up any external intelligence system.

I just got the information.

This means that Zhang Cheng analyzed these based on some inferences.

This is really amazing!

He only stayed here in Chenliu County and did not go out, relying only on the few words he got.

And with an understanding of human nature and people's hearts, one can accurately predict what will happen in the distant Guanzhong.

This ability is truly amazing.

In strategizing, the decisive victory is thousands of miles away!
Cao Cao felt that this sentence was very suitable for Zhang Cheng.

In his excitement, he couldn't help but reach out and hold Zhang Cheng's hand.

Full of excitement he said:

"Gaojiu, you are really my wife!!"

It allows Cao Cao to compare Zhang Cheng with Zhang Liang.

This shows that Cao Cao attaches great importance to Zhang Cheng.

We can also see how much Zhang Cheng's analysis shocked Cao Cao.

At this time, Zhang Cheng already knew what happened.

He himself couldn't help but be a little stunned.

By the way, this is too coincidental, right?

On my side, I just conducted some analysis, and as a result, the information about the fight between Li Jue and Guo Si has been sent over.

It’s impossible to keep a low profile even if you want!

Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai heard Cao Cao say that Zhang Cheng was his ovary.

Compare Zhang Cheng and Zhang Zifang.

I was filled with envy in my heart.

I think this is a very high honor.

After all, that was Zhang Liang and Zhang Zifang!

But Zhang Cheng was not touched by Cao Cao's sincere address.

Even my heart is full of strangeness.

The reason for this is because he is very aware of Boss Cao's operations.

Zhang Liang is not valuable to him.

For example, during the Battle of Guandu.

He once went to greet Xu You barefoot, and then said happily that his ovary was here.

It can be said that there are more ovaries per capita.

"My lord, these are all trivial matters. It's just my blind analysis that accidentally got me wrong.

I don't deserve your praise. "

Is this right?
If you have to be right once, but you can be right on many things, is that still called being right?

Zhang Cheng is so humble!
The moods of Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai were even more complicated.

They are both counselors. Compared with Zhang Cheng, the two of them seem to be a little behind in rank.

And when listening to Zhang Cheng's words, why do I always feel so irritating and make people want to slap him?

Are you being humble and low-key?

I always feel like this guy is showing off!


Cao Cao burst out laughing heartily, feeling extremely comfortable.

Not long ago, he was still worried that it would be difficult to welcome the emperor.

I also feel that what Zhang Cheng said about waiting for the right time is a bit unreliable and full of too much uncertainty.

But then, now I got such information.

This made many worries in his heart disappear.

I became more convinced of Zhang Cheng's analysis.

Full of hope for the future.

The dark clouds in Guo Jiaxi and Zhicai's hearts suddenly dissipated a lot.

But Zhang Cheng's expression changed slightly at this time.

Because at this moment, there was suddenly new content on his panel.

Moreover, the content is extremely important and the rewards are extremely generous!

(End of this chapter)

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