Three Kingdoms: Do you call this a weak counselor? !

Chapter 92 Zhang Cheng: Who is not a serious person?

Chapter 92 Zhang Cheng: Who is not a serious person?
Zhang Cheng's expression suddenly changed.

Because he saw the updated information on the panel.

There is a new task.

Zhang Cheng didn't see the specific mission at this time. He was accustomed to looking at the rewards first.

When he saw the reward, he was stunned.

Because this time, he was directly rewarded with three years of life!

This made Zhang Cheng, who had always been accustomed to the panel-picking and searching style, very uncomfortable.

Three years of life!
It turned out to be a direct reward of three years of life!

This is the largest order he has received so far.

The previous protection of Yanzhou only increased his life span by one year.

For Zhang Cheng, this is a huge deal.

After seeing how long this reward lasts.

Zhang Cheng had already made up his mind without even looking at the mission.

This time, I must complete this task!
Three years!
This is three years of life!
For Zhang Cheng, the temptation was too great.

No one would think that his life is short.

After the surprise, he went to see the mission, and at the same time he was mentally prepared that the mission was very difficult to complete.

After all, the last time he saved Yanzhou, he was only rewarded with one year of life.

This time, he was directly given a life span of three years. One can imagine how difficult the task would be.

But when Zhang Chengzhen saw what this mission was.

But he couldn't help but blinked, seriously doubting whether he had seen it wrong.

This task was really far from what he had imagined.

Zhang Chengdu was ready for a bloody battle.

Who would have thought that this mission would not involve him fighting.

Let him farm the land.

As long as he can double the grain production here in Chenliu County next year.

Then, even if Zhang Cheng's mission is completed, he can gain three years of life!

The first time he saw this task, Zhang Chengcheng thought that something was wrong.

This task is too simple, right?
He is good at farming!

However, after careful consideration, he discovered that this task was not simple.

This matter is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface.

After all, Chenliu County and military and civilian settlements had already begun to implement it at this time.

And tools such as curved shaft plows were also used.

Grain production has greatly improved compared to last year.

On this basis, let’s double the food supply.

There are too many things involved here.

The increase in difficulty is really not just a little bit.

The big killer weapon of Quyuanli has been used.

Many other methods to increase grain production are also being used.

Under this circumstance, we want to double the total grain output of Chenliu County.

This is really not easy!

It is definitely more difficult than asking him to turn the tide and save Yanzhou.

No wonder he was so generous this time and directly gave himself the reward for the three-year mission.

This mission is really difficult to complete.

Zhang Cheng racked his brains here, his brows furrowed, and the word "Sichuan" appeared in his frown.

I have been thinking about good countermeasures here.

I want to see if there is any good way to increase food production explosively in a short period of time.

As a result, he had already used the Quyuan plow and the field method, as well as other methods to increase grain production.

It is really difficult to achieve a huge increase in grain production.

The increase in grain production affects all aspects.

There are water conservancy aspects, farming methods, seeds and fertilizers.

In his mind, potatoes, sweet potatoes and corn, these high-yielding crops, came to mind.

If there are sweet potatoes, or potatoes, then I will definitely be sure to increase Chenliu County's food production in the future.Turn it up and up.

No pressure whatsoever.

But under the current circumstances, he really has no way to obtain this extremely common crop in later generations.

Even if we start building ships at this time.

Not to mention that the technical skills are not enough.

Assuming that he could pass the customs, there would be no time at all. Let him go to America and find potatoes and sweet potatoes.

After they were found and promoted on a large scale, the day lilies were already cold.

The one-year appointment has long passed.

If there are no good seeds, then it is fertilizer.

However, it is basically impossible to obtain good fertilizer in this day and age.

If you can obtain unlimited fertilizers for future generations.

Zhang Cheng also felt confident that the grain output in Chenliu County would increase greatly.

But judging from the current situation, this is obviously impossible.

The more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable Zhang Chengcheng felt. He felt that he had no clue. This task was too difficult!

It was so difficult that he even had the urge to give up!
In the room, Guo Jia played Zhicai and Cao Cao, all three of them looked happy.

I feel excited that there are such big changes in Guanzhong.

Li Jue and Guo Si, just as Zhang Cheng said, they started to fight first.

Then, there is indeed a great possibility on their side that waiting for Guanzhong to appear will be extremely conducive to changes on their side.

As a result, the three of them were happy here for a while.

When he turned around, he found Zhang Cheng who had seen through everything first.

He was sitting there with a frown on his face.

Seeing this scene, Cao Cao, Guo Jia and Zhicai were immediately stunned.

What's happening here?
In such a joyful moment, shouldn't Zhang Cheng be happy?

After all, this time, he showed another big face and analyzed the matter correctly.

And it’s still a very important thing.

Even though he and the others were so happy, why was he still sitting there with a frown on his face?

"Gaojiu, what's wrong?

But you analyzed some things from this information that we didn't see.

The situation in Guanzhong has changed like this.

Will something more disastrous happen?

Will there be huge variables in the matter of welcoming the sky back to the east? "

Cao Cao looked at Zhang Cheng and asked.

When he said this, his expression also became solemn.

As for Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai, their expressions changed after hearing Cao Cao's inquiry.

Then he looked at Zhang Cheng nervously.

They also felt that there was a high possibility that what Cao Cao said was true.

Although they thought quickly.

I think what's going on over there in Guanzhong is a good thing.

It won't do any harm to their side.

It will be helpful for them to welcome the emperor back eastward.

But when I saw Zhang Cheng's appearance, I couldn't help but feel a little thump in my heart.

Because of this piece of information, they can always see things that they can't see from some clues.

Just like before, when they were at a loss.

Gao said that the situation would change and become favorable to their side, and it was indeed confirmed.

Now the situation has become favorable to myself and others.

He and others were having fun, but Gaojiu became so lost and frowning.

It is really possible that he saw an extremely bad scene from this great situation.

At this moment, the hearts of the three people suddenly lifted up.

He looked very nervous and looked at Zhang Cheng.

I want to hear what bad sight Zhang Cheng saw again.

Is there another huge reversal in welcoming the Emperor back east?

Zhang Cheng was stunned for a moment when he heard Cao Cao's words.

Only then did he come back to his senses from the news on the panel.

"Lord, no, this matter is developing in a good direction, it is indeed a turning point.

As long as it continues to develop, it will be more and more beneficial to our side. "

Neither Cao Cao nor Xi Zhicai and Guo Jia relaxed in any way because of what Zhang Cheng said.

"Really do not have?"

Cao Cao asked Zhang Chengdao.

"Really do not have."

Zhang Cheng didn't understand why Cao Cao suddenly asked himself such a question.

"If not, then why are you sitting here frowning?"

It turned out to be because of this!

Zhang Chengdao:
"I frowned because I thought of other things, which have nothing to do with this incident."

After hearing this, Cao Cao, Guo Jiaxi and Zhicai secretly breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, they also felt that Zhang Cheng's thinking was really a little off-topic.

They are here, talking about welcoming the emperor back east.

Who would have thought that Zhang Chengcheng was already thinking about other things.

How did he do this?
While everyone is rejoicing at the good news, think about other things.

He also thought about himself and looked gloomy.

"Then Gao, what did you think of?

How could I put you in such a difficult situation? "

Cao Cao looked at Zhang Cheng and asked again.

At the same time, my heart was lifted.

You know, since he met Zhang Cheng.

It seems that Zhang Chengcheng has never been seen before.

No matter what the difficulty is or how big the problem is, Zhang Cheng can solve it easily.

It seems that in Zhang Cheng's case, there is no so-called difficulty at all.

Zhang Cheng always possesses infinite magic power.

Can make all kinds of impossible things possible.

But now he is frowning.

One can imagine how big this thing is.

Guo Jiaxi and Zhicai also looked at Zhang Cheng intently, with high spirits.

The two of them were both curious and nervous.

I also want to see what is going on.

Only then could Zhang Cheng become what he is now.

"Lord, this is actually not a big deal, just some small things."

Zhang Cheng organized his words and looked at Cao Cao as he said this.

But how could Cao Cao believe what Zhang Cheng said?

If this is a trivial matter, it can make you act so arrogant, why can't you be so embarrassed and fooled like this?
They are treating us like three-year-old children and are lying!

"If Gao encounters any difficulty, just tell him.

With us here, we may be able to give you some advice and help you solve it. "

Guo Jiaxi and Zhicai also spoke one after another.

"Yes, Gaojiu, if something happens to you, don't hide it, just tell it.

We can also help you make some guesses and see if there are any good solutions? "

Whether it was Cao Cao, Guo Jia or Xi Zhicai, they all said this with great confidence.

The three of them are all famous smart people.

In addition, there is Cao Cao, a great prince who holds the land of two states.

Many things are nothing to them.

Moreover, they didn't believe the trivial things Zhang Cheng said at all.

If it was really a trivial matter for him, then based on Zhang Cheng's intelligence and current status, there is absolutely no way he would be like this.

Zhang Cheng originally didn't want to tell this matter.

But when they heard Cao Cao's question and saw Xi Zhicai and Guo Jia, they both looked concerned.

After thinking for a moment, he told the matter.

"I'm thinking about how to double the grain output of the entire Chenliu County within one year compared with this year.

This is just about farming, not a big deal. "

Hearing Zhang Cheng's words, the room suddenly became quiet, and you could hear a needle drop.

The eyes of several people looking at Zhang Cheng all changed.

The food supply of the entire Chenliu County doubled within one year.

Is this a small thing?
You call this a trivial matter? !

There's nothing more important than this, okay?
This will double food production!
Moreover, under the current situation where food production has already increased significantly, it continues to double again.

If it can really be done, it will be extended to the entire Yanzhou and Xuzhou regions.

Then Cao Cao will no longer have to worry about food shortages.

From now on, whether it is fighting abroad or otherwise, it will definitely be very convenient.

There is a lot of confidence.

But is this kind of thing really that easy to do?

Cao Cao, Guo Jia and Zhicai were all completely shocked by Zhang Cheng's generosity.

You must know that the three of them have been very happy and extremely satisfied with the food production under their control recently.

From now on, as long as the areas under control can maintain this year's grain production.

Even if it is reduced, it is a happy thing and completely acceptable.

But it turned out that Zhang Cheng was so good, and the output was so large, he was still not satisfied.

They have actually begun to consider doubling Chenliu County's grain output within a year.

The gap between this person and others is really huge!
Compared with Gao, they are a little too unprogressive.

I am complacent about the results achieved so far.

After a brief silence, Xi Zhi looked at Zhang Cheng and said:
"This... Gaojiu, isn't this difficult to do?
To be able to achieve the current grain output in Yanzhou, they have already used all their abilities.

If we increase it further, even if there is a possibility of a certain increase, it will definitely not increase production too much.

The grain yield per acre is already extremely high to reach what it is now.

In my opinion, we are almost reaching the limit of the land. "

Zhang Cheng shook his head and said:
“It’s not as extreme as it gets.

The current output is still far from the limit of output.

If the land can really be developed to the extreme.

If all conditions are met, the grain yield per mu will be four to five times the current level, or even more. "

Upon hearing Zhang Cheng's words, Cao Cao, who was about to open his mouth and say something more, immediately shut his mouth again.

Looking at Zhang Cheng with a look of disbelief on his face.

Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai were also shocked by what Zhang Cheng said.

"You...what did you say?
Are you talking nonsense? "

Xi Zhicai looked at Zhang Cheng and said in disbelief.

He seriously doubted that he had heard it wrong just now, or that Zhang Cheng had said it wrong.

In their opinion, today's food production is already very impressive.

Basically, it is almost reaching its limit.

But in the end, Zhang Cheng actually said that the limit of land output was still far from being reached.

It can even reach four or five times the current level. is this possible! ?
What Zhang Cheng said was far beyond their cognitive level.

It made them feel extremely incredible.

"You...what you said is true? Can you grow such a yield of food?"

Cao Cao looked at Zhang Cheng and asked, his breathing becoming faster unconsciously.

Although he also felt that what Zhang Cheng said was very outrageous and not realistic at all.

But this also made him unable to help but think about the future.

What a great thing it would be if... the food output of the land under his rule could be increased four to five times!

It doesn't take much thinking to understand.

On his side, he can definitely grow a prosperous country!
It can forcefully consume the rest of the princes to death.

If this grain output can be promoted in the land under his rule.

If he can produce such output, what can the other princes do to him?

There was no need to fight at all, it turned into a crushing game!

Zhang Guo shook his head decisively.

"If you don't have the ability, you can't plant it."

Upon hearing Zhang Cheng's words, Cao Cao was immediately discouraged.

If you can’t plant it, you still say?

"Gaojiu. Is what you said true? Why do I sound so fake?
Is there anyone who can really increase food production several times more than it is now? "

Zhang Cheng nodded vigorously.

"It really does, and it's definitely not true in one or two pieces of land, but in all lands."

These words immediately made several people not know what to say.

Instinctively, I felt that what Zhang Cheng said was wrong.

However, looking at Zhang Cheng's serious look, he felt that Zhang Cheng didn't seem to be telling lies.

It’s really hard for them to imagine what they should do to increase the land’s food output so much.

You know, in their opinion, if the grain output in Yanzhou can reach the current level, they have already used all their efforts.

"Brother Gaojiu, you can't grow such a yield, how are you sure it exists?

I also know a lot about the past.

I have never heard of anyone growing so much food. "

Zhang Chengdao:
"I can't grow it either, but I am certain that in the future, I will definitely be able to achieve the yield per mu I mentioned."

Faced with Zhang Cheng's statement, Guo Jia didn't believe it at all.

"Brother Gao Jiu, the future is too far away.

Even if it really comes to the future, what you said is absolutely impossible to happen.

Because this land, in my opinion, has reached its limit.

It is no longer difficult to produce any flowers in growing food. "

Zhang Cheng thought about the scene of future generations, and then looked at Guo Jia.

I feel that, as expected, the limitations of this era are still very large.

Even a wise man like Guo Jia can hardly escape the limitations of the times.

It is simply unimaginable to what extent it can develop in future generations.

He looked at Guo Jia and said:
"Fengxiao, what you said is wrong.

You cannot use your current level to see the future.

The future is full of changes.

If you look further ahead, it was still slash-and-burn farming.

Even earlier, people could not even grow food.

After such a long time, haven't our lives changed greatly now?

There is one thing you must admit to being filial.

That is to say, on the whole, history is moving forward.

The production level is also constantly improving.

What cannot be accomplished now does not mean that others cannot accomplish it later.

Many things that seem incomprehensible to us now will become ordinary later. "Guo Jia was speechless by Zhang Cheng's words.

Although he didn't quite agree with Zhang Cheng's words from the bottom of his heart.

But if I think about it carefully, I feel that what Zhang Cheng said makes sense.

Cao Cao and Xi Zhicai beside them all fell into deep thought because of Zhang Cheng's words.

"Okay! Well said Gao!

We really need to look at the future with a larger perspective and broad mind.

Perhaps, it will really be very different later on. "

Cao Cao said aloud.

Xi Zhicai hesitated for a moment, looked at Zhang Cheng and said:
"Then if that's the case, can you, Gao, increase the food supply by two or three times?"

Zhang Guo shook his head decisively.

"No, if I could do it, I wouldn't be worried about doubling Chenliu County's grain production next year.

It is impossible to even double the price.

But just because I can't do it, it doesn't mean that others can't do it later. "

"Since we know that it is a basically unsolvable problem to double Chenliu County's food supply next year.

Then why, Brother Gaojiu, do you still have to consider this matter?

Are you still worried about this?

In my opinion, the current grain production is already very good. "

Facing Guo Jia's inquiry, Zhang Cheng shook his head seriously and said:

“Every step forward is very difficult.

Just because you can't do it or it's too difficult doesn't mean you shouldn't just stop doing it.

In this case, how to solve the problem?
How is it possible to increase food production four to five times?
Only by changing bit by bit and accumulating experience bit by bit can we get better bit by bit.

Only after such a long period of time can quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes.

It has reached a level that we now find extremely incredible. "

After hearing this, the three of them fell into deep thought again.

There was a feeling of enlightenment, and I felt that what Zhang Cheng said made sense.

"Okay! What Gao said is indeed right!

How can you give up so easily!
Don't stop doing something just because it's difficult.

If this is really the case, wouldn’t there be many things that cannot be solved?

Problems will accumulate more and more. "

Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai saluted Zhang Cheng at this time to express that they had learned the lesson.

Zhang Cheng shook his head and told them not to do this.

It's just something he expressed his feelings about, so there's no need to take it so seriously.

Zhang Cheng glanced at Guo Jiada and said:

"Fengxiao... how about we make a bet?"

Hearing Zhang Cheng's words, Guo Jia was stunned for a moment.

Then he immediately shook his head and said:
"If you don't want to gamble, I won't gamble. Gambling is the worst thing in my life. Gambling and drug addiction are inseparable from me."

Zhang Cheng heard this and said secretly, good guy, Huang, you didn't say a word about it, right?

"I haven't said anything about the bet yet, why do you refuse?
Don't refuse so simply! "

Guo Jia still shook his head.

"If I don't bet, I won't bet. If I bet with you, I will definitely lose."

Zhang Chengdao:
"You really don't want to bet?

What I am going to bet with you this time is whether I can double the total grain output in Chenliu County within a year.

You really don’t want to bet with me? "

Upon hearing Zhang Cheng's words, Guo Jia was stunned for an instant.

Then he turned around and stared at Zhang Cheng, looking up and down with suspicion in his eyes.

"Brother Gaojiu, what on earth are you planning?
Could it be that you have already thought of a way to double food production?

So are you planning to trick me? "

Zhang Cheng shook his head when he heard this and said:
"See what you said, am I that kind of person?"

Xi Zhicai glanced at Zhang Chengdao.

"Gaojiu, please tell me carefully, are you such a person?"

Zhang Cheng coughed and said:

"Last time was different from this time. You were an exception that time."

"Brother Gaojiu, do you really have nothing to do to double the food production?"

Zhang Cheng nodded seriously and said:
“I really don’t have a clue.

I don’t need to tell you how difficult this matter is, you can naturally see it.

If that's the case, why do you still want to bet with me?
Didn't you make it clear that you want to lose to me?
Would you be so kind? "

Guo Jia looked at Zhang Cheng, as if he had already seen through everything.

Don't give Zhang Cheng a chance to lie to himself.

I feel that I have caught the loophole in Zhang Cheng's words.

Zhang Cheng shook his head when he heard this and said:
"That's not the case. The reason why I want to make this bet with you is to put some pressure on myself.

Without pressure, people have no motivation to do things.

There is nothing I can do to double the food.

However, after making a bet for you, I will think about winning.

Under such circumstances, you will definitely be motivated to do this.

In this case, maybe I can really get things done.

Although the possibility is not high. "

Zhang Cheng was telling the truth, which is why he was questioned by Cao Cao.

I chose to state the purpose of doubling Chenliu County’s grain production next year.

The main reason is to create pressure for yourself.

If he hadn't spoken out, only he would have known about this mission.

Then even if you can't complete it, you just won't get those three years of life, that's all.

But now, he made this mission clear and made a bet with Guo Jia.

Since then, in order to win, he will try his best to complete this matter.

Hearing what Zhang Cheng said, Guo Jia was stunned for a moment, and then thought about it, it seemed that this was really the case.

It is true that after having a lucky draw, it is easier to be motivated to do things.

"What do you want to bet with me about, brother?
If Brother Gaojiu completes the matter, what price should I pay? "

Zhang Cheng thought for a moment and looked back and forth at Guo Jia.

No words were spoken for a while.

Feeling his gaze, Guo Jia couldn't stand it.

Busy shrank and took a step back, putting his hands on his chest.

"Impossible! Don't think about this!"

"I'm a decent person!"

Zhang Cheng heard this.

“Who is not a decent person?
You are a serious person, so why do you still look at me like this? "

Guo Jia took two more steps back and looked at Zhang Cheng with even more vigilance.

He always felt that the way Zhang Cheng looked at him was a little strange at this time, so he had to be careful.

Zhang Chengdao:
“I have already thought about the bet, and that is this time, if I win.

So, Fengxiao, how about you stop taking Wushi Powder from now on? "

Guo Jia has a bad habit of taking Wushi Powder.

Things like Five Stone Powder did not originate in the Wei and Jin Dynasties.

It was just the repressed and somewhat deformed literati in the Eastern and Western Jin Dynasties who popularized it and carried it forward.

In fact, at this time, it already exists.

It may be different from what they take, but overall it's still pretty much the same.

Guo Jia had the habit of taking Wushi Powder.

His poor health was not just caused by staying up late, indulgence, and drinking too much.

Taking Wushi Powder is also among them, occupying a large part.

As a later generation, Zhang Chengke has a natural aversion to this kind of thing.

Moreover, Zhang Cheng is also very aware of the harm of these things.

He actually feels very good about Guo Jia.

This is a person who is worth getting to know deeply, whether in terms of his character, intelligence, or other aspects.

Zhang Chengdu wanted to help him and let him give up Five Stones.

It was not like Zhang Cheng had never said this to him before.

But Guo Jia never listened, and now was the perfect opportunity to raise it.

In case he can really increase the food production, it would be a good idea to take the opportunity to get Guo Jia to quit the bad habit of taking Wushi Powder.

“I won’t bet, I won’t bet you this.

This...this Five Stone Powder is a good thing!

After taking it, people can be clear-headed and feel an indescribable happiness.

I am determined not to bet with you. "

Hearing this, Zhang Cheng glanced at Guo Jia sideways and said:

"I have already mentioned Jiang Jiang's plan to double Chen Liu's grain production next year.

I bet you this, but you don’t dare to bet me?

When did you, Guo Jia and Guo Fengxiao, become so timid?

This is not like the Guo Fengxiao I know!

Is it okay to be filial?
You, the dignified Guo Fengxiao, are like this, with no courage at all! "

After hearing Zhang Cheng's words, Guo Jia's face turned red and white.

As an extremely smart person, he is also extremely conceited.

He heard Zhang Cheng's words, which were really harsh.

Although he also knew that Zhang Cheng was using provocation against himself.

I understand it, but I just can't help it most of the time.

In fact, in his heart, he also knew that Zhang Cheng was doing good to him.

It's just that this Five Stone Powder is really difficult for him to quit.

Just thinking about the days when he didn't take Wu Shi San, he felt that he couldn't bear it.

That's true, it's as uncomfortable as you want.

"After all this, you still don't dare to make a bet to me?"

After Guo Jia was silent for a while, he suddenly gritted his teeth and said:

"Okay! I'll give you a bet then.

Since Brother Gao has said so, I will risk my life to accompany you this time! ! "

Zhang Cheng smiled when he heard this.

"Okay! Now you have some courage.

This is the Guo Fengxiao I know! "

After saying that, Zhang Cheng looked at Guo Jiada and said:
"Fengxiao must want me to lose now, right?"

Guo Jia shook his head and said:

“That’s not the case, although I am very reluctant to part with something like Five Stone Powder.

But compared to taking Wu Shi San, I actually hope to see brother Gao Jiu really accomplish what Gao Jiu said.

It can double the grain production in Chenliu County within one year.

If this is the case, then I would rather not take this Five Stone Powder anymore. "

Hearing what Guo Jia said, Zhang Cheng couldn't help but be in awe of Guo Jia.

Not to mention anything else, Guo Jia deserves to be treated like this just because of his mind and structure.

Xi Zhicai saw that Guo Jia actually made a bet with Zhang Cheng in a few words.

After thinking about his tragic experience, he reminded him: "Fengxiao, why don't you just bet with Gao.

Although at present, this is basically impossible to accomplish, it is outrageous.

But given my previous experience, I am still very worried that you will lose!

Since that time, I decided not to make any bets with Gao again. "

Hearing this, Guo Jia shook his head and said:
"I even made a bet with Brother Gao.

If Brother Gaojiu loses this time,...

Then my request is that Brother Gaojiu void the bet between him and Zhicai, so that Brother Zhicai will not give up drinking. "

By the way, Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai were definitely very good drinking buddies before.

As a result, Xi Zhicai doesn’t drink anymore, and Guo Jia feels that the fun of drinking is much less
Guo Jia himself drinks less now, not just because he has experienced the benefits of health care.

One of the big reasons is that Xi Zhicai doesn't drink at all.

He always drinks alone and finds it boring, so he drinks less.

So I wanted to take this opportunity to let Xi Zhicai continue drinking.

In this way, he can have a drinking buddy, and the joy of life can come back.

Originally, Xi Zhicai still wanted it.Then he opened his mouth to persuade Guo Jia.Don't continue to bet with Zhang Cheng.

As a result, after hearing the conditions proposed by Guo Jia, he immediately swallowed what he was about to say.

Looking at Guo Jia said:
"Fengxiao, I think your proposal is very good.

What happened this time was very different from my last time.

I was careless last time.

This time is different.

Just last time, Gao had used all the methods that could increase grain production.

Under such circumstances, it was simply impossible for him to increase food production so much.

So, you may win very big this time.

Basically it can be said to be a sure win.

This time I bet with him, I will definitely make a profit without losing anything. Feng Xiao made a right bet with him this time. "

Upon hearing Xi Zhicai's words, Cao Cao, Zhang Cheng and Guo Jia in the room all looked at Xi Zhicai with strange eyes.

Good guy, are you changing your face too quickly?
Before the relationship, you advised Guo Jia not to bet because it had nothing to do with your interests, right?
Facing the gazes of the three people, Xi Zhicai had a serious look on his face and didn't feel anything was wrong at all.

At first glance, he looks like a very thick-skinned veteran.

Guo Jia thought for a moment and then said:
"However, compared to not letting me take Wushisan.

The bet on my side is still a bit light, so I might as well add another one. "

Zhang Chengdao:
"Add what!"

Guo Jiadao:
"That's Brother Gaojiu. From now on, he will prepare a special meal for Brother Zhicai and me at least for a month. It needs to be something very rich.

It would be a real pity if we only have wine and no food cooked by you, Brother Gaojiu, to accompany it with. "

After hearing what Guo Jia said, Zhang Cheng nodded and said:
"Okay, I agree to this condition."

Zhang Cheng agreed, and Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

I feel that the two of us will be blessed in the future.

Although they also hope that Zhang Cheng will win.

But under the current conditions, no matter from any aspect, Zhang Chengdu has no chance of winning.

Just when the bet came into effect, Guo Jia suddenly spoke again.

"Um. Wait a minute, Brother Gaojiu has something else to do.

Zhang Chengdao:
"What? What kind of bet do you want to add?"

Guo Jia shook his head and said:
“That’s not the case, but I need to put forward some restrictions.

For example, Brother Gaojiu can't go too far here.

All the manpower and material resources under the general's command were gathered to Brother Gaojiu and Chen Liujun to help Brother Gaojiu complete this matter.

The two states will pool their efforts to increase the grain production in Chenliu County. "

This is what Guo Jia was able to come up with after some thinking.

So he took the lead to speak out and block this road.

Hearing this, Zhang Cheng shook his head and said:

"If you don't say this about filial piety, I will never do it.

What I said about increasing the food supply in Chenliu County is based on the premise that it will not affect the rest of the land under the lord's rule.

If you let all the forces from other places gather on Chenliu County.

This has delayed the development of other places, resulting in reduced grain production in other places.

Under such circumstances, even if it were possible to double the food supply in Chenliu County, what would be the point?
I absolutely will not do such a thing. "

After hearing what Zhang Cheng said, Guo Jia thought for a while and found no other problems.

Immediately nodded and said:

"Okay, then I'll make a bet with you, Brother Gaojiu."

After saying that, the two high-fived in front of Cao Cao.

With the banging sound, the bet was officially concluded.

Cao Cao and Xi Zhicai witnessed the incident.

"Gaojiu. You are really a little hasty this time.

Is this task really difficult to complete?
It’s not that it’s impossible to complete. In my opinion, it’s simply impossible to complete. "

Cao Cao looked at Zhang Cheng and said.

Although he also really wanted Zhang Cheng to win the bet.

In this case, it is most beneficial to him, and he is the biggest profiteer.

But.No matter how good your thoughts are, you still need to follow the actual situation.

From the actual situation, Zhang Cheng has no chance of winning at all.

On the existing basis, it is simply impossible to double Chenliu County's grain output.

Even Zhang Cheng said not long ago that at some point in the future, it may be possible to increase food production by four to five times, or even more.

He also didn't believe that Zhang Cheng could double his grain output under the current circumstances.

Zhang Cheng shook his head and said:
“It can’t be said to be sloppy or careless.

Anyway, regardless of gambling or not, I have to work hard in this regard.

If it can really happen, then this matter will have more luck, which is also good. "

After listening to Zhang Cheng's words, several people felt that what Zhang Cheng said made sense.

Especially Cao Cao's heart was extremely moved.

The more I look at Zhang Chengcheng, the more pleasing I feel.

He is worthy of being his good son-in-law!
What a good son-in-law he is!

For my father-in-law, I really do my best.

It is not a loss to marry his daughter to him, and it is not a loss to work hard to find a concubine for him.

For his attitude, let alone two concubines.

Even if I find more concubines for him in the future, it would still be worth keeping them around.

Gaojie is truly worthy of being a great scholar and worthy of being his good son-in-law.

He's really...really...


Cao Cao was completely moved by Zhang Cheng's behavior.

I feel that everything I have done before is worth it.

However, he didn't know that the biggest reason why Zhang Cheng did this was to gain those three years of life.

It is very different from what Boss Cao thought.

But this is unbearable, Boss Cao can figure it out.

From Boss Cao's point of view, Zhang Cheng did all this for him, and that was enough.

"Zhang Cheng, you are really my good son-in-law!"

After hearing what Boss Cao said, looking at Boss Cao looking at me again, he was so moved that he almost cried.

Zhang Cheng was stunned for a moment, and instantly understood that Boss Cao had misunderstood!
However, he did not explain, but climbed up the pole.

"It is what a son-in-law should do to share his worries with his father-in-law. This is his duty."

Of course, the more beautiful misunderstandings, the better.

When Boss Cao heard Zhang Cheng's words, he was so moved that he almost shed tears.

"Good! You are indeed my good son-in-law.

Your father-in-law's love for you is not in vain. From now on, when your father-in-law meets the right person, he even offers to be your concubine! "

(End of this chapter)

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