Omnic Crisis in Super God's Beginning

Chapter 10 Passive Trading

Chapter 10 Passive Trading

"Boss, if officials from the Siris government want to know which countries the company suspects of stealing the company's technology, how should they answer?"

Before completing Lu Yuan's decision, Professor Eureka planned to ask more details about the implementation of the decision to prevent him from making any mistakes, which would affect Lu Yuan's follow-up arrangements.

"Who knows? Maybe it's the Guifang Kingdom in the Eastern Continent, the White Kingdom in the Northern Continent, the Varandia Kingdom in the Southeast Continent, or those small countries in the Northwest Continent. Who can figure it out?" Lu Yuan Smiled.

Hearing what Lu Yuan said, Professor Eureka's heart froze. Is Lu Yuan going to drag all these countries into the arena at once?

"What specific technologies were stolen from the company?" Professor Eureka asked again.

Regarding this question, Lu Yuan thought for a moment and then said:

"Even I can't figure this out, but what is certain is that there must have been leaks about the production technology of gray goo omnics!"

"Tell the Siris government that Gray Goo Company hopes that the government can open more green sales channels for the company to restore the damage caused by the theft of the company's technology. To this end, the company is willing to voluntarily hand over some of the confidential technology that has not been leaked. To the government.”

As a large-scale technology company standing on the planet El, Gray Goo Company naturally relies on more than just one of the latest Gray Goo intelligent products.

Gray Goo Company has made great achievements in technological innovation in the fields of artificial intelligence and mechanical manufacturing, but that does not mean that it has little achievements in other fields.

Gray Goo Company has a newly developed standardized alloy production technology that has been coveted by the National Science and Technology Department of the Siris government.

The alloy produced by the alloy production technology mastered by Gray Gu Company is very applicable and versatile.

The Seris State is engaged in an almost endless arms race with other superpowers. Their competition goals range from civilian to military industry to manned spaceflight, covering almost all industrial projects.

In a long-term arms race, huge resources will be deployed at a certain moment.

Therefore, the arms race is, in a sense, also a resource race.

Among the resources used in the arms race, the most basic industrial resource is alloy!
Various alloy resources have long been used to produce weapons and firearms, aircraft and tanks, battleships and cannons, and the consumption and usage are very terrifying.

Different from the different functions and applicable fields of each alloy, producing an alloy requires mining the corresponding raw materials, then smelting and processing them, and going through complex industrial processes to obtain the corresponding alloy.

As a result, countries' control of various precious metal mineral resources has become an important part of the arms race.

The alloy production technology mastered by Gray Gu Company is a unique technology.

They are able to standardize the smelting of raw material metal minerals. By using a large machine, they disrupt the molecular structure of the metal and rearrange it to form a new metal structure. The metal smelted in this way is used by the Gray Gu Company. Called a standardized alloy.

This standardized alloy is divided into Level [-], Level [-], and Level [-] by Gray Gu Company.

How scary is this standardized alloy?

The strength and hardness of the first-grade alloy manufactured by Gray Goo Company completely exceeds the standards compared with the highest-strength alloy used by the Seris government to produce armaments!
There is absolutely no need to compare the two.

The first-grade alloy produced by Gray Gu Company can withstand heavy artillery bombardment without any further processing without being too damaged.

If that kind of alloy is used to produce armaments, it will greatly strengthen the arms industry of the Seris country.

Therefore, when the Gray Goo Company of the Seris Government mastered a very advanced alloy production technology, it immediately wanted to obtain this technology.

It is a pity that the Gray Gu Company at that time refused to hand over this technology.

Directly afterwards, Gray Goo Company developed the product Gray Goo Intelligent Machine, whose main production material was the first-grade alloy produced by Gray Goo Company.The Siris government kept asking for technology. As a result, Gray Goo Company provided the technology for manufacturing and producing Gray Goo intelligent weapons, but still did not hand over the crucial alloy production technology.

This time, Gray Goo Company experienced technology theft, and in order to maintain its business, it did not hesitate to voluntarily hand over this technology that had long been coveted by the Siris government.

With such a drama, Lu Yuan believed that those short-sighted government officials would not be able to say anything more, even if they were disgusted by some of Gray Goo Company's actions in the future.

After all, the person holding the hand is short-handed.

If those government officials have no limits and do not do good things even after receiving benefits, then don’t blame the Gray Goo Company for the increasing number of similar incidents of technology theft.


According to Lu Yuan's arrangement, Professor Eureka conveyed relevant information to the Siris government on behalf of Gray Goo Company.

As expected, the government officials who communicated with Professor Eureka were stunned on the spot when they heard that Gray Goo Company had experienced technology theft.

The other party was stunned for a while, and then asked in disbelief:
"Your Gray Gu Company...are you serious?"

"Of course it is true. Would our company make a joke about such a big thing?" Professor Eureka vowed. He firmly defended and affirmed the authenticity of the company's technology theft.

Seeing that Professor Eureka was so disrespectful, the government officials who received him were silent again.

"Who stole your company's technology?"

"Who knows? There are people in this world who may steal the company's technology. Maybe it's Guifang Country, maybe it's Bai Country, maybe it's not necessarily our country of Seris, but our boss guesses that there's a high probability that it's Fran. People from the machine country did it." Professor Eureka still pretended to be confused.

"Did those lost technologies include the production technology of gray goo intelligent equipment?" The official gritted his teeth secretly, but asked with an expressionless face.

"Our boss said that it is natural." Professor Eureka affirmed.

"..." The government officials were silent for a while. It took them a long time to catch their breath and hold back one word:
"it is good!"

"Very good!"

Both parties are smart and decent people, and both parties have reached an embarrassing stage that no one wants to see.

"What does your company want?" Government officials planned to conduct some negotiations with Gray Goo Company.

Professor Eureka took advantage of the situation and put forward the conditions that Lu Yuan told him that he needed to put forward to the Serris government.

Gray Goo Company's conditions were not too excessive. On the contrary, the government officials who received Professor Eureka immediately softened their attitude after learning that Gray Goo Company was willing to hand over the standardized alloy production technology that the Siris government had been coveting for a long time. .

"The government already knows about your company's conditions, and it will not let you down this time."

"But the government also hopes that your company can be more safe and sound. It is best to strengthen your company's security measures to prevent technology theft like today from happening again."

"Of course, of course, our boss is a reasonable person. Ahem, what I mean is that from now on, Gray Goo Company will definitely strengthen security measures!" Professor Eureka said no longer pretending to be confused.

However, Professor Eureka turned a deaf ear to the obvious warning words from the government officials. After bidding farewell to the government officials, he immediately returned to the company's headquarters building and reported the situation to Lu Yuan.

(End of this chapter)

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