Omnic Crisis in Super God's Beginning

Chapter 9 The Crossroads of Destiny

Chapter 9 The Crossroads of Destiny

[Triggering event: Crossroads of destiny]

[Description: Once upon a time, the belief in angels took root everywhere on this planet. However, with the development of social productivity and the gradual opening of people's minds, the power of the angelic church in the secular world was taken away...]

[Hundreds of years later, the civilization on Aiur will usher in a new era, but the ancient church still holds on to the rubble of their conservative ideas and refuses to let go of the coming new era. They turn a blind eye, they obstruct in every possible way, they are stubborn! 】

[But this time, the favor of fate seemed to be on their side. The angels believed in by the church showed their miracles. The people who believed in angels once again bowed to the thousand-year authority of the church. The fate of this planet was determined. When you reach a fork in the road, how should you choose? 】

[1. Compromise with the church and convert to the righteous belief of angels ""Prosperity and unity" failed"]

[2. Ignore it and continue to implement our plan ""Prosperity and Unification" continues, there is a probability of triggering the hidden event "Angel's Judgment"]

[3. Stop our plans, but do not convert to the faith of angels ""Prosperity and Unification" fails"]


Keep planning!

Lu Yuan made his choice silently, and then looked at Professor Eureka in front of him.

He didn't want to pay much attention to what Professor Eureka said about the Angel Church's intention to impose sanctions on Gray Goo Company.

He only cares about one thing.

“What is the current attitude of the Siris government towards the company?”

"It's hard to say...the attitude is very unclear." Professor Eureka shrugged.

"Several secret sources of the company in the government vaguely revealed to us that some people in the Siris government want the company to make some temporary compromises with the Angel Church, but they cannot hand over the technology..."

"You mean, let us bear the pressure ourselves, and the Siris government can watch the show first? Or, let the company create a suitable opportunity for the Siris government to end, and then the Siris government can take advantage of the situation and reach out to our company." Come?" Lu Yuan made it clear what Professor Eureka wanted to express.

Professor Eureka expressed helplessness and said, "Yes."

"There is probably nothing we can do about it. This time the church is coming in force. Not only do they have the support of the entire Western continent, but they also seem to have the support of other countries." Professor Eureka sighed:

"In addition to Franji Country, White Country, Ghost Fang Country, and Vlandia Country...these countries are also very interested in the technology of gray goo omnics, so there is a high probability that they will also participate in this sanction. .”

"The Siris government wants companies to withstand the pressure first, probably because they are not ready to deal with so many sanctions at once."

"Oh? If the Siris government can't handle it, can Gray Goo Company be able to handle it?" Lu Yuan sneered.

Professor Eureka was speechless. He was also disgusted with the Siris government's plan to use Gray Goo Company as free cannon fodder and then pick the company's peaches for free.

"It seems that there is nothing we can do..." Lu Yuanda said.

Things changed so quickly that some of his plans had to be accelerated.

When he heard that the superpowers on Aiur were now interested in the technology of gray goo omnics, instead of feeling a headache, he felt a little happy.

It's good to be interested. If the superpowers on Aiur are not interested in gray goo omnics at all, then he will have a headache.

Nowadays, all the political forces that can speak on the planet Aier have turned their attention to the Gray Goo Company.

This not only put great pressure on Gray Goo Company, but also made Gray Goo Company suddenly have a decisive influence at the moment.

And what Lu Yuan needs is exactly this situation.

He made quick decisions about the current situation.

"Professor Eureka, on my behalf, I would like to express my greetings to the senior officials of the Siris government."

"Let's just say that Gray Goo Company's internal information network was invaded and many important technologies were stolen. The company suspects that it was done by certain countries." Lu Yuan's response strategy puzzled Professor Eureka.

Technology theft?
How could this happen to Gray Goo Company?

As a world-class large-scale technology company, Gray Goo Company is very strict in protecting its own information network databases and important technologies, and is even no worse than the security measures of some national departments.

If Gray Goo Company's internal network was attacked and technology was stolen, would anyone believe it if this kind of thing spread?
This outrageous thing happens at a critical juncture when the Church of Angels has the support of many superpowers and plans to sanction the Gray Goo Company and the Seris Country.

If you tell me, no one will believe it.

What's more, everything in Gray Gu Company is running normally. Where has any technology theft been discovered?

Professor Eureka imagined that if he passed such outrageous news to the Siris government, how would the Siris government officials who communicated with him view him and Gray Goo Company?
Probably the attitude of "What international joke are you kidding me on?"

Thinking of this, Professor Eureka's face twitched, but he quickly understood the purpose of Lu Yuan asking him to do this.

Lu Yuan is going to lead Gray Gu Company to do big things.

Professor Eureka doesn't yet know the details of Lu Yuan's "Universal Giant Enterprise" plan, but he can vaguely see some clues from the current situation the company is facing and Lu Yuan's decision-making to deal with it.

My boss seems to be quite ambitious, but no, this can no longer be simply considered ambitious.

This can be said to be a 'rebellion in the back of the head'!

If Lu Yuan's decision is really followed, then if the Gray Goo Company accidentally fails to play well, it is very likely to offend the Siris government!
At that time, the Gray Goo Company will not only suffer sanctions from the Angel Church and the countries behind it, but also from the local Seris government.

Under the heavy pressure from many aspects, the Gray Gu Company, a big ship with countless interests tied up, is likely to be unable to withstand the pressure and fall apart.

As the third-in-command of Gray Goo Company and the chief scientist, Professor Eureka was shocked by his inner conjecture, but he did not express his emotions or anger, nor did he have any intention of stopping Lu Yuan's decision.

After all, Lu Yuan is the CEO of the company, which is equivalent to the owner of all the company's assets, the company's greatest benefit recipient, and the person who stands at the top of the Gray Goo Company's profit pyramid.

And these company employees who take orders from Lu Yuan, ranging from the chief engineer and chief scientist to the lowest-level employees, are the remaining components of the profit pyramid of Gray Gu Company.

What employees know is.

No matter what Lu Yuan wants to do, the primary purpose of what he does must be to obtain sufficient benefits for the company, and they, the employees of the company, will eventually get more or less what they deserve from the benefits Lu Yuan obtains. of that benefit.

Every employee in Gray Goo Company is an individual who forms a collective, and the group creates interests. The highest authority expands the interests through decision-making, and then rationally distributes the dividends from the interests to each employee through the company organization.

In this way, the group forms a cohesion, and the interests bind people's hearts. If the interests are stable and large enough, the strength to bind people's hearts will be strong enough.

In addition, Gray Goo Company has very generous welfare policies for its employees. Even the lowest-level company employees have a very strong sense of identification with Gray Goo Company and Lu Yuan, the CEO.

With the people's hearts gathered together, in a sense, the employees working in Gray Goo Company are more loyal to this company than they are to the government of Seris.

Professor Eureka is such a representative.

Therefore, even if it is known that Lu Yuan has ambitions to do some big things and wants to participate in the competition between many superpowers, doing so is likely to destroy the interest group Gray Gu Company.

But Professor Eureka, as an important senior executive of the company, did not want to stop it. He just wanted to silently implement the arrangements entrusted to him by Lu Yuan.

As for whether the ultimate purpose of Lu Yuan's decision-making was to subvert a superpower, or for other ambitions, it was not important to Professor Eureka at all.

After all, within the company, without Lu Yuan's support, Professor Eureka would be just an ordinary scientist.

If the Gray Gu Company would be destroyed by Lu Yuan's decision, even if he wanted to stop Lu Yuan's decision, it would be impossible.

(End of this chapter)

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