Omnic Crisis in Super God's Beginning

Chapter 149 Reappearance of Light Years

Chapter 149 Reappearance of Light Years
"The past of Kamigawa Civilization is very valuable for the company."

"They use their own destruction to tell us that even between civilizations that have developed to the same stage and relative height, there will be gaps due to differences in thoughts and concepts."

"The advanced civilization that was destroyed so easily is a ridiculous lesson for our Gray Goo Company. We need to be vigilant and not be able to become such a ridiculous existence."

"Before we have explored all the mysteries of the entire universe, our civilization cannot easily be destroyed for some ridiculous reasons..."

In the Research Department.

Professor Eureka, who is studying the ultimate fear, joked on the public communication channel in his spare time.


Angel Chase, who was standing aside, glanced at Professor Eureka, who was pretending to be a bearded old man, quite speechlessly.

She wondered if the other party was her who was once a member of the angel civilization in her heart?
After all, a large part of the reason for the destruction of the Kamigawa civilization was that within the other civilization, some people implemented the Kamigawa moral ideas respected by their own civilization too absolutely.

Those Kamigawa people who are unwilling to abandon their home planet and are willing to be destroyed along with their civilization's home star are nothing short of ridiculous in the eyes of today's Gray Gu Company.

Therefore, the Angel Civilization, which inherited most of the ideological concepts of the Kamigawa Civilization and developed righteous thoughts based on this, also has many things that are ridiculous in the eyes of the Gray Goo Company.

Although Angel Chase is now involved in the execution of the "Grey Goo Storm Project" and the storm she transformed is still spreading and sweeping through the Angel Nebula, part of her consciousness has also come to the Scientific Research Department and participated in Among the research projects on ultimate fear conducted by the Scientific Research Department.

At present, in the entire scientific research department, the only person who is more involved with the fallen Kamigawa civilization is Angel Chase.

Professor Eureka's inadvertent joke naturally changed its flavor when it fell on Angel Chai's ears. She thought that the other person was insinuating that she was once a member of the angel civilization and also believed in justice, so she saw Professor Eureka's gaze became more and more dangerous.

As if aware of Angel Chase's displeased and dangerous gaze, Professor Eureka felt something bad for no reason. He coughed quickly and said seriously:
"The CEO's side, regarding the construction of the Level [-] Singularity, is almost coming to an end. How about... you go take a look?"

"Okay." Angel Zhui immediately turned into a gust of wind and left the scientific research department without looking back.


After the angel chased away, Professor Eureka looked at the other employees in the scientific research department who had originally planned to watch the excitement, and pretended to be calm and ordered:

"This is nothing special, keep working!"


the other side.

On a planet listed as an experimental site in a star system [-] light-years away from the Aiur Galaxy.

Lu Yuan is currently presiding over a crucial engineering project. He is accompanied by Gray Feng, Nadisha, Victor, and a large group of engineering department employees.

A complex composite structure building appeared in front of them, just like a super large energy station.

Level [-] Singularity Project!

This is an energy project. With the current technology of Gray Goo Company, in the field of energy technology, they have already basically achieved a completely independent supply of energy means.

If energy is measured in the form of pure currency and wealth is measured in an equal sense, within Gray Goo Company today, on average, every one hundred company employees enjoy a star of considerable magnitude as their backup energy support.

With no shortage of energy supply, the Level [-] Singularity Project currently being carried out by Lu Yuan and others is as if they have built a large toy project.

Because of the function of this level four singularity, it seems that at best it is just a magical device that can generate a large amount of energy out of thin air.Producing energy out of thin air has completely subverted the basic principles of conservation of matter and energy in the universe in the scientific concepts of some backward civilizations.

Not only can it produce energy out of thin air, Gray Goo Company also possesses some technical means that can produce some common and rare substances in the universe out of thin air.

Creating things out of thin air is a miraculous skill.

But for a synthetic era civilization like Gray Goo Company that no longer worries about energy and materials, such magical technologies in its own hands are indeed just some mediocre small technologies that can only be used as toys. .

But not all.

After any technology loses its service significance, its purpose of existence will become more pioneering.

Right now.

This newly constructed level-[-] singularity has many special frame equipment arranged around it.

“The technical premise from scratch is the key to realizing data transformation from virtual to reality...”

"If we break through this key, we will be able to achieve subjective controllability transformation between virtual and reality through technical means..."

"How is the framework project of the "Light Year Battleship Project" being constructed? "Lu Yuan had the support of the Universal Think Tank behind him. While performing various data calculations, he asked Victor and others next to him.

"It's still going on, but it's almost over..." Hui Feng's body was close to Lu Yuan's side, her little hands were spread out, and a small virtual battleship model was being quickly constructed in her hands.

That was a model of a light-year battleship.

The light-year battleship is a creative engineering idea obtained by Gray Goo Company during the countless reincarnations and restarts of civilization in the second universe.

Because the design and vision of this project are so grand, even in the simulation calculations of the second universe, the implementation and execution of this project plan will consume a lot of time and resources.

That is still virtual. If the same project plan is implemented in reality, the resources and time required will be even more.

But fortunately, the Gray Gu Company, which has mastered all the resources of the entire Golden Constellation, now lacks most resources and time.

And they also had the possibility of building a light-year battleship in reality, so the relevant engineering plans were directly included in the company's schedule by Lu Yuan.

Even if a light-year battleship is built according to the minimum standards, the spatial dimension of the battleship's body is often measured in light years.

For such a warship, in reality, even if all the planets and stars in hundreds of star systems are dismantled and then the relevant materials are used to build such a warship, it is not enough.

Moreover, after the construction of the 'light-level battleship', the energy supply to the battleship is also a big problem.

Therefore, based on the "Light Year Battleship Project" that was successfully implemented in the Second Universe, Lu Yuan and the Engineering Department made many practical improvements.

The material consumption of building a light-grade battleship is not a big problem at all with Gray Wind and Nadisha. They control nano-intelligent units that can almost fill the star sea to implement the project plan, and can quickly assemble and build a light-grade battleship. The overall model comes.

After that, Lu Yuan and others planned to build a fourth-level singularity in the light-year battleship to solve the battleship's energy supply problem.

In order to prevent the 'light-year battleship' that was finally built from becoming a large-scale cosmic celestial body model.

Such a project plan seems to be sufficient. In theory, it is possible to build a fully functional 'light-year battleship', but in actual implementation, many problems have arisen.

(End of this chapter)

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