Omnic Crisis in Super God's Beginning

Chapter 150 Space-time Network Channel

Chapter 150 Space-time Network Channel
The deep sky is dim and the stars are shining brightly.

The majestic and huge light-level battleship floats in the sea of ​​​​stars like a palace of gods.

When such a huge warship appeared among the stars, the light of dozens of nearby star systems was obscured by it.

The birth of such a miraculous battleship is like a milestone. From the moment it took shape, it will forever stay in the historical chronicle of the civilization that created it.

Although this light-year battleship has taken shape, there are still many nano-intelligent machines hovering and floating inside and outside it, carrying out more detailed engineering operations.

Although this light-year battleship looks very big, it is still slightly insufficient compared to the light-year battleships that appeared in the second universe and can directly destroy the entire universe in a short time after being activated. of.

The one-light-year-diameter ship stretches like a plain, and there are a large number of mysterious devices inside the ship that are already at work before the main body of the warship is fully formed.

"Key projects such as the black hole gravitational expansion/contraction simulator are operating normally..."

According to the conventional physical principles of the universe, the birth of such a light-year battleship is almost unbelievable.

Because of such a large ship body, the quantity and quality of materials accumulated are very terrifying.

There is gravity in the universe, and gravity affects quantum fluctuations.

When enough matter appears on an object, the matter making up this huge object will spontaneously pull each other, eventually causing the object to collapse and collapse over a large area.

A physical ship with a diameter of one light-year can actually be completely formed in the surrounding star system. During the implementation of the project, there was no gravitational collapse, or even other nearby celestial bodies being attracted by this light-year warship. This is This thing is incredible.

The reason for this phenomenon is that in the process of building the main frame of the battleship, the black hole gravitational expansion/condensation simulator played a key role.

The black hole gravitational expansion/convergence simulator can act on large-volume and massive objects to maintain the gravitational pull of the material composing the object in a constant state at all times.

The core of the black hole gravitational expansion/contraction simulator is one or several small artificial black holes, which are bound in a relatively semi-isolated special space using a multi-dimensional space technology.

When it comes into play, those artificial black holes will perform gravitational expansion/contraction work under the constraints of the black hole gravitational expansion/contraction simulator.

Afterwards, they will impose two pseudo-states on the corresponding objects, collapse and expansion.

Theoretically speaking, it is impossible for an object, even a tiny nanoscale or smaller object, to achieve a contraction while its gravity is expanding, thereby reaching a relatively theoretically stable state.

But this is not difficult for the Gray Goo Company, which has mastered some high-dimensional space technologies.

With the technical level of Gray Goo Company, if they wanted to, they could even make this light-year battleship recover exactly as it was set in the next second after gravitational collapse and the overall material collapse. appearance.

Restore the tense of matter at a technical level, or even subvert the tense of matter. Subjectively manipulate the state of matter, making a matter as small as the quark level, or even smaller, as large as the celestial level, or even larger. Its past state, The current state and even the trajectory of the future state are completely in your own hands.

Of course, although the technology in the hands of Gray Goo Company has reached such a level of miraculous skill, there is still no way to bypass a more basic physical principle.

That is, the movement of matter requires energy. This is a principle that even if they can create things/generate energy out of thin air and manipulate the state of matter as they wish, there is no way around it.

Therefore, after completing the main construction of the light-year battleship, they still need to carry out deeper engineering plans.

Among several planets listed as experimental sites near the light-year battleship.A large number of level four singularities have been built on almost every one of these planets.

These level four singularities can produce a large amount of energy out of thin air, and they will exist as the energy source for the initial startup and subsequent use of this light-year battleship.

It's just that these level [-] singularities are currently being built on these experimental planets, and the energy they generate does not seem to be directly used in light-year battleships.

Because the fourth-level singularity project and the light-level battleship project plan are originally two independent project plans.

Now the two project plans need to be merged to fully reflect the role of the two.

"Has the Dongtian Paradise space been constructed?" Lu Yuan asked calmly while standing on an experimental planet.

"The construction of the space-time wormhole network in the Dongtian Paradise space will still take some time to complete. Please be patient, CEO..." Nadisha replied from the side. The project of the space-time wormhole network was completed by her. .

Among the many projects involved in building a light-year battleship, the project of building a space-time wormhole network is a relatively complex and difficult one.

The implementation of this project must be completed after other project plans are completed, so the progress will be slightly slower.

The role of space-time wormholes does not need much elaboration. It is a key technology that allows people to travel through time and space and return to the past, present and future.

But for a highly developed civilization, traveling through time and space through space-time wormhole technology is only a necessary prerequisite.

Although Gray Goo Company is currently able to travel through time and space through time and space wormholes, it is not something that can be done casually just because it is said to be possible.

The act of traveling through time and space itself will cause damage and changes to the causal order of some things. Those damages and changes are, in a sense, very uncontrollable.

Uncontrollable destruction and changes will only bring unnecessary losses.

Nowadays, Gray Goo Company has not encountered threats, disasters and enemies that require traveling through time and space to change things in the past or future to save itself.

Therefore, even if Gray Goo Company now masters the space-time wormhole technology that can travel through time and space, it has not made many applications in this area.

But the technical application effect of space-time wormholes is not just as simple as being able to travel through time and space.

This technology is in the hands of Gray Gu Company and can also be used to transport large and massive celestial units.

This is the role of space-time wormholes in the current light-year battleship project.

In the engineering design of Gray Goo Company, there should be a vast isolated space in the internal space of the light-year battleship that can accommodate nearly infinite matter. It is used to prevent accidents and has been used to supply energy in many aspects.

The light-year battleships that appeared in the second universe were once equipped with built-in space projects called "Dongtian Paradise".

Now that the Gray Goo Company has designed and manufactured this light-year warship in reality, they plan to use space-time wormhole technology to build a network tunnel project to create such a "cave paradise".

(End of this chapter)

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