Omnic Crisis in Super God's Beginning

Chapter 151 The Miracle Appears

Chapter 151 The Miracle Appears
On the light-year battleship, the network tunnel project built using space-time wormhole technology is a large-scale closed space corridor project.

In this corridor space, countless materials and energy can be loaded for backup storage, and every project of the light-year battleship can also be provided with safe and stable internal guarantees.

Of course, such a light-year battleship, with sufficient internal security and sufficient starting energy, is still not enough.

Because such a light-year battleship was not built to look good or to deal with a certain civilization in the known universe.

It was born in order to allow the Gray Goo Company to master a powerful means of force to deal with the unknown ultimate fear.

Unlike many god-level civilizations in the known universe, when faced with the threat of the ultimate fear, they stick together for warmth, or they study it in depth for tens of millions of years in order to reach the void world behind the ultimate fear. It's a superficial, but fruitless, passive response.

The Gray Goo Company has only one attitude when it comes to dealing with its ultimate fear.

Determine the other party as an imaginary enemy and regard the other party as a civilization stronger than your own.

Then in order to achieve the destruction of the enemy by force at the level of technical application.

No matter how powerful the ultimate fear is, no matter how unknown, it is just something that exists in the same universe as them. Even if they give the other party more reverie, and elevate the other party's void world to the point that it is regarded as something from another universe, then for them, For the current Gray Gu Company, that's it.

For the ultimate fear, fear is fear.

But it doesn't mean that Gray Goo Company needs to have any awe of it. There is nothing in this universe that any Gray Goo Company employee can be in awe of from a civilized level.

As a matter of fact, as long as they master the force capable of destroying the entire universe, even if the so-called ultimate fear comes immediately, they will be qualified to speak openly with each other.

The light-year battleship is a tool that allows the Gray Goo Company to open the "skylight". Therefore, in addition to its simple and huge hull, it also needs to have more deterrence capabilities.

"Reporting to the CEO, the Ether Phase Engine framework has been constructed!"

Chief engineer Victor suddenly reported such good news to Lu Yuan.

After hearing the good news, including Lu Yuan, Hui Feng, Nadisha and others were slightly stunned.

Even Angel Chase, who had just arrived here from the Scientific Research Department, was surprised by this news.

Ether Phase Engine!

Among the many projects of Gray Goo Company, the existence of this project has always been very special.

Its project progress, every minute and every second, is enough to stir up the nerve center of the huge civilized collective of Gray Goo Company.

Because this project is a direct means that can truly allow Gray Goo Company to master the ability to destroy the universe, and it is also the fastest and most practical means.

As long as the Ether Phase Engine is successfully set up and finally activated, Gray Goo Company will be able to lift the consciousness of every employee into a high-latitude space, allowing the entire civilization to ascend like a feast.

After the etheric phase engine is activated, the galaxy where the etheric phase engine is installed will be destroyed due to the huge recoil. All stars, planets and all celestial bodies in the galaxy will collapse at that moment!
However, such an ascension is too simple and crude for Gray Goo Company.

After all, their civilization only took ten years to rise in the known universe. The traces of their existence are too short compared to other civilizations in the entire universe.

They have just occupied a galaxy, and they have not really begun to enjoy everything their civilization has and mastered.

In this case, even if they are faced with the threat of ultimate fear, there is no need for them to deal with their enemies through this simple and crude way of overtaking in corners.

After all, once Jean really activates the etheric phase engine and they collectively fly into the high-dimensional world, at that time, their entire civilization will be extremely shallow.

In the high-dimensional world they ascended to, there may not be corresponding civilizations or life forms. They suddenly ascended to the high-dimensional world. Although the existing threats were eliminated, they may still face threats belonging to that world in the future... In that case, the collective ascension of their civilization would become a huge gamble filled with many uncertainties.

Reality is not a game. There is no way for them to focus the hope of the entire civilization on an unknown gamble.

Therefore, they must be fully prepared in all aspects in order to achieve such an ascension.

But even so, out of some considerations, Gray Goo Company still chose to set up an etheric phase engine in the Golden Constellation.

The purpose of doing this is not for other reasons, but simply to prevent unexpected events.

There are two different things between not having a sword in your hand and having a sword that you won't use temporarily.

With the Ether Phase Engine in hand, Gray Goo Company can perform more convenient operations when dealing with some unpredictable threats.

Moreover, the etheric phase engine currently installed by Gray Gu Company in the Golden Constellation also has a certain optical connection with the "Light Grade Battleship Project".

When Lu Yuan learned that the etheric phase engine was successfully installed, he immediately went to check it out.

Microwormhole fluctuations appear.

A framework platform set up out of thin air is quietly suspended in front of a special huge star.

Lu Yuan and others appeared after that, and what caught their eyes was an extremely huge frame structure that exuded waves of divine power.

The external structure of the etheric phase engine is like a giant dragon, enveloping a blue supergiant star. Its overall appearance is even more shocking than the Thousand Years Star Project that Gray Gu Company has completed so far. A bit huge.

Of course, this is still an unfinished ether phase engine.

When the entire project is completely completed, its appearance will be even more spectacular and larger than what we see now.

"CEO, this is the miracle we have accomplished!" Victor said with an intoxicated expression.

"It is indeed a miracle..."

Angel Chase, who was once a member of the Angel Civilization, was shocked physically and mentally when she witnessed such a behemoth-like structure, but her face was still ordinary.

She once led the entire Gray Goo Company civilization in countless ascensions and civilization restarts in the second universe.

During these ascensions, she also destroyed the universe countless times...

But even after destroying the universe so many times, when she saw such a miracle again, she felt a wave of shock from the bottom of her heart.

Such a miracle is a brilliant creation unimaginable by the gods and civilizations in the known universe!

It is a true creation of God!

Such a god's creation came from their hands, how could they not be shocked by it? In other words, it was not a shock, but a kind of heroism.

Having achieved such a creation, they truly stood at the pinnacle of some kind of divinity, and also stood at the top of the endless universe, looking down at everything in this universe. In their eyes, those things were like towers of sand in the river. , can collapse in their hands...

The future destiny of a galaxy, or even the rise and fall of a universe, is in their hands like a pinch.

(End of this chapter)

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