Omnic Crisis in Super God's Beginning

Chapter 152: Going Back in Time

Chapter 152 Looking back in time
"There is no problem with the current data check..."

"The data feedback from the Universal Think Tank is correct. All relevant data will be imported into the stars of thousands of years, and simulation calculations will be checked in the second universe..."

"The real-time data of the etheric phase engine was uploaded successfully, the real-time data of the light-year battleship was uploaded successfully, the real-time data of the space-time wormhole network was uploaded successfully..."

"Docking complete!"


second universe.

An empty starry sky.

Swish swish!
Like printing in the void, the entire frame of a light-year battleship suddenly appeared in the originally empty starry sky, as well as a blue supergiant wrapped in an ether phase engine...

Of course, these are not models, but things that actually exist in the second universe, generated by one-to-one simulations of real-life data.

Under the dominant control of Tianli, this light-year battleship that originally existed in reality and was not yet completely completed, once its real-time data was connected to the second universe, it immediately began to simulate and evolve towards the completed state. .

Soon a light-year warship in its final state of completion was completely formed.

Not only the light-year battleships, but also the ether phase engines.

With the blessing of the space-time wormhole network, the entire hull of the light-year battleship is distorted and blurred in the second universe, and it looks like it will collapse and disintegrate in the next moment.

Of course, this is just an external visual effect, not what actually happened.

In fact, with a light-level battleship stabilized by a complete space-time wormhole network, every quark-level material structure of its hull is maintained in a stable state that tends to be constant.

Next to the light-year battleship is the completed etheric phase engine. Its huge structure exudes surging power. At this moment, just a small command can make it work instantly.

As long as the etheric phase engine is activated, the entire galaxy in the direction of the structure in the second universe will be destroyed.

But Tianli was not in a hurry to do that.

The consciousnesses of Lu Yuan, Hui Feng, Nadisha and others were quickly connected to the second universe.

With the help of heavenly principles, they peer quietly like boundless gods outside the sky, and control everything in the second universe.

Under their joint witness, the completed light-year battleship and the etheric phase engine shown in the second universe began to connect in some way...

The light-year battleship and the etheric phase engine are like two huge behemoths with different appearances, slowly coming together under the control of Tianli.

Just like loading a battleship engine on an ordinary battleship, under the connection of the already set engineering procedures, the two are perfectly integrated.

[Data matching check is correct...]

[Are you sure to activate the light-year battleship and start the ether phase engine immediately? ! 】

A prompt came from the Tianli system, and Lu Yuan immediately responded:

"Allow start!"

In an instant, as the order was issued, the ether phase engine and the light-year battleship completed some kind of startup simultaneously.

The surging energy wave spread across the star sea, and an entire galaxy existing in the second universe was buried.Along with the martyrdom of an entire galaxy, something even more terrible happened.

I saw that a world called "Void Realm" that was originally online in the second universe was drained of all its energy in an instant. Several powerful gods who originally existed in the "Void Realm", along with countless emotions The entities were also annihilated in the drained "virtual realm", and their remnants were turned into the purest energy, which was replenished to the light-year battleship.

However, the light-grade battleship that was originally docked with the etheric phase engine was not directly destroyed by the distorted and superimposed space-time network channel on the surface of the ship as the etheric phase engine was activated.

Instead, it followed the predetermined trajectory and moved directly towards a set high-dimensional world that existed in the second universe.

Not only the light-year battleships, but also the etheric phase engine that was supposed to be destroyed after being activated was actually brought intact to the high-dimensional world under the influence of some magical technology...

It is a high-dimensional world that has not yet been perfected and calculated by rules, and is purely created by the subjective imagination of the natural system.

But even so, when the light-year battleship detonated the star sea with the etheric phase engine and even sacrificed an entire "virtual realm" to obtain sufficient energy supply, it was still heading towards the high-dimensional land where the rules had not yet been perfected. The world rushed past.

After arriving in the high-dimensional world, the light-grade battleship relied on the support of countless fourth-level singularities that had been deployed in the ship. It still had sufficient energy to continue soaring in the space where the high-dimensional world was located.

And at this moment, the stars that have supported the existence of the entire second universe for thousands of years have reached a certain extreme in their calculations of the high-dimensional world.

in the real world.

Dozens of distant star systems with Dyson sphere devices built by Gray Gu Company. Because the calculation of high-dimensional space by thousands of years of stars is too powerful, the high-quality stars carrying the existence of dozens of Dyson spheres were almost instantly destroyed. Drained of all energy.

The collapse of matter leads to a supernova explosion...

Dozens of Dyson spheres and corresponding star systems were destroyed.

The terrifying destructive impact continued to spread towards the surrounding star systems, and then destroyed countless celestial bodies...

It was as if some terrible disaster had struck.

But the next moment, a magical scene happened.

Not long after supernova explosions occurred in dozens of Dyson sphere stars located in different directions in the golden constellation, a certain mysterious instrument was activated with a delay, supported by the terrifying power generated by the supernova explosion.

The material collapse and explosion impact phenomena caused by the supernova explosion seemed to have stopped for a moment. Then, under the adjustment of a pair of invisible hands, the state of the material began to be traced back in time...

Entropy recurses!

Everything is returning to its perfect state.

Those destroyed stars and Dyson spheres, as well as the countless celestial bodies that were affected and destroyed by the supernova explosion, and even the smallest dust, were returned to the state before they were destroyed.

The originally terrifying supernova explosion phenomenon was as if it had never happened, but the process data of the phenomenon was extremely realistically presented in the Gray Gu Company's Universal Think Tank database.

The calculations of light-year battleships and high-dimensional worlds in the Thousand Years of Stars and the Second Universe have not yet ended. Under the continuous huge energy consumption, dozens of stars that have been equipped with Dyson sphere devices by the Gray Goo Company have been drained of energy. A supernova explosion occurred, but soon those phenomena were traced back to their original state...

In this way, under the continuous high-intensity energy consumption, those Dyson sphere stars under the control of Gray Goo Company were destroyed again and again, and recovered again and again.

Finally, after thousands of years of stars completed this calculation, a high-dimensional world with infinitely perfect rules was finally formed in the second universe.

(End of this chapter)

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