Omnic Crisis in Super God's Beginning

Chapter 153 The End of the Project

Chapter 153 The End of the Project
In the second universe.

Light-year warships traverse the high-dimensional world. In the vast high-dimensional world, their huge hulls are as small as a small boat floating in the vast ocean.

But the light-year battleship soaring wantonly in the high-dimensional sea reached a certain extreme speed, and almost crossed half of the high-dimensional world in just a split second...

After soaring in the seemingly endless high-dimensional sea for a long time, the light-grade battleship finally began another shocking maneuver under the guidance of Tianli.

In this high-dimensional world, the light-year battleship activated the etheric phase engine that had been integrated with it in vain.

ding ding ding...

Under the din of a sharp sound like an alarm bell, this high-dimensional world that had just been perfected for construction and calculation seemed to be pressed on a countdown to destruction. With the activation of the etheric phase engine, it also headed towards its final demise.

A brilliant halo filled the entire second universe, and the endless sea of ​​stars was ultimately destroyed due to the terrifying power transmitted to the low-dimensional world when the high-dimensional world collapsed...

Matter is annihilated, and everything is heading for return and restart...

Calculation aborted.

The second universe has been restarted.

In the second universe after the restart.

The planet where the new Gray Goo Company civilization is located.

Angel Yan looked blankly at the world after the restart, feeling puzzled for a while.

"What's going on? Why did the world suddenly restart and my new ascension plan hasn't been completed yet..." she said angrily.

"By the way, virtual realm, where is the virtual realm?"

Angel Yan tried to use her spiritual power to communicate with the virtual world. After the world restarted, she was still a powerful psychic.

Since the birth of the "Void Realm" in the Second Universe, the Second Universe has become a diversified universe. Countless unit universes are constantly operating and occasionally intersecting under the pull of the Virtual Realm.

The universe where she and the Gray Goo Company civilization now reside is just one of the many united universes in the Second Universe.

Every ascension led by her can only destroy the universe where her own civilization is located.

But because she signed a contract with a certain virtual god, every time she made an ascension plan, she actually served a certain virtual god. Every time she destroyed the universe she was in, she actually served a certain virtual god. It was a cosmic sacrifice for the god of the void realm.

It's just that Angel Yan himself doesn't fully know all this.

Although Angel Yan also vaguely felt the contract signed by the Void Realm God "Reincarnation of the End" and her, there was a vague control over her and the civilization of the Gray Gu Company behind her, but because of her The existence is simply too insignificant to be able to resist the control from the virtual realm with the meager strength of itself or the civilization of the Gray Gu Company behind it.

Therefore, she has always been at the mercy of him.

Every time the unit universe where Angel Yan and Gray Gu Company's civilization resides undergoes a reboot, they must continue to maintain the reincarnation contract.

After all, although the contract of "End Reincarnation" bound them, they also gained many benefits from this reincarnation contract.

For example, before the virtual realm was born, and in the second universe where the reincarnation contract was not signed, they wanted to implement an ascension plan that would eventually destroy the entire universe, and each time they had to go through a development process of hundreds or even thousands of years.

But with the support of the reincarnation contract, every time they develop civilization from scratch and successfully execute the ascension plan, the time it takes is greatly shortened!
The duration of each reincarnation contract is 50 years. During the 50-year statute of limitations, the resources obtained by Angel Yan and others to develop civilization and the time required to implement various technological applications will be greatly shortened.

Nowadays, on average, each reincarnation takes less than 50 years for Angel Yan and the Gray Gu Company civilization to complete.Therefore, for Angel Yan and others, the existence of the reincarnation contract is, in a sense, a fair and just transaction.

This cycle has happened again and again until this time.

After the universe was destroyed and restarted due to some reasons not led by Angel Yan and others, she tried to communicate with the virtual realm and contact the "End of Samsara" god in the virtual realm, but she discovered a terrifying scene.

The virtual world that enveloped the multiverse has disappeared, not to mention the virtual world god who has provided them with countless help in reincarnations...

"Could it be that the reason for the previous restart of the universe was due to the destruction of the entire virtual realm..." Angel Yan thought curiously.

"The virtual realm will also be destroyed, so that's it..."

Angel Yan realized this and became interested in it.

"It seems that the virtual world is the same as us, and it is something that is manipulated by the laws of heaven."

"That means that the constraints imposed on us by the virtual realm are not inescapable."

Just as Angel Yan was thinking this way, the entire virtual realm quietly returned to its original state, and the god of the virtual realm established communication with her again and signed a new contract...

But Angel Yan didn't care too much about all this. She was thinking about a deeper question:

"I have a way to get rid of the constraints of the virtual realm, but how can we get rid of the constraints imposed on us by the laws of heaven outside the virtual realm?"

"The endless reincarnation has allowed us to see through the essence of the entire world... How can we get rid of the shackles of heaven?"

"Now, what we need is to return to the real world, but will God allow it?"

Angel Yan raised her head, her eyes were deep and ethereal. Her gaze seemed to have transcended the space barrier of the universe and the barrier of the virtual world, crossed the second universe, and looked directly at the curtain called Tianli.

"Forget it, let's start from now on, regardless of whether the laws of heaven allow it or not..."

"Try it, start by getting rid of the shackles of the virtual world..."

Angel Yan took out the Truth Perforation Instrument and spoke with a firm tone and a lively expression.


"There are no problems with the actual measurement of the second universe of the light-year battleship. According to the calculation results, as long as the remaining projects are completed, the relevant plans can be considered completed."

"Only when the light-grade battleship is finally completed, the company will have the ability to directly declare war on the void world where the ultimate fear lies."

"But in order to prevent unexpected events, we still need other preparation plans to provide protection."

"After all, we are fighting an unknown enemy. No one knows whether the light-grade battleship will be able to truly destroy the void world behind the ultimate fear."

"Then, Nadisha, you will be responsible for the rest. Gray Wind and Victor, let us continue to prepare and complete the next project plan..." Lu Yuan discussed the remaining content of the project for the light-year battleship. After leaving it to Nadisha to complete, he took Gray Wind and others out of the star field where the light-year battleship and the etheric phase engine were located:

"The next engineering project...experiments on super-galaxy explosions."

(End of this chapter)

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