Omnic Crisis in Super God's Beginning

Chapter 154 The Mysterious Signal

Chapter 154 The Mysterious Signal
The huge tree of cosmic galaxies unfolds in a vein-like manner and appears in the star map system of Gray Gu Company.

The spatial coordinates of several directions are clearly exposed on the entire star map system, and are displayed extremely dazzlingly in the entire sea of ​​​​stars.

Those are several galaxies near the edge of the universe.


In a galaxy in the edge of the universe.

On Demon One.

"Reporting to Her Majesty the Queen, the angel once again used a secret message to send an alliance invitation notice to Demon One..."

"They have formed the 'Post-Kamigawa Life and Universe Destiny Community Alliance' with the Lieyang Civilization!"

"And the angels informed that in the main biological world now dominated by Shenhe life, the Styx Death Song Academy and the Super Theological Academy, which exist as god-level forces, have responded to the relevant covenants, and in the Holy Kesha and Lieyang At the invitation of Emperor Hongkun’s intervention, he joined the alliance..."

"Now it seems we are the only one left."

Facing the report from her demons, Morgana snorted disdainfully and said with an unclear attitude:
"Heh, is this the first time that Bichi has sent an invitation?"

"Replying to the queen, this is the eighth time."

"Hmm..." Morgana thought for a moment and then said:

"Then next time, respond to that Bitchi."

"Damn, before I thought that Bichi would come and take the initiative to put down his face and come to me to reunite and form an alliance. Unexpectedly, Lieyang civilization took the lead... But it doesn't matter. Among the gods, only Lieyang and those Bichi I've been walking recently, and their way of heaven and the justice of the Bichi people make me feel like they exude a rancid smell!"

"Anyway, we demons will join this alliance sooner or later. Before that, let's give Kesha, that bitch, a bit of power first, so as not to be targeted after we join..."

"Also... you remember, after joining that bullshit Kamigawa Alliance, you must give the Queen and me a face, and don't do anything that would make it difficult for the Queen and me to stand out in front of those Bichis. We and the Angels All grievances and conflicts must be put aside after joining the alliance, and we will not make other plans until the threat of the ultimate fear is resolved together."

"do you understand?"

"Yes, Queen!" A large number of demon warriors responded in unison, making Morgana nod with satisfaction.

"Also, how is the tracing of the recently detected signal fluctuation that is suspected to come from the void world?" Then Morgana asked again.

"Reporting to the queen, there is not much progress..." the dream warrior Heifeng next to him said in a low voice.

"Huh? How come there is not much progress? What do you do for food? With the help of Demon No. [-], do you have to spend a lot of effort to track down even a suspicious signal in the known universe?" Morgana looked at her. His eyes narrowed.

A few days ago, Morgana led the demons, wandering in the galaxy near the edge of the universe where their Demon No. [-] is currently hiding, looking for backward civilizations to expand and spread free thoughts of depravity, when they accidentally captured a very powerful... Suspicious signal fluctuations.

The frequency and time interval between the signal fluctuations were very short, but after being captured by Demon No. [-], and after some analysis and cracking, they discovered that the source of the signal fluctuations did not seem to exist in the known universe. middle.

After conducting in-depth information deciphering, they used complex forms of language structure and after a series of in-depth analysis, they discovered that this strange unknown source signal contained some strange information——


After Morgana, the Demon Queen, made her decision, she believed that the source of this signal was most likely the void world behind the ultimate fear.Because she later discovered that this signal was actually transmitted in many segments in the edge space zone, and the segment they had caught by chance was just one of them.

The encryption method of these signals is in a form they have never seen before, and the mixed information in these signals is very simple but unknown.

In the known universe, only civilizations above the god level can encrypt information to this level.

And using such a level of information means just to encrypt such a simple piece of information is obviously not a malicious means of some god-level civilization.

And this signal of unknown origin, after being captured by the devil, has been wandering around at a very high frequency in this fringe space area recently...

This seems to indicate that something big is about to happen.

"Is it that the ultimate fear is planning to spread to this star field, or is there some new ultimate fear that is born in this galaxy?"

Morgana had several possible ideas in a row, so she asked her subordinates to work together to trace the source of the inexplicable signal, while previewing the possibility of the ultimate terror breaking out in this galaxy.

The result is naturally very disappointing, and both sides are unhappy.

On the one hand, Devil No. [-] has no way to trace the final source of the signal, and can only continue to point it towards the suspected void world.

On the other hand, Morgana has checked many things that exist in the galaxy where Demon [-] is located several times, but has not found that there are suitable conditions for the outbreak of ultimate terror in this galaxy.

This galaxy is located at the edge of the universe and lacks resources. There is not much possibility for the birth of advanced civilization.

According to the information about ultimate fear first initiated by the Super Seminary and extended to all god-level civilizations, it seems that ultimate fear will only target advanced civilizations in the known universe...

Galaxies where the ultimate fear breaks out, such as the current group of galaxies where the Golden Constellation and the Angel Nebula are located, at least have traces of high-density activities of advanced civilizations...

In this galaxy, they are the only demons who have been active recently. If it weren't for the disastrous defeat they suffered in the previous war with the angels, the demons would not have hidden themselves in remote places in the known universe.

But demons are not very active in this galaxy.

Could it be that the ultimate fear is targeting their demons?

Morgana had doubts about this, but after some exploration and investigation, they thought it was probably impossible.

Prior to this, after capturing the mysterious void signal, Demon [-] left the galaxy for a period of time, and then returned soon after.

When they left the galaxy, the mysterious void signal did not follow them out of the galaxy, but still lingered in the galaxy.

"The source of that mysterious signal may not be targeting the devil, but the galaxy..."

"And it is very likely that what is staring at this galaxy is not the ultimate fear. It may be some unseen void thing. If it is the ultimate fear, it does not require much reaction from us. Maybe the other party has already swallowed us up. ..." Morgana made a corresponding judgment based on the ultimate fear that erupted from the golden constellation.

"Why is this galaxy targeted? And what exactly is it targeted for?"

Morgana and the demons under her thought for a long time, but could not come up with any results.

(End of this chapter)

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