Chapter 28 Investigation Team

"Slit girl! I know, I know! It's scary! My heart is now-"

"Ghosts? I'm telling you! 30 years ago-"

"I was drinking at an izakaya that night! Then I saw——"

Looking at the confessions collected, Ichiro Watanabe, the leader of the inspection team, wanted to take all these guys back and torture them.

These are all bullshit confessions. He felt that if he dared to hand over this questionnaire to the headquarters, his political career would definitely be over.

Originally, when he took over this task, he took all the messy situations into consideration.

It's really shocking that a police officer died in his own jurisdiction.

And the way he died was so unique. He was disemboweled by a slit woman in a bustling night market. Can you believe this?
This is the Tokyo Police Station, not a supernatural place!

Therefore, after receiving the news, the General Administration felt that there was definitely something fishy about the death of the racehorse friend. Maybe he had discovered some incriminating evidence of a big shot, or he had obtained dirty information about other colleagues in Shinagawa District, so he was squeezed out and killed!

After all, the police can be regarded as a middle-level leader, that is, Shinagawa District is under the jurisdiction of Tokyo and the level is automatically higher. If it were in the remote Kyushu Island or Hokkaido, the police could definitely call itself a local emperor.

He was killed by a ghost. The credibility of this news is as ridiculous as the Prime Minister being shot dead by a passer-by in Parliament!
Normally, everyone eats at the same table. Even if there are any problems, we can talk slowly behind closed doors.

If a racecourse friend dies in his or her own home, even if it is dealt with casually, such as stabbing himself eight times or suffocating in the bathtub, everyone can fool around with it and label the incident as suicide.

But he actually said that he was killed by a ghost in the night market. Is this trying to rub everyone's intelligence on the ground?

It is naturally impossible for the Tokyo General Administration to believe such a report. What is the difference between this and calling a mouse a duck?
We know you bastards are unreliable, but you can't go too far, right?

So the Tokyo General Administration is going to give these bastards below some color.

Today you dare to kill a police officer just to cover up your own dirty material. Tomorrow you dare not even think about what you will do!

It was under this situation that Ichiro Watanabe was sent out. According to the instructions from the General Administration, he must wipe out all the evil forces in Shinagawa District this time, regardless of whether the enemy is the Shinagawa Police Station or the governor, even if it is Members of Congress, we must get to the bottom of this matter!
Of course, if it really involves Iwasaki, Mitsui, Shimadzu, etc., then we still need to consider it in the long term!

In order to show his determination to get to the bottom of the investigation, Ichiro Watanabe had even written a suicide note before coming. This investigation was full of murderous intent. Since the enemy dared to kill one policeman, he would naturally have the courage to kill several more to investigate. of police department.

What made Ichiro Watanabe a little confused was that the Shinagawa Police Station did not have any overt or covert troubles regarding his arrival, which made him a little uncomfortable.

Originally, he thought that the Shinagawa Police Department was preparing to build a plank road in secret to infiltrate Chencang. On the surface, he cooperated with his work but in fact, he hid the danger in the dark.

But when he found out that the person sent to assist him in the investigation was actually his junior fellow student Shimizu Koichi, Ichiro Watanabe was really relieved!

Could it be that these people in Chengchuan District really have no problem?Otherwise, how dare they!
This junior student, Shimizu Koichi, has an innocent sense of stupidity. As the son of police inspector Shimizu, this boy has always thought that he has become an outstanding student by his own ability, and he is even full of hatred for all sins.

To be honest, Ichiro Watanabe feels that he was too well protected by his father and has never been beaten by society since he was born, so he still has some cerebellar defects!

Otherwise, we wouldn't have thrown him into Shinagawa District when we arranged the work, because we were afraid that this guy would mess with those who shouldn't be messed with!

Police Inspector Shimizu couldn't bear to be sent to other places because it was too far and too painful, so he could only send his son to the suburbs. Anyway, with his energy, Shimizu was fair and as long as he didn't burn down the Shinagawa District Police Station, it wouldn't be a big deal. .To be honest, sometimes Ichiro Watanabe would secretly whisper in his heart, did Inspector Qingshui know that his son was actually a fool when he named him Fair?

"Fair enough, what do you think?"

Seeing Mr. Shimizu sitting next to him looking a little distracted, Ichiro Watanabe asked kindly.



Those old fritters in Shinagawa Ward must have made a mistake now!

Do you think that this kid, Mr. Shimizu, will be able to join you just by taking a temporary post in your Shinagawa Ward?

You really think it is too simple!

This guy must have obtained evidence of your crimes, and now he is definitely going to expose you all!
Anyway, ever since this kid reported the professor for accepting bribes and unspoken rules for female classmates at the university, the entire Public Security University has given up hope on this kid's IQ!
In other words, his father's surname is Shimizu and his mother's surname is Kujo. Try changing it to someone else?
Even if I don’t sink you into Tokyo Bay, I’ll be sorry for you!

"That! I think this case is very likely to be caused by ghosts and gods!"

Qing Shuihe hesitated for a long time, then touched the amulet on his chest and the beads on his wrist, and then spoke.

He just went to Ise Jingu Shrine to ask for this amulet yesterday. He was afraid that the shrines at the reception desk were not good enough, so he directly asked his mother to invite the Omiyaji to exorcise a demon for him. By the way, he went to Kongo Temple to get it. The host brought the prayer beads in his hand.

Are you meow teasing me?

Seeing Mr. Shimizu's nonchalant expression, Ichiro Watanabe wondered if there was something wrong with Feng Shui in Shinagawa District!
Clear water fair!

The flat-headed brother recognized by the entire national university would actually say such a thing?

"Really! I think this is really true! You have to believe me!"

Kiyoshi Shimizu was also very speechless. When he was a child, his mother and grandfather took him to shrines and temples countless times, and he even did things that were disobedient to the gods, such as peeing on the statues several times.

So for so many years, he has scorned the talk of ghosts and gods!

How old are you, and you still believe that!
But what happened the night before yesterday was really beyond his comprehension.

If he saw it alone, it could be explained by being too tired and hallucinating.

But up to now, Jingguchi and Yamashita are still recuperating at home!

"Are you sure you don't need to see a psychiatrist?"

Ichiro Watanabe looked at the junior student in front of him with a little pity. He himself had a bad mind. It would be a pity if he was stupid again!

(End of this chapter)

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