Chapter 29 Crow Nine
"You can actually upgrade!"

After spending a whole night shopping with An Xiaoli and An Qian, Li Qingyuan opened the system panel out of boredom before going to bed. He was shocked to find that his merit value had reached the upgrade standard, and he suddenly felt a bit unexpected.

You must know that he has been struggling for half a month to earn the little merit in the newcomer gift pack, and now it only takes a week to earn the full amount of merit. He actually accumulated [-] merit points while eating hot pot and singing. It is really a bit confusing. Very sad.

Is this the automatic hang-up mode turned on?

After carefully checking the unread messages, the Rift Girl got five merit points for killing the gangster, and then got fourteen merit points for killing the two guys who were playing tricks in the abandoned building.

As for the last policeman killed last night, he only got a little merit.

The four people gave a total of twenty points, but why are these merit points wrong?
In terms of crime, Li Qingyuan felt that the policeman named Bacchanyou was the most bastard. He killed countless people in order to accept bribes from the Oi Club, not to mention that the guy had been doing it for so many years. The number of innocent souls is at least three digits.

But killing him only gave him a little merit, which is really puzzling.

The co-authorship is that the bad guys only give one point, and then the calculation is based on the actual number of kills in their hands?
As a friend of the racecourse, I don't think I need to do the killing myself, I can just leave it to my subordinates.


Co-author: The reason why those so-called big shots don’t take matters into their own hands is just to let their younger brothers help them fight their sins?
If you want to level up quickly in the future, then you should look for serial murderers who kill with your own hands?


Trying to figure out how to get around a felon prison?
You must know that although Japan still retains the death penalty, very few prisoners are actually sentenced to death. The leader of the Shinrikyo cult who poured poison gas into a Tokyo subway station three years ago is still in prison!
If all the prisoners in the prison for serious criminals were killed, wouldn't he be able to take off in a big way?
Think about it!

A single Gap Girl is definitely not able to meet her upgrade requirements now. It only takes twenty points of merit to upgrade from level one to level two, but it actually requires five hundred points to upgrade from level two to level three. Obviously, even if the Gap Girl wields the scissors directly, she will be disabled. Shadows are not enough!

Besides, he was shot in the abdomen by a friend from the racecourse last night. Even though the slit girl was a ghost and did not lose her combat effectiveness on the spot, her combat effectiveness was greatly reduced in a short period of time, and she would not be able to recover within three to five days.

Moreover, the level limit of the Rift Girl is locked. Even if she absorbs more power of faith, she cannot break through the super life.

For ordinary people, the slit woman can definitely be regarded as a life-threatening evil spirit, but let alone encountering an organized army, if the racecourse friends directly activated the magazine emptying technique last night, they might be able to fight back!

Hard work can only increase your lower limit, it is your talent that really determines your upper limit!
As an urban legend, the slit girl does not have super physical fitness or strength, nor does she have any special abilities. It is okay to use her to increase the fear level. If you really expect to use her to do big things, then you will definitely hang yourself because the old birthday girl is tired of living!

As for whether the cracked girl who was killed will be reunited because of everyone's belief?
Li Qingyuan felt that it was better not to waste the number one work he finally made!
There is no way to create those truly extraordinary things at level one, but it should be possible at level two, right?

But what to make really made him a little worried!
He should be able to create those legendary mountain spirits and ghosts now. As long as he is not a pervert, he can probably create them.

But come on!
Although Japan claims to have 800 million ghosts and gods, in fact few people know about those unpopular monsters, and there is basically no belief in telekinesis!
In order to prevent the created monsters from continuing to absorb his spiritual power, it is best for him to create products that are familiar to him, so that he only needs to construct them, and leave the rest to the mortals to figure out on their own!

Since he had a definite goal this time, Li Qingyuan considered creating a monster that was responsible for killing in myths and legends.Ever since!
After he meditated on the demon manual for half an hour, a monster about two and a half meters tall with bird-like wings but a strange mask on his face slowly appeared.

Crow Tengu!
The most famous great monsters in Japan are Shuten-dōji, Tamamozen and the Daitengu. As for the Yamata-no-Orochi, it is considered a god-level creature and is not at the same level as a monster.

With his current ability, the Daitengu will definitely not be able to be produced, but the Tengu itself is a huge race. The Daitengu refers to the leader of the Tengu alien race. His subordinates include the Little Tengu, Zuntengu, Crow Tengu, Kiritengu, and Nyotengu. ——

No, something strange seems to have been mixed in!

do not care!
Anyway, Tengu culture is quite popular in Japan. If the slit girl can only be regarded as an urban legend in the Tokyo area, then Tengu has been circulating in this country for nearly a thousand years!
So Li Qingyuan felt the incomparable power as soon as this thing was built. Even though it had never been shown in front of others, the Crow Tengu in front of him could hit at least eight slit girls.

"Crow Nine, come and meet the master!"

As soon as the thought took shape, Crow Tengu immediately knelt down and kowtowed to Li Qingyuan.

"Your name is Yajiu?"

Li Qingyuan was also a little confused by this guy. Although the cracked girl and the firefly demon also have IQs, they are definitely not much. They feel like retarded people.

But the Crow Tengu in front of him actually had his own wisdom as soon as he thought about it, and even had a name, which was a bit puzzling.

Isn't this thing made in Japan?Was he actually summoned from another plane?
"Yes, my subordinate's name is Yajiu!"

Crow Tengu kneeled on the ground and replied.

"Who gave you your name? What did you do before? Where are you from?"

A series of questions directly brought Crow Jiu to a halt. Countless strange symbols suddenly appeared in its copper bell-sized eyes, and even its feathered head began to smoke.

"Don't be anxious! Don't be anxious! Think slowly!"

Seeing that Yajiu might be scrapped due to overload of the brain's CPU, Li Qingyuan quickly felt relieved.

It’s not easy to meet a smart person, but don’t spoil it!

Even if you really want to play evil, you should get a nyotengu. This crow tengu looks like a crow that has become a spirit. I think only Beifeng will be interested, right?

Is this thing male or female?
Li Qingyuan looked at it vaguely, but it was hard to tell because Yajiu was kneeling on the ground and his two big wings directly formed a circle.

(End of this chapter)

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