Protagonist interpretation rules

Chapter 15 Red shrimp is delicious

Chapter 15 Red shrimp is delicious


The sound of the notebook falling to the ground drew Bai Yue's attention.

The young man came back to his senses and found that Lin Wannan in front of him hurriedly picked up the fallen notes and then handed them over carefully.

The girl was still looking around, and the familiar scene in the bookstore obviously made her relax.

Lin Wannan breathed a long sigh of relief: "We are finally back."

The colors returned to normal, and the soul that was supposed to have been trapped in the depths forever returned to the world smoothly. Another drawing board of Gu Tianzong was successfully intercepted by the bookstore owner.

"Yes, you are back."

Bai Yue took the note, the young man lowered his head to read it, and then casually answered: "How does it feel like to take a deep day trip?"

"It's not good at all. It's full of scary monsters..."

Lin Wannan shuddered, with a look of fear on his face, but soon, the girl's attention was attracted by the notes in Bai Yue's hand.

The girl couldn't help but feel a little stunned.

He really created something of his own...

An ordinary person, without any deep experience, successfully digests inspiration and successfully creates a 'work' from a deep level.

what does this mean?
Even in Colombia, where inspiration is rampant and control over works is loose, Bai Yue's feat is quite explosive.

This also means that as an ordinary citizen, she should call the police immediately, and then let the prosecutor uncle arrest him into an orange for detailed investigation.

After all, people who bypass official regulations, enter the depths without permission and make profits from it have a unified name in all countries.


Officials from various countries define them as dangerous, crazy, and cruel criminals who should be reported by the general public.

The girl's eyes became complicated, but Bai Yue didn't pay attention to her expression at the moment.

Bai Yue looked through the new works. After reshaping and correction, all the descriptions of the 'Kingdom of Heaven' in the original owner's notes had disappeared.

After Bai Yue took away the wool and forcibly tore apart the memory, "The Bird's Nest" left the work of the original owner in anger.

Bai Xinghe finally reunited with his missing parents. He married Lin Wanwan and led a happy life. The childish story ended in mediocrity.

The only exception is that there is a simple painting on the last page of the note.

This painting broke away and became a work unique to Bai Yue.

Bai Yue's painting looks quite simple. It just outlines a simple street scene with lines, and you can't tell where in the lower city it is.

Lin Wannan just glanced at the work, and a certain emotion arose in the girl's heart. This feeling was inexplicable, a little warm, and a little uncomfortable.

"What's it called?" the girl asked softly.

"Well... when you asked me that, I remembered that I haven't officially named it yet."

Bai Yue touched his chin and murmured: "I have to think about it carefully. It's best to come up with a literary and nice name..."

The small bookstore fell silent.

Lin Wannan is waiting for the complete birth of the work. She thinks Bai Yue's thoughts are quite reasonable.

After all, for any creator, the name of the first work they create at a deep level is of great significance and deserves to be treated with caution.

The sun shone in under the refraction of the glass, and the young man was bathed in the bright light. He raised his eyebrows slightly, obviously deep in thought.

Lin Wannan held her breath for a while.

"Have it!"

After a moment, Bai Yue's eyes lit up and he said coldly: "The red shrimp is delicious!"


Lin Wannan listened to the other party's strange words, and the girl was a little confused: "What red shrimp?"

"I mean the title of this work."

Bai Yue held the painting and said solemnly: "It's called "Red Shrimp is Delicious"."

At this moment, the lines in the painting jumped for joy in the sunshine. It has been given a real name by the will of the creator and can no longer be changed.


Lin Wannan:?

Lin Wannan: Are you serious?

The strange feelings in the girl's heart were just wiped away, and her eyes became strange.

Is it possible that Bai Yue... is not good at naming his works?
"Don't think too much, I'm actually very good at naming names!" Bai Yue seemed to have noticed the strange look in the girl's eyes, and quickly explained: "This is just the naming method of a friend of mine, I just follow her style That’s all.”

"Understood, I understand."

Lin Wannan stood up. She hesitated and asked Bai Yue tentatively: "I...can I leave?"

"I have never restricted your freedom."

The bookstore owner was a little confused: "This is a normal bookstore, not some vicious correctional facility."

"Business as normal...I understand..."

Lin Wannan breathed a sigh of relief. She quickly retreated to the door of the bookstore and picked up the Dongguo novel that she had touched before under the eyes of the boss.

"I...I buy a book..."

The girl's tone sounded like she was trying to save money and eliminate disaster.

“That’s not what normal business means.”

Seeing the other party's careful movements, Bai Yue couldn't help but feel helpless: "You don't have to force yourself."

"But I won't stop you if you want to buy it." After a pause, Bai Yue reported the price: "The original price is 190, with a discount of [-]% after the sale..."

Before Bai Yue finished speaking, the girl opened the store door and ran out.

'Dip, 198 Chinese dollars have arrived. '

The hollow electronic sound echoed in the small bookstore.

The girl hugged the book and ran as far as she could. It wasn't until her strength was exhausted that she turned back. The intersection where the bookstore was located was already behind her.

People were coming and going, and looking at the familiar streets of Lower City, Lin Wannan finally calmed down his chaotic mood.

The girl collapsed on a public chair on the roadside, gasping for air.

For an ordinary person, this deep journey was still too thrilling. When she came back to her senses and thought about the experience just now, she only felt waves of fear in her heart.

So much so that she followed her instinct and escaped from danger, and couldn't even say goodbye to Bai Yue calmly.

The school beauty gradually regained her strength, and her appearance was already outstanding, which naturally attracted a lot of people's attention.

In the eyes of everyone, Lin Wannan realized that the cover of the Dongguo novel she was holding was facing outward, and the two-dimensional style was really not very elegant.

The girl blushed and threw the book on the chair.

In a daze, she stood up and then remembered that today was a normal class day and she would be late soon...

Lin Wannan subconsciously walked towards the school.

I will remember this day forever...

The girl was walking on the roadside, silently reminiscing in her heart. Lin Wannan looked back at the intersection again. People were coming and going, and the small signboard of the bookstore was blurred in her sight.

What do I want to remember?
Lin Wannan was suddenly stunned for a moment.

What did I just experience?What was there before?Why am I here?

Lin Wannan's eyes showed deep doubts. She looked behind her intently. There was only an ordinary intersection not far away, nothing special at all.

There are several ordinary small shops located there, and you can vaguely see a young boss leaning on a chair behind the glass, lazily basking in the sun.

"Senior Lin!"

The brisk voice behind her startled Lin Wannan. She turned around suddenly, only to see a junior girl from the chorus waving her arms towards her.

" turns out I was waiting for my classmates..."

Understanding flashed in the school beauty's eyes, she smiled and walked quickly towards the other party.

The girls walked into the morning light laughing and laughing.

She and Bai Yue could not be on the same journey, and that was the case now and in the future. They were born in two worlds, and the intersection between them was just a coincidence of fate.

"Eh? Who left the book here?"

Next to the public chair, a girl with a ponytail and sportswear picked up the Dongguo novel.

The sun shone on the back of her hand, which was covered with bandages, and the blood could still be faintly seen.

She wiped her sweat and looked around, but she saw a bookstore not far away.

The wooden signboard reflects the light.

"Bai's Bookstore..."

She read out the name of the bookstore.

(End of this chapter)

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