Protagonist interpretation rules

Chapter 16 A White Cat Is Not a Cat

Chapter 16 A White Cat Is Not a Cat
There are usually few customers on weekday mornings.

Playing a poor bookstore owner is actually a very leisurely job.

Bai Yue held up the watering can, the boy hummed a tune, and sprayed water mist towards the succulent potted plants on the counter.

Looking at the crystal clear water drops on the plant, the young man nodded with satisfaction. This plant is quite easy to grow and requires almost no watering. You only need to put it under the sun and it can survive for a long time.

Although Bai Yue has no employees of his own and he needs to take care of all the trivial matters in the bookstore himself, the bookstore itself is small and the hygiene inside is easy to take care of.

The original owner's grandfather died of illness and was an old man who was very particular about literary temperament, so the overall decoration style of the bookstore is somewhat retro.

The furnishings in the store are mostly old products, with carved bookcases, ink-style Dayan calligraphy and paintings hanging on the walls, and several pieces of simple blue and white porcelain placed in the gaps between the windows.

It's a pity that the original owner, a prodigal, sold all the ancient books in the store at low prices. Currently, all the books on display in the store are cool novels about other worlds written by Eastern writers.

However, regardless of the Dongguo novels placed on the counter, the atmosphere in the store is still a bit serious. After all, except for books, there are no other fancy products here.

However, Bai Yue realized that this serious atmosphere was not an advantage when considering profitability.

In a world where everyone has a personal terminal and technology is expanding rapidly, bookstores like Bai's Bookstore that don't know how to adapt will have no choice but to go bankrupt.

What should be included in a bookstore that is in line with the contemporary situation and uptown trends?
As far as Bai Yue remembers, the large, novel and avant-garde bookstores in the upper city can provide customers with a variety of personalized services.

It must have coffee, a unique sense of design, luxurious decoration, a workbench, a relaxed, happy and comfortable atmosphere, and a social and leisure function.

It can even provide couples with an elegant space for conversation.

In addition, major bookstores will regularly hold large-scale activities to maintain and attract massive popularity.

For example, we regularly hold exchange meetings where celebrity authors interact with fans, regularly conduct exposure and recommendation competitions between high-quality works, and conduct auctions of works with official permission, etc...

There are many different ways to attract customers.

Compared with the hustle and bustle, the small Bai's Bookstore is more like a quiet island.

The isolated island stands on the rough sea, quietly waiting for wandering travelers.

To put it bluntly, it focuses on an autistic and casual sales route...

But Bai Yue has no intention of changing the current status of the bookstore.

First, he likes quietness and doesn't like noise very much. Second, he doesn't have that much money for drastic renovations and expansions.

As his thoughts flowed, Bai Yue twisted the rag and put the last piece of polished porcelain back to its original position.

The cleaning work was successfully completed.

The young man sat back at his usual work place. He adjusted his seat, lazily basked in the sun, and waited for the customers who came to the door.

So much time was free.

In his spare time, Bai Yue opened his palm, and the black mark lay there quietly. With a thought in the young man's mind, the dark key outlined its shape in mid-air.

Setting... Extraordinary power...

This is indeed a wonderful feeling. At the moment when he holds the key, 'memory', this nothingness seems to be given entity in the eyes of the young man. As long as he gently twists his fingers, he can pry anything Memories of things past.

But this ability seems not to be used without scruples, it seems a little bleak...

"Is there a limit to the number of times 'Settings' can be used?"

Bai Yue sighed and looked at the street outside the door.

Although Lin Wannan paid quite readily, she was also really fast when running...

There are still many questions that he has not asked... Of course, Bai Yue understands Lin Wannan's behavior. After all, the high school girl is just an ordinary person with an ordinary mind. After experiencing a life and death disaster, it is inevitable that she will have feelings of fear and uneasiness.

He shook his head, preparing to take back the key in his palm, and then study the "Red Shrimp Is Delicious" that he created.

Bai Yue spread the painting on the table.

But at this moment, a strange feeling emerged in Bai Yue's heart.

It was as if someone was whispering timidly in his ear. The young man couldn't understand the meaning of the whisper, but he could feel the urgency and longing in the whisper.

Bai Yue noticed some tender and lovely emotions.

It was as if a weak little creature was desperately picking at his trousers. It screamed and begged for care or food from its owner.

The young man raised his head in confusion. He looked around and saw that the surroundings were empty and the bookstore was quiet...

But he could just hear and feel the urgent emotion...

The next moment, Bai Yue looked astonished. He inserted the key in his hand into the air and twisted it slightly.

There was a bang in the young man's mind.

An extremely clear feeling of joy and dependence poured into Bai Yue's mind. It jumped and jumped, and the immature thoughts couldn't wait to show their existence to the young man.

Bai Yue opened his eyes wide. He saw chaotic memories surging and gathering in front of his eyes. The indescribable thing finally showed its majestic entity in the present situation.

It sat down on the counter and stared directly at the stunned boy with its blue eyes.

Uh...a pure white lion cat?
After a moment, Bai Yue realized the nature of this object.

"Good guy, you are actually the thought itself of this bookstore..."

Bai Yue stretched out his hand to lift it up, but the white cat did not resist and allowed the other person to rub his hair.


Then, it screamed in grievance.

"What?" Bai Yue put the cat down and asked doubtfully, "You said that the guest just now threw away the books he bought?"

"Meow!" The white cat affirmed, with some anger and dissatisfaction in his tone.

"Ah, calm down, calm down, there will be no need for revenge, at least they paid."

Bai Yue quickly comforted him: "Bai's Bookstore has no shortage of repeat customers."

"Ouch." The white cat snorted coldly.

"You actually still have this ability... Okay, okay, just let her forget." Bai Yue nodded helplessly.

Hearing this, the anger in the white cat's eyes finally dissipated a little. It paced and came to the painting on the table. The white cat carefully looked at the lines in the painting.

"Do you like this painting?" Bai Yue smiled proudly.


"The meaning of the expression is very good, but the name is too big?"

The confident smile on Bai Yue's face solidified instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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