Protagonist interpretation rules

Chapter 4: No more than ordinary living beings

Chapter 4: No more than ordinary living beings

In a breakfast shop on the street, Bai Yue, who had dark circles under his eyes, took a bite of steaming chive buns and squinted his eyes to look at the outside world.

The description "after the rain, the sky is sunny" is obviously not very suitable when used in the lower city of Yan Kingdom.

After recent years of development, most cities in the Yan Kingdom have relied on deep technology to move away from the ground. Therefore, those high-rise buildings standing in the clouds often block the rising sun, leaving only wisps of morning light through the sky. The gaps in the city spread to the ground.

However, this does not affect the fireworks in the lower city. Even if the humid fog after the rain envelopes the city, the flow of people coming and going still fills the streets of the lower city.

There were some half-awake workers gathered at the entrance of the breakfast shop. People lined up to wait for the freshly fried fried dough sticks in the pot. From time to time, they would glance at the bus stop not far away to avoid missing the first bus seat.

The steamer on the side is steaming, and the steamed buns freshly taken out of the drawer are exuding an alluring fragrance, attracting diners passing by. This breakfast shop is indeed famous far and wide. The buns have thin skin and large fillings. They have always insisted on the same price for many years. The two shop owners I have been here for half my life. Although the shop is small, the business is booming.

Most of the people in the store are Bai Yue's peers, some young students in school uniforms.

Sitting next to Bai Yue was a man holding a vocabulary book. Bai Yue looked at his silhouette. The young man then remembered that Yan Guo's big exam was coming soon, so most of these people of the same age looked like they were working hard to improve themselves.

Going to school... How long ago did that happen... Bai Yue, who has lived in two lifetimes, couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

Speaking of youth, it is indeed a contradictory thing. It will completely record all the throbbing and regrets of childhood, and no amount of time can dilute them. However, the people you have longed for in your memories may have already been Forget you.

The young student focused on the words and muttered them, grabbed the buns and hurriedly stuffed them into his mouth. He didn't notice Bai Yue's staring gaze until his teeth were grinning from being burned by the buns.

"It's okay, you eat your food and I'll take a look." Bai Yue smiled at the other person, but saw a nervous look on the other person's face.

"I...I'm going to class..." My friend grabbed the buns and left in a panic. Apparently, he thought Bai Yue was the kind of bad guy in college who idles around and stays up late to surf the Internet.

The young man didn't care about the other party's misunderstanding, and just ate his own breakfast. He watched the shop owner, Old Xu, busy, while the student fled out of the shop in a hurry, but accidentally knocked down a car beside the shop door. The bike was smashed and the basket on it was crooked.

The owner of the bicycle was a middle-aged woman in simple clothes, holding a very young girl in her hand. She held up the bicycle distressedly, looked at the student's back and muttered a few words, then she knelt down and tightened the girl's arms. Collar, picked her up and put her on the back seat of the bicycle. Watching her daughter chewing the buns, the worry in the woman's eyes quickly turned into a doting smile.

The rotating wheels splashed puddles on the roadside, and the mother and daughter merged into the river of people. There were many pedestrians like them. The morning light gradually filled the world, but except for Bai Yue, no one cared about the scenery around them.

Because everyone’s life is like this, you and I are the same, but we are just all living beings in this prosperous world.


After enjoying a breakfast, Bai Yue burped with satisfaction and walked leisurely on the streets after the rain.

The crowd was in a hurry, and the young man observed the unfamiliar city against the flow of people. Upon closer inspection, in this world, even in the same city, the upper city and the lower city are clearly distinct, and the living conditions of the residents are completely the same. Two levels.

Take transportation as an example. In the same city, people in the lower city still retain the habit of squeezing buses or taking the subway, while people in the upper city only need to take a floating vehicle to reach their destination in the blink of an eye. .

Not to mention the living environment of the two groups of people. Due to the uneven distribution of the population, most of the lower city is crowded old residential areas, and the streets will inevitably be dirty and messy, while the upper city is mostly spacious villa areas, universities, etc. District, company office buildings, and countless magnificent cloud shopping malls and sky gardens, it is as beautiful as heaven on earth.

It is worth mentioning that the garbage produced in the upper city is often transported and piled on the ground. Coupled with Yan State's policy of prioritizing the construction of the sky, there will be some conflicts and opposition between the people in the upper city and the people in the lower city. This is also one of the problems that deep technology brings to every country.

However, the country of Yan is still relatively good. The governors are always emphasizing that the upper and lower cities of Yan country are indistinguishable from each other. Coupled with the policies that benefit the people and the extremely good public security, everyone's daily life is generally good. It's passable.At least the people of Yan country don’t have to worry about being killed by gunmen shouting freedom and equality when they go out to buy groceries.

As for other countries... The capitalists in Colombia, Letania, and the East Country almost have the words "you bunch of cannon fodder, poor people, and cunning people in the city" written on their faces...

However, due to human beings' exploration of the deeper levels, the cultures of various countries will also interact with each other under the guidance of extraordinary powers, which will lead to many problems that cause headaches for the governors.

"The most typical thing is that some people from the upper city are inexplicably condescending! How many stinky money are there? If you don't learn the deep technology of building a good country, you will learn the arrogance of those foreign devils in Colombia! The governors should Fix this bad trend! I don’t care about that shabby place in Shangcheng!”

This is what Lao Xu said in front of the customers just now.

The ordinary middle-aged man who runs a small shop spoke with great eloquence and grandeur when talking about national policies, which immediately aroused applause from all the diners. Bai Yue, who was standing by him, drank half a bowl of hot porridge and did not dare to interrupt.

Thinking of this, the young man couldn't help but smile, because when he was chatting about Lao Xu and his family while paying, Lao Xu whispered with a shy face that he still hoped that his children could all go to the city to study, and then work and settle down there... …

Not long after, Bai Yue wandered near the bookstore.

Bai's Little Bookstore does not look conspicuous at all from the outside. Although the bookstore is located at the intersection of a cross street, the wooden signboard of the bookstore has long been worn out. Since it has not been taken care of in recent years, the wooden fonts have been damaged by wind and rain. Became dim and unclear.

Coupled with the influence of light, at first glance from a distance, 'Bai's Bookstore' almost turns into 'Bai's Sword Corpse'.

"Good guy, if you don't know better, you might think this is a funeral parlor with strange services."

The corner of Bai Yue's mouth twitched, and he made up his mind that when he gets rich, he must do a good job in decoration, so as not to scare away customers in the future.

And just when the boy took out his keys and was about to start business, he found that an 'acquaintance' was already waiting at the door of the bookstore.

It has to be said that even though Yanguo's highly uniform high school uniforms are really unflattering, some girls can wear the uniforms in a dazzling and moving way.

The girl sat quietly on the bench in front of the door, kicking the gravel on the roadside out of boredom. The fine morning light naturally fell on the girl's shoulders, perming the black hair with a light golden edge.

She lowered her head and pursed her lips, as if she was thinking about something.

"Want to come in and take a look?"

The young man's calm voice woke him up, and the girl raised her head. The delicate and charming face reminded Bai Yue of some youthful colors.

Bai Yue couldn't help feeling a little emotional. If the original owner had not died, the young boy with low self-esteem in the past would have been too nervous to say anything in front of the school beauty of Beihe No. [-] Middle School...

Unfortunately, the soul in this body is no longer immature, and now Boss Bai will only treat any guest who comes to the door equally.

Under the girl's thoughtful gaze, the boy opened the door of the bookstore slowly and turned over the sign hanging at the door of the bookstore.

Bai's Little Bookstore is officially opened.

(End of this chapter)

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