Protagonist interpretation rules

Chapter 5 The Color of Heaven

Chapter 5 The Color of Heaven

"There are no rules in the bookstore. Customers just make their own choices."

After entering the store, Bai Yue turned around and greeted the customers, then sat back behind the counter, took out the notebook that the original owner had locked, and started reading it by himself.

Lin Wannan looked at the environment in the bookstore curiously.

Although the bookstore is not big, it is clean and spotless inside. However, there does not seem to be too many types of books. Most of the books that come into view are some novels about the different worlds of the East.

She subconsciously picked up a book with a fancy cover. On the cover, the protagonist holding a big sword was full of justice, and the female devil with an exaggerated figure opposite her had heart-shaped eyes.

The girl's face turned slightly red. Although Lin Wannan had never read Dongguo novels, she also learned more or less from her friends that generally only otakus without friends would secretly read such things that could easily kill people. Shame text novel.

Bai Yue is actually selling this kind of thing...

Lin Wannan subconsciously glanced at the young man behind the counter. He was flipping through a dirty-looking notebook and seemed to be deep in thought, paying no attention to himself.

She unconsciously recalled the last time she saw Bai Yue.

That day happened to be the opening of the school sports meeting of No. [-] Middle School. The students gathered in the playground. The joyful atmosphere was burning and boiling amidst the shouts of boys and girls. As the lead singer of the choir, I stood in front of the stage and attracted everyone's attention, but I saw a The young man walked towards the school gate alone.

His face was pale, his shoulders were hunched and his head was hanging. One hand was dragging a worn schoolbag, and the other hand was holding the withdrawal form tightly. The young man turned around and looked at the crowd step by step, but no one was willing to pay attention to a person who refused to pay. The unlucky guy who pays tuition.

In the end, he turned his back to everyone and drifted away. Under the excited shouts of the students, his back looked really helpless and pitiful.

Of course, Lin Wannan wouldn't care about this.

The gap between people has always been taken for granted. Even if they are classmates, she and Bai Yue cannot be on the same journey. This is true now and will be true in the future.

This time I came to him just to inquire about one thing.

As if aware of the girl's gaze, Bai Yue raised his head, and their eyes met. However, to Lin Wannan's expectation, Bai Yue did not miss her eyes as uncomfortably as before.

"Have you picked it yet?" The young man's eyes were as calm as water, with a polite smile on his face.

He looked at the book in the girl's hand: "Guest, you have really good taste. That is the best-selling otherworld literary love novel in the store. Do you want to buy it and read it?"

There was obvious hesitation on Lin Wannan's face. Although she was a little curious about this kind of novel, she also knew that buying this kind of Dongguo novel would definitely attract ridicule from her friends.

"I never read this kind of book." The girl finally shook her head and put the book back in its place.

"That's it." Bai Yue nodded, not disappointed at all.

After all, anyone who owns a bookstore knows that it is often the case that customers come into the store to read books but end up not buying any of them. However, Bai Yue is not disgusted with this. Everyone who comes is a guest, and it is their own choice whether to spend money or not. You can't force this.

The young man returned his gaze to the original owner's notes.

Ever since he watched a very exciting memory scene last night, Bai Yue has realized that this world is only peaceful on the surface. The countries have created clear water for mortals, but extraordinary undercurrents are stirring up the turbid sand under the water.

Bai Yue realized that his time travel seemed to have changed reality. Since the current 'Bai Yue' was not dead, the painting composed of 'Bai Yue's' flesh and blood did not appear.

But the shadow of death did not dissipate.

First, the teacher Gu in the memory of the original owner cannot let go. Second, the 'inspiration' that the original owner once consumed should still be dormant in his body, ready to 'hatch' at any time.

The bookstore owner couldn't help but feel a little confused. The original owner's memory was intermittent, so at this time Bai Yue didn't know what the 'inspiration' that the original owner had eaten was...

The only clue now is the note left by the original owner before his death.

However, it is better to say that it is a notebook than a first draft, a work outlined by a boy's fantasy and longing.

Bai Yue turned the notes back to the first page, and the title of the work suddenly appeared on the page.

——"The Color of Heaven"

What's interesting is that the strokes of each word in the title are outlined with oil pens of different colors. The gorgeous colors are stacked in Bai Yue's sight. However, because the original owner's handwriting is too sloppy, these colors not only do not add to the beauty of the words, On the contrary, it will make the viewer feel some discomfort.It's like some colorful worms crawling slightly on the paper. If you look at it for a long time, you can even hear the slippery sound of their twisting bodies.

Fortunately, these illusions did not have any impact on Bai Yue's spirit. From midnight to early morning, Bai Yue also roughly browsed through the stories left by the original owner.

The protagonist of the story, Bai Xinghe, is a ridiculously handsome high school student with a face as sharp as a knife and cold eyes (literal description in the notes).

Bai Xinghe's father is a reclusive martial arts master, and his mother is a gentle dancer with injured legs. However, in an explosion accident, both the protagonist's parents disappeared, leaving Bai Xinghe alone.

But the strong protagonist was not discouraged. Bai Xinghe had already obtained his father's true biography. While staying in school, he secretly investigated the truth behind his parents' disappearance. He bravely stood up during a school bullying and got acquainted with the school. The talented star girl Lin Wanwan in...

This is the development of the story in the early stage. Although the childishness between the lines is really eye-catching, Bai Yue still endured the poison and saw the back.

Lin Wanwan was obviously moved by Bai Xinghe's handsomeness and bravery, and the two soon fell in love. Together, they unearthed the truth behind the disappearance of the protagonist's parents, and the plot began to move forward.

The story created by the original owner starts to get weirder and weirder here.

During their inseparable honeymoon, the time came for an art exhibition held by the school. During this period, Lin Wanwan accidentally saw a strange angel sculpture.

When she saw the sculpture, she awakened the memory of her previous life. It turned out that Lin Wanwan's true identity was actually an apostle from heaven who fell to earth. Under her guidance, the clues collected by Bai Xinghe gradually connected together, and he discovered that his My parents have gone to the highest peak of the world, the wonderful world called Paradise...

Bai Yue rubbed his eyebrows.

When this work was written, the original owner probably had mental problems.

The back of the notes are almost all Bai Xinghe's praise and longing for the Kingdom of Heaven. Like a devout and crazy believer, he used almost all his beautiful vocabulary to outline that perfect world.

The absurd story ends abruptly with praise.

The opportunity for the original owner to detonate his inspiration and turn it into a painting should be the ending of the story, but now Bai Yue cannot detect the existence of the so-called 'inspiration'...

Bai Yue stared at the notes and fell into deep thought. He faintly noticed that the inspiration in his body seemed to be hiding.

It seems to be...afraid of something...

Boom boom boom!
At this moment, the sound of knuckles rapping on the counter brought Bai Yue's thoughts back to reality. The young man raised his head and found that the customer in front of him seemed a little angry.

"How long are you going to hang on to me?"

The girl's melodious voice echoed in the bookstore. Lin Wannan stared at the young man in front of him with a hint of reproach in his eyes.

Bai Yue:?
Bai Yue:? ?

Don’t you want to buy books?What else do you want?Are you deliberately looking for trouble?
Of course, as a bookstore owner, he must not say these inner thoughts to his customers, so Bai Yue controlled his expression.

"If you have any requests as a guest, please tell me calmly."

The young man responded in a calm voice: "Our store does not welcome unreasonable customers."

Lin Wannan's expression was relieved, obviously he did not expect the other party's reaction to be like this.

Perhaps it was the reason why the school beauty had always attracted so much attention. When interacting with the people around her, she was always in the position of being admired and talked to. Today, she came to see him with something important, but this guy kept hiding behind the counter. Taking care of herself made the girl feel impatient.

Don't look at this as absurd, in fact this kind of thing is quite common in reality, and most conflicts are caused by the inner 'self-perceived' asymmetry between the two parties.

Bai Yue knew the other party's arrogance, but he didn't care about the other party's arrogance.

Under the young man's indifference, Lin Wannan seemed to be aware of her rudeness. The girl bit her lips and finally gave up, sitting obediently opposite Bai Yue.

She said aggrievedly: "Bai Yue, our teacher Gu is missing."

(End of this chapter)

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