Protagonist interpretation rules

Chapter 76 Weaving a Spider Web

Chapter 76 Weaving a Spider Web
Masako Asakawa had a long, long dream.

It was a very ordinary evening. Countless branches full of cherry blossoms were hanging down, and the whole street was dyed with dreamy colors by falling cherry blossoms.

People's laughter came and went. She hugged her knees and sat on the mat, waiting expectantly for her father's special Teppanyaki.

The fragrance spread, and even the brother who was concentrating on painting Luo Ying put down his painting brush. This made her mother happy. She opened the lunch box, and Masako's eyes were immediately attracted by the exquisite rice balls.

But at this moment, black rain suddenly fell from the sky, and the cold raindrops swallowed up the cherry blossoms in the sky. The figures of the two adults disappeared in the rain.

The frightened girl turned around, only to find that her usually reserved brother had dropped the drawing board and burst out laughing wildly.

His body was burning with raging pitch-black poisonous fire, and his brother's face had been burned into bones by the flames. He roared piercingly towards the snake shadow in the sky:

"Give Masako back to me!!"

The girl opened her eyes suddenly. She struggled to get up, but was startled into a cold sweat by the severe pain in her legs.

"Your knees are just dislocated. Don't rush to move your body. Just relax and recover."

Someone turned his back to the dazed Masako. He was watching the spring water outside the window, and a plain voice reached the girl's ears.

The surrounding scene gradually became clearer, and Masako found himself lying in a huge palace. The entire wall of the room was painted with murals, with green tides and dark rocks outlined on them.

"This is where……"

"This is the 'Songfeng Room' in the Ming Palace specially used to entertain guests."

Bai Yue responded casually, and he said bluntly: "You were sent to Prince Deren as a 'gift' by Prince Yumiya Hirohito."

He had already taken off his bloated royal robe and put on a pair of loose white casual clothes. After shaving off his funny mustache and untying his ugly bun, Bai Yue's waistcoat image had already changed.

The third prince's long hair was casually let down, and combined with the strange long sword at his waist, he looked more like a carefree wanderer than an arrogant prince.

"It is really the wise and benevolent His Highness Hirohito who did all this..."

Masako Asakawa seemed to understand something, she showed a look of surprise, and then, Masako's expression became desperate little by little.

"It turns out that the missing children in the orphanage are really related to the royal family..."

Masako's beautiful face became paler, and her voice was already crying: "What should I's me who has caused my brother..."

"Do you regret everything you have done? Miss Masako?"

Bai Yue turned around, looked into Masako's eyes and asked with a smile.

"It was your stupid choice that led to your current tragic ending. You will become Prince Naruhito's toy and then be insulted and abused by him in the most vicious way."

Bai Yue lifted the girl's chin and made a ruthless conclusion: "And all the reasons stem from your ridiculous act of justice. You shouldn't meddle in others' affairs."

Ronin-san's words were obviously very soft, but Asakawa Masako's body still started to tremble.

Because the dark and cruel truth is really as heavy as a thousand stones. It presses on the deepest part of Masako's soul, causing unbridled laughter every moment.

It shouldn't be like shouldn't be like this...

Masako was in a daze for a moment. She still remembered the old director of the orphanage.

The thin old woman always had a kind smile on her face. She would sit under the shade of the tree every day and tell those beautiful fairy tales surrounded by children.

After her parents disappeared, it was Reiko's grandmother who supported her and her brother's childhood.

But on that rainy afternoon, Masako was about to visit her grandma, but she heard the old man's weak whine at the door of the orphanage.

She saw blood flowing out of the cracks in the door and then soaking into the cold rain.

Masako was so frightened that she escaped from the street. When she returned to the entrance of the orphanage the next day, Grandma Reiko and those young little girls were gone.

Only a few royal patrol samurai under Prince Yumiya Hirohito were left cleaning up the messy courtyard.

But when Masako plucked up the courage to ask the leading samurai where the old man was...

"You're talking about that stubborn old guy,"

But she saw a cruel smile on the warrior's face: "It doesn't feel good to chop."

"You... you bastards!"

Almost subconsciously, Masako picked up the shoulder bag in his hand and threw it at the samurai with all his strength.That's all.

With just such a simple action, her legs were broken and she was sent to the prince's palace as a 'toy'.

The world shouldn't be like this.

"Do you want to repent? Masako Asakawa?"

Ronin's tone became more playful: "Repent for my stupidity, repent for my incompetence, repent for my kindness..."

Bai Yue sat down cross-legged: "If your attitude is sincere enough, maybe His Highness the Prince will let you live."

"Why should I repent? Ronin-san?"

At this moment, perhaps it was the Ronin's question that aroused the anger in the girl's heart, but Asakawa Masako's expression actually calmed down.

"Kill me, Ronin-san, if you still have a shred of conscience in your heart."

She pursed her lips, raised her head stubbornly, and said word by word:

"I would rather die than be humiliated by those vicious royals."

"Not bad, very courageous."

Bai Yue nodded with satisfaction. For some reason, he just admired this stubborn iron-headed boy.

Ronin slowly stood up and took out the long sword from his waist: "Don't worry, I will strike quickly and it will definitely not hurt."

"Thank you very much."

Masako Asakawa knelt down and sat up. She glanced in the direction of her home. The girl lowered her head, closed her eyes, and calmly accepted her choice to devote herself to justice.

The shadow of the sword flashed suddenly.

The pain she imagined did not come. Masako opened her eyes blankly, only to see the heavy hairband fell to the ground and became two halves.

The girl's silky long hair fell down instantly.

"Sure enough, the long and straight black one looks better."

Bai Yue withdrew his long sword: "The buns in Dongguo are all ugly. I don't know what the aesthetics of these perverted princes in Dongguo are."

"You...why..." Masako was a little at a loss.

"Okay, let me make the story short, Miss Masako, Prince Deren has been dead for a long time."

Bai Yue interrupted the other party's inquiry and showed a mysterious smile: "And I have already won his future destiny in full."

At this moment, the turbid dark clouds burst into pale light, casting a huge ferocious shadow behind Ronin.

"You have two choices now, Masako Asakawa."

Rolling thunder followed one after another, and for some reason, Ronin's face became a little blurry.

"You can choose to forget all this. I will send you home intact, and you will live a stable life without having to worry about the royal family's revenge."

"What about the other option?"

"Entrust your entire soul to me, and then continue to uphold the ethereal justice."

Ronin spread his hands, and an almost transparent thread appeared in his palm.

他 说:

"Want to change your destiny? Miss Masako?"

Yes, the world should not be like this, and people should not live in the lie of happiness.

You should be angry, you should roar, you should resist, you should...

——To take back your own future with your own hands.

 Thanks for the reward from Yan Shengsheng!
  Thank you for your heartfelt reward!
  Thanks to all book friends who voted!
(End of this chapter)

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