Protagonist interpretation rules

Chapter 77 There is an ancient saying in Yanguo

Chapter 77 There is an old saying in Yanguo
Gao Tianyuan, Yugong Imperial Palace.

In order to prove his virtuousness and integrity to his people, Yunomiya Hirohito's residence was clean and elegant. The large main hall did not have any expensive items except for the basic facilities of tables and chairs.

Yumiya Hirohito, wearing a royal robe, sat quietly in the center of the hall. The handsome young man stared at the exquisite terminal device in his hand, as if he was deep in thought.

In front of him was a dead warrior's head.

Not far from the eldest prince, there was a middle-aged man with his forehead pressed tightly to the floor.

A moment later, the warrior's fearful voice came from the terminal in Yumiya Hirohito's hand.

'I am the heir to the Genji Group. I still have a bright future. I can't die! '

'Please, Lord Naruhito, I will serve you to the death -'

The screams stopped abruptly, and Prince Deren's triumphant smile appeared in the edited footage. Hirohito turned off the terminal expressionlessly.

He raised his head indifferently, suppressing his anger, and asked coldly:
"Is this the loyalty of you Genji? Masahiro Minamoto?"

"The dog is incompetent. Please calm down, Your Highness."

Masahiro Minamoto Yoshiro did not dare to raise his head to face the prince's gaze. His voice trembled slightly and he said respectfully: "He should commit seppuku for the country."

Thunder suddenly rises.

The shadow of Yumiya Hirohito suddenly twisted and elongated in the bright light. Uncomfortable smooth sounds crisscrossed the hall. The shadows of eight songs had already covered the entire hall.

A strong fishy wind swirled around, and Masahiro Minamoto's robes were instantly soaked with cold sweat. He saw the scales of the snake with his peripheral vision, and he felt the snake whispering poisonous words in his ears.

Something was chewing on my son's head.

It crushed bones and sucked blood. It had obviously swallowed flesh and blood, but its bloodthirsty greed was even stronger.

"Raise your head, Masahiro Minamoto."

Yumiya Hirohito's voice already had a disturbing accent: "As the pillar of the country, you should face your dereliction of duty."

Masahiro Minamoto Yoshiro straightened up tremblingly, only to find that the palace was still as elegant as before.

The ghostly shadow of the eight heads and his son's head have disappeared, but Yumiya Hirohito's expression is still so gentle and elegant.

The previous violence was like an illusion.

"Prince Deren really gave me a great gift in return..."

Yumiya Hirohito smiled and asked: "What do you think? Head of the Genji family?"

“It all depends on the Lord.”

Masahiro Minamoto Yoshihide bent down. He knew very well that trouble comes from the mouth. Even if he was in charge of the flourishing Genji Group, he would never dare to comment on the royal family.

Even if the person who died is his own son.

Anyway, there is a lot of that kind of stuff, and if one or two die, it won't matter to the family's inheritance.

Yumiya Hirohito chuckled, seemingly very satisfied with the humble attitude of the head of the Genji family.

"It seems that my father's serious illness caused my brother to have unrealistic fantasies."

He showed a sad look: "I obviously care about him so much, but why does Deren go astray..."

"Then what should I do to help you guide His Highness Naruhito onto the 'right path'?"

Masahiro Minamoto immediately took over the conversation wisely.

"First of all, we must cut off Prince Naruhito's only deep wings... Do you know where his fairy tale company is, right?"

Masahiro Minamoto nodded.

Yunomiya Hirohito smiled and said: "Kill everyone inside, you can annex that deep company, just think of it as the sacrifice I prepared for your son."

Masahiro Minamoto felt ecstatic in his heart and quickly said yes.

The deep-seated industry that provides benefits to the Amaterasu royal family has always been the core area of ​​the Eastern Kingdom's economy. It contains a wealth that is unimaginable to ordinary people and firmly controls the lifeblood of the current situation.

"Secondly, arrange for someone to uncover the evidence of Prince Naruhito's past crimes in advance."

Yumiya Hirohito sighed, his eyes full of sadness and intolerance: "It's time for me to cut off my brother's head with my own hands and wash away the sins he committed for the people." "I understand."

Masahiro Minamoto Yoshi bowed down again, but his heart did not fluctuate much in response to the Lord's declaration of parricide.

The royal family's fight for the heir apparent was accompanied by bloody massacres. Anyone with a discerning eye knew that Prince Naruhito was just a pig raised by Prince Hirohito.

All in all, both of these things are easy to do.

Yumiya Hirohito and Minamoto Yoshitoshi Masahiro both thought so.

The Genji parents stood up and bowed, then walked away, leaving only Prince Hirohito in the elegant palace.

"Deren is just a fool. The ones I should be most wary of now are Jing Gong Aiko, who sold his soul to Silent Evil Sun, and Haogong Huiren, who is in charge of the Yamata clan."

Yumiya Hirohito murmured to himself, and at this moment, his eyes finally turned cruel: "They are the biggest obstacle on the road."

"But Amaterasu has always been protecting me."

The wind and rain were dark, and the reflection of a snake appeared in the depths of his pupils:

"I will kill them one by one and then become the supreme emperor."

Although it was late at night, Gao Tianyuan in the Eastern Kingdom was even more dazzling.

Even if it is raining in the sky, happy people are still enjoying the carnival at night. Countless dark desires flow along the air in the night, and then merge into the turbid dark clouds.

The high-flying whaling sailboat sailed at night, and the rain and neon lights cut through the side of the ship, creating colorful ripples in the night sky.

People wearing black hats stood on the edge of the deck, quietly looking down at the foreign city.

"Please be careful and try not to get caught in the rain."

The leading man broke the silence. He held a cigarette in his mouth and said with sharp eyes: "The ruthless Yamata-no-Orochi actually blended the deep fairy grass into the atmosphere of the current scene..."

"It's really miserable for the people of the East to live in such an environment for a long time." Youhei sighed sincerely.

"Heh... maybe they enjoy it."

Chen Guyue rubbed the fire with her fingertips and took a deep breath of fresh and healthy smoke.

"But Captain Chen, are you sure our undercover agent from Dayan lives in the palace of the Eastern Kingdom's royal family?"

At this moment, the subordinate looked at the imperial palace getting closer and closer not far away, and his tone was obviously a little surprised: "Isn't this big boss who has been around for three years and three years?"

"Okay, don't ask. I'm a senior prosecutor appointed by Mr. Dijiang. He's much better than us. In short, just listen to him when you get there."

The decadent uncle with disheveled hair patted his subordinate on the shoulder and showed a sunny smile:

"Don't you know there is an old saying in the Yan Kingdom? It's called - Wei Junjie, the one who strives to the west!"

Subordinates: "..."

However, as soon as Team Chen finished speaking, the whale ship began to shake slightly and docked in the giant dock dedicated to the floating palace.

The wind and rain suddenly stopped.

Immediately afterwards, a young man with a long sword at his waist stepped onto the deck.

Under the vigilant eyes of the black men, Bai Yue stepped forward and enthusiastically held Chen Guyue's hand.

"You should get started with Jun's Eastern Mandarin language, Chen Sang!"

 [Emperor Yan Longhuang] [Reader 1514576182291529728]

  【Tyrael Tyrell】【Book Friends 20200314104238819】

  [Flying Slime] [Nan Crazy South] [Wutong Unit 2] [Impression of Cui Ran] [My heart is cold] [Book Friends 20210428203850981] [Crazy Countdown] [This Symbol]

  Thank you all very much for the rewards.

  There are many book friends who voted today.

  How should I put it? I feel relieved. Just do whatever you want with your grades. I’ll just write them down.

(End of this chapter)

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