Protagonist interpretation rules

Chapter 78 Playing the devil

Chapter 78 Playing the devil
The night is dark, but the thousand birds in Naruhito Imperial Palace are filled with melodious Showa songs.

The third prince and the decadent uncle sat across the table from each other. The silver-haired girl standing next to Bai Yue raised the wine flask and filled both of their glasses with sake.

"Chen Sang! How did you feel when you came to Dongguo this time?"

Bai Yue raised his wine cup and raised his eyebrows at the other party.

"Thanks to Bai Sang's guidance, I discovered that Dongguo's idol flower girl is so awesome!"

The mustache on Chen Sang's lips trembled, and he let out a hearty laugh.

"What the hell, idol flower girl, I have more exciting things waiting for Chen Sang here!"

Bai Yue happily touched the wine cups with his uncle, and they drank the spicy liquid in one gulp.

Although the atmosphere was quite harmonious, the expressions of the Shanhai Guards behind Chen Guyue were a little strange at this time.

"Old Liu, how do I feel..."

Someone whispered to his companions: "Team Bai and Team Chen are the traitors sent by Dongguo to Yanguo."

"Stop talking, I can't hold myself any longer..."

"Hey! If you dare to talk nonsense again, you will die immediately!"

Chen Guyue turned his head and said fiercely: "Hurry up and eat to regain your strength. There is still work waiting for us!"

"But Team White, can we still eat the fish off the coast of Dongguo?"

Someone picked up a piece of pure white sashimi and said with some worry: "Isn't the pollution caused by the Yamata-no-Orochi spread throughout the Eastern Kingdom?"

"You can rest assured about this."

Bai Yue put down the wine cup and responded to everyone: "All the food here comes from a grocery store in Yanguo. It is very safe."

"Replenish your strength quickly. As Captain Chen said, we still have a tough battle to fight and we must race against time."

Then, Bai Yue's tone became serious: "I need you to pave the way for me in the deep layers of the East Kingdom as soon as possible."


The Shanhaiwei guards were filled with awe, and they all clasped their fists and said yes.

Under Di Jiang's instructions, they rushed to the East Kingdom. The Shanhai Guards were already hungry.

People stopped talking and raised their bowls and chopsticks in silence, showing some kind of thunderous and iron-blooded discipline. The food on the table disappeared quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, Chen Guyue had no appetite at the moment.

He lit the cigarette, looked up and down at Bai Yue's current appearance, and then sighed sincerely:

"Boss Bai, you are indeed no ordinary person. You can actually achieve the status of a royal prince."

Chen Guyue poured a glass of sake for the other party with her own hands: "After Mr. Dijiang saw the message you sent, good fellow, for her sake, the temperature around Beihe City has risen by seven degrees Celsius."

"The Grand Inquisitor is quite interested in me, a non-staff member."

Bai Yue smiled.

"Don't be ridiculous, Boss Bai. How can any non-staff personnel be able to command the Great Yanshan Haiwei at will?"

Chen Guyue exhaled a puff of smoke and said with a wry smile: "Master Di Jiang gave us the order, but we will obey your command unconditionally."

"What benefits does Dayan official want to get from this?"

Bai Yue did not hesitate to point to the core of the problem: "Di Jiang will not waste his efforts in vain, right?"

"To be honest, Lord Dijiang wants to use your power to block the border of the Eastern Kingdom."

Chen Guyue paused and said frankly: "As for the Yamata-no-Orochi's infiltration into Yan Country's current situation, Great Yan will naturally retaliate in kind."

It's reasonable.

Bai Yue nodded.

"In short, everyone stepped out of the Great Yan border with the determination to sacrifice themselves."

Chen Guyue's expression became solemn: "There is no second intention." "Don't worry, I won't use you as dead soldiers."

Bai Yue waved his hand: "But before doing anything, I need to understand your thoughts."

He looked at the city outside the window and asked, "What do you think of the civilians of Dongguo? Captain Chen?"

"Most of them are just poor hapless people with no future."

Chen Guyue followed Bai Yue's gaze and looked out. He shook his head: "They are destined to live in this 'happy' land for the rest of their lives and will never be able to pursue their distant dreams."

"In order to absolutely control the people of the Eastern Kingdom, Yamata no Orochi's methods are too cruel."

His eyes became colder and colder: "People's souls have long been accustomed to the desires planted by the big snake. Once they leave the land of the East Kingdom for a long time, they will completely lose the emotion of 'happiness' and eventually die of depression."

"So they will always be slaves of the Amaterasu royal family."

The sparks on the cigarette end flickered, and the man calmly stated the cruel facts: "No one can save them, and no one is willing to redeem them."

Bai Yue nodded noncommittally.

In such a twisted environment, the so-called salvation and protection are absurd jokes.

It's like asking prostitutes to clean themselves up, asking gamblers to wash their hands in a golden basin, and asking gangsters to improve and become good. If all of this is pushed forward forcefully, it will attract people's hatred and resistance.

Mortal thoughts have long been put on heavy shackles.

Perhaps Destiny Musician and Human Reason Balance never believed that Bai Yue could save everything in the current situation.


From the beginning, Bai Yue did not intend to redeem people's deep-rooted thoughts.

He gestured to the silver-haired girl beside him. Under Chen Guyue's gaze, the girl opened the Klein Box that had been prepared.

Hitomi Hanyu put his arm into it and fished out a 'white peach' with a smooth surface.

From time to time, the outlines of children and animals appear on the surface of inspiration, representing innocent fantasies swaying and beating in the hands of girls, trying to escape from this world of overwhelming desires.

"Next, I need you to sink into the depths and take over a deep-seated company in Dongguo as a specially hired company employee."

"I am back."

Masako Asakawa gently opened the door. After a moment, the girl's expression became confused.

The door was obviously unlocked, but there was no one in the room, and the cold rain had already entered the hallway of the entrance.

Masako became inexplicably panicked. She hurriedly pressed the light switch, only to find that the floor was in a mess, the unpleasant smell of alcohol spread, and the walls were covered with black burn marks, as if someone had been burned by fire.

She suddenly remembered her dream.

The brother in the dream had his face taken away by the fire, and his charred skeleton roared madly at the snake shadow.

"Something really happened to him..."

The girl collapsed on the floor of the entrance hall in despair. Masako hugged her knees and showed a sad expression: "My dreams have never lied to me..."

I have... nothing left...

Gradually, Masako tightened her arms wrapped with silk thread, and Prince Deren's laughter echoed in the girl's ears.

'Since people are addicted to happiness and don't want to wake up, then you should play the most terrifying evil ghost, Masako Asakawa. '

 【Cherish Love】【Tallny-Lin】【Book Friends 20210327111838218】

  【Reader 20210209171426897003022】


  [How Erguotou is made] [Enlightenment] [Commonplace and gentleness]

  Thank you all for the rewards!
  Thanks to all book friends who voted!
  So cute! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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