Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 102 Those who run slowly will die.

Chapter 102 Those who run slowly will die.
Everyone boarded the ship and set sail, aiming for the Taihu Association.

Li Yu patted the side of the boat and asked:

"Are these Cao Gang's ships?"


"Did Tan Muguang ask about the purpose?"

"I didn't ask. He was eager for us to rent it."

What Du Ren said was true. The Xinsu Gang had dozens of watercrafts, all of which were idle in the river ditches.

It would be great to rent out idle boats and earn some living expenses.

So professors were just born a few hundred years later.

If they had been born in the Qing Dynasty, they would have discovered how "wise" their proposals were.

The top is in line with the holy will, the bottom is in line with the people's sentiments.

Renting an idle boat, a house, a car, whatever.

The poor people in the Qing Dynasty rented out their only "aunts" when they had no food to eat.

How flexible.


"Military advisor, the Sea Dragon King is here." Lin Huaisheng said quietly.

"Meet the master."

Li Yu looked at this guy who was kneeling on one knee, quite submissive, and couldn't help but ask:
"What's your real name?"

"Zhou Dahai."

"Today I give you a chance to perform, and you will lead the way."

"May I ask the boss, who are we going to do today?"

"Taihu Water Associates."

"The head of the family is serious?"

"With so many boats and so many people, could they be having a picnic?"

Zhou Dahai quickly slapped himself in the mouth to apologize.

"Master, I used to be a soldier of the Taihu Association's Zuoying. I have a sworn hatred with the Taihu Association's disciples. Let me be the vanguard."

"Okay, I'll talk about it on the picture first."

An abstract map, the Taihu Lake on it is actually oval.

"Master, which camp should we attack?"

Li Yu was stunned. He only knew that Taihu Association had a water village in Dongshan.

Could it be that there are many more places?

"The Taihu Association camps are scattered. The left camp is in Jian Village, Zhenze County, and the right camp is in Yixing County, Changzhou Prefecture. On the other side of Dongshan is the water camp of the Chinese Army Patrolling the Lake, with more than a dozen sand ships and sentry ships. The rest are There are still some scattered floods, so I won’t mention them.”

"Where is Shi Linglun?"

"He is usually at the Zhongjun Water Village in Dongshan, and occasionally at Zuoying Station in Zhenze County."

Li Yu was dumbfounded.
Only then did he realize how superficial his understanding of Green Camp was.

And Mr. Hu Qian was also sarcastic.

He was a flood soldier, and he looked down upon the Taihu Association.

In an era without newspapers, information was a very precious resource.


Zhou Dahai quickly suggested:
"Let's fight Zuoying."


"I have been in Zuoying, and I am familiar with the terrain there."

Li Yu nodded. The Zuoying guerrillas were already buried in the pit, and they were leaderless.

"Give us a brief overview of the situation in Zuoying."

Zhenze County,
Jiancun is a small village near the lake.

Taihu Xiezuoying occupies the best location at the entrance of the village.

7 sentry boats and 2 large sand boats were moored in the water village.

On the wooden sentry tower of the water village, a green soldier sat and dozed.

Most of the troops were on the shore, playing cards for fun.

There are also some old fried dough sticks who quietly went to the county to do business.

There was no one on duty on the warship.

Today, Master Guerrilla took a boat to catch the smuggling merchant ship.

Mainly to make some money.

No matter what kind of ship you encounter, just stop it and say it has contraband.

The ship owner will pay some money.

There are also a few idle and bored guys setting up ground cages on the shore.

this piece,
Usually fishermen don’t dare to come.

When the navy soldiers confront the fishermen, they are full of martial virtue.



There was a soldier with his trousers rolled up, pointing to the distance and saying:
"Look, what is that for?"

About 2 miles away, many boats docked.

You can also vaguely see someone stepping ashore on the springboard.

"It's a merchant ship."

"But there's no dock over there."

"The water there is deep and there is a stone bank, so ships can dock. How can they be so familiar if they are not local merchant ships?"


The two men continued to fight.Various fish were caught in the cage on the ground.

This can all be exchanged for copper coins. Restaurants in Zhenze County love to harvest fresh fish.

Especially swordfish and white fish.

When steaming, the emphasis is on freshness.

"This month's salary won't be discounted anymore, right?"

"Who knows, if there's another discount, I'll beg for payment."

"Shh, you can't talk nonsense about this."


The grumbling Green Camp soldier was stunned. He discovered that a large ship was quickly approaching the water village.

And the people on the big boat wore filial piety hats.

"What are they doing?"

"I don't know, like a funeral mourner."

"Send it to your mother. Run quickly. There are cannons on that boat."

Guys who complain a lot are just as quick to respond.

Throw away the catch and dive into the reeds.

The guy who reacted a little slower was still hesitating.

Several plumes of white smoke rose from the boat.

He looked down and saw blood pouring out.

"Not for the funeral."

With a splash, he fell into the shallow water.

On the ship, several arquebusiers stepped back happily and continued to reload.


Immediately afterwards, there was a continuous sound of artillery.

Li Yu concentrated all the mountain-splitting cannons on three ships.

It was a heavy bombardment against the wooden houses on the shore.

The green camp soldiers inside were beaten hard.

Those who were alive ran out quickly, as if their nest had been blown up.

Zhou Dahai jumped on his feet and laughed:

"Hahaha, I know you turtle bastards must be hiding in there gambling."

"Hurry up and reload, keep blasting them."

"Young master, I apply to go ashore and serve as a pioneer."


Li Yu looked in the telescope and was in a good mood.

Some of the 200 musketeers who landed early just now were wearing green battalion official uniforms, and some were wearing white clothes and hats.

After counting the time, it was time to take a detour back to Zuoying Luzhai.

The fleeing navy soldiers saw a group of "own people".

He immediately moved closer and was met with a volley of fire.

More than 40 corpses were left behind, collapsed on the spot and fled in all directions.

The Li Jiajun completed one round, reloaded and pursued.

However, they formed a neat formation and could not catch up with the navy soldiers who scattered and fled with their bare hands.

Moreover, these people are experienced in escaping and avoid the main roads.

Running on the river beach, there are stones and mud under my feet.

Li Jiajun, who lacked war experience, would never fight again if he hesitated.

Li Yu, who witnessed this scene, quickly ordered the boat:

"Quick, catch up."

Use mountain-splitting cannons to blast these fast soldiers.

The barrel is half a foot long and can only be placed in a single row on the ship.

Moreover, it must be tied tightly with hemp rope.

Otherwise, if there is a recoil force, even the man and the cannon may fall into the water.

After all, a tanker is not a warship.

The gun ports in the cabin were also temporarily opened with knives.

When it is returned, Caobang must be compensated.

Li Yu saw it clearly in the telescope.

The deserters in Zuoying threw away their swords, walked barefoot, and walked as fast as flying.

Jump up from time to time and avoid obstacles.

It's a bit like the 100m river beach hurdles.

"They ran so fast and didn't even look back."

Lao Hu sighed and explained:

"Those who run slowly will die."


Li Yu turned his head and glanced at it, feeling that what Old Hu said was quite bitter.

I don't have the nerve to continue asking. A gentleman doesn't expose someone's background.

Loudly ordered the gunner on the ship:

"Stop aiming, load up with shotguns, and blast them."

(End of this chapter)

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