Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 103: Class during the day, murder at night

Chapter 103: Class during the day, murder at night


White smoke spurted out from the side, which was very spectacular.

The hull shook violently,

Li Yu was very worried. The resonance shook the boat apart.

If that were the case, he would be extremely unlucky.

"No volleys allowed, one after another."

"This broken ship can't stand it."

The soldiers who were walking as fast as flying on the beach fell one by one.

Shotguns are flying around, life or death depends on fate.

Lao Hu saw a particularly conspicuous guy running an irregular route.

With emotion:
"Back then, my team was like this too."

"The Jinchuan barbarians were chasing them to the sky and to the ground. Many people were either beaten to death or ran to death."

"Let him go."

Li Yu nodded and signaled to the eager arquebusiers on the ship to forget it.

This can be considered humanitarianism on the battlefield.

Watching that guy running S all the way,

He also raised his hands above his head and shook them back and forth.


"Go back and burn the water village. Oh, by the way, did you bring the slogan with you?"

"Bring it."

"Go ashore and post a few more pictures."

Li Yu looked at the gradually spreading fire and couldn't help but miss the White Lotus Sect.

Without you, Suzhou Prefecture would be eclipsed.

Today, I will make a name for you.

half an hour,

The fleet withdrew, leaving the Zuoying Water Village in flames.

There were also corpses stretching for miles.

The people in Jian Village ran away when they heard the sound of the cannon.

avoid disaster!

In the evening, the brave people came back to see the miserable situation.

All the men, women, and children in the village immediately took possession of their poor belongings.

Driving the big animals and carrying the poultry, they dispersed to seek relatives.

I couldn't go home for at least a month and a half.

Many of these military masters died.

There will definitely be more military masters coming to put an end to the chaos.

The military men of the Qing Dynasty had a hot temper.

The more elite the tiger and wolf soldiers are, the more explosive they will be.

They go out to fight, focusing on one enemy or the other, regardless of friend or foe.

You have to shake the eggs to loosen them before eating them.

Especially the eldest girls and young wives, if they don't have their faces covered in ashes, they will run far away.

Arrested into a military camp, I'm afraid hundreds of family names are not enough.


There is no place for such grievances.

From top to bottom, it is assumed that this is normal loss.

The more brave the soldiers are at killing the enemy, the more they can harm the place.

If the local soldiers are better, the guest soldiers are even worse. If the territory is not taken away by three points, it will not be worthy of the status of "guest".


On the way back, the sun was already setting.

The fleet was quiet all the way, following each other closely.

The advantage of waterways is that they leave no traces.

In this battle, three of our own were killed and one was wounded.

One of them died rather embarrassingly, missing the mark while transferring to another boat.

It fell between the two ships. When the waves came, the two ships collided slightly.

At that time, people were so crowded that they were exhausted.

His eyes almost popped out, it was very scary.

Therefore, I lost a matchlock gun and had no other choice but to carve out a boat to find a sword.

The injured was accidentally injured by a shotgun because he was chasing too closely.

On the way back, another mountain-splitting cannon was lost.

Because the binding was not firm, the boat swayed and fell into the water.

Several sailors nearby also fell into the water, but fortunately they were rescued.

As we approach Xishan Island,
There was another unexpected accident.

A small boat was fishing nearby and happened to witness the spectacular fleet.

So they sent troops to capture him.

We must not let the boat people go back and leak the secret because of the kindness of women.

Even though he begged hard, he said that he was actually a villager from nearby Zhoujia Village.

Those who make a living by fishing.

He was still detained along with the boat.

Li Yu would not silence him, he would just let him work and pay him monthly wages.

maybe one day,
There was no need to keep it a secret, and he could go home with his wages.

This person can boil tung oil to repair boats, and his skills are very useful.

I warned him not to run away.

Otherwise, they will send people to land in Zhoujia Village, first kill the whole family, then burn the house, and finally dig up the ancestral graves.

It’s scary to hear!

The next day,

Li Yu convened a meeting to review the situation!

Summarize experiences and lessons.

The first one is,
When the musketeers are chasing the fleeing enemy, should they maintain their formation?
If you maintain formation, you won't be able to catch up.

One or two shots in the back at most.

Free pursuit can kill more enemies, but there is no formation.

Li Yu refused to comment on this and told everyone directly:

"The formation must not be disrupted at any time. We would rather allow the enemy to escape."

"Military advisor, can we form a team of sword and shield soldiers to hunt down the enemy?"

"When the time is right, directly form a small group of light cavalry. Specialize in pursuit and cover the flanks."

Everyone's eyes lit up,
This is a good idea, especially if you surrender to the Tatars.

He was even more elated and said that the cavalry is the god of the battlefield.

Thousands of cavalry were running wildly, and no amount of muskets or artillery could stop them.

Such remarks were naturally ignored by others.

After these two battles, Wusimai can be trusted.

He is not good at using firearms and prefers cold weapons.

When attacking the water village, he and Zhou Dahai took the initiative to take the vanguard.

Zhou Dahai raised two swords, while he used a round shield and a long sword.

He rushed to the front and made gains.

Li Yu recorded in his notebook how to improve the command of the musketeers and the drum and trumpet system.


The second question is warships.

Everyone who boarded the ship felt that the boat was too unreliable.

When the artillery fired, the cabin shook.

And there are no special gun emplacements or gun portholes.

"Military advisor, loading a muzzleloader requires a lot of space."

"If the artillery is arranged symmetrically on both sides, the deck width cannot be less than 2 feet."

Li Yu nodded, thoughtfully.

The length of the artillery barrel is only 1.6 meters, plus the gun carriage.

The front chamber is loaded from the muzzle and has to be moved back.

Based on this calculation, the deck cannot be narrower.

"The boss." Zhou Dahai suddenly shouted.

This incongruous title shocked everyone.

Li Yu simply corrected it:
"From now on, you can call me military advisor or Mr. Li. There is no need to mention the big boss."

"it is good."

"What do you want to say?"

"I want to say that a warship must be strong, and the keel is the most important. First, the wood must be selected, and then someone must be found to design the cabin structure."

Zhou Dahai first became a navy master and then a water bandit.

He knew that warships and civilian ships were two different things.

This suggestion was also very good, and Li Yu recorded it in his notebook.

This warship can only be built by oneself.


The third issue is to strike while the iron is hot and consolidate morale.

Li Yu's impromptu battle had the implication of a collective vote.

Let everyone truly take the first step of rebellion.

Either take the path of rebellion or not take it.

If you want to go, you have to go all the way to the dark side.

On both ends of the spectrum, those who hesitate to wait and see usually end badly.

For example, Song Yasi, such as Pu Chuzi.

Li Yu specially arranged for two people to do this.

One is the newly promoted artillery captain Qian Youguang.
One is Fan Jing who has read books.

The classroom is located next to the beach.

Anyone who is willing to come to the class will be provided with a dinner.Only 40 people are allowed to participate at a time, first come first served.

Those with thresholds are the most fragrant.

This is the same as the culture of queuing to buy.

Fan Jing gave the lecture, and Qian Youguang praised it.

The theme is divided into three points:
How ruthless the Qing court was. When they entered the customs, they massacred cities in Jiangnan, robbed money, and robbed women.

The base of the Qing court was very small. The total number of men, women, old and children in the Eight Banners was less than half of the population of Suzhou Prefecture.

Before guns, everyone is equal.


There is no great truth, there is no such thing as nothing.

You can understand it as soon as you hear it.

After all, Jiangyin and Yangzhou are very close, making it feel like being part of the city.

Everyone was filled with anger, tension, and fear.

It turns out that the imperial court has done so many bad things?
After Fan Jing talked about the total population of the Eight Banners, this feeling became more complicated.

Qian Youdan immediately asked:
"Mr. Fan, I don't understand. With such a small number of people, you have to exclude the old, the young, the women, the crooked and lame. How many people can fight? How can you secure the throne?"

"Yeah yeah."

The miners immediately agreed. Although they were uneducated, they still had common sense.

Fan Jing raised his hand to signal for silence.

"Brothers, have you participated in fights and weapon fights?"

There was a roar of laughter below, and the atmosphere was cheerful.

A miner who has never fought is like a cook who has never stolen meat.

This is impossible.

"If we want to fight with other mines, we have 200 people and the other party has 50 people. Who will win?"

"Haha, of course we win."

"Then what if the opponent is holding a steel knife and you are holding a wooden stick."

The miners looked solemn.

Qian Youguang immediately praised him and said:
"Then the opponent must win, because they have better weapons."

Fan Jing asked again:
"If none of us are afraid of death, and the brothers in the front are hacked to death, do the brothers in the back have any hope of winning?"

"Yes, there is at least a 1% chance of winning."

"What if there is a traitor among our group?"

Qian Youdan immediately replied:
"Then it's dead."


The miners also nodded and agreed with this statement.

Fan Jing then returned to the topic:
"They couldn't beat the Eight Banners because they had good weapons, armor, strong men, and cannons."

"What did the rebels take? A dung fork, a hoe, and a rusty iron knife."

"The officials and gentry sent food to the Eight Banners, and then bribed the traitors in the rebel army and betrayed their own people."

Qian Youguang suddenly slapped the table:
"Traitors are the most abominable and deserve to be killed. Since ancient times, heroes and heroes have been killed by villains. Grandpa Yue and the generals of the Yang family were all killed by traitors."

"Yeah yeah."

There is no need to be logical in this case.

Be more fanatical and the results will be better.

People in the Qing Dynasty all knew Grandpa Yue, so this iron pot must be carried by a traitor.

Fan Jing saw that the atmosphere was getting better and said loudly:
"Just a few days ago, two big traitors appeared on the island."

"Here comes someone, escort him up to me."

The escort team, which had been on standby for a long time, immediately escorted the people to the beach.

"This couple of bastards stole a boat and wanted to escape from the island. They went to the government to complain and asked the officers and soldiers to kill us. They sold the lives of thousands of brothers just for the reward."

"As a result, one of our own people in the government got into trouble."

The miners were so shocked that they had no time to digest.

Such a shocking thing happened.

The government still has its own people, what a big deal.

"I can reveal a little bit. The business we are going to do is very big. Let's put it this way, the entire Jiangnan belongs to Mr. Li."

Everyone was shocked and had various discussions.


Fan Jing took his time and waited until the discussion stopped.

Only then said:
"Traitors, should they be killed?"

"The dog said, kill them both."

One of the miners stood up, pointed and cursed.

This is not flattery, it is spontaneous emotion.

Once the island is massacred by officers and soldiers, the outcome can be imagined.

A young man with a gun appeared on the stage. He was from the "Children's Camp".

Fan Jing immediately said:

"Say, if any one of you fights with this kid with bare hands, who will win?"

The miners laughed, thinking they were bullying children.

There is no such comparison.

Fan Jing nodded and the boy squatted half-way.

Point one of the traitors and pull the trigger of the matchlock.

The traitor lay erect and fell.

The woman next to her knelt down frantically begging for mercy.

This person is a woman who sells wine in Yangcheng Lake. She was kidnapped and brought to the island because of the Song Dynasty official.

Li Yu promised her that as long as she obeyed, don't think about running away.

You can live peacefully on the island and get married.

As a result, she hooked up with someone who had two intentions.

The two conspired to escape together and go to the government to collect the reward.

When Li Yu led most of his troops to attack Xiezou Camp in Taihu Lake, the two men quietly found a boat.

As a result, Blacksmith Zhang's son, Dog, discovered him while he was touching river clams.

A hammer hit the man on the forehead.

Then he ran away, shouting heartbreakingly to catch the thief.

The patrol boat came after hearing the news and intercepted the defecting sampan.

Fan Jing continued the class:

"You see, this is the power of muskets."

"With one shot, he was dead. The person holding the gun was still a child."


The miners seemed to understand something, and their eyes were excited.

The respect for the government has been greatly reduced.

Qian Youguan spoke again:

"If you are not wearing armor, you will definitely die if you are shot. But I heard that all the Eight Banners soldiers are wearing iron armor. Can they still be shot to death?"

"If I can't kill him with one shot and someone rushes over on horseback, I will die."

The miners were stunned, yes.

This seems to be the reason, and my self-confidence dropped by 10 in an instant.
Fan Jing was full of confidence and waved his hand:
"Come on, let's simulate it."

The person next to him immediately signed for a horse.

The woman selling wine was forced to wear armor, and a set of cotton armor was confiscated.

He helped the saddle again.

However, she fell down on purpose as soon as she sat on it.

Repeat this three times.

Fan Jing was a little annoyed. The double-act educational play was performed so well today.

You dare to drop the chain.

He leaned over and said softly:
"If you still can't sit still, I'll change you to a wooden horse or a wooden donkey right away."

"Let you parade through the streets of Fucheng and let the people in the city take a look."


She still listened to the advice.

100 meters away, someone whipped me hard.

The horse was in pain and galloped forward.

There happened to be two teenagers standing on the running route.

The gun is too heavy and too long,

So they put their guns on the stools and half-crouched.

Everyone held their breath and watched this thrilling scene.


There were two puffs of white smoke, and the men and horses fell to the ground.

The woman opened her eyes wide and vomited blood from her mouth.

It's just a layer of armor, and lead bullets can easily penetrate it.

The horse also fell to the ground.

A lead bullet tore a big hole in the front.

It was still twitching, wondering why humans could be so cruel.

Fan Jing also sighed. He couldn't bear to kill the horse.

Disposable teaching aids for class are too expensive.

Fortunately, it's just this time.

If you kill horses again and again, you will be a prodigal.

Qian had the guts to push away the crowd and pretend to be shocked.

First, he pointed to the horse’s wound:

"Oh, it's such a big gap. Even a horse can be killed, let alone a human."

Then he went to untie the nails and show the penetration holes:

"One gun and two eyes, that's awesome. It doesn't matter what kind of armor you wear."

When that wasn't enough, he took out his dagger again.

The lead bullets were dug out from the wounds of the corpses and held up bloody for everyone to see.

"The lead bullets are deformed. Even the gods can't handle such a big thing."


(End of this chapter)

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