Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 104: I am ill and cannot take charge of the affairs.

Chapter 104: I am ill and cannot take charge of the affairs.

Fan Jing coughed twice:

"Do you see clearly? As long as the Musketeers are in perfect formation, you are invincible."

"What the hell, Batulu, tiger and wolf soldier, knock him down with one shot."

"From now on, you all will train well for me."

"Anyone who makes mistakes in training will get a stick."

"I am doing this for your own good. On the battlefield, if anyone makes a mistake, it will cost the life of the brother next to him."

All the miners nodded,
This is the principle, support and understand it.

The people of the Qing Dynasty were actually the most reasonable and kind-hearted people in the world.

So, in the next queue training.

Each team has 50 people and one more captain.

Those who make mistakes will be beaten with a short stick several times.


Li Yu also asked a leatherworker to order some snare drums.

The folk traditions are big drum and waist drum.

The sketch given by Li Yu was of a snare drum, similar to that of a primary school student's honor guard.

For each team, add one drummer to stand next to the leader.

Equivalent to deputy captain.

Step, follow the beat of the drum.

No one can make mistakes, which requires long-term training.

Musical, integrated into the muscles.

Moreover, Li Yu also played a suona.

I have no choice, I actually want to make a trumpet, but unfortunately there is no such thing among the people.

The suona sounds and everyone assembles.

Everyone must assemble at the flag bearer and shall not advance without permission.

It is equivalent to the ancient method of withdrawing troops with gold.

The suona player and the flag bearer are the same person.

Equivalent to captain.

There are currently more than a dozen teams, with one battalion captain, Lin Huaisheng.


"Military advisor, if I take up my new post, who will be my bodyguard?" Lin Huaisheng was a little worried.

"The Musketeer Battalion is my hard work, and it must be the most reliable person. I don't trust anyone other than you." Li Yu said, "Train your troops well and support me at the critical moment."

Lin Huaisheng's eyes turned red at these words.

After cupping his fists and saluting, he turned around and left.

The number of guards around Li Yu will be expanded and changed from now on.

The adopted son Li Xiaowu serves as the guard captain.

The escort team is 30 people.

Among them are five little guys, who should be called teenagers.

All adopted sons, surnamed Li.

The tallest one is Li Dahu, and the shortest one is only 1 meters.
But it doesn't matter. In the position of bodyguard, loyalty is higher than martial skill.

At critical moments, a human shield is more valuable than a sharpshooter or a sharpshooter.

Blacksmith Zhang even made a few short muskets.

One third shorter than the normal style.

It is very suitable for teenagers to put it on their shoulders.

As a result, everyone in the Tongzi Camp was greedy.

Plaguing Li Yu:

"Father, we want it too."

It is better to meet the expectations of adopted children.

So, Li Yu asked Blacksmith Zhang to quickly make a batch of youth version flintlock guns.

Shorter, lighter, just fine.

In addition, each person is equipped with a short knife.

There is also a wooden fork for holding the gun.

after all,

The way the teenagers were holding up their guns and shooting was too strenuous.

Oh, by the way, their guns have two special features.


One is, all flintlocks.

The spring of a flintlock gun requires steel with sufficient elasticity.

Li Yu dialed it.
He knew that the so-called spring steel was actually low carbon steel or manganese steel.

Manganese steel is a bit difficult, so use low carbon steel.

Beat the finished steel sheets in groups.

The number of beatings in each group differs by 50 times, and then they are all quenched in oil.

Pick the group with the best elasticity and keep experimenting.

In addition to steel sheets, springs were also tested.

Wrap the wrought iron wire around the steel round rod and shape it.

Then, quench the oil and set it.

A usable flintlock machine was developed, which has sufficient striking power.

However, there is a problem.

Each batch of molten iron has a different carbon content.

Therefore, all need to be re-tested.

Find the optimal formula, and then follow this formula to process this furnace of molten iron with no problem.

By the next furnace, it was no longer applicable.

Lao Chen struggled for a long time and finally decided.

Concentrate all the blacksmiths to make springs and steel sheets at once.

Save trouble every time.

Li Yu admired this idea very much.

To make steel with local methods and to make guns with local methods, what is needed is the wisdom of the masses.

Stumbling and stumbling,
The science of Xishan Island grows in barbarism.


The second special feature is the rifling.

Li Yu is not a professional, so he has never dared to rifling.

But Lao Zhang and his son were different. After wasting a few barrels, they successfully used a machine tool to pull out the rifling.

There are many kinds of tools in the tool box that comes with the machine tool.

Li Yu was too blind to recognize what one of the strange knives was for.

There are multiple sets of dies on one broach, which are specially used for rifling.

This processing method is called multi-point broaching.

The desired rifling can be drawn in one pass and the lines are perfect.

Unfortunately, there is only one.

What's more, it's another kind of hook-shaped sharpener, which needs to be carved out one by one.

This requires craftsmanship and time.

Machine tools cannot function as they should in the hands of laymen.

But in the hands of professionals, it is a magical tool.

Blacksmith Zhang and his son have basically mastered this set of machine tools and say they are extremely efficient.

As long as the metal material is qualified, gun parts can be machined.


Li Yu held a rifled barrel and looked at the sun carefully.

This is a small step for a workshop, but a giant step for military technology.

Going from a smoothbore gun to a rifled gun means that the accuracy has doubled.

Especially, the mini bomb he did at the beginning,

Now it is put to serious use.

In smoothbore barrels, the effect is not ideal.

With a rifled barrel, accuracy and range have been greatly improved.


Li Yu did not distribute the flintlock rifles immediately.

Because if there is any quality defect or misfire, big trouble will happen on the battlefield.

First, a batch of prototype guns were made and equipped for the children's camp.

An area was set aside for them in the valley as a shooting range.

There is also his own escort team, which is also fully equipped.

After waiting for feedback from them and finding no problems, all members will change their costumes.

After Xishan Iron Works completed the springs and steel sheets for this batch of flintlock bolts,
All efforts were devoted to the production of artillery.

Let's start with 100 mountain-splitting cannons, with different calibers.

The largest caliber one shoots 6-pound shells, and the gun body weighs more than 300 kilograms.

Most of them shoot 2-pound and 3-pound shells.

Under Li Yu's strict orders, the scrap rate was extremely high.

Almost out of every five furnaces, two furnaces of molten iron are scrapped, produced into iron ingots, and resold.

The name is Guangdong Railway.

The response in the market has been good, and buyers are satisfied with the quality.

There is no difference between it and the real Guangdong Railway.

Only qualified molten iron is allowed to be poured into gun embryos.

Lathes with system rewards greatly reduce the difficulty of drilling bores.


There is one more thing that needs to be improved.

That is a small four-wheeled wooden gun carriage.

Li Yu drew a sketch of the metal gun carriage based on his impressions from movies and TV series.

Solid tail brace gun carriage!

Sir Congreve, probably just invented.

"Lao Zhang, Lao Chen, both of you, come here."

"Can I make a large-diameter iron wheel?"

The two of them thought hard and exhausted what they had learned throughout their lives.

They knew the craftsmanship of making wooden wheels, but they had never seen or thought about iron wheels.

Lao Zhang suddenly had an idea:
"I have an idea."


"To cast the wheel in one piece, we first make a wooden wheel of the same size, then press it in the sand, take it out, and pour the molten iron into the groove."

Old Chen on the side was dumbfounded.

My eyes widened, thinking about you, shameless old man.

This is obviously my craft, but you actually stole it from me and showed it off publicly.


"Old Zhang is right. Mr. Li, please take a look. The more than 700 rails used in this transportation line were made in this way. This method is extremely efficient."

Li Yu is so smart, he understands it as soon as he hears it.

Lao Zhang wanted to take credit for the technology invented by Lao Chen.


This is a good phenomenon. Moderate competition generates vitality.

"Old Chen, I'll leave it to you to cast the wheels."

"Lao Zhang, I'll leave the rest to you."

Li Yu originally wanted to raise and lower the screws, but then he thought about it and forget it.

Let’s do the same thing first.

Bearings, gears, screws, etc.

It seems inconspicuous, but it is actually the conscience of the machine.

I just don’t know if the European craftsmen of the same era have mature craftsmanship.

Li Yu felt,

If you can buy and borrow technology from it, don’t bother.

He firmly believes that the charm of gold coins is endless.

Scientists have national boundaries, gold coins do not.

But in this era, it is too difficult to deal with foreigners.

In the entire Qing Dynasty, there was only one port in Guangzhou with foreign merchants.

Other than that,

The closest ones are probably the British East India Company and the Dutch East India Company.

My own strength is not enough.Macartney didn't come either. At this moment, he might still be a fledgling nobleman.

Even if you want to do some backstabbing, there is no chance.


Li Yu was a little frustrated and climbed up the mountain with his followers.

Climb high and look far,

He suddenly realized a problem.

There are only 2000 people, and they are busy on Xishan Island.

Fire cannot be contained sooner or later.

Although it is said that the sound of gunfire on the island cannot be heard from the land.

However, Taihu Lake is not a backwater.

There are quite a few merchant ships and fishing boats.

The area around Taihu Lake has many towns and developed commerce.

The black smoke from iron smelting is probably impossible to hide.

Occasionally, fishing boats and merchant ships will pass by.

In the distance, there are two small patrol boats.

They were ordered to cruise around the island, drive away any approaching ships, and prevent their own people from escaping.

However, you can only commit a thief in a thousand days, but there is no reason to prevent a thief in a thousand days.

Unless Taihu Lake becomes a dangerous zone.

A Taihu Lake where "water bandits are rampant" is the best cover.

Li Yu blew the breeze,

I have some ideas in mind.

A drama between soldiers and thieves is staged in the vast Taihu Lake.

Soldiers are also among our own people, and thieves are also among our own people.

Act in a play and show it to Qianlong.

In the process of suppressing thieves, Lao Hu and Fan Jing were given meritorious services and promoted.

The thieves were repeatedly defeated, and from time to time they were forced to flee and come ashore to commit some murders.

Anything that blocks the road,
Let the thieves grab a wave first, and then let Lao Hu lead the troops to recover a wave.

Finally, the victim went to Li Zhi County and Zhang Zhi County to fight a marathon lawsuit.

Let the enemy know what it means to pass through a thief like a comb, to pass through a soldier like a grate, and to pass through an officer like a shaven head.


Li Yu couldn't help but laugh, feeling like a genius.

I was in a good mood, but suddenly I remembered that I haven't created any paintings for a long time, and my skills were rusty.

As an art student, this is not okay.

He couldn't say that one day in the future, he would lead troops to Vienna to apply for the Art Academy.

even though,
Those professors will definitely kneel down and laugh in flattery. No. 1 admits me and praises my artistic talent, which is enough to lead the second Renaissance.

Failure is impossible,
No one in Europe would like to see such a result.

However, he will be an emperor at least by then.

You cannot use your power to bully others in order to be criticized by the world.

At the very least, you have to create a work that is worth it.

"Go, go back."

"Inform Lan Yingying that I want to learn art. The teaching aids must be cleaned and the odor removed."


2 hour later,

Li Yu wiped his hands and came out of the house, rubbing his wrists.

This artistic creation is not simple.

It requires both inspiration and stamina.

Not to mention anything else, I still have to stand while holding the paint tray in my left hand and the brush hanging in my right hand.

Making art is much easier than making guns.

at this time,

The news of the attack on Xiezou Camp in Taihu Lake has spread widely.

According to the description of the soldiers who had a chance to escape, the thieves had guns and warships.

Just one face-to-face meeting destroyed Zuoying.

Rumors spread everywhere, and they were all spread by Li Yu.

One day, Our Lady of White Lotus led 800 saints and lurked in Suzhou City.

One day, the chief rudder of the Tiandihui sent the Iron-Blooded Youth League to prepare to burn Hanshan Temple.

The messier the better.

Fucheng fell into a tense atmosphere,

What's worse is that the governor, chief envoy, inspector, and prefect are all vacant.

A huge provincial capital,
He actually had to rely on a mere fifth-grade fellow to make the decision.

Tongzhi is the deputy of the prefect.

However, this old Tongzhi, who was slurred in speech, hard of hearing, and bedridden, found it really difficult to communicate.

The subordinates spent half an hour shouting and talking like monkeys and dogs communicating.

Finally succeeded in conveying a sentence:

There was a rebel bandit in Taihu Lake and attacked the navy.

The old colleague seemed to be having a flashback, and he huffed and puffed for a long time.

With the support of his son, he leaned on the couch:
"Close the city gate and it is your duty to defend the land."

All the subordinates present, as well as Huang Tongpan, were deeply convinced.

"Sir, there is no backbone in the city now, let's jointly ask for help." Huang Tongpian couldn't help but said.

The old colleague raised his cloudy eyes and said,
He raised his hand tremblingly, pointed at him, and said vaguely:
"I don't worry about your work."

With these words, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief.

Huang Tongpuan was also relieved, he had been waiting for this opportunity.


After leaving Tongzhi's mansion, his back straightened.

Since Ma Zhongyi took office,

His waist had never been so straight in a day.

Many colleagues in the government office were also looking at him like stars over the moon.

"The current situation is difficult, so I have to step in and take over my duties. Colleagues, I hope you can cooperate with us."

"Follow your lord's orders."

"My first order is to close all city gates except Lou Gate."

"My second order is that all officers in the city are divided into three squads and take turns patrolling the streets. Those who take advantage of the situation and rob them will be killed in the street."

"My third order~ is to go to the governor's office to apply for formalities and transfer the city to guard the city wall."

"The above is jointly signed by me and Lord Tongzhi, and Pegasus will report to the Governor for his clarification."

"Master is wise."

have to say,

Huang Tongpan is a capable, responsible and willing official.

However, the official position is too low.

In Suzhou Prefecture, there is no place for him to speak loudly.

And the Tongzhi's mansion fell into silence again,

The old colleague who seemed to be about to die next moment actually stayed at the hotel by himself.

The pace is old, but the person is obviously awake.


"Father, why do you keep pretending to be sick?" It was his son who asked.

"The weather is going to change in Jiangnan. Leave early and have peace of mind." Tongzhi said softly while flipping through medical books.

It is true that he was sick before, but recovered a few months earlier.

However, he smelled danger.

The White Lotus Church case and the earthquake in the officialdom further confirmed his suspicions.


Through various channels, he intentionally or unintentionally spread the news that he is seriously ill and about to die.

The entire Liangjiang officialdom knew about it.

As long as there is a new person in the court to replace him, he can escape unscathed.

"I'm afraid Huang Tongpuan got a bargain," his son said sourly.

"To gain is to lose. To lose is to gain."

"Father, is Suzhou Mansion really so scary?"

"Believe me, dad, this pool of water is getting darker and darker. Sooner or later, countless people will drown."


Tongzhi sighed and continued to read the medical books.

When something goes wrong, it becomes a monster. There have been so many strange things this year.

The so-called prosperous age has long been undercurrents. Many people are dissatisfied and have accumulated anger.

One day sooner or later,
Jiangnan will face a military disaster of unprecedented scale.

This is the law of history and cannot be changed by a few words of wisdom.

At that time, the emperor was furious.

He was able to kill all the officials who had been in the officialdom of these two rivers for many years.

I am a young classmate, nearly [-] years old,

That’s right, the court is here, it’s safe to leave as soon as possible.

The family is extremely wealthy and slowly raises their children and grandchildren to become successful people.

In this life,

Some great wealth cannot be achieved through hard work.

It depends on whether there is a hit,
If you have it, get it, and if you don’t have it, there’s no need to force it.

Don't get involved in major military matters, and don't be loyal to them.

The emperor only wants to hear what he wants to believe.

If I lift the lid faithfully, maybe the first one to be cooked will be my old bones.

The knives of the Qing Dynasty were much sharper than those of the previous Ming Dynasty.


And there is another house in Fucheng.

As soon as Huang Tongpan returned home, the housekeeper came to greet him. "

"Sir, Weigtang Li Yu is here to visit. He has been waiting in the living room for half an hour."

Huang Tongpuan was stunned.
After changing clothes, I hesitated for a moment before going to see him.

"Sir Huang, it is very rude of me to come to your door without permission."

"It's okay, sit down."

The maid brought new tea and left.

"Brother Li comes to the city at this time, he must have something important to discuss, right?"

"Yes, a big event, a big happy event."

Huang Tongpuan couldn't help but laugh:
"It's such a mess outside the city, what's the joy?"

"When the sea is flowing, a hero shows his true colors. Mr. Huang, the time has come for you to be promoted."

Phew, Huang Tongpuan shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Li Yu was secretly happy and asked quietly:
"Master Huang, don't you want to? Or don't you believe it?"

"I don't believe it."

Because of the coal mine dividend, the relationship between the two has eased a lot.

Otherwise, Huang Tongpuan would not have said these words.

Of course he wants to be promoted, but it's not that simple.

At this level,

They are often airborne troops, falling from the sky.

The high-ranking officials of the Qing Dynasty, their disciples, former officials, relatives and friends could not be contained in baskets.

They're all staring.


Li Yu just looked at Huang Tongpian with a smile.

Time is passing slowly.

Finally, Huang Tongpuan spoke first:

"Brother Xian, is there any way?"

Li Yu picked up the tea bowl and skimmed the tea leaves:

"Good tea."

"Brother Xian, Brother Li Xian, please give me some advice."

Huang Tongpian's expression became serious, he actually cupped his hands and lowered his posture.

"After the White Lotus Religion Case, I and my good friends, the nobles from the capital, had dinner together and discussed it~" Li Yu pointed his hand to the sky, then tilted it to the north, and continued, "Now the officials can't come up with anything satisfactory. selection."

(End of this chapter)

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