Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 105 Huang Tongpan’s Family History

Chapter 105 Huang Tongpan’s Family History
"How come there is no suitable candidate for such a big job?"

"The Holy Will is unpredictable." Li Yu replied vaguely, pretending to be profound.

Huang Tongpuan fell into a dilemma. After a while, he gritted his teeth and said:

"My dear brother, help me. Mr. Huang doesn't have many good qualities, but he has one thing: repaying kindness with kindness."

Li Yu nodded to express his belief.

"The Holy Will is difficult to predict, but there are always experts who can predict it. Mr. Huang, the time has come for you to step forward."

1 hour later,

Huang Tongpan personally sent Li Yu out of the gate.

This surprised everyone,
People in officialdom have considerations in every word and action.

Subordinates will always try to figure out the signals sent by their bosses.

Not a word is idle talk, not an article is nonsense.


The relationship between Huang Tongpan and Li Yu has risen to several levels.

Everyone in the government office became more cautious and respectful when they saw Li Yu.


"Sir, why does a young man from the world pay so much attention to it?"

"Do you know what this person just said to me?"


"He said that he could help me and be the parent official of this mansion."

"Is it too loud?"

"You savor it."

Huang Tongpan's wife was also educated and came from a family of subordinate officials.

When Huang Tongpan was still a poor young man, his father decided against all the opinions and decided on the marriage.

When getting married,
The house, money, and slaves were all sponsored by Lao Taishan.

Even the dowry was given privately by Lao Taishan in order to save Xiao Huang's face.

these moves,

Xiao Huang was moved to tears and vowed never to let his wife down in this life.

It turns out that

Lao Taishan has extraordinary vision and picked a potential stock.

A few years later, he passed the examination.
Ten years later, he became a Jinshi and entered the official career.

From the capital to the local area, it can be regarded as a bloody road.

Lao Taishan has passed away long ago,
However, Huang Tongpuan was still thinking about this kindness and arranged for the whereabouts of all the old people from his wife's natal family.

The home of a subordinate official suddenly changed and he entered the hall.

My brother-in-law was uneducated and had no skills. He first hired supervisors and then made up for the inspection in Shanxi.

The rest of the clan members have also been provided with jobs.

Even the poor and down-and-out tribesmen in the distance who could not be reached with eight poles knelt before the old lady for a whole day.

Finally, the old lady relented and spoke up.

Huang Tongpan arranged for this person to be the second shopkeeper of the shop.

is equivalent to,
The landless freelancer became a serious foreign company manager.


the above,

Li Yu knew it and inquired about it clearly.

This was just one of the reasons why he supported Lao Huang.

As for how to support him, he has his own plans.

Qianlong was the most honorable person, and the White Lotus case was slapped repeatedly, so he would definitely not be able to live up to his reputation.

right now,

The rebels directly killed a battalion of soldiers.

It would only make the old emperor even more furious and suspicious.

at this time,

If a local official in Suzhou has the courage to shoulder the heavy responsibility of guarding the city and killing the rebels.

And verify the conspiracy theory in the emperor's mind.

There will definitely be great joy in Long Yan’s face,
Then there is Wang Shenxian, who has a good relationship with the adults and provides timely assistance.

Qianlong will definitely be promoted,
Because this is for the world to see, and it is a benchmark.

And where is this thief?

Li Yu has already hinted to Huang Tongpan that he has inside information.

Shi Linglun, the deputy general of the Taihu Association, blocked some people's financial path.

These behind-the-scenes gods send people to the door to beat them, mainly to intimidate them.

Huang Tongpan recognized Li Yu's information very much.


He has been an official in Fucheng for many years and knows about the existence of smuggling.

The former deputy general of Taihu Association was involved in a smuggling case and was later silenced. He also knew something about it.

A mysterious force,
He suddenly took action and smashed everyone in Zuoying including the pot.

It makes sense that it was done by officers and soldiers pretending to be White Lotus Sect.

The deserter's confession mentioned two points:

The attackers had sharp artillery, and some even wore green battalion uniforms to paralyze themselves.

To sum up, Huang Tongpan is convinced.


Li Yu knows,

In fact, pure lies can’t hide many people.

The highest state of lying is,

Nine points are true and one point is false.

Or, you usually only tell the truth and only tell lies at critical moments.

Even the most savvy people can be fooled.

He could rely on deception to turn these officials in Suzhou into his partners.

Just by giving away money, the level of connections is actually a bit low.

Huang Tongpan is active in activities,

To accomplish great feats, you need soldiers.

Fan Jing, the Shihu Inspection Department, and Hu, the general manager of the city guard camp, are all our own people.

Already have a relationship.

Be prepared to share the pie and share the credit.

Huang Tongpan knew that these were Li Yu's confidants and friends.

On the contrary, I am more trusting,
Li Yu let his own people take advantage of it, which shows that he has great control.

If so, his people hide far away.

Instead, he had to wonder if it was a trap.

People in official circles love to ponder people's hearts.

They will be suspicious of anything that is not in line with common sense.

Over there at Jiangning Mansion,
The official documents from the Governor's Palace have also arrived.

A few hundred words of eloquence, covering everything.

Huang Tongpuan took the official document and

I looked through it several times, but I couldn't find any relevant orders.

"Dear brother, take a look."

Today is a private dinner between Li Yu and Huang Tongpan.

Li Yu read it carefully twice.

"It can be said to be comprehensive. It said everything, but it said nothing."


Huang Tongpuan couldn't help but laugh:
"Brother Xian, you summed it up wonderfully."

"There are experts in the Governor's Mansion, but without a salary of 4000 or two acts a year, they can't afford to hire such a clerk."

"Such a talent can speak better than ordinary people in the Governor's Hall."

In the officialdom of the Qing Dynasty, the status of masters was very high.

However, there is also a chain of contempt among the masters.

The master in charge of official documents is the supreme god.

Those responsible for specific matters such as criminal names, money, food, and account books were overshadowed.

It may be confusing to a layman.

But experts all know that the exchange of official documents, ghostwritten memorials, and these empty words are the most critical things.


In officialdom it is more important than anything else.

Chinese characters have a long history.
They seem to be ordinary and simple square characters, but in addition to their literal meaning, they also have multiple hidden meanings.

Just "agree in principle",
It contains enough content to last three hours without pauses or repetitions.

This official document from the Liangjiang Governor’s Office,

To sum it up in one sentence,

Within the scope of your responsibilities and on the premise of maintaining local stability, I agree in principle that you can take reasonable temporary measures~
This sentence is summarized by Li Yu,
After hearing this, Huang Tongpan's impression of Li Yu immediately improved a lot.

Not just because he helped him plan for promotion.

The more important reason is that he understands the rules of the official game and understands the terminology of the officialdom.

Obviously one of our own.

It is impossible for a gangster or gangster to understand this level.

If you are in the same circle, you will feel at ease when communicating.

Trust arises naturally.

This is a very subtle philosophy that cannot be explained clearly.

If you feel you can't get close to a friend.

On the surface, he was polite and courteous, but he still felt strange.

Don't think too much,

The fundamental reason is that your friends think you are not an insider.

So he kept holding it.


The chat between the two,
Become relaxed and casual.

Huang Tongpan also talked about some of the grievances and grievances in his official career at the right time.

He no longer concealed his desire for promotion.

"My dear brother, I don't know, after I was admitted to the Jinshi, I moved between Guanglu Temple, Taichang Temple, and the Imperial College, and finally I got a chance to serve as an official."

"Being able to be released to Suzhou Prefecture is a blessing after all the hardships."

"Hahaha, that's what I thought at first. In order to take office, I borrowed another 3000 taels from a bank in Beijing."

Li Yu nodded,
Before leaving Beijing to take up his post, he had to bleed heavily, and he was sent to his hometown and hometown in the same year.

Many people are short of money and can only borrow a sum from a bank account.

When you get to the place later and have more money, you can pay it back.

Don’t worry about the ticket number, either.

They will send a servant to take office with them.

It's called serving, but it's actually collecting accounts.

These people don't take the court officials seriously and have to collect money every once in a while.

Until all principal and interest are settled,

Then he said goodbye gracefully and went to meet the next official.

This kind of loan has a romantic name: Beijing debt.

Behind these ticket numbers are princes and military aircraft with hands and eyes as bright as the sky.

As long as you serve as an official in the Qing Dynasty for one day.

I don't have to worry about you defaulting on your debt.

This is like the relationship between Lai Fo and Monkey Sun, they cannot escape the palm of their hands.

Even if he was imprisoned for violating the king's law.

These people can also use their property to pay off their debts first.

After listening to Huang Tongpan's complaints, Li Yu lamented that history is really interesting.

Unexpectedly, the class at the top of the food chain was also tortured by XX loans.


"How much did Brother Huang later repay?"

"I borrowed 3000 taels, and got only 2700 taels. I paid back 3 taels in three years." Huang Tongpian's face was gloomy.

Li Yu was stunned and put down his wine glass.

After a while, he asked:

"So dark?" "Yeah."

The two looked at each other speechlessly and clinked their wine glasses silently.

Bliss, all in one word.

Everything is said without saying anything, and the men's friendship is sublimated at this moment.

social rules,

Sharing some of your own embarrassments in a timely manner is helpful in getting closer.

After a few more drinks,

Huang Tongpuan suddenly said:

"My dear brother, when you need money for operations, please don't be polite. I understand the rules."

"That's natural."

Huang Tongpuan did not doubt that Li Yu would lie to him.
Because his property is still on his own one-third of an acre.

While chatting, Li Yu suddenly mentioned shipbuilding.

"I want to build a few ships myself, but I don't have the people to do it."

Huang Tongpuan laughed when he heard this:

"This is not difficult. Although the shipbuilding industry in our province is not as developed as that of Taicang Zhili Prefecture, it is still pretty good."

"What does Huang Shixiong mean?"

"Which one you like, send someone to let me know later, and I will help you."

"Quie's Boat Line."

Li Yu smiled and nodded,
The two had another drink, feeling a little tipsy.

Huang Tongpan was also a little drunk, and his words were much bolder:
"Don't worry. Keep it with me."


Within a few days,

Something happened to Kuai's Boating Company, a company with decades of history in Wuxian County.

I don't know what happened, but a grain ship they were about to deliver to the Cao Yun Yamen had an accident.

During the trial voyage, it sank.

Huang Tongpan immediately sent people to seal the workshop and arrested all the workers from the bow to the young workers.

He was charged with "poor quality and defrauding official money".

This sin can be big or small.

The minimum is to build a new ship.

The biggest one is maliciously sabotaging the imperial court's national policy of water transportation, in an attempt to starve the Eight Banners of the capital in the winter.

To extend it,
It may also be to cooperate with the Jinchuan rebels and hold back the army.

The old man in the shipbuilding workshop was frightened.

Go ahead and say hell,

This boatload only costs 400 shi of grain.

How could it affect so many military and national events?

However, the government did not listen to these explanations.

Huang Tongpan means:

"Suzhou Prefecture is in a troubled time. There was a counter-attack by Bai Lian in the past and an attack on the navy later. At this juncture, he dared to sink the official ship. Who dares to guarantee that this was just an accident?"

The scribe who had received the money from the bow of the ship immediately shut up.

Your Majesty's intention is obvious;

It is necessary to make use of the topic and handle the case in a big way.

The most important thing for subordinate officials is vision.


The group of people were put on royal robes and pulled to the lobby of the government office.

I happened to meet Li Yu coming out of the government office.

A familiar official said hello immediately and was very enthusiastic.

Li Yu also stopped at the right time and asked:

"Who are these people? I don't think they are committing crimes."

This time, it was like a life-saving straw.

The bow of the ship immediately shouted injustice,

So, the officials introduced the "case".

Emphasize that this is a serious case.

Li Yu smiled and said:

"It's such a small thing, there's no need to take it so seriously. Isn't it just sinking a ship?"

"The main reason is that the situation has not been peaceful recently, and these people have been hit by a gun."

After hearing the conversation between Li Yu and the official,
These people finally grasped at straws.

He was busy complaining, hoping that Li Yu would help intercede.


Huang Tong made the decision.

The two black-hearted movie stars started their performance.

"Master Huang, these people are good citizens, just let them compensate for one ship."

"Who are they to you?"

"They are all my employees."

"Don't make fun of me. When did you hire me?"

"Ask them."

Therefore, Huang Tongpan looked at these people seriously and asked seriously:

"Are you really Lijiabao's employees?"

"Yeah yeah."

Everyone hurriedly admitted.

After a long while, Huang Tongpian sighed, waved his hand and said:

"That's all. Just pay the money and that's the end of it."



Inexplicably, Lijiabao gained a group of shipbuilding employees.

The surname of the boatman is Kuai.

This is a very rare surname.

Probably the most famous is the carpenter from Wuxian County, Suzhou Prefecture who built the Forbidden City for Emperor Yongle, and the ancestor of the Xiangshan carpenters, Kuai Xiang.


Li Yu was worried that these people would come to their senses and suspect that something was fishy.

He is in a hurry now and has no time to direct a reasonable process with perfect details.


By the way, I proposed marriage to Liu Wu.

It has made up for the link in the chain that cannot withstand scrutiny.

Liu Wu took the gift and found the bow of Kuai's boat. He accepted his head and bowed.

This move shocked Kuai Chuantou.

"Hunter, we don't seem to know each other, right?"

"You don't know me, but I know your old~ daughter."

The atmosphere suddenly became awkward,

Liu Wu calmly told his story.

The victims of the disaster in the north begged all the way.

When I passed by Kuai's house, I almost starved to death.

Kuai Chuantou's daughter came out and gave a bowl of rice porridge.

Relying on the power of this bowl of porridge, he struggled all the way and finally became Li Guanren's confidant.

Such a bizarre story made Captain Kuai feel dizzy.

"So, it was you who saved us by interceding in front of Mr. Li?"


Kuai Chuantou breathed a sigh of relief. He actually had doubts before.

I always felt that Li Yu's rescue was strange.

That's what happened.

An unintentional act of kindness saved myself.

Let's look at Liu Wu, a young man who is tall and powerful.

It seems to be okay.

So, he reluctantly agreed to the marriage.

With Liu Wu's recommendation,
Kuai Chuantou and his men temporarily serve Li Yu.

Wages will be paid based on their usual income.

Everyone is also worried about the government settling accounts after the fall.
I thought about working under Li Yu for a while to avoid the limelight.

Moreover, there is Liu Wu, a frivolous son-in-law.

There is no need to worry about status and treatment.


All the best,

Only Kuai Chuantou's daughter couldn't remember when she had given porridge to Liu Wu even if she tried hard.

However, everyone said that it was not normal to remember such things.

The village where Kuai lives is relatively affluent.

Encounter a beggar,

It is very common to give someone a bite to eat.

Therefore, everyone firmly believes that it is true.

This confusing marriage was not revealed by Liu Wu until many years later while drunk.

However, at that time, Kuai was already a married woman.

I just laughed it off and didn't pursue it any further.

Life is like this, the mischief played by the goddess of fate is hard to say whether it is a blessing or a misfortune.

Li Yu opened up an area on Xishan Island and opened a shipyard, with Kuai Chuantou as the director.

Send people to Anqing Mansion to purchase high-quality wood.

Transported back via the Yangtze River waterway.

No one knows what the warship looks like.

I can only rely on Li Yu’s impressions of film and television dramas and Zhou Dahai’s experience.

The end result was some really awesome looking ship sketches.

Listen to the opinions of Director Kuai and delete the parts that are theoretically unfeasible.

However, Li Yu requested that more iron components and long iron nails be used.

First build a warship worth about 600 materials as a test ship.

Taking into account combat purposes, it is still a flat-bottom design.

Although the effect of carrying wind and waves is not ideal, it is more suitable for inland river operations.

Xishan Iron Works can produce supporting iron components.

According to the history of warship construction and upgrade with the British Navy,

It evolved from purely wooden warships to gradually increasing iron components, and finally turned into iron-ribbed wooden hull ships with iron frames and wooden shells, and then to ironclad ships.

Li Yu feels that at this stage, it is most suitable to use more iron components.


A few days later,
Judge Huang Tong sent someone to deliver the letter. Just four words?
Thief, where is he?
Li Yu thought for a while and wrote a reply:
Objections: Officials, gentry, unscrupulous subordinates, and private salt dealers are all thieves.

Huang Tongpan saw it, laughed loudly, and said to his wife:

"I misjudged him before and thought he was a ruthless gangster."

"What is the origin of this person?"

"There is a disciple of the Eight Banners in Beijing who has risen very quickly. The timeline basically matches. Maybe he is one of that person's tentacles."

Mrs. Huang was relieved, pointed at the letter and asked:

"Is he suggesting that you take the opportunity to eliminate dissidents?"


"Is it safe?"

"Of course it's not possible on weekdays. Today, it's possible. I've thought about it, and there's something he said that's right."


"In these troubled times, the emperor needs an official who dares to take charge, rather than a mediocre official who governs by doing nothing and not offending anyone."

Mrs. Huang nodded. She came from a family of subordinate officials and knew a little about the methods of officialdom.

However, she still had doubts:
"What about the real thief? If he jumps out again in the future, wouldn't you be guilty of deceiving the emperor?"

Huang Tongpuan was stunned for a moment and seemed a little lost.

(End of this chapter)

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