Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 123: Meeting the Saint in the Forbidden City and drawing a cake for Qianlong

Chapter 123: Meeting the Saint in the Forbidden City and drawing a cake for Qianlong
Before Smith went to Nanyang,
Li Yu told him to buy more flint, saying that he would buy it at a high price.

worst case,

The red-haired adventurer died, and he lost the remaining 14 taels.

Moderate results,

He did well and became a member of the South Sea trade, or a pirate.

There will be many opportunities for cooperation with yourself.

best results,

He did well and became one of his armed tentacles, helping out overseas.


Li Yu did not consider the possibility of returning home.

Because even if it comes to fruition, it will only be a few years away.

And, based on what he knew about Smith,
Once he became prosperous in Nanyang, he was unwilling to go back to Ireland to eat potatoes.

The same principle can be applied to Huang Dasheng.

No matter whether he is dead, alive, or a gangster of the southwest caravan.

Li Yu is not at a loss!
Yangmou, let me give you a clear analysis.

Whatever you do, I'll make a profit.


Li Yu sneezed, and his first reaction was that someone was cursing behind his back.

As for who it is, it doesn't matter.

From the Forbidden City to the dense forests of the southwest, there are people who have been plotted by him.

"Is there any latest news from Magistrate Huang at the inn?"


"Where's the Immortal Wang?"

"No, it seems that Mr. Huang is still in the capital."


Li Yu looked to the north,

I prayed silently in my heart that Huang Wenyun could stay in the emperor's heart.

It is not easy to win over, invest in, and deeply bind a local official.

In this process, a huge amount of money, efforts, and planning were spent.

If Huang Wenyun fails again, he will really go crazy.


"Sir, do you want to meet the new Chief Minister Zhu Guizhu?"

"No need."

"Would you like to send some charcoal as a gift?"

"No, this person is an anomaly. He has taken office as a new official. If there is a fire, we can join in the fun and help pour some oil."

"As ordered."

"What is Liu Qian doing recently?"

"He travels around on official business and rarely shows up. He's like a ghost."

Li Yu couldn't help but laugh, and a thief-like image emerged.

And in the capital, thousands of miles away,

Huang Wenyun walks with wind.

This was the highlight of his life, entering the Forbidden City.

Towering palace walls, serious guards,
There are also the orderly palace maids and guards walking against the wall.

They all gave him infinite emotion.

Learned martial arts and sold them to the emperor's family.

It is not easy for him, a scholar from a hut, to reach this point.

Yu Minzhong on the side,
He whispered to win over:
"As a fellow Jiangsu fellow, I have to remind you not to get too excited and lose your dignity before you."

"Thank you, sir, for your love."

However, this fellow countryman’s statement is too embarrassing.

No matter whether you think you are from Jiangxi or Jiangsu, you have nothing to do with your fellow villagers.

I have been an official in Suzhou Prefecture for a long time.

Huang Tongpan also knows that there are no fellow villagers in Jiangsu.

Let’s just talk about this guild hall in Beijing.

There are Jiangxi Guild Hall, Shaanxi Guild Hall, and Anhui Guild Hall~
Suzhou Guild Hall, Songjiang Guild Hall, Changzhou Guild Hall, Jiangning Guild Hall, Yangzhou Guild Hall~

Last time there was a scholar from Songjiang Prefecture.
I wanted to stay at the Jiangning Guild Hall, but the leader kicked me out.

The reason is,

The guild hall provides convenience for fellow villagers in Beijing. We are not fellow villagers. If you go to the Zhejiang guild hall, you may not be accepted by them.

Yu Minzhong,
If a Jiangsu man pulls a fellow villager for no reason, he must have an ulterior motive.

As a result, Huang Wenyun became more vigilant.

I remembered Li Yu’s advice again,
Everything the emperor said was right.

Don't believe what others say.

"What is Mr. Huang thinking?"

"Wan Sheng was thinking, how far is it from the palace gate to the military aircraft?"

"When I was young, I thought the same thing when I stood outside the palace wall for the first time." Yu Minzhong trembled and continued, "When I walked into the military aircraft department and became the military aircraft minister again, my temples were already gray. 25 Years, a full 25 years!”

"Thank you, sir, for the tip."

"Hey, you're welcome. I am old and have long wanted to beg for bones. You are still young and you have a long life ahead of you."

The two chattered,

No more words were spoken until he entered the inner hall.

A young bannerman wearing a second-grade official robe stood in front of the steps.

"But Master Huang Wenyun Huang of Suzhou Prefecture?"

"It's the subordinate."

"I, He Shen, the emperor is waiting for you in the palace, come in quickly."

He Shen is very approachable and good-looking.

Huang Wenyun didn't have time to exchange greetings and hurriedly walked into the Tiren Hall.

There was no time to take a closer look at the situation inside the palace.
After crossing the high threshold and taking three steps, he quickly knelt down.

Three prostrations and nine bows,

Shouting long live the emperor, the etiquette is thoughtful and impeccable.


The palace is very quiet,
After a while, a majestic voice was heard.

"Huang Wenyun, come closer and raise your head."

He immediately walked more than ten meters on his knees,

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the eunuch standing to one side, and then he raised his head.

He looked at the emperor for a moment, then lowered his gaze.

Qianlong nodded with satisfaction,

"Young and powerful, with good facial features, a bit of murderous aura, and a bright eye. He is a person who dares to take on tasks."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"What have you done since you became the prefect of Suzhou? Tell me."

"I first reorganized the city garrison and eliminated the officials and gentry who may have anything to do with Shi Ni."

"Maybe?" Qianlong interrupted him and asked.

"Yes. I transferred all the officials who were suspicious and had no solid evidence from their original positions and put them in less important positions."


Huang Wenyun felt relieved that he had made the right bet.


"I am worried that there are still remnants lurking, so I have set up a fire brigade and observation posts in the city. They can not only put out fires, but also suppress thieves in time."

"Yes, tell Shuntian Mansion and learn from it."


Just one month before he entered Beijing, two fires broke out in the capital.

One of them is just outside the palace wall.

Therefore, Qianlong also heard the news of putting out the fire and felt unhappy.


outside the hall,

He Shen and Yu Minzhong both made clay sculptures of Bodhisattvas.

"Sir, Huang Wenyun is probably going to skyrocket."

"He is very capable and deserves to be the best."

Yu Minzhong's lips curled up slightly:
"Ha ha."

It fell into He Shen's ears, but he tasted a bit of irony.

"Master Yu, do you think what this junior said is wrong?"

"I didn't mean that."

Yu Minzhong secretly murmured, "You can get ahead if you are strong?"
Maybe 20-year-olds will believe it.

At our age, we have seen everything we should and should not see in the world.

I am Lao Yu, and I can be regarded as coming from a scholarly family, with a well-to-do family.
But it took 15 years to walk from the small town in Jiangnan to the military aircraft.

You Niu Hulu and He Shen spent two years.

Fukangan, it took him two months.

Probably, the greatest ability in this world is reincarnation.


Yu Minzhong and He Shen stopped chatting.

Instead, he listened carefully to the goings on in the palace.

Although the specific content of the conversation could not be heard clearly, the Sacred Heart could be judged from the laughter.

The more the emperor smiles,

The higher the person's status in the heart.

"I want to build a city in Suzhou. What do you think?"

"Your Majesty is wise and mighty, and I agree with you."

"Don't say these empty words, say something grounded."

"The wealth in the south of the Yangtze River is the money bag of the imperial court. The city is like a needle that fixes the sea, and the south of the Yangtze River can feel at ease."

"well said."

Qianlong became interested, and he thought so too.

Looking at the time, it’s almost lunch time.

He said casually:
"When I get back, I will get rid of my agency and become a full-time employee. Think about it carefully, how can you make the first fire so beautiful?"

"I would like to request an order to conduct a major purge in one prefecture and nine counties in Suzhou!"


Huang Wenyun raised his head and looked at the cold and suspicious gaze cast by the emperor.

said aloud:

"Jiangnan has been at peace for a long time. There are many people who are dissatisfied with the imperial court, those who share taxes privately, and those who collude with gangs. They are all poaching our Qing Dynasty."

"Tell me, what do you want to do?"

"I would like to request an order to attack potential anti-Qing forces in one government, nine counties and one office, eliminate rebellion for the imperial court, and collect wealth for the national treasury."


Huang Wenyun became more and more excited as he spoke, and his voice was too loud.

The two people outside the hall also heard it and looked at each other, speechless.

He Shen nodded and Yu Minzhong shook his head.

"I am blind and misjudged."

"Sir, there is no need to be self-effacing. He also misjudged me."

"I'm afraid that the six Jiangnan prefectures will have no peace."

"He remembers that Mr. Yu's hometown is in Jiangnan, right?"


The old fox and the little fox chatted all the time.

They seemed careless, but in fact they exchanged some thoughts cordially.

at last,

The sound of Huang Wenyun's footsteps came from the hall.

I saw him lowering his head and retreating in small steps until he reached the threshold before turning around.

"My lord, and my lord."

The two just nodded and said hello.There is no enthusiasm like the first meeting,
Because those who are not of the same kind as me are not of the same mind.

Huang Wenyun, in their eyes, was already a mad dog ready to bite at any time.


Walking in the Forbidden City,
Huang Wenyun deliberately slowed down his pace, wanting to take a few more glances.

The little eunuch who leads the way is probably commonplace and knows what the foreign official is thinking.

Occasionally, he would introduce it in a low voice,
That side used to be the Imperial Garden, and this side used to be the Military Aircraft Department.

Until I walked out of Xihua Gate,
Huang Wenyun looked back and saw the majestic palace walls and the guards in yellow mantles standing solemnly.

After a long sigh of relief,

Sitting in the carriage, I began to reflect on some of the emperor's words.

"I'm very pleased that you have such thoughts."

"Although there are no major dangers in my prosperous age, there are hidden worries. In various places, small-scale people are in trouble and banditry occurs one after another. It is all caused by the word "poor".

"Your words speak to my heart. Many people in Jiangnan are so shameless. They receive salaries from the court, but they collude with Bailian, Tiandihui, and the Salt Gang. Even my money, they Dare to divide."

"I can't issue an edict to support you, but you can just go ahead and do it. Within half a year, no matter how many impeachment tricks there are, I will ignore them."

"Remember, you have to do something good so that I can stop those people's mouths. If you do well, I will make you an inspector, chief envoy, or even higher. If you fail, I will also leave you alone. I am ordered to demote you to go outside the customs and let horses go with Ma Zhongyi."

"Finally, I give you a piece of writing."

Huang Wenyun closed his eyes, his heart was shaking.

Loyalty to the emperor is like the endless flow of a river, and like the overflowing Yellow River, which is out of control.

from inner heart,
I was moved by the above words that the emperor approached me and whispered.

That is the emperor, so heart-wrenching.

As a minister, what else can I ask for?

He could only rush back to Suzhou and work hard for 180 days.


Coincidentally, the person who had "the same loyalty" as him was actually a bannerman.

A descendant of Xiangbai Banner, his ancestor served as an imperial guard, Duolong has long been ruined.

He has been looking forward to it recently, the worst!
There is a rule among the bannermen that the work of the fathers is inherited by the descendants.

Usually the eldest son,

If the eldest son voluntarily gives up, or becomes ill, the second son will inherit.

This rule is not new.

The same goes for state-run factories in later generations.

Duolong's eldest brother died unexpectedly.

I just finished my chores, and besides being sad, I also had some reasonable thoughts.

People are gone, and the errands cannot be left empty.

It's your turn, right?
So Duolong, who had been carrying a cage, eating porridge and stick noodles for 6 years, matured overnight.

"Mother, I'm going to Dutong Yamen."

"Hey, your mouth is sweet. Kowtow more and make more bows."

"My son understands."

Before going out, Duolong hesitated.
I opened the cupboard, and there was a coarse porcelain bowl covered with gauze.

When the gauze was lifted off, there was a piece of pig skin inside.

Oily and smooth, crystal clear.


Qianmen Street,

There is one more bannerman young man who seems to be living a good life and having a good meal.

"Master Duo, are you going to have tea with us?"

"Uncle, please give me my regards."

The banner men in the capital are very good at etiquette.

Even hundreds of years later, descendants will proudly say that the rules in their hometown are very good.

Sitting in a teahouse,
It took Duolong a cup of tea to finish saying hello.

There is no way, they are all acquaintances!

In a teahouse, half of the people are old acquaintances.

Counting it down, our parents and grandparents already know each other.

Living in the capital, that's it.

Who doesn’t know anyone in the [-] cities?

Someone took the initiative to mention Duolong's thoughts.

"I say Master Duo, you have to go to Dutong Yamen and walk around, and try to take over your brother's job as soon as possible."

"Walked three times."

"Harm you~"

The speaker stretched out his right hand, thumb and index finger, and rubbed it gently.

Everyone looked at Duolong with questioning eyes.

In a flash,

Duolong felt so ashamed, as if someone had stripped him of his clothes and paraded him through the streets.

He said with difficulty:

"I thought I'd ask first, and then I'd give the money once I have the confirmation."

There was a sigh in the teahouse at the same time.


"Master Duo, logically speaking, I shouldn't talk too much about this matter. I am the Zhenglan Qi, and you are the Xiangbai Qi. But as an elder, I still have to entrust you with a few words of guidance."

"Uncle, please tell me."

"When you ask for help, you have to have a begging attitude. You have to pay for it first."

"Yeah, you think you're going to a restaurant or visiting a brothel. Eat first and pay later?"

"Don't mention it, gentlemen, Xiao Duozi is such a good person. If he goes to Bada Hutong, he might be able to get credit."


"Sister, seeing how pretty he is, wanted to welcome him and come back next time."


The teahouse was filled with a happy atmosphere. It was an ordinary day for many idle bannermen in the capital.

I drank a lot of tea.

After the party ended, the well-dressed tea guests went back to their homes.

Some ate dry croquettes, while others nibbled steamed buns.


In fact, others can guess what the score is, but they won’t be able to tell.

Do not slap people in the face, face is more important than anything else.

banner people,
Unless you have deep hatred, you will never tear someone else's face apart in person.

Saving face for others means saving face for yourself.

People who break the rules will be gradually excluded.

Beijing, Fenglong Bank.

On the white wall, there is a big word "Dang".

Duolong stood at the door, hesitated for a long time, then stamped his feet and gritted his teeth and went in.


2-meter-high counter and small window.

A cashier with a pointed mouth and monkey cheeks, wearing crystal glasses, raised his eyelids.

I took a look and saw the neatly dressed man with a cramped expression in front of me.
Broken flag man!

He has such a sharp eye and can never go wrong.

At a glance, you can tell how much it weighs.

Is it a grandson or a grandfather?

"Master, please sit down."

"Second son, serve tea."

Duolong, who received relatively preferential treatment, was grateful.

His expression was a little more reserved, he nodded, took a sip of tea.

"Shopkeeper, my distant cousin brought me some leather robes from outside the customs. Now, I have plenty on my body. If you are bothered, can you give me a price?"

A fur collar leather jacket, 7% new.

This is Duolong's only decent clothes, worn only when going out.

For the sake of errand, I gritted my teeth and accepted it.

Although he said it very generously, he was still weak in his heart.

Mr. Accountant smiled and said,

He took the leather jacket, looked at the front and back, and quoted the price:

"4 taels."

"Shopkeeper, is it a little low?"

"Master, you know the market. If you don't sell it, you have to give it a discount. If you don't believe it, take this leather jacket and walk around a few places. If the price is higher, will you come back and slap me?"

Okay, that's all.

Duolong couldn't get any shorter and pretended to be generous:
"to make."

Mr. Accountant, fold your leather coat.

"Write, it's eaten by insects and rats, it's bare and hairless, and it's a torn coat."

As soon as Duolong stepped out of the pawn shop, his eyesight went dark.

I almost fell 2 miles away.


After wandering for half an hour, we finally arrived at our destination.

Qianliang Hutong is decorated with white flags, and the government office is in charge.

Bannermen and flag affairs are all handled here.

The disciples are also familiar faces. Although they are not family friends, they all know each other.

"Master Duo, are you here to do some errands?"

"Yes, Master Wen is here?"

"Hey, your question is too difficult, I can't answer it."

So, I paid a small piece of broken silver.

This problem is suddenly not difficult anymore.

"Yes, you go."

It's like "paying for knowledge", so there's nothing wrong with it.

History is an upward spiral and occasionally a downward spiral.

More often than not, they are spinning in circles.

It is impossible to keep moving forward.

Didn't humans rush out of the Milky Way long ago and build a small paradise?


"Xiao Duozi, are you here again? It's not the day to receive money and food yet."

Doron didn't speak either.

He took out the warm silver and placed it gently on the table.

stood aside.

Lord Wen's angry glare softened slightly.

Pointing to the stool on the side: "Sit."

Doron sat down obediently and put his hands on his knees.

Falling in the eyes of the adults, he couldn't help but shake his head.

He is a good boy with good conduct.

But he is just a bit naive, and he is well protected by his parents and brothers.

If you mess around in the Qing Dynasty, you will suffer a loss!

"It's good that you have this heart. But~"

"Hum, speaking of it, your grandpa and my second grandpa are still the same generation, and they have blocked arrows on the battlefield. Can we make it clear?"

"Sir, say it."

"You have ten taels, right?"


The money from the pawn shop, the money from the mother-in-law, and the "money to support the younger brother" given by the elder sister without telling her brother-in-law.

In total, it’s only 10 taels.

(End of this chapter)

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