Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 124: I was attacked by two unscrupulous people

Chapter 124: I was attacked by two unscrupulous people
Mr. Wen put down his pen and stopped beating around the bush:

"I want to take over your brother's job, but this little money is not enough."

"How far is it?"

"At least, it's still short of this amount."

Master Wen raised two fingers and shook them.

"Ten taels?"



Although Master Wen's face is ferocious, he is like the angry-eyed King Kong.

But the heart is still kind.


"You know the world today. From top to bottom, what can you do without money?"

"Every yamen has rules. No one dares to break the rules."

"You said among our bannermen, who is not friends with whom? Not relatives?"

"If everyone just pretends to be honest, spreads his hands, and just wants to do things with empty words, will this yamen still have dignity? Does the Qing Dynasty still have dignity?"

"You said so."

Duolong fled and continued to raise money.

His 20 years of dignity and self-esteem were shattered on this day.

Adults should be decent,
So I can't show my dignity.

No problem!
As soon as he walked out of the alley in despair, he bumped into someone.

fell to the ground at the same time.


"Ouch, my heirloom china."

One person fell to the ground with his legs in the air, and next to him was an open blue floral cloth bundle.


There are a lot of broken porcelain pieces.

"Master, why don't you look at people when you're walking?"

"It doesn't matter if you hit me, but it's a Ru kiln azure glaze vase passed down from my grandfather's grandfather."

"From the Song Dynasty."


"It's over."

"You have to pay!"

The man was lying on the ground, speaking one sentence after another.

Like three-nine days of cold water,

Duolong's heart was chilled to the bottom of his heart.



Duolong finally got stronger this time, got up from the ground, and kicked up:
"Fuck you, right?"

"What? You still want to hit someone?"

"Today I will show you Uncle Qi's fists and feet."

Duolong once heard about it in a teahouse,

A new routine called touching porcelain is popular in the capital.

I don’t know which evil spirit invented it, but he has deceived many Qili men.

In the middle and late Qianlong period, life became increasingly difficult.

Therefore, more and more people are taking advantage of the sidelines.

Even the hardcore crops are beginning to rust.

On the surface, there is no deduction.

But in fact, prices have skyrocketed and actual purchasing power has decreased.

In the past, Duolong would never dare to hit anyone.

He is recognized as a submissive child by Xiangbaiqi and does not like to cause trouble.

When you meet someone, greet them first and smile from ear to ear.

However, today I am really worried.

The young man's bloody spirit suddenly broke away from the shackles of etiquette for many years.



Nosebleeds flew everywhere.

The porcelain man was very upset, why did he make a mistake.

According to common sense, this kind of young, well-dressed, and inexperienced bannerman young master loves face most and is the most cowardly.

Today, I met an unreasonable person.

Covering his bleeding nose, he said:

"When a bannerman beats someone, it is against the Qing Dynasty's laws. Don't be impulsive and lose your job. In today's world, having a job is not easy, so you have to cherish it."

"I have no errands and am an idle bannerman. I am not afraid of going to jail."

If you don’t retreat, fight.

The men fought with fists and struggled with each other.

Exchanging blows with each other,
Duolong has a slight advantage, and the bloodline of his ancestors may have awakened for a while at this moment.

"Stop, stop, I won't ask you to pay, let's do it." The man covered his nose and wiped the blood, with a look of grievance on his face, "No, why are you so angry?"

"I'm in a bad mood today, I'm sorry."

The man who wiped away the blood,
Looking straight at Duolong, he suddenly asked:
"Are you a bannerman?"


"I can see that you are in a bad mood and you are short of money, right?"

"How did you know?"

"Master, I have money but I'm still in a bad mood. Is there something wrong with me?"

After thinking about it, Duolong felt that it was quite right.

If you have a lot of money in your hand,

I slept until dawn,

Eight buildings at noon, theater in the afternoon, and eight alleys in the evening.

Go out and sit in a sedan chair,
Jinyouzi, guarding legs, pretty maidservants shouting in front and hugging each other,
this mood,
The designation is not bad.


"Master, I have a bold idea."


"Let's work together, get the money, and split it [-]-[-]."

Doron became angry when he heard this.

He grabbed the man's collar and said, "Come on, follow me to see the official."

The man raised his hands and said with a smile:

"Brother, hurry up, it's not too late to hear what I have to say."

"You say it."

"The Yamen opens to the south. If you have no money, don't come in. Do you have money?"

Doron is a little shorter.

"Do you have any errands?"

One point shorter again.

"It makes money, it's not shabby. We don't target people in the capital, we just deceive outsiders, it's up to our conscience."

This sentence broke down part of Duolong's defenses.

"But, with your trick, outsiders may not be fooled, right?"

"Master, I have a plan."


Duolong was successfully persuaded,
Therefore, it is important to meet whom at what time.

Whether it's love, career, or murder and arson.

We all need to pay attention to the right time, right place, right people and people.

Failure does not necessarily mean that you are not good enough.

But in terms of time, there is a slight deviation.

This is life!

You can't accept it.

The goddess of fate will press Xuzhong's head and rinse his feet with water.


Huang Wenyun is very busy.
After coming out of the Forbidden City, I visited many people.

Tan Jing gave away 3 taels.

Some fellow villagers also sent out another 5000 taels in the same year.

this day,
All I saw were smiling faces and I was in a good mood.

until his carriage,

I bumped into someone in an alley.

"Hey, how did you catch the bus?"

The coachman is his steward,

I quickly got out of the car and saw a man lying on the ground.

Apparently, he was still a playboy who had a good life as a child.

Duolong lay on the ground and crawled forward with difficulty.

a few meters away,
It was a loose blue floral baggage that fell into the mud.

Some broken pieces of porcelain were exposed.

"My family heirloom."

"Ru kiln blue and white porcelain."

"From the Song Dynasty."


"I took this to the pawn shop to exchange for life-saving money. My eldest brother has tuberculosis and is waiting for life-saving help."


In the corner, the man who was the partner covered his face and almost laughed.

Didn't see it,

Jie Po Luo Banner is quite good at acting.

That miserable look is quite frightening.

Huang Wenyun opened the curtain of the carriage and looked at the "victim" crawling on the ground.

He frowned and looked around.

There is no one in the alley,
Should I leave directly, keep it private, or keep it official?
It's not that he's afraid of trouble, he just doesn't want trouble.

One of them was of the same age and was working in the Ministry of Punishment.

With just one look, I can send this thing in and tie it next to the toilet.

"Master, what should we do?"

"Pay him a few taels of silver, our time is precious."

He underestimated Doron's appetite.

He was already holding broken pieces of porcelain and crying so sadly.

I refused the two taels of silver from the housekeeper,
Holding a piece of porcelain vase base:

"Look, it's the real thing."

"I am a bannerman, and my family has strict rules. I dare not tell lies."

The butler didn't understand, so he held it up and gave it to Huang Wenyun.

Huang Wenyun naturally knows something.

One look at the bottom of the bottle and it feels like the real thing.



He gave up the plan of using his power to reduce the dimension to resolve private matters.

Bannerman, authentic antiques,
The combination of these two factors is very troublesome.

36 meter, go is the best plan.

"Come on, don't talk to him."

Before the carriage turned around, Doron's partner rushed out.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

"The people in the mansion will be here soon, hold on."

Huang Wenyun's forehead suddenly started to sweat.

Oops, it looks like we're in big trouble.

His head began to spin rapidly. The emperor had just obtained the Sacred Heart at his feet, so he couldn't let things go wrong.

just in case,

A certain big boss from Jiangnan was unhappy with himself.

Instructing the yamen to push this case further and delay it for a long time would be troublesome.

People in officialdom,

I know best what it means to use a small thing to make a big difference, and the wind starts at the end of Qingping.

"Quickly, call my fellow village leader here."

Jiangxi Guild Hall is very close.

The leader took small steps and arrived in no time.

I asked a little bit about what happened.
Just go over and negotiate.

Our family is clear about the affairs of Sijiucheng.


He squatted down,
He looked at the broken pieces of porcelain for a while, as well as their appearance and clothes.

Well, this trick is good for deceiving outsiders.

He smiled and was about to speak.

Duolong opened his eyes like lightning and whispered:
"100 taels."

I was stunned for a moment, but I didn’t see the real thing.

It's not easy to make a decision.

Doron's partner quickly took out a piece of silver and stuffed it into his sleeve.

"This is a deposit, and it will be yours afterwards."

"He lives in Luoma Hutong, he is a bannerman, and he is very fastidious in his work."


In an instant, between fellow villagers and Yinzi, I chose Yinzi.

Between tears and a shot, I chose to take a shot.

He climbed into the carriage and lowered the curtain.

"Master Huang, things are getting tricky."

"Fellow, what do you think?"

"The porcelain vase is real and worth the money. The people are also real. The Banner Man was seriously injured."

"How much does he want?"

"5000 taels."

"You actually blackmailed me? I'm afraid he's tired of living, so I sent him to the Ministry of Punishment Prison with a look."

"Lord Huang, calm down, he is a banner man."

Huang Wenyun was suddenly discouraged.
When it comes to the bannermen, Shuntian Prefecture will most likely ignore it.

Instead, they kicked the ball and let the local government yamen review it.


The leader analyzed in a low voice again:

"Once the case comes to the Dutong Yamen, the bannerman sitting in the court will help the relatives but not the case."

"Flag affairs and civil affairs are two separate things."

"You can't do anything to them, and of course they can't do anything to you. This case just drags on. It's not good for you!"

Huang Wenyun's mind began to make rapid calculations.

Say a word:

"2000 taels, private."

"Butler, you go with the leader. Tell that little bastard to stop as soon as you see fit."


A meal of bargaining,
The two parties reached a consensus that for 2000 taels, the matter would be wiped out.

Da Song's bottle and the young master's medical expenses are all included.

Doron was supported by his partner and limped away.

Before leaving, I didn't forget to take away my luggage.

The porcelain pieces are fake, but the base of the bottle is real.

I bought it from Liulichang for 5 taels.

In the antique industry, the first thing to look at when appraising porcelain is the base (the base).

So, you have to be professional in whatever job you do.

If it was true, Huang Wenyun would definitely turn against him and send him to the government.

"Master Duo, your acting skills are amazing, hey."

"We banner people are born with the talent for acting."

The partner is a gangster from Jinmen and does not understand the meaning of these words.

All authentic Baijing people understand!

Living in the imperial city, I am exposed to it every day.

Emperors, generals, and ministers are all pretending to be kings as soon as they go to court.

Everything he said was drama.

All loyal ministers and good generals occupy their respective positions.

In addition, with the theater culture, I can sing a few lines without any stage fright.

It's like,

Shandong people are naturally keen on taking imperial examinations and pursuing official careers.

Cantonese people love doing business.

It’s all immersed in the bone marrow, so there’s no need to learn.


After a while,
The leader of the Jiangxi Guild Hall came in a hurry.

"100 taels, a little less."

"You guys are too stupid. Just a piece of broken porcelain and you asked for 2000 taels."

The partner immediately became unwilling:
"Man, I don't like hearing what you say. Aren't you also an accomplice?"

"Is that my fellow countryman?"

At the beginning of the meeting, I was speechless and silent,
Holding a banknote worth 100 taels in his hand, he refused to leave.

There is still a trace of the charm of the little prodigy in Ganzhou 30 years ago.

Duolong glanced at the white hair on his temples.

I know that this is a middle-aged Beijing drifter, and he is probably still a scholar.

Pushed over another 10 taels of silver ingots.

"When you have free time, come to Yutai Tea House on Qianmen Street. Let's have tea together. We will be friends from now on."

The leader ended the meeting and smiled.

"Thank you."

Looking at the hunched back of the meeting leader as he left, and the corners of his clothes fluttering in the cold wind.

Doron doesn't know why,
I feel a little sad in my heart, maybe 20 years later, I won't be as good as him.

At least he has a belly full of ink,

There is also a guild hall job to do, and the harvest is guaranteed due to drought and floods.

The partner put away the banknote and handed it over with a smile:

"Master Duo, let's just say goodbye?"

"The road to the world is long and easy to walk."

Duolong sat blankly for a long time with a stack of banknotes in his pocket.

Suddenly, he stood up.

Then go to Dutong Yamen with a white flag.


Lord Wen looked at this young man in astonishment.
There seemed to be some strangeness, as I had only seen him a few hours ago.

"Xiao Duozi, why are you here again?"

"Master Wen, are you satisfied with this?"

Three ingots of silver were quietly placed on the table.

30 two.

Yes, this kid is sensible.

"Hey, Xiao Duozi, where did you borrow this from?"

"a friend."

"Tsk, tsk, you are a worthy friend. These days, friends who are willing to lend money are more rare than the shopkeepers in Bada Hutong."

Lord Wen received the silver ingots,
I opened the old book and wrote a few words on it.

The infantry commanded the Yamen,

The book office of the anti-theft camp, Duolong, is now online.

back home,

Duolong told his mother the good news again, and the family was filled with joy.

"Where did you get the money?"

"A friend lives outside the city. He is a man of justice and is a Han Chinese."

My mother kept telling me:

"In the future, don't spend your salary squandering it. Remember to pay it back. During the holidays, you have to bring some exquisite snacks, wine and dishes, so don't lose etiquette."



the next day,
Duolong did not go to the teahouse, but took the banknote and bought something.

I took it to my brother-in-law's house.

My brother-in-law is also a bannerman, and he works in a yamen with absolutely clean water.

As soon as you walk in,

I heard noises and crying.

The brother-in-law was furious:
"You prodigal bitch, I can't even earn 3 taels of silver a month. Are you going to take it all back to your parents' house?"

"That's my biological brother. If you have an errand, you can pay him back."

A snot-nosed kid slipped out and shouted excitedly:


Duolong squatted down and opened the paper package,

"Soy pork elbow, so delicious, thank you uncle."

The little kid hugged his elbows and ran back to the house to chew.

The brother-in-law was furious and said in a strange tone:
"Huo, Tianfuxing's pork elbow. Xiao Duozi, you are so proud."

someone said,
Being the eldest son of a poor family is the saddest thing.

And if it is the eldest daughter, the sorrow is doubled.

Duolong's sister is the eldest child in the family and has been half of the family since she was a child.

She wiped away the tears on her face:

"Brother, has the errand been settled?"

"Well, it's settled."

"Did you take over your brother's job?"

"Yes, the secretary of the infantry commander's office."

Duolong took out two boxes from behind.

"Brother-in-law, this is for you."


A jade ring finger, the color is gratifying.

Just lying quietly in the box,
The brother-in-law's face suddenly changed.

"Xiao Duozi, are you rich? This fine ring ring costs at least ten taels of silver."

"Well, 15 taels."

Doron said it lightly,
The brother-in-law's eyes almost dropped to the ground. He carefully picked up the ring and put it on.

"Shufen, do you look good?"

"Bah, who was so disrespectful just now?"

The brother-in-law chuckled and slapped himself lightly on the face.

"Sorry, I'm short-sighted."

Duolong took out another piece of silk cloth and opened it:

"Sister, this is for you."

A pair of gold bracelets, quite substantial.

At this time, both the couple were dumbfounded.

He looked Duolong up and down, very suspicious.

"Xiao Duozi, did you rob the Treasury of the Ministry of Finance?"


"Then the pawn shop was smashed?"

"No. I have met a noble person and he wants to support me."


Taixing Building,
One of the famous restaurants in Beijing,

It was the first time for Duolong and his brother-in-law to visit such a high-end place.

There was a table of food and wine, and I ate 5 taels.

I have to reward the waiter, which is a small thing.

In a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere, Duolong's outlook on life, values, and world view were greatly distorted.

From this day on,

The original Xiao Duozi died, and the new Xiao Duozi was reincarnated.

Years later,
He once said,
From that day on,

I am full of disgust for my compatriots.

I don't have a good impression of the Qing Dynasty.

I strangled my oriole to death, trampled my grasshopper to death, and spent two hours chatting in the eight alleys, striving only for money.

the above,

If Li Yu heard this, he would definitely shake his head.

Then he told Duolong that the truth of life is that after you have seen through it, you still love life.

Take yourself as an example,
Although he was a "rebel", he fought fiercely with the upright officials.

Who doesn’t praise himself for the timely rain in Suzhou?

The Dongshan team training has been approved by the officialdom of Fucheng, and no one raised any objections.

The Fucheng fire brigade has also begun to take shape.

The shops that Li Yu bought in exchange for the coal distribution rights were put to good use.

Part of it was transformed into a watchtower.

Made of wood, about 4 stories high.

The red silk hanging from the tower reads:

Water and fire are merciless, but people are affectionate!

There is a person sitting on it at all times, equipped with a gong.

If there is a fire alarm, the gong is sounded.

people on call,

There are 8 such watchtowers in the entire city.

As for the fire brigade, there are five in total.

Each team has 12 people, divided into two shifts.

Stationed beside the main road in the city.

Equipped with horses, waterwheels, shovels and other tools.

People say that Mr. Li has done too many bad things and feels guilty.

After receiving some guidance from the abbot of Hanyuan Temple, I was ready to accumulate some merit for myself.


Everything is ready, all it needs is "fire".

But this kind of thing,
Seems unsuitable for artificial ripening.

Li Yu thought about it for a while, and it seemed that the person who had openly opposed him recently was gone.

However, it is still far from what I expected.

What I want is one, Li Jiazhou!
Even if I say that the green things growing in the ground are leeks, no one dares to say that they are actually wheat seedlings.

Stop pretending, we just want to imitate "Zhao Gao".

I don’t want to learn if I am incomplete, I just want to learn the legendary “turning a deer into a horse”.

(End of this chapter)

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