Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 132: The confrontation in Qingfeng Village, the barbarian girl doesn’t play by the rules!

Chapter 132: The confrontation in Qingfeng Village, the barbarian girl doesn’t play by the rules!

In fact, not just 30 years, but even 100 years will not be used up.

For the current Xishan Iron Works, Lijiaxiang Iron Mine is a high allocation.

The taste is not very good, but the reserves are definitely sufficient.

"Okay, okay, I accept Master Zhen's wishes. Speaking of which, Weigetang has a long history with the Zhen family. We are old friends."

Li Yu suddenly showed his kindness,
It made the butler's bones feel a little lighter, and he continued to say yes.


"Tell me, what is the current situation of Lijiaxiang Iron Mine?"

"More than 500 miners process the iron ore on site and sell the raw iron, making a profit of 5 taels a year. The boss of the county government will get a share at the end of the year."

"How is your iron smelting technology?"

"Just use limestone or something like that, and smelt rough iron randomly, so it can be used to make farm tools and stuff."

Li Yu was stunned and asked:

"Yes, we are rich in limestone."


Li Yu smiled happily:
"Go back and tell Mr. Zhen that I will happily accept half of the iron ore. From now on, we will all be a family and we will make money together."


The butler walked away briskly,
He felt that thanks to the blessing of his ancestors, he escaped disaster today.

Little did he know what a surprise he had brought to Li Yu.

iron ore?Limestone mine?
These are all good things that I have longed for.

"Sir, Wang Liu and Zhao Erhu want to see you."


When the two came in, they both clasped their fists and saluted.

"What's the matter?"

"The weather has changed and it is likely to rain at night. We think we can blast it."

"Leave professional matters to professionals. Just go ahead and do it without asking me."

"Thank you, Master Li."

"Do you know if there is a limestone mine nearby?"

Wang Liu was stunned.
Then he replied:
"Going south, those things are worthless. We have plenty of them."

"Okay, let's go."


There were three violent explosions in succession, and one side of the mountain collapsed.

After a while,
Heavy rain also arrived as expected, suppressing the dust.

The miners cheered and dug out samples in the rain.

The black coal seams are clearly visible.

Wang Liu finally breathed a sigh of relief, the errand was not done wrong.

Li Yu patted him on the shoulder:

"Starting tomorrow, we will dig the shaft with all our strength and make it as strong as possible."

"I want coal, but I also want my brothers to live well."

In a simple sentence,

The hundreds of miners present all had red eyes.

Where can I find such a boss?

There is finally hope for the days to come.


5 days later,

The main body of the tunnel was completed and the mining process officially entered.

There are large logs supporting every 1 foot and the tunnels are illuminated by oil lamps, giving the miners a great sense of security.

Baskets of coal were gathered under the shaft.

The crane above starts to start.

In order to increase efficiency, it was Li Yu's idea to start the transportation by crane.

The heavy animal-drawn crane relies on several winches to generate power.

As the mules walked forward in circles, the wire rope creaked and pulled the coal basket upward.

This is much more efficient than human labor.

It can pull hundreds of kilograms of coal at a time.

Li Yu felt,

After the crane technology matures, it can also be used on ships.

Used specifically to transport heavy artillery, on and off ships.

There are also docks under his command, and cranes can also be installed.


Coal washing and processing were also moved to Changxing County.

Ship the finished product directly,
Take the waterway directly to Suzhou Fucheng.

Considering some potential risks, Li Yu did not promote the coal cake business in Huzhou Prefecture.

Even Changxing County, which is just around the corner,

Neither sells briquettes.

He was worried about drawing unnecessary attention.

Running a Suzhou mansion was enough of a headache for him.

If we continue to conduct lead and silver bullet offensives in Huzhou Prefecture, it will not work.

before leaving,
He also went to inspect the limestone mines in the south.

After a few miners dug, they saw the original limestone.

He held a piece of limestone and explained:

"Heat it and calcine it, and it becomes quicklime."

"If quicklime is soaked in water, it becomes hydrated lime, which can be used as an adhesive for building houses."

"The most important thing is that we can produce cement."

Liu Qian, Liu Wu, and Li Xiaowu were all stunned.
I wonder what the cement in Li Yu's mouth is?

"Once this thing is mass-produced, it can be used to build cities and fortresses. It is extremely strong and is not afraid of wind, rain, or water. If a cannonball hits it, it will only cause skin trauma."

"Such magical mud? How to make it."

Li Yu smiled and said nothing, and ordered people to dig out some limestone and take it away.

Back to Xishan Island,
He would ask Yang Yunjiao to start and test the ratio.

Limestone, sandstone (or clay), slag (or iron powder).

The above three raw materials can be used to produce cement.

There will be some minor adjustments depending on the region.

For example, replace the latter two with quartz sand, iron powder, etc.

However, the most critical raw material with the largest consumption is limestone.

Limestone is the pillar;

without it,
I can't sing this big show.

What Li Yu is most excited about is that he has gathered all three ingredients.

Xishan Iron Works has a lot of slag and iron powder.

Sandstone is found in Changxing County.

Clay is found in Wu County, Suzhou Prefecture.

The cement industry is a high energy-consuming industry and cannot do without massive amounts of coal.

What a coincidence, I have one too.


Small-scale cement production does not make much sense.


According to the territory under its command, cement can be produced on a large scale.

This allows rapid construction of cities and various types of infrastructure.

Sitting in the cabin,
Li Yu couldn't help but laugh, tears of laughter came out.


He finally realized a closed-loop rudimentary industrial chain.

coal-iron complex,
And the derivative industry based on this, cement factory.

By accident, they managed to gather three tools for rebellion.

Concrete forts, muskets, artillery.

Back to Xishan Island,
He was in a good mood and worked all night.

After arranging everything, I rested.

300 miles away,

In Qingfeng Village, Huizhou Prefecture, a scream tore open the night.

After Wei Jun returned to the village,
According to Li Yu's reminder, he first found the second boss, Chang Jin.

Chang Jin is 5 feet tall. She grew up on the plateau and is very strong.

Dare to love, dare to hate, have a cannon temper.

I exploded as soon as I heard:

"I'm going to kill that woman now."

"For Qingfeng Village, for Brother Miao."


Wei Jun hesitated for a moment, but in the end he didn't say anything to stop him.

Instead, he quietly guarded the gate of the village with a few of his confidants.

Changjin led two female bandits,

It was Jinchuan who escaped and went straight to the back of the village.

Just got to the door,
I smelled a powdery scent, which was very nice.

Two guards from the village came over immediately:
"The second master is not allowed to enter here."

"Step aside."

"This is the master's order."

Changjin knew that it would be impossible without blood today.

Slowly draw out the saber:

"She is a monster who wants to kill everyone in the village. Get out of her way."

One of the guards wanted to draw a knife, but Changjin, who had quick hands and quick eyes, immediately swung the knife and cut off his wrist.

The other person just ran away.

He shouted: "Someone is coming."

Changjin ignored it, strode into the courtyard, and kicked open the door.

An incredibly beautiful woman slowly stood up from the couch.

Picking up the gauze robe that fell on the ground, she put it on elegantly.

"Second in charge, you are also a woman."

"Look at your hands, they are all calloused. Look at your face, it's black and red."

Changjin was not angry, he stared into her eyes and said word by word:

"You are a hidden stake, who sent you here?"

The woman was stunned, a moment of surprise flashed in her eyes, and then she calmly sat down in front of the dressing mirror:

"What are you talking about?"

in the mirror,
A flash of sword light suddenly appeared.

The woman's head was in a different place, and blood sprayed on the bronze mirror.

She never dreamed,
As the second boss, Changjin will not play according to the routine.

Those beautiful big eyes were wide and wide.

The last thought that stayed in my mind was,

The barbarian girl doesn't play by the rules!


Miao Youlin, the head of Qingfeng Village.

A man who used to be the general manager of Green Camp in Guizhou was convicted of failing to transport grain and took the initiative to join Green Forest.

He was carrying a knife and had no boots on.

He came in a hurry to stop the conflict between the two women.

Just got to the door,
He was stunned. There was a strong smell of blood in the room.

The head of the woman who he couldn't put down and who was astonished was rolled aside.

The big, frightened eyes were facing him.

"You madman, why did you kill her?"

"Brother Miao, she cast a witchcraft on you. She is a spy, and she wants to drag 200 people from this village to hell."

People from Qingfeng Village,
Slowly they all gathered around, expressions of shock.

Wei Jun was hiding behind, he was unwilling to come forward.Actually,
Most of these people were called by him.

The purpose is to put pressure on the leaders of Miao University.

The public outrage forced him to accept this fait accompli.

inside the house,

The quarrel between the two became increasingly fierce.

It even got to the point where they raised their swords to each other,
This pair of desperate mandarin ducks in the past are now about to break up because of a third party.


"For the sake of a woman, you are going to push brother No. 200 of Qingfeng Village into a pit of fire. Brother Miao, you have gone crazy."

"Don't be alarmist."

"The lady you kidnapped is the best hunter. She has stolen your heart."

"Put it off, I'm going to kill you."

Changjin roared, opened the window,

Pointing at the dark crowd in the courtyard, he shouted:

"Ask them, who will support you?"

Miao Youlin looked around at these people, and his madness gradually subsided.

Because the eyes of these people were dissatisfied.

He has incurred public outrage.

Speaking of,
Chang Jin, the second in charge of the family, has a high prestige in the village.

Because she is loyal and believes in simple egalitarianism.

as much as possible,
Let everyone's days be similar.

Silence, heart-stopping silence.

Suddenly, Miao Youlin laughed and threw away the knife in his hand.

He walked forward and suddenly held Chang Jin's hand.

"You scolded me well, you woke me up."

"I think back then, we fought all the way from Jinchuan, climbed mountains and crossed rivers, and fought our way through numerous encirclements. Only then did we have today's Qingfeng Village."

"I was blinded by beauty, and I shouldn't have."


Changjin's eyes turned red all of a sudden.

No matter how strong she is, she is still a woman and cannot bear this kind of true expression.

"Okay, brothers, let's have a big banquet tonight for Qingfeng Village." Miao Youlin waved his hand boldly.

A crisis is about to brew,

Just disappeared into the sunlight.

The first master and the second master have regained their former closeness.

The fairy bandit family in everyone's impression was restored.

The dinner was very lively, and dozens of jars of wine were consumed.

Miao Youlin suddenly asked:
"Third Leader, is your friend willing to sell firearms?"

Wei Jun replied awkwardly:
"He didn't say no and was willing to sell in small quantities."

"There are conditions, right?"

"Well, he said that if we can't survive in Huizhou Prefecture, we can move to Taihu Lake."

"Ha, interesting."

Changjin smoothes things over:
"As the saying goes, you rely on mountains to eat mountains, and you rely on water to eat water. Many friends mean many paths. If we can no longer stay in Huizhou Prefecture one day, we will break camp and go to Taihu Lake."

Wei Jun smiled awkwardly.

Miao Youlin raised his wine bowl:
"Third Master, we must cooperate sincerely from now on. I'll leave it to you regarding the firearms."

"to make."

Wei Jun also picked up the wine bowl and drank it all in one gulp.

I don't know why,
He always felt that Miao Youlin's smile was meaningful.


Qingfeng Village is missing a woman.

However, the woman's suggestion to purchase a firearm was not abandoned.

Because firearms are easier to use than swords and guns.

Everyone knows.

But Li Yu's plan to relocate Qingfeng Village and become one of his external tentacles came to nothing.

Someone came to Qingfeng Village again,
When he found him, he was a little surprised.

After thinking for a long time, I decided to sell some temporarily sealed matchlock guns.

They were all old guns that had been shot dozens of times, but that didn't matter.

Wei Jun didn't come, which made him feel a little unhappy.

Du Ren was sent away to discuss business.

The price was raised directly on the original basis.

"25 taels for a musket? It's too expensive."


Seeing Du Ren's cold attitude, the two of them were extremely embarrassed.

"We are the third in charge, and Wei Jun said we can close the deal with just 20 taels."

"Oh, the price of iron has increased recently."

Who is Du Ren? He is a well-known litigator in Fucheng who relies on his eloquence to make a living.

How could two mere forest heroes be his opponents?

In the end, there were 25 taels for a matchlock gun, plus another 5 taels, along with 1 kilogram of gunpowder and 30 lead bullets.

Qingfeng Village paid 900 taels of silver.
He bought 30 matchlock guns, packed them in long wooden boxes covered with straw, and left.


Li Yu stood on the observation tower inside the castle,
"Ayu, they're gone," Du Ren said.

"Which way did they go?"

"The land route they took here is about 400 miles. On the way back, they plan to hire a boat and take the Xin'an River."

"Tell me your judgment?"

"Your plan was half successful. Qingfeng Village got rid of the woman of unknown origin, but refused to move eastward."

"It seems that the Miao leader is a character."

Du Ren smiled and did not answer.

"Have you checked the marks on the matchlock gun?"

"I checked it one by one myself."

This batch of matchlock guns temporarily had a steel stamp on the barrel.

Branded as Guangzhou Eight Banners Gun Factory,
Without him, I just want to muddy the water.

In the unlikely event that a firearm falls into the wrong hands, that's fine.

Oh, by the way, the butt of the gun has been changed into the shape of a crutch with a bent handle familiar to the Qing army.

The firearms production channels of the Qing court were relatively complex.

The Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Tongtong Yamen, the Eight Banners Garrisoned in various places, and the Building Office of Yangxin Palace are all qualified to produce guns.

There is no unified form and no unified plan.

The Eight Banners in Guangzhou are also known for being good at merchants.
It's fitting that they carry this blame.

Li Yu thought for a while,
I spread out my pen and paper again and wrote a letter to Mr. Hu, who worked as an aide in the Governor's Yamen of Water Transport.

After Master Hu read the letter,

His eyes turned slightly red when he was moved, and his heart was agitated.

Unexpectedly, this little friend was still thinking about something important to him.

After uprooting Qingfeng Village, he had enough merit to return to his sect and be buried in the Hu family's ancestral grave.

"Dad, why are you so happy?"

"An old friend from Suzhou Prefecture, Li Yu, has written a letter."

"Is that what happened?"

"Exactly, he has already established a relationship with the gangsters who are entrenched in the ancestral tomb mountain. Soon, soon."

"Dad, are you too optimistic?"

"Anyone who gets involved with him will fall over sooner or later. This guy has really dark hands."

Master Hu's daughter couldn't hold it back and burst into laughter.

"Dad, how can you say bad things about others behind their backs like this?"

"This is not a bad word. This is the best compliment for him."


Xujiang Pier,

There are hundreds of officials, and their feet are too busy to touch the ground.

Dozens of strings of thousands of firecrackers were lit together.

At the same time, trumpeters also began to join the noisy ensemble.

Majestic, lively, decent,

It is the impression left on everyone.

The auspicious time was chosen by Wang Shenxian himself,

Xujiang Park was officially opened.

With the dock as the core area, the surrounding 3000 acres of land are all included in the park.

It claims to recreate a small Suzhou.

Li Yu made the plan himself, and used 20 square meters of cotton cloth to hang high on the pier.

"Xujiang Park Planning, Schematic Diagram."

"What is this park?"

"When you have money, just build a garden. A garden is a large garden."

The spectators were talking a lot,
I am so envious that this official Li is really the most extravagant person in the city.

The steward of the prefect personally sent a congratulatory gift.

Four chief officials from the 9st Department of 1 County came.

Forget about the subordinate staff, Wuyangyang sat at more than 20 tables.

A somewhat famous restaurant in Fucheng,
All the master chefs came and cooked on the spot.

Anyone who comes to beg will be rewarded with two white-faced steamed buns.

The main thing is to have fun with the people.


"Master Li, does your park allow everyone to do business?"

"Yes, just pack your bags and check in."

"what for?"

"I will build the house and workshop in advance. You can move in directly."

A gentleman pointed at the plan and asked:
"Heavy industrial zone, where is it?"

Li Yu pointed to an open space to the west: "It's right here, waiting to be built."

“What about the light industrial zone?”

“There it is, to be built.”

"Where's the public entertainment area?"

Before Li Yu could answer, the gentleman slapped his head:
"I understand, it's still to be built."

Hahahahaha, everyone present couldn't help but laugh.

Li Daguan is still so reliable in his work.

The mind is always running ahead of the feet.


"Everyone, don't worry about these details. In fact, it will be completed in the blink of an eye. We have to look to the future."

However, someone raised a question:
“How is the rent charged?”

"It's free, but I want to take [-]% of the business turnover."

All the businessmen present were stunned.

To be honest, this is true and the lion opened his mouth.

"Does this happen every year? No matter how much water flows?"


The businessmen couldn't help laughing, and the gentry laughed.

Li Yu seemed to have guessed their thoughts, stood up and said:
"Don't rush to scold me now. Each person will receive an envelope later. There will be detailed instructions in it. Take it back and read it carefully."

"If you think it's appropriate, go to Mr. Du and discuss it in detail."

“Space is limited, first come, first served.”

The gilded envelope looked very luxurious.

There are prominent figures present, and everyone has a share.

These people didn't care either.
It wasn't until I returned to the mansion in a drunken state and opened it that I was shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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