Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 133: Chief Envoy Zhu Gui: Li Yu, let me draw you a cake

Chapter 133: Chief Envoy Zhu Gui: Li Yu, let me draw you a cake
Pingjiang Road,
In the Pan family mansion, Pan Wu hurriedly found his father.

"Dad, look at this."

Mr. Pan put down a pair of jade balls in his hands and put on his crystal eyes.

"Xujiang Park is run by officials and supervised businesses. No officers are allowed to enter without permission."

"Except for the 1% commission, no taxes will be collected in any name."

“Bandit troubles, fires, and floods are all borne by the park.”

"Surrounded by brick walls to prevent any disturbance from idlers."

Mr. Pan almost jumped up in surprise.
"Does this kid want to set up an independent kingdom? Who gave him the courage?"

"It's probably Magistrate Huang. They have such a good relationship that they can share a plate of food."

"No, no, no."

Mr. Pan has been in business all his life and knows very well what kind of ethics the Qing Dynasty was like.

With such a high profile, someone will do it sooner or later.

Li Yu is, at best, a popular businessman with deep connections and well-informed information.

He has many thugs under his command, who dare to kill people and set fires.

For ordinary people, he is already a big shot that cannot be looked up to.


In front of the real official, these are just duckweeds.

When the wind blows, it's gone.


Businessmen in Fucheng have doubts about settling in Xujiang Park.

Li Yu was not surprised.
I just asked you to concentrate your efforts on getting the dock ready first.

The scale needs to be large, the waterway needs to be dredged, and the revetments need to be reinforced again.

Three cranes have been added, which is the biggest highlight.

The original force and tracker are all retained.

Even the other trackers who came to seek refuge were all accepted.

For a time,

On the contrary, he has won a good reputation of "benevolence and righteousness" among the coolies.

Li Yu asked someone to open a "coolie canteen".
We only accept these men who carry big bags and stretch fiber for a living.

Each time you collect a chip, a meal is provided.

A basin of salty soup with lard residue and cabbage, a bowl of old brown rice, a piece of tofu, and two steamed buns.

Such cheap meals,
The coolies were overjoyed,
Every time I get a meal, I will whisper, thank you Mr. Li.

One meal can last half a day.

The person responsible for distributing chips at the dock was someone sent by Li Yu.

For every big bag you carry, you get a chip.

And when work was done in the evening, he took chips to exchange for money.

A chip in exchange for a penny.

The price is roughly the same as before.

Li Yu didn't adjust because the heat was not yet there.

His ultimate goal,
It is to absorb these men with nothing into an army.


The back hall of the magistrate's yamen,

Huang Wenyun summoned Li Yu for a secret talk in the study.

"The Emperor has high hopes for me, but the current situation is not satisfactory."

"Look here."

Li Yu took a stack of official documents and carefully read the numbers on them.

Crack down on the anti-Qing and anti-Manchu elements,

A total of 216 people were arrested, and the total amount of dirty silver that had been handed over to the court was only 12 taels, which was less than 1000 taels per person on average.

"What do you mean, Mr. Huang?"

"It's not enough to stop Youyou's mouth."

Li Yu looked deeply at Huang Wenyun and had a rough idea of ​​what he was thinking.

He still wants to climb up.

It's impossible without hard-earned results.

"Don't worry, Mr. Huang. I have some clues and would like to help Li Zhixian try something in Wu County."

"Is it enough?"

"Absolutely enough."

The two chatted some more, gossiping about interesting things.

Before leaving,
Li Yu left a dividend certificate from Xujiang Park and left quietly.


Back to Lijiapu,
He found Liu Qian and asked directly:

"Suzhou Prefecture, regardless of officials or citizens, who are currently most hostile to us, make a list."

"Does the power in the world also count?"


Liu Qian hesitated for a moment and then said a few names.

One is the old Soviet gang of Cao gang,

One is the new co-president of Taihu Hall,
"What frictions were there?"

"Last time, the new Soviet Union's tanker helped us transport iron ore. When it passed through the northern section of the canal, the old Soviet Union intercepted the tanker and a fight broke out."

"and after?"

"Later, the Changzhou County police officers arrived and ordered the waterway to get out of the way, but did not pursue the matter further."

"Then what's going on with Mr. Duan, the new colleague of Taihu Hall?"

"This person has a lot of criticisms about the Dongshan regiment training. He reported it privately to the chief envoy, Mr. Zhu, and hoped to cancel the regiment training. He also hinted that the regiment training should not be in the hands of powerful people."

Taihu Hall,
It is a new institution established during the Yongzheng period.
The chief officer is Tongzhi, who is based in Dongshan. He is mainly responsible for civil affairs in the area along the lake, including catching bandits.

Balance, decentralization, containment,

It belongs to the consistent gameplay of the Qing court.


"Chief Advocate, do you have our spy?"


Liu Qian came closer and whispered the specific name.

"So, this Duan Tongzhi cannot be kept. Get rid of him within the rules of the official game."

"My subordinate understands that we need to obtain sufficient evidence as soon as possible."

Liu Qian hesitated for a moment and then said:
"In fact, there is one person who is extremely hostile to us and has repeatedly clamored to report us for smelting iron without permission."

"Who is so arrogant?"

"Dong Sanlang, a businessman from Jinshan County, Songjiang Prefecture."

Li Yu was a little confused,

He has no layout in Jinshan County, so where is the contradiction?

"Dong Sanlang is in the pig iron business and was hit hard by us. Xishan Iron Works regularly sells unqualified pig iron at low prices and in large quantities."

"So, the quality of Dong's iron is even worse?"


Liu Qian couldn't help but laugh.

"If he were on the ground in Suzhou Mansion, we would have captured him long ago."

"Is there a difference?"

"Please tell the master."

"Don't be bound by these rules, just arrest him if he needs to, he's just a businessman.

Jinshan County is in the southeast corner of Songjiang Prefecture.

Facing the sea to the east, it is an important place with little oil and water.

Among the books brought by the Smith Mission from the capital,
There is a map of the Qing Dynasty. Although it is abstract, the information is real.

Li Yu looked at the map and pondered the location of Jinshan County for a long time.
Instruct Liu Qian,

Bring this Dong Sanlang to justice as soon as possible.


A luxurious carriage stopped in front of Dong Mansion.

The driver proudly handed over an invitation:
"My master, I have a big deal. I would like to ask Mr. Dong to discuss it in person."

After that, he drove the carriage away.

The butler quickly handed the invitation to his master.

"I've never heard of a wealthy businessman from Wujiang County."

"Sir, here is a list of purchase intentions."

Dong Sanlang opened it and took a look.
His eyes lit up, and big business came to his door.

5000 kilograms of pig iron and 500 farm tools.

Look at the invitation again,
It's actually made of hot stamping paper, which is very decent.

"Well, this invitation is enough for a small family to eat for 10 days."

"It must be a low-key gentleman from Wujiang."

"I should go and see him in person."

It is not far from Jinshan County to Wujiang County.

Just over 100 miles.

Dong Sanyang drove a carriage with his son and housekeeper.

After two days of traveling, we finally arrived at the location mentioned in the invitation.

Wujiang County Wudu,
However, there is no trace of the "Chen Mansion" written on the invitation.

I was wondering if I was going the wrong way.

A man came over and saluted:

"But Mr. Dong from Jinshan County is in person?"

"Exactly, exactly."

The man smiled and took out a gong from his back.

Dang Dang Dang, knock three times.

A large number of officials came roaring in.

The leader, riding a horse and holding a knife, was none other than Suzhou Prefecture's head catcher Huang Si.

"Dong Sanlang, you colluded with bandits and conspired to overthrow the Qing Dynasty. Take away the people and the stolen goods."


Huang Si opened the carriage curtain,

Pointing to the farm tool samples inside, the pig iron sample said:

"These are anti-Qing evidence, take them all away."

"Go directly to the county government office, borrow a place, and get a confession quickly."

"Master Liu, you are doing a great job of luring snakes out of their holes."

Liu Qian also rode a black horse and waved his hand:
"This is Mr. Li's plan. I don't dare to be greedy for credit."

"When doing things with Mr. Li, just one word: smooth!"

That night,

After suffering three severe punishments, Dong Sanlang committed suicide.

At this time, he had already guessed the reason.


"I'm willing to cooperate in anything, I just want my son to be released."

However, how could Huang Si be soft-hearted.

Confessions were obtained from both father and son, and they were detained on the spot.

the next morning,

Escort the prisoners and return to the capital city with their confessions.

At the same time, Pegasus was sent to report to Li Yu that one-third of the evidence chain was completed.

It depends on how Li Yu can weave this network tightly and set off a large-scale prison.


"Building bridges and paving roads, dredging rivers?"


"This move is quite remarkable. Once you serve as an official, it will benefit the whole country."

Li Yu heard the meaning behind Huang Wenyun's words of approval.

The money spent is not enough.

In the last round of crackdowns on anti-Qing and anti-Manchu elements, one-third of the proceeds from confiscating homes was planned to be used locally.

The advantage of this move is that it not only wins the official reputation in the local area, but also counts as an achievement in the court. "I have another idea."


"Instead of recruiting the people, we hired refugees, beggars, and coolies along the canal. Pay wages and provide work in exchange for relief, so as to stabilize the people's hearts."

Huang Wenyun nodded,

It is equivalent to not giving the subordinate staff the opportunity to share the profits, but instead giving them to the most unstable bottom groups.

This move,

There are many bright spots.

"it is good."

"Can the specific project be left to Weig Hall?"

Huang Wenyun smiled, and the wealth would not flow to outsiders.

"I promise you."

"Don't worry, sir. I guarantee the quality of the project."

As for,
Which bridges should be built, which roads should be paved, which rivers should be dredged, and which river embankments should be reinforced?

Naturally, it followed the route of Qianlong's last southern tour.

And this route,
This is also the rebel route that Li Yu will use in the future.

Running in both directions, all the money was spent wisely, and not a penny was wasted.

The chief envoy of Jiangsu Province, Zhu Gui, heard about it and
He also sent someone to summon Li Yu and warned him about this matter.

This old man is truly honest.

If the Qing Dynasty had a wealth ranking, he would be in the bottom 5%.

Li Yu prepared a generous gift,
As expected, he was politely rejected. Master Zhu was not after yellow and white things, but something else.


"Hall Master Li, I only have one request."

"Sir, please speak."

"Confiscating the property of prisoners, building the imperial court, and relieving the impoverished coolies. If this can be done successfully, it will be the most dazzling achievement of this year. Many things in the Qing Dynasty had good intentions, but they turned out to be bad when they were implemented. Son, do you understand?"


"When Zhu arrived in Suzhou, he heard people say how arrogant Weigtang was and how closely he interacted with subordinates. And your Dongshan regiment training was quite controversial. Duan Tongzhi protested many times."

"Master Zhu knows it clearly, these are all slanderous words."

Zhu Gui suddenly opened his eyes wide and waved his hand:

"I have been studying for thirty years. When looking at people, I only look at their deeds, not their hearts."

"You are a member of the world, and it is inevitable that you will act domineeringly. There are some flaws, but they are not big stains."

"But this time, you have to contribute to the court and earn less."

"After the project is completed and accepted, I will personally recommend that you have a decent family background. A hundred years later, your name will be recorded in the local government annals. Two generations later, the Li family will be a scholarly family in this mansion and a serious gentry family."

"Do you understand my good intentions?"

Li Yu looked shocked.

His eyes were slightly red, he was choking, and after a long time he held his hands and said:

"I am also a student of sages. Thank you for your favor."

"You can believe what I say. Go ahead and do your business properly. The emperor is wise."

Li Yu walked out of the Chief Envoy Si Yamen,

After sitting in the carriage, I relaxed my expression control.

Start thinking about Zhu Gui's words.

Beat first, then promise, your methods are impeccable and your skills are perfect.

You might say that he was trying to make a big deal out of you. After hearing this, you said gratefully, "Thank you."

Sure enough, there are only a few simple people who can leave their names in the history books.

what he fears the most,

This is the kind of official who is not greedy for money and does not show off his emotions.

Once he saw through it, Mi Zhe arrived at the Forbidden City.

Qianlong would mobilize troops from other places to encircle and suppress himself.


What Qianlong did seemed to be foolish, but in fact it was caused by saving face and enjoying himself.

He is very calm and rational when it comes to guarding against powerful ministers and fighting against anti-Qing forces.

With Zhu Gui's weight, if he said that he was a rebel, Qianlong would believe him.


A child on the street screamed, and Li Yu opened the curtain.

In the leaden sky, large snowflakes were flying.

The first heavy snowfall in the 40 years of Qianlong's reign came earlier than usual.


It dropped suddenly, and the snow was up to my ankles.

For those who travel through, the snow is quite heavy.

However, for this era, it is really nothing.

The impact of the Little Glacier will continue for another 200 years.

In winter in the south of the Yangtze River, heavy snowfall and frozen lakes are common.

Even in southern China,
We have all experienced disasters such as ponds freezing and heavy snow crushing houses.

After realizing the misunderstanding in thinking,
Li Yu immediately ordered hundreds of coolies to be temporarily recruited to work in the Changxing coal mine.

Grab a batch of coal.

There was no place to store them, so they were stored in an open space near the Dongshan regiment training camp area.


Purchased 4000 shi of rice at a premium.

There is food in the barn, so there is no panic in the heart.

These two things,

All of Lijiabao's manpower was mobilized at once.

Everyone is crazy busy.

At this time of year, the coolies who depend on the canal for food are the most miserable.

Because of shipping volume and commercial transactions,

All began to shrink rapidly.

They have no chance to make money and can only wait helplessly.


"Lijiabao recruits temporary workers to dig coal in the wells, and food and accommodation are included. It's 10 cents per hundred pounds, more work, more reward."

As soon as word of the recruitment got out,
Xujiang Pier was suddenly crowded with people.

The coolies who signed up even started calling.

It wasn't until the park's security team dispersed with gongs and sticks that order was restored.


"Anyone who rides a horse and crowds around will no longer have a place to eat at Xujiang Wharf."

Threats are effective;
The coolies immediately fell silent and started lining up.

Waiting for selection,
The criteria are naturally young, strong, honest and not slick.

A coolie who couldn't stop coughing was screened out.

He begged and even knelt.

However, the recruiters did not dare to make such an opening.

Once an infectious disease breaks out,

In highly populated mining areas, it is a disaster.

And Li Yu happened to come to inspect.

6 guards with swords, surrounding him.

Yang Yunjiao held an umbrella for him.

This overwhelming aura of wealth and wealth immediately overwhelmed everyone present.

The coolies all lowered their heads, afraid of offending the nobleman.

This is the most legendary gangster in Suzhou Prefecture, the kind-hearted and handsome Mr. Li.

I don’t know who is taking the lead,
He said: "Master Li is very kind and compassionate."

The coolies rushed to agree, which is not hypocritical.

but from the heart.

The "coolie canteen" next to the dock was always open, and meals for one penny were served openly.


If someone is opportunistic and makes repeated purchases,
Then quietly take it out and sell it to make the difference.

The quick-thinking Zhao Laoliu would be the best outcome.

First, he was picked out from the team by the park guards and beaten severely.

Beat him till he vomits blood all over his mouth,

Later, the Wuxian police officers who came after hearing the news arrested him and put him in a standing cage.

2 days,

About to be dead.


"Master Li, I don't have tuberculosis. I just caught a cold recently. Ahem, cough, cough. I'm waiting for the rice to be cooked at home. Please give me a chance."

"Since you're sick, let's see a doctor."

Li Yu signaled with his eyes, and the attendant immediately took out some broken silver and stuffed it into the man's hand.

The coughing man knelt down in the snow excitedly,
Kowtow and shout: "Thank you, Mr. Li."

Li Yu, on the other hand, walked up to the nearby high platform in two steps.

On weekdays, this is where the foreman assigns tasks.

He took off his umbrella:

"It's snowing, there are fewer merchant ships, and your life is very tight."

"I, Mr. Li, know that it is not easy, so I have won some jobs for you."

Wow, everyone present was excited.

Li Yu pressed his hand, and immediately there was silence.

"No one can be trusted in this world, but I, Li Yu, can be trusted."

"I am a worshiper of Mr. Guan, and the most important thing is loyalty. In a word, those who follow me and are loyal to me are all brothers. If they want to poach me in private and try to mess with me, I will do it with a white knife and a red knife."

"Let's all go have a meal. I'll treat everyone here today. If it's cold, please add a bowl of rice wine for each person."


The coolies were excited, some bowed, some kowtowed, and some said auspicious words.

Fortunately, no one shouted long live Mr. Li.


Although this meal usually only costs one penny.

But for free, he also got a bowl of warm rice wine, which made the coolies who usually received so much looks feel respected as a person.

In the words of a coolie:

"This is the first time in my 30 years of life that I have been treated to a treat."

The people at the bottom of the Qing Dynasty were easily satisfied because they rarely encountered kindness.

From birth to death, they are all tool men, or mules and horses.

A little favor can be remembered for a long time.


The ancients also said that when rice is promoted, rice is favored, and when rice is fought, rice is hated.

Li Yushen thought so, so he did not give him preferential treatment in terms of wages.

Obtain the greatest benefit from people's hearts at the lowest cost.

He and Yang Yunjiao lamented,

In the Qing Dynasty, a good person in the traditional sense could not go far.

From this it can be inferred that

The personal ethics of the emperors, generals and ministers of the feudal dynasty were probably very bad.

Therefore, it is very common for a tycoon like Prime Minister Cao.

Uncle Liu Huang is very unusual.

In a time of great strife, wolves are everywhere.

Wearing heavy armor and walking on thin ice, no matter how you expose your weakness "kindness".

At least, Li Yu asked himself that he could not be as kind to the people and as merciful to his friends as Liu Bei was.


(End of this chapter)

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