Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 134 The selection of officials is based on the same basis as the selection of girls through

Chapter 134 The selection of officials is based on the same criteria as the selection of girls.
A large number of watercraft arrived at Xujiang Wharf half a day later.

These temporarily recruited coolies were taken away one by one.

Cross Taihu Lake and send it to Changxing County on the other side.


More than a dozen rows of simple huts were built urgently to accommodate these people.

There is no need to worry about heating;
There is plenty of coal in the mine, which is burned for heating.

It's warm in the house.

The walls of these houses are poorly sealed and drafts are everywhere, but there is no need to worry about being poisoned by smoke.

The old miners took the newcomers down the mine.

Each person has a basket on his shoulders, a pair of straw sandals, a bamboo hat, a shovel, and a fire stick.

There were no clothes, and almost no one wore them underground.

Those who can survive in the mines are the strongest men.

This is one of the professions that dances with the Lord of Hell.

In just one day, two people vomited blood from exhaustion.

Lack of meat, that's all.


The person in charge of the mining area, Wang Liu, sighed.

Ask the kitchen to add some fuel to these newcomers.

Cabbage and tofu stewed in lard residue, with big fat slices floating in it.

The big bowl is full.

The feeling of eating it is so refreshing.

Although the coolies complained that the work was too tiring, they were still very satisfied with the food.

Ordinary people celebrate the New Year,

It's nothing more than this kind of food.

Every day, some people can earn 30 Wen, and some can earn 100 Wen.

The new well was drilled successfully;
Digging the thick coal seams underground is particularly rewarding.

Moreover, for safety and yield,

Under the shaft, when digging the cross tunnel, careful attention was paid to the angle.

6 horizontal lanes extend in all directions.

Every time a section is excavated, it is immediately reinforced.

Miners often work in teams of two, with one person digging and the other loading baskets.

After a while, change people again.

The lighting in the laneway relies on oil lamps.

This time,
Li Yu spent money and used all sealed oil lamps that were less likely to catch fire due to spills.

And unlike before, I couldn’t bear to consume gas and the lanes were dark.

lighting conditions improved,
The accident rate is much less.


Mountains of coal are piled on the shore and then transported to the ship.

The nearest river is only 200 meters away.

Don't underestimate this 200 meters, it takes a lot of manpower and animal power.

In order to speed up efficiency, Xishan Iron Works rushed to manufacture the rails and supporting trolleys.

Only then did the transfer speed speed up.


There is also a crane, which is also newly manufactured.

Clumsy, crude, and simple in function.

It only has the function of lifting in place and rotating half a circle.

It can use animal power or human power.

In short, using pulleys and levers,
Half machine, half manpower will be the mainstream development for a long time to come.

Li Yu did not buy rice locally in Suzhou Prefecture.

Instead, I bought it from a rice merchant in Huzhou through Mr. Zhen.

There are transport ships in Lijiapu, which is a good place to train sailors.

Shiploads of rice are mainly stored in Xishan Island.

Only a few were stored in Lijiabao.

For safety reasons, if the road is closed due to heavy snow,
Li Yuhui took temporary refuge in Xishan before the lake froze.

Fan Jing reminded himself many times:

"The current officialdom of Suzhou Prefecture has no secrets for us. But what about Jiangning Prefecture? Where is the Forbidden City?"

"If the Qing government deliberately kept the troop deployment secret, it is possible that the Suzhou government knew nothing about it."

"Although the probability is low, we have to guard against it."

And Li Yu also followed the good deeds,
Move all the account books and documents to Xishan Island.


"What? The Cao Gang wants to go against the government?" Huang Wenyun couldn't believe it as he took the confession.

"Yes. I was hunting rabbits in the grass, but I didn't expect to hit a wolf." Li Yu said calmly.

"Ahem, isn't it unreasonable?"

"It's true."

The voice has not fallen,

The magistrate of Changzhou County hurried over and said:
"Lord Fu Zun, 5 miles northeast of Wangting, hundreds of Cao Gang disciples came ashore with white cloths on their heads and armed with weapons. They beat people along the way and smashed any shops they encountered. Changzhou County police officers have gone to suppress them. I'm afraid they can't control them anymore."

Wangting Town,
It is a town northwest of Fucheng.

Adjacent to the Grand Canal, commerce is developed.

The loudest talker in town is naturally Mr. Qian, a gentleman.

He was the governor in the 25th year of Qianlong's reign.

However, in terms of official career, he is a loser.

At his own expense, he spent several years circling the capital, waiting for a big challenge, but failed.

Big pick,

It was a comfort system specially introduced by the Qing government in order to appease the failed students who failed to pass the Jinshi examination.

Only those who have failed the exam three times in a row are eligible.

The Ministry of Personnel will select some people and grant them ninth-grade and eighth-grade remote county official positions.

For example, assistant officials such as chief bookkeepers, edicts, and historians.

Mr. Qian is unlucky.

I couldn't get into the big pick twice because my appearance was too ugly.

The gentlemen of the official department,
He walked around and looked at the faces and sizes of the people.

Anyone who is tall and handsome, with good facial features and official appearance.Just nodded and picked it up.

Those with ugly appearance and three-inch bark will be eliminated with a shake of the head.


Mr. Qian was ugly, obese, and injured many times.

Then I gave up my thoughts and returned to my hometown.

An Xin became a wealthy man and opened a shop to make money.

From time to time, I would curse those bastard officials who judge people by their appearance.
and also,

It is degrading to curse Da Tiao.

The dignified gentlemen stood in a row and relied on their skins to attract people, allowing the officials to choose.

What is the difference between this and a female cousin?
But scolding people is just insulting, and doing things is just doing things.

He married five wives and concubines in the back house of Qian Mansion, and his family background was ordinary.

All beautiful, tall, and very upright.

In order to improve the appearance of the next generation, a century-old plan.

Mr. Qian is desperate in his life, but he hopes that the next generation can make up for his shortcomings.


The Cao Gang has two major factions in Suzhou Prefecture:
One is the New Soviet Gang, whose sphere of influence is southward.

The second is the old Soviet gang, which is the old foundation, slightly more powerful and located in the north.

The old Su Gang, the winter repair place is on the outskirts of Wangting Town.

This year, I gave Master Qian 30 taels of silver as rent.

The 20 acres of wasteland by the river were all used by them to build shacks, repair canals, and dry fishing nets.

On weekdays,
Mr. Qian, the head of the old Su Gang, and Mr. Qian of Wangting Town still have a lot of business dealings.

The superficial view is that you cannot write two words for money in one sentence.

In fact, it's also because of money.

Every time Caobang returned south, he would bring some in-demand goods with him, and then sell them in Master Qian's shop.

The money received was 4 from Caobang and 6 from Master Qian.
This pattern lasted for a long time,
Until a woman broke the friendly relationship between the two families.

In the town, a father and daughter who performed vaudeville came to town.

The old man plays the erhu, there is nothing to say, he is a bad old man.

My daughter is beautiful and dignified.

Mr. Qian just took one look and was tempted.

The names of their future sons have been chosen.

Just call him Qian Chaopan.

Pan in Pan An means more than Pan An and more handsome than Pan An.

The matchmaker came to the house and quickly settled the matter.

Coincidentally, this woman's surname is also Pan and her first name is Saiyun.


Who knows,

Second Master Qian from the old Su Gang actually wanted to interfere.

He didn't know what was going on, but he also fell in love with this woman.

Rumor has it that it was a fortune teller at the dock who instigated it.

It is said that those who are in charge of money are destined to have an official career.

They talked about Ziweixing, Greedy Wolf Star, and Big Dipper, but Mr. Qian didn’t understand them anyway.

He only understood one sentence,
This woman has a noble destiny, and marrying her can change her destiny.

So, it was lively.

Mr. Qian and Mr. Qian would not marry him other than this girl.

From serving drinks to make peace, to making harsh remarks to each other.

Mr. Qian, the local snake and gentry, is of course more advantageous.

He refunded the land rental fee of 30 taels and asked hundreds of people from the old Soviet Union to get out of the house.


The payment for the goods that has not yet been settled is also forfeited.

It's a mental damage fee. After all, you, a poor punter, dare to fall in love with the same woman as me. What's your level?
Mr. Qian is ugly but can be cruel.

At this time, a conflict broke out between the two sides.

The Caobang disciples were stronger and more organized than the servants of the Qian Mansion.

Goods were taken from the store.

Mr. Qian is a gentleman, so of course he cannot suffer this disadvantage.

While delivering the post to the Changzhou County Government, he mobilized the people in the town.

While the men from Cao Gang were sailing to make extra money,
Rushing forward, overwhelmed by numbers.

All the shacks were burned down and the livestock slaughtered.

Two women and children from the Cao gang who were left behind were beaten to death.

The clothes of one of the women who died were still missing.


So, the scene at the beginning happened.

The Caobang disciples, wearing white cloth on their heads and holding sticks and harpoons, entered Wangting Town.

Master Qian,

As soon as I came out of the singing girl's room, it was the time when I was full of courage.

The big ugly face showed a fierce look.

A big wave:
"Hold me up."

At the entrance of the town, thousands of people from both sides faced off with weapons.

Mr. Qian still has some sense left.

Caobang had one foot in the world and one foot in the officialdom, and knew the rules of the Qing court.

If you gather people to fight at will, you won't get any good results from him.

Today, it's best not to start a fight.

It will end well for both parties, and the government will not pursue the matter too much.

He stood in front of the formation,
Holding a long iron-clad staff, he looked like a general.

If only Mr. Qian could understand his painstaking efforts and let Pan Saiyun go.He can forget about it.

However, Mr. Qian, who arrived late,

The opening is:
"What do you want? Rebellion?"

"Mr. Qian, the master said that Miss Pan has an unusual destiny. If I marry him, I will not be able to secure my official fortune in the future. Please help me."

In fact, the people in the Cao Gang,

There is a precedent for getting mixed up with a low-level official in the water transport yamen.



Mr. Qian's words deeply hurt the gentleman Mr. Qian.

Not being an official was a thorn in his side.

Every night late at night, he was bleeding and painful.

So the vicious mode was turned on:

"You, a poor punter, want to be an official?"

"I, the master who sat in court during the Qing Dynasty, had a big face and big ears, a full heaven, a square pavilion, a dignified appearance, and the reincarnation of Wenquxing."

"Sir, I can raise people with dignity, but I don't even dare to be an official."

"Look at you again. You have bare feet, sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, and you are as tanned as a Kunlun slave. Are you worthy of being an official even if you ride on a horse?"

"Water from the Grand Canal got into your brain?"

Mr. Qian is worthy of being a scholar and a sharp eloquent person.

A violent output of words boosted the morale of the people in Wangting Town.

The Caobang disciples were stunned, their eyes spitting fire after being scolded.

Mr. Qian was trembling with anger and pointed:

"You, you, you~"

Mr. Qian, a gentleman, laughed and let out his arrogant anger at the officials.

I just felt so comfortable all over my body and took another stab:

"Pan Saiyun, I just used it."

"She said that it is her blessing to serve a serious gentleman like me. If you give up on this idea, go back and find a piece of tofu and kill yourself."

A long cry of pain and anger,

Mr. Qian's eyes were red and he shouted: "Fuck them to death."

The two sides fought together.


Gentleman Qian, under the protection of his servants,

He retreated to a high place and watched excitedly.

From time to time, he would throw rocks down.

He felt that today was the happiest day in his life.

Even more cheerful than the day I passed the exam.

The oppressive haze in his heart was swept away.

It turns out that humiliating people feels so good.

No wonder good people don’t live long and bad people live for hundreds of years.

If you are a bad person and make others feel miserable, you will be in a good mood, not depressed, live energetically, and naturally live a long life.

Seeing the pain of others doubles your happiness.

After figuring this out, Mr. Qian felt like he was ten years younger instantly.
shouted happily:

"Hit, hit hard."

"The officers and soldiers will be here in a moment, and they will punish these poor people like Cao Gang to death."

"Go up to the house, uncover the tiles, and smash them."

"I will pay for all losses, including the cost of soup and medicine."

So, with the assistance of long-range strikes.

The Caobang disciples, who originally had the upper hand, retreated to their original front.

far away,
There was the sound of gongs and flags.

The officers and soldiers arrived.

Huang Wenyun's face was ashen, and behind him was Hu Guerrilla, who was guarding the city.

The city guard camp dispatched 300 people to prepare for suppression.

"Sir, what should I do?"

"Fire the gun and sound the gong."

Master Qian, surrounded by his servants, was the first to come.

After all, he is considered half an official and knows the rules.

As soon as they met, they bowed their hands and saluted:
"Wansheng has seen Fu Zun Qingtian. I have restrained the townspeople not to act rashly. Everything must be obeyed by Fu Zun."

"Okay, retreat quickly and put down the stick."

"You will be born late as you are told."


Huang Wenyun stared at Caobang fiercely.

Hu Youyi waved his hand,

The green soldiers from the city guard camp immediately surrounded them, steel knives in hand.

"Kneel down."

The Green Camp soldiers shouted in unison: "Kneel down."

Mr. Qian wanted to explain, but he was stopped by the boss and slapped twice.

"I asked you to kneel down, are you deaf?"

Facing the fierce officers and soldiers, he relented.

The Caobang all threw down their weapons and knelt down on the spot.

Huang Wenyun looked around viciously:
"The Cao gang came ashore with weapons and besieged the townspeople. What did they want?"

"Catch him and put him in jail."

Second Master Qian and several hall masters were tied up by officers and soldiers.

The others just wanted to stop them,
They were immediately hacked by the soldiers from the city guard camp. Immediately, several men from the Cao Gang were stabbed and fell to the ground wailing.

However, the sword is still measured.

No poking, no stabbing.

Instead, it avoided the vital point, and the wound was shallow but long.

It's scary to look at the dripping blood, but in reality it won't kill anyone.

Just go to the doctor in time and apply medicine to stop the bleeding.

After all, the city guard camp is a local green camp, not a guest soldier.

In this kind of thing, there are numbers.

It is necessary to calm down the incident, show ferocity and satisfy the superior.You can't go too far and get scolded behind your back.

Green Camp, it’s difficult.

Every sword is a piece of knowledge.


Huang Wenyun nodded with satisfaction:
"The city guarding camp has strict prohibitions, and Hu's guerrilla training is good."

"Thank you for your appreciation, sir."

As everyone knows, this is exactly what Li Yu expected.

Hu Youyi had known for a long time that Li Yu wanted to get involved with the Caogang.

He would not miss such a God-given opportunity.

Just in time, give it a hard squeeze.

The Cao Gang was leaderless and retreated to the ship.

Next, what they should do is find a way to raise money.

And Wangting Town will also have to bleed.

Mr. Qian, a gentleman, had already prepared a flowing table.

Reward the officers and soldiers who guarded the city for their hard work in fighting the chaos.

In his own house, two more tables were opened.

Entertain Huang Magistrate, Hu Guerrilla, and accompany the town's prominent figures.

There are also two boxes of souvenirs.

The big one went to the prefect, the small one went to the guerrillas.

Huang Wenyun smiled slightly:
"It's not an example."

"Lansheng understands."

A lawsuit ended in the failure of the Cao Gang.

Huang Wenyun had good reasons for favoring Wangting Town.

Mr. Qian is a gentleman and one of his own.

Wangting Town is the local people, its own people.

The Caogang is a Jianghu organization, immigrants from outside, and they come to provoke people.

Afterwards, Mr. Qian actively supported himself and understood the rules.

In love and law,

Everyone should hit Caobang hard.


Mr. Qian won the victory, and his reputation in Wangting Town also increased greatly.

Taking advantage of the situation, he married Pan Saiyun as his fifth concubine.

He originally wanted to find the master who told Mr. Qian's fortune and ask carefully whether the woman's husband was real or fake.

did not expect,
The master who claimed to be blind rolled up his flag overnight and ran away.

He was afraid of being held accountable by the government for causing such big trouble.

The truth is,
He took 1 tael of silver from Pan Saiyun and said that on purpose.

Father Pan said that it was so that his daughter could marry into a good family.

Create gimmicks.

Mr. Qian himself also had some knowledge of the Eight Trigrams of the Book of Changes, and he had a wonderful physiognomy.

After looking at it for a while, I felt that Pan Saiyun was probably the real Mingge Wangfu.

From then on, I was favored more and more. This is a story for later.

Little did he know that Pan Saiyun's true identity was a saint under the White Lotus Sect.

One of the human bombs trained by Master Hong himself.

As for whether to marry the second master Qian of Caobang or the gentleman Qian of Wangting.

She doesn't care.

Anyway, the ultimate goal is to lay out and control the chess pieces.

Can you say, between two dollars, who is more noble?

She is committed here for two purposes.

First, with the help of Mr. Qian’s fame and power, he will serve as a frontline for the White Lotus Sect to rebuild the Suzhou branch.

The second is to test Li Yu's quality.

"Dad, if you have time, go and inquire about Mr. Li. Find a suitable time to approach him, and don't be too deliberate."

"I know."

Leader Hong finally took a keen interest in Li Yu.

Because the saint he valued most was lost in Qingfeng Village.

Before that,
She has already passed the news back to the main forum about Li Yu's involvement in the firearms business.

Leader Hong also sent people to inquire about the cause of death.
The discovery of the relationship between Li Yu and Wei Jun was most likely the result of instigation from behind.


The leaders of the White Lotus Sect proposed to assassinate Li Yu.

However, Master Hong has a broad heart, so he thought it would be better to contact him first to test it out.

It is his consistent approach to win over all the forces that can be won over.


He was surprised to find that this person's sister-in-law was actually the backbone of our religion.

And it is said that the relationship is not simple.

It can be inferred,

There is a high probability that this person will not be a hawk of the imperial court, but a potential powerful person who is dissatisfied with the imperial court.

As long as Li Yu is willing to sell firearms, he is a good friend.

If you are willing to join the White Lotus Sect and contribute firearms technology,
He could even hand over the helm of Suzhou Prefecture and even Jiangnan to Li Yu and grant him the title of Thousand Years Old.

Moreover, a group of untainted saints were also given away.

So to speak,

Master Hong is a very generous person, and he never hesitates to promise official appointments to his subordinates.

There is reason to suspect that he has carefully considered the history of the Chu-Han struggle for hegemony and learned from Liu Bang's successful experience.


(End of this chapter)

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