Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 135 Qianlong: No one understands the Qing Dynasty better than me

Chapter 135 Qianlong: No one understands the Qing Dynasty better than me

Mr. Qian, who was supposed to join the Cao Gang, was unlucky and hit the muzzle of a gun.

Suzhou Prefecture's 180-day campaign to purge anti-Qing and anti-Manchu elements is in full swing.

Huang Wenyun was worried that he could not catch a typical example.

People in the old Soviet gang soon felt the malice from the government.

The money that came to my door was rejected.

Visits in prison were also refused.

Wangting patrolled, and even led people to conduct regular patrols near the berth of Caobang ships.


It's like a wolf looking at a sheep with ill intentions.

The news spread quickly,

The head of the Cao Gang and the old Soviet Gang, Qian Erye, was designated as the leader of the anti-Qing criminal group.

There are so many crimes,

Including withholding grain from the canal and passing it off as good quality,
He secretly stockpiled weapons, incited rebellion, openly besieged the gentry, and lost 15 lives (since the Qing Dynasty entered the customs, all the backlogged cases in Wangting Town have been blamed on him)
They were surrounded and suppressed by the wise magistrate Huang, and they were all captured in one fell swoop.

The 12 principal offenders were sentenced to death.

There were hundreds of accomplices, and they were deceived. They were punished with 40 sticks and let things be past.

The governor's office of water transportation sent an official document.
I have expressed concern about this matter, and the central point is: will next year's water transportation in Suzhou be affected by this?

The chief envoy Zhu Gui, the prefect Huang Wenyun,
The joint guarantee will not have any impact.


Because, the Cao Gang has two major factions in Suzhou Prefecture.

The old Soviet Union has fallen, but the new Soviet Union is still there.

As for the Xinsu Gang, they were half happy and half scared at this time.


From then on, the family became the only one in Suzhou Prefecture.

The fear is,

In the eyes of the government, the dignified Cao Gang is worse than a dog.

If you say kill, kill.

Just for offending the local gentry, they were uprooted.

Tan Muguang is the head of the Xinsu Gang,

Received a letter inviting him to a gathering in Dongshan.

Li Yu, prepare for a showdown.

Those who follow me will prosper and those who go against me will perish. The New Soviet Gang must accept its own reorganization.


Tan Muguang is the second Mr. Qian.


Tan Muguang was sitting in a small boat,
He took only one follower and quietly arrived at Dongshan.

on the pier,
Someone led him to a mountainside pavilion.

Li Yu, wearing a robe, drinking tea and watching the scenery,

Been waiting for a long time.

"Master Li, please excuse me. Mu Guang is scared."

"Sit down, let's serve the food and wine."

4 exquisite side dishes and 1 bottle of wine.

The pavilion has a wide view, and below is the Dongshan Group Training Camp.

"Master Tan, would you like to comment?"

"I'm just a rough guy, I don't dare to make random comments."

"It doesn't matter, just say whatever you want."

"Strict discipline, even though it is a group training, it is better than ordinary Green Camp soldiers."

"They only listen to my orders, Mr. Li."

The breeze blows, and the aroma of wine and food wafts out.

However, Tan Muguang felt a mountain of pressure.

He took a sneak peek and said,
Around the pavilion, the guards holding the hilts of their swords looked like sculptures.

"Master Li, you summoned me here because of the Cao Gang's involvement in the case?"


"I, the Xinsu Gang, are loyal and loyal and will never dare to cross the border even half a step."

Li Yu waved his hand:

"Whether you are loyal or not is up to you."

The silence is disconcerting.

"Master Tan, please tell me the truth, I, Mr. Li, have a good opinion of you."

"Let me tell you clearly, I want to do the grain business."

"Xinsu Gang, if you can be of use to me, your life will be twice as easy as it is now. There will be no official officials to cause trouble for you anymore."

Tan Muguang put down his chopsticks and said seriously:

"I have someone who is willing to give in."

"No, you should still take this position. The Suzhou Cao Gang will belong to you from now on."



Li Yu raised his glass, touched it with him, and asked again:
"do you hate me?"

"Don't hate."


"Because in this world, the big fish eat the small fish, the small fish eat the shrimps, and the shrimps eat aquatic plants. Having a backer makes you feel at ease."

What Tan Muguang said was very realistic and reasonable.

"I appreciate your honesty. If you follow me, I won't treat you badly. If you have any difficulties, just ask."

"Can you help me get someone?"


"The son of an old benefactor was involved in a lawsuit and was imprisoned in the Wuxian County Government Prison."

Li Yu smiled:

"It's a small matter. He can come out tonight."

Tan Muguang was a little surprised and reminded carefully:

"What he committed was a human life lawsuit."

Li Xiaowu next to him couldn't help but said:
"Don't you know, Mr. Tan? My adoptive father can take half the responsibility for the affairs of Suzhou Mansion."

"I will send a fast horse to Wu County to fish for people."

Tan Muguang was shocked,
After a while, he stood up, asked for a knife, and cut open his palm.

Blood dripped into the wine glass, he knelt down and raised the glass and said:

"Master Li, I am a rough man and I believe in loyalty all my life. Can you give me some face?"

Li Yu nodded,
He took Xiao Wu's dagger and rinsed it carefully with wine.
Just opened the mouth and said:

"I'll give you this face."

"From now on, justice comes first and we will never betray."


"After you return, convey your message to all the Caobang disciples. Your thoughts must be unified so that your actions can be efficient. I will allocate food and money."

"I obey."

Tan Muguang knelt down on one knee and left.

He understood what Li Yu meant,
If there are too many internal differences, it will need to be cleaned up.

If he doesn't do it, Li Yu will do it himself.

it won't be long,
Within the Caogang, sailors from the Li Navy will be placed.

Navy commander Liu Wu had already made preparations.

After the integration is complete,

We may even consider replacing the watercraft with newer and more advanced ones.

Next year, we will ensure the safety of delivering grain to Tongzhou.

For the Qing Dynasty, I really worry about it.

Similarly, Huang Wenyun also wielded the sickle fiercely for the sake of the Qing Dynasty.

The subordinate officials who were responsible for ransacking their homes were cut off again.

They even directly mobilized the city guards to arrest people and ransack their homes.

In one breath, more than 20 people were imprisoned, and more than 30 people were ordered to make up the gap within a time limit.

Li Yu had known about this for a long time.
But he didn't interfere because he didn't want to create too many enemies.

Subordinate officials often come from the same family, and have done the same job for generations.

Once your home is confiscated, the harvest will be astonishing.

Huang Wenyun was frightened.

A mere bullshit subordinate could be so rich?
The silver in the cellar even became moldy.

The least one family took more than 2 taels.

"Shuo Shu, shocking."


Huang Wenyun, after discussing with Zhu Gui,

I feel that I cannot report it truthfully, otherwise it will easily cause unnecessary trouble.

Another way of saying this is to use half of the dirty money to clean up the backlog of tax arrears over the years.


He ordered people to melt the silver, cast it into official ingots, and send them to the capital.

This move,

He received verbal praise from Qianlong, and Heshen, the Minister of Revenue, also appreciated it.

On this point, the emperor and his ministers are unanimous.

All local officials who can get money without causing civil unrest are loyal ministers.

The Ministry of Punishment also received a report from Suzhou Prefecture.

And it was presented to the emperor for review. No surprise, the review was good.

"Although the world is at peace now, the country is peaceful and the people are safe, but the Qing Dynasty is too big, and there will always be some dissatisfied people who make trouble."

"I think the Suzhou government has done a good job. It has purged a group of people of unclear quality, and the people who will be replaced will always be more loyal."

"Two-thirds of the money gained from ransacking homes should be returned to the household department, and one-third should be kept in the local area. Huang Wenyun is a man who dares to take on tasks."

A censor surnamed Hu habitually said:
"Your Majesty, I feel that Magistrate Huang's move is inappropriate."

"It should all be turned over to the Ministry of Household Affairs, to be public-spirited. If one-third is left, I'm afraid it's too selfish."

However, Qianlong was dissatisfied:

"Building bridges, roads, and water conservancy projects are all good things that benefit the country and the people. Where is the selfishness?"

Seeing that he missed a single hit, Hu Yushi quickly retreated strategically:

"I made a mistake. Frankly speaking, building bridges and repairing roads creates convenience for the people. This is also a public spirit."


Qianlong took a look at this ugly censor who looked like a Shar-Pei dog.

I murmured in my heart, this person's ability to adapt to the wind is really first-rate.

Then he said:
"When the time is right, I will also patrol the south. Huang Wenyun is preparing in advance to repair the Grand Canal. When the time comes, he will be in a hurry and the quality of the projects will be worrying." Hu Yushi rolled his eyes and said quickly :
"Prefect Huang is a mature man who seeks for the country. He is truly a role model for our generation."

He Shen said more:
"It is mentioned in the booklet that all the young men who participated were paid 20 cents per day. The people praised the emperor for his kindness and looked forward to the emperor's early southern tour."

Hu Yushi became more energetic again:
"I feel that the payment of wages by the Suzhou government is inappropriate. The common people should feel honored to contribute to the emperor. How can we give money easily?"

"Hu Yushi, you must be exaggerating." He Shen said with a smile.

"My lord, if you work for the emperor this year, you will need copper coins. Next year, will you need silver coins? And the year after that, will you have to wear the crown?"

Obviously, this sharpei-looking Hu Yushi is a villain.

And He Shen also realized this.

Therefore, he is digging a hole deliberately.

Sure enough, Qianlong was dissatisfied:
"The book said that local laborers were not recruited, but refugees, beggars, and trackers were recruited to find a job for them in the winter and work was used as relief."

Hu Yushi was embarrassed for a while, but he was thick-skinned.
Following the emperor's thoughts, he preached again:

"Your Majesty is considerate of me. I feel that the weather is freezing and the soil is hard. I'm afraid I should remind Magistrate Huang to prepare more ginger soup and medicine. I believe these people are grateful for the Emperor's kindness."


Yu Minzhong opened his old eyes,

I thought silently in my heart, clown, you are finished.

Is it so easy for you to be a courtier? You can sneak around the Forbidden City just by being shameless and flattering?
In states and counties, that may be enough.

But this is the hub.

Sure enough, Qianlong suddenly stood up and asked unhappily:

"It's a bunch of hard-working people. Isn't it enough to give them money to work and make a living? They will freeze to death from illness, death from exhaustion, that's what they are meant to do. What, should I send the Tai Hospital there?"

He Shen couldn't help it and laughed.

Hu Yushi looked around blankly and began to speak indiscriminately.

What do you believe~possible~, objectively speaking~but at the same time~
He Shen hid aside and watched the excitement playfully.

Yu Minzhong sighed and shook his head.

Qianlong roared:
"Okay, shut up. Get out of here."

"Even if you want to please me, you have to think through your words, right? You're going forward and backward, left and right, jumping back and forth. I can't even understand where you are standing."

The embarrassed Hu Yushi left the Forbidden City.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, he put his hands behind his waist.

Cleared his throat, raised his head, took small square steps,
Went to a bookstore.

The scholar who was selecting books saw an official coming in and immediately saluted.

"As the censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, I need to give you some advice. As scholars, you should clearly understand~"

until sunset,

Hu Yushi left with satisfaction.
A few scholars were left behind, their heads were buzzing and they couldn't tell the direction when they walked.

Feeling nauseous and feeling like vomiting.

Got poisoned.


Forbidden City,
A place where princes study.

Qianlong was leisurely walking, and he happened to come here.

The young prince Yong Yan, the fifteenth son of the emperor, just finished his studies and walked out of the house.

"My son pays homage to Huang Ama."

"Come with me for a walk to the Royal Garden."

The eunuch guards immediately distanced themselves knowingly.

When the emperor and his son are chatting, it is best for others to stay away.

There is a rumor in Beijing that the fifteenth elder brother is the most likely to inherit the treasure, and it seems to be true.

"Yongyan, what have you read in 24 Histories?"

"My son has just read the history of the Song Dynasty, the history of the Han Dynasty, and the history of the Yuan Dynasty."

Qianlong nodded and said:
"You must read more history books."

"My son is stupid, please give me a warning."

Yong Yan was famous for his submissiveness, which was what Qianlong admired most.


Qianlong thought for a moment,

I simply took out the excerpt from Huang Wenyun of Suzhou Prefecture:

"tell me your opinion?"

"My son feels that Mr. Huang is loyal to the court, that is~"

"What is it?"

"Is it a little harsh? It hurts people's hearts."

Qianlong glanced at the eunuch guards who were hiding far away.

Pointing to the pavilion in front:
"Go, go in and talk."

The two of them sat on the stone bench, and Qianlong took a look at this son who was quite pleasing to his eyes.

Lecture mode turned on:

"We, the Qing Dynasty, ruled hundreds of millions of Han people with millions of nationalities, but we were able to stabilize our country. What did we rely on?"

"The Eight Banners, the horse, the scimitar, and the emperor's kindness."

"Hehehe, these are all what the master taught you. I'm telling you today, they are none of them."

Qianlong gradually became serious:
"It relies on profit distribution. We, the Qing Dynasty, have never blocked the upward mobility of Han people and won over the loyalty of these people."

"The so-called people's heart is by no means the loyalty of ordinary people. It is the heart of the gentry, the hearts of scholars, and the hearts of smart people."

"The road to advancement in the imperial examination must not be blocked. On the contrary, it must be as smooth as possible. With hope, they will study hard for decades, be enlightened, and be obedient and calm."

"Below the governor, the proportion of Han officials is the largest. Imperial power does not go to the countryside. We, the Qing Dynasty, never interfere in rural affairs and leave everything to the gentry."

"How can they not be loyal to me, the Qing Dynasty, if they are so generous?"


Yongyan was dumbfounded, beads of sweat dripping from his forehead.

This was the first time he heard such a straightforward and rebellious "analysis".

If Huang Ama hadn't said it himself, he would have jumped up and cursed wildly.

"In the history books, everything is said, but it seems that nothing is said. It's all up to you to understand."

"Royal families, clans, noble families, they are often the most loyal and reliable ones who live together with the country."

"As for the local powerful and powerful families, their loyalty is conditional."

"The change of dynasty does not have much impact on them. Therefore, they don't care who sits on the throne, they only care about who gives them the greatest benefit."

"My son understands."

"You do not understand."

Qianlong waved his hand, signaling his son not to rush to defend himself.

"I want to tell you a truth. It only depends on the position, not the people's hearts, nor the loyalties. What I, the Qing Dynasty, give them, other dynasties cannot give. Therefore, they must and can only stand on the side of the court."

Yongyan is like thunder hitting the top of the head,
Stand up, kneel down, and kowtow.


"Huang Ama's wisdom is rare in the world. The Siris envoy is right, you are the saint."


Qianlong signaled him to get up,
"After listening to what I said, what do you think when you read Huang Wenyun's excerpt?"

"The emperor is wise. The Qing Dynasty has been at peace for a long time, and all the yamen are overcrowded. This is to clear the way for future generations and make room for them to make progress."

"Well, Yongyan, you have grown up."

Encouraged and excited, Yongyan, the fifteenth son of the emperor, boldly said:

"It is easy to cause dissatisfaction by attacking Han gentry at will. Therefore, Huang Wenyun found charges for them all. Others have nothing to say."

"Yes, I just wanted to see if anyone in Jiangnan would come out to complain."

This "imperial mind" chat,

It lasted for half an hour, and both parties were very satisfied.

Qianlong also knew that he needed to consider his successor.

Yongyan also felt a faint sense of importance.

After Qianlong left,
Suddenly a funny thought came to my mind,

King Seris, which book does he rule by?

If it were the Analects of Confucius, it would be too commonplace.

If it were the "Book of Changes", it would be a bit interesting.


3000 miles away, Li Yu sneezed.

He was looking through the books that he had cheated from the library of the Ministry of Rites in Beijing.

One of the long scrolls,
"The Nautical Map of Zhejiang Province" aroused his strong interest.

Dinghai County, also known as Zhoushan Islands, has the most intensive coastal defense force of the Qing Dynasty.

Haijiang Portal,

Once opened, you can attack Hangzhou.


The edge of the map is Jinshan County, Songjiang Prefecture.

This gave him some inspiration,
The time has come to acquire a piece of land along the coast.

Convenient for smuggling and contact with overseas countries.

Every time I take the Yangtze River Estuary and get through by chance, it’s too dangerous.

If I could control a piece of land in Jinshan County, Songjiang Prefecture, and support an agent.

Things went much smoother.

Lai Er’s smuggling in Chaozhou Prefecture,
As well as British businessmen who may come into contact in the future, as well as Smith, they can all unload goods in Jinshan County.

From Jinshan County to Taihu Lake, you can take waterways and rivers.

The distance is not far, only 200 miles.

The radiation range belonging to one's own power is not dangerous.

However, there is currently a lack of a suitable plug-in opportunity.

After all, Songjiang Prefecture is not Suzhou Prefecture, and the amount of "Li" is not high.

By the way, during the Songhu Anti-Japanese War,
10 heads with sanitary beards, thieves who were fastidious in their little days, landed from Jinshanwei.

Therefore, in this time and space, large sea ships are absolutely qualified to berth at Jinshan.

Li Yu is determined to win!



Most of his energy was devoted to winter construction.

More than 2 coolies, working for 20 cents a day, were concentrated on the west side of Fucheng and along the canal.

The project is huge,

2000 mules and horses, 3000 carts, and all Dongshan regiment training personnel were dispatched to maintain order.

The amount of bricks and stones used is even greater.

Li Yu simply asked people to temporarily build five brick kilns on the construction site and fire them on site.

People from Lijiapu,
Taking this opportunity, the Suzhou section of the Grand Canal was carefully explored.

Thoroughly dredge the areas where the water is shallow and blocked.

The beautiful name is, for the emperor's royal boat to be unimpeded.

In fact, it is to clear the last obstacle for the large warships that our country is preparing to build to enter the Yangtze River.

(End of this chapter)

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