Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 136 You laugh at me for not knowing how to put out fires, and I laugh at you for not knowing

Chapter 136 You laugh at me for not knowing how to put out fires, and I laugh at you for not knowing about the Qing Dynasty.

Xishan Shipyard,

We are preparing to build a sharp-bottomed warship that can adapt to the wind and waves of the Yangtze River and offshore waters.

This time, a modified hard sail was used.

32 gunboats.

Wood and iron fasteners.

No experience, just boldness.


It is designed according to the standards of sailing on the Grand Canal without scraping the bottom or running aground.

The shallowest point is no less than 7 meters, which is the data reported by Li Yu to the government.

Huang Wenyun and Zhu Gui both expressed satisfaction.
If the water depth can be reached after dredging, the royal boat provided to the emperor can be larger and more luxurious.

When the time comes, it will be Jane in the emperor's heart again.

"Aren, any coolie with a certain skill can be recruited to us after the project is completed after we understand the situation."

"no problem."

This means that the rich water does not flow to other people's fields, and no opportunity for harvesting wool is missed.

Xujiang Park,

Those conceptual areas are also being built bit by bit.

The gentry finally couldn't laugh anymore. Mr. Li's park was just a picture on paper.

the entire foundation,

The overall height was even raised by half a foot, and the earthwork spent was excavated nearby.

It is a typical case of beggar-thy-neighbour.

The surrounding area has been dug down a lot.

However, Li Daguan did too many immoral things.

Therefore, the people of Fucheng were not surprised.


With the concept of Xujiang Park, it has been implemented from paper to the ground.

Li Yu began to bring up old matters again and invited various businessmen from Fucheng to settle in.

In general,

It is mainly based on handicraft workshops and supplemented by commerce.

Workshop area, such as carpentry, weaving, embroidery, paper making, jewelry making, wine making, rice pounding, ready-made clothing, ironware, shipbuilding, printing~
Commercial area, such as silk, cloth, tea, farm tools, dry goods from the north and the south.

Let's put it this way, Li Yu welcomes even those who make coffins.

Many businessmen settled in after careful consideration.

At least I opened a branch here as a favor.

The gentry and merchants have all heard about how Mr. Li started his business.

Be more thorough,
Businessmen are either exploited by the government or exploited by powerful men.

Which one to choose?Volunteer!

Obviously, Li Yu’s option is okay.

At least in terms of loyalty, there aren't many negative rumors.

The merchants who moved in opened their doors for business soon.

The house is ready-made and the facilities are also ready-made.

The park provides cheap coal and convenient water sources.

The streets are all straight and wide.

According to knowledgeable people, this is the Western Zhou Dynasty well field imitated.

The gutters on both sides of the street are the freshest.

Even the hut,

We have considered the layout, which is usually one per street.

Sprinkle quicklime regularly to disinfect and prevent bacteria.


The park’s fence has not yet been completed.

Therefore, safety at night depends on patrolling guards and watchmen.

What the businessmen are most satisfied with are the three wooden watchtowers.

It not only prevents fire alarms, but also prevents thieves.

In terms of safety, you can rest assured.

Generally, bad people will not come to the park to cause trouble.

After all, Li Yu is the biggest villain in this house.

Fan Jing is here,

He handed over a list:
"Sir, these people have a wait-and-see attitude. They are perfunctory, procrastinating, and unwilling to join the park."

Li Yu flipped through it casually.
Many of them are well-known businessmen and gentry in this province.

"Your wife's natal family has also moved in?"

"Yes, I opened a restaurant, a woodwork workshop, a printing workshop, and a silk and satin shop."

"Go, let me go and have a look."

Fan's Printing Workshop,

The shopkeeper of the workshop hurriedly came over to greet him.

"Hello, uncle, hello, Mr. Li. Please serve tea quickly."

Li Yu walked in front and looked at the situation in the workshop.

A dozen apprentices and four masters are busy.

The smell of ink is very refreshing.


The shopkeeper said quickly:

"The old man said, we have to bring glory to my uncle's face, and we can't delay it."

"Go back and tell Mr. Fan to come and have tea with me when you have time."


Before leaving,
Li Yu took away a freshly printed popular novel.

It tells the story of a poor scholar who is rushing to take the exam and meets a fox fairy.
This kind of vulgar but refreshing plot is always popular.

There are even some crude illustrations, which are quite interesting.

The price is 600 yuan.

I can buy two simplified editions of "Mencius".

Li Yu didn't lament that people's hearts were not as old as they used to be, and the world was in decline.

But discover,

This is an excellent way to promote your business.

Used well, it can be worth 3000 flintlock muskets.


"Master, do you want to strengthen our industry?"


Fan Jing nodded, thoughtfully.

Lijiabao's industrial strength is limited, and it has always spent its human and financial resources wisely.

Concentrated in a few industries such as iron smelting, coal mining, gun manufacturing, and shipbuilding.

With the park,

If you need certain goods, you can purchase them nearby and place an order.

If you need a certain technology, you can learn to imitate it, or even pay for the entire shop directly.

As soon as the war begins, it can be announced that the park's surname is Li.

The people and the workshop all belong to me.

Li Jiajun's handicraft workshop suddenly surged in strength and was far ahead.

This routine seems quite familiar.

Anyway, this is Li Yu's plan, and not many people can see through it.

Fan Jing followed carefully,

He is no longer as free and easy as he was when he first joined the team.
He unconsciously took on the role of a subordinate and was a little cautious in his words and deeds.

Speaking of,
Within the entire Li Group, only Du Ren and Yang Yunjiao were relatively free and easy.

the rest,
They have all found their own positions and will never dare to talk and laugh in front of Li Yu like before.


"Old Fan, sit down."

"Let me tell you something. You were on duty in Wu County, and you were not asked to attend some meetings."

"Master, I listen." Fan Jing said, taking the initiative to offer jealousy to Li Yu.

In the noodle shop,
The shopkeeper and the waiters were all kicked out.

There were only four guards standing at the door, standing solemnly in the snow.

In this kind of weather, eating a bowl of hot noodles is the most comfortable thing.

Li Yu picked up vinegar and soaked shredded ginger.

Mixed in the noodles, Hulala ate a chopstick, put it down and said:
"Gentlemen and businessmen are just outsiders. They are not really loyal to any dynasty. They are only loyal to power. They will be loyal to whoever can give them benefits and who can control their life and death."

"My subordinate understands."

"So we can't expect that when we meet the Qing soldiers, they will help us or choose to be neutral."

Fan Jing put down his chopsticks, his eyes sad.

Li Yuze continued:
"No matter how good our relationship was before this, when the time comes to make a choice, they will immediately abandon us and provide the Qing court with wages, food, and intelligence."

"What do you mean, kill them all?"

"No, no. Killing is not the purpose, and I am not a murderer."

Fan Jing was confused, so Li Yu continued to explain:

"I don't expect the loyalty of the gentry and merchants, but I can bind them deeply. At that time, if they rebel, I can justifiably swallow up their property. Moreover, it also pricked a thorn in Qianlong's heart and pulled them out one by one. An indelible thorn in the side of paranoia. They will never be able to escape the suspicion of collaborating with the enemy."

Fan Jing's eyes lit up, and it was obvious that he understood.

"So, next you have to encourage and assist Li Zhixian to cleanse the gentry and merchants who have not yet come to my side."

"Subordinates obey."

"I want everyone to understand one thing. If you don't accept my asylum, you will have to bear the government's scythe. There is no middle way."

After all,

Li Yu picked up the chopsticks and spread the noodles in the bowl.

Eat noodles.


Yuanhe County and Wu County both provided cooperation.

Three squads of government officials went around arresting people.

A cloud of terror shrouded Suzhou Mansion.

The gentry and common people are all in danger, fearing to be regarded as so-called anti-Qing and anti-Manchu elements.


It grows crazily in people's hearts, turning from seeds into weeds.

Many people felt resentment towards the imperial court for the first time.

Li Yu released another piece of news.

Publicly peddling a magical thing, promissory notes.

By investing 20 taels, you can ensure the safety of 1000 taels of property.

If you encounter bandits or catch a fire,

Compensation can be calculated as 50 times.

If nothing happens, the money will be refunded in full after one year.

of course,

You can also not withdraw it, roll it over to the next year, and continue to take effect.

Obviously, this thing has nothing to do with ordinary people and does not prey on the poor.

The threshold is slightly higher,

It is aimed at people with some wealth.

The sales point stamped with Li Yu's personal seal is located in the coal cake shop.


To heighten the atmosphere, Fucheng was on fire.

late at night,

Thick smoke suddenly billowed out of Pingjiang Road, and flames jumped onto the roof.

The fire lookout post 1 mile away from here discovered it.

After sounding the gong 10 times,

The fireworks sticks were lit again and exploded in the night.

After a while, the Pingjiang fire brigade arrived.

A dozen men drove three mule carts.

Among them, the trump card weapon is a pressure water dragon.

Just start spraying at the burning house.

The others put on leather clothes and covered their mouths and noses.After watering, rush into the mansion.

The fire is a bit big,
It has spread to the house next door, and people are shouting for help and putting out the fire everywhere.

The second fire brigade arrived,

"Strong man, put out the fire quickly." A gentleman who was helped out by a servant danced happily, "I bought three of your promissory notes that guarantee compensation."

Upon hearing this, the fire brigade rushed to his mansion instantly.

More than a dozen men were holding buckets and splashing wildly.

At this time, the third fire brigade arrived.

With sufficient manpower, a relay firefighting effort began.

To the west of Pingjiang Road is a small river.

A man from the fire brigade stood in the water. After the bucket was filled, he handed it to the next person.

Then, a quick relay.

Until the bucket of water was poured onto the fire point.


Two families are currently on fire. The one on the left is surnamed Li. He is a gentry and bought a promissory note.

The one on the right is a silk merchant named Zhang.

The fire brigade captain asked:
"Mr. Zhang, have you purchased a promissory note?"

"This, this, can I buy it now?"

The fire captain smiled and said,
A big wave:
"Brothers, do your best to protect Mr. Li's family."

As a result, most of the men who were fighting the fire at Zhang's house ran away.

The remaining few began to catch fish visibly to the naked eye.

Slow motion, splash the water out.

In slow motion again, go fill up the water.

Mr. Zhang looked at the house that was getting more and more prosperous, and he felt so anxious that he fainted.

Awakened by the noise, more and more people came out to watch the excitement.

However, they are more than sorry.

But excitement, the excitement of watching a play, pointing and pointing, how lively it is.

There were also some people rushing over in a mess, carrying buckets, basins, and gongs.

He shouted: "Fight the fire, let's put out the fire."

The captain sneered,
Looking at the rogue who was rushing to the front, his smiling teeth reflecting,

Shout out:
"Back off."

The fire brigade detached some people, pulled out the shining steel knives from the car, and stood on a high place.

You laugh at me for not knowing how to put out fires,
I laugh at you for not understanding the Qing Dynasty.

The fire brigade pulled up a fragile line at the scene, a red cloth strip dangling.

"Anyone who crosses the line and robs will be killed according to Qing law."

This is very consistent with the Qing Dynasty.

The moon was dark and the wind was high, and a lot of people were shouting to put out the fire.

As a result, everyone took advantage of the situation and got something valuable.

No one knows whether the idiom "taking advantage of the fire" came from this way.



And Li Shishen,

But his face was red and he was running back and forth:

"Brothers from the fire brigade, you did a good job of saving my house. I'm treating you to lunch tomorrow. You can go to the restaurant on Pingjiang Road and eat whatever you want."

"Suzhou Fire Brigade is the best in the Qing Dynasty."

The captain smiled slightly,
Signing for the killer move, a huge thing that looked like a gun carriage rumbled onto the scene.

Facing the middle of the two houses, where the fire is most intense.

Boom, the cannon is fired.

However, all that was sprayed out was sand.

The barrel was stuffed with wet sandbags.

In one fell swoop, half of the flame was knocked down.

Then, people pressed the water hose and poured water in another circle.

The men rushed forward with tools and extinguished the scattered flames.

Li Shishen's family is safe and sound.

The damage was very small, just the fence and a few utility rooms.

After controlling the fire and visually observing that Zhang Shangjia’s house was burning to the end,
The captain loudly ordered:

"Fight the fire."

The scene was filled with the sound of gongs, and the men rushed in shouting.

It's still the artillery trucks that open the way,
He used air waves and wet sand to blast away the already numb screen wall.

After half an hour,
The fire is extinguished and the sparks are doused with water.


too much movement,

The next day, the whole city knew about it.

Fire breaks out on Pingjiang Road, firefighting team shows off its might.


The promissory notes were selling like hotcakes, and they were sold out before noon.

Xujiang Park,

Fan's Printing Workshop urgently printed an additional 3000 sheets.

The guy who stamped it pulled out the afterimage quickly.

On the second day, Li Yu's jade personal seal was overwhelmed and cracked.

"Master, plan the strategy. Zhuge will never be as good as you in his next life."

"No, no, if Zhuge is reincarnated, he will laugh at my lack of resourcefulness. However, I will laugh at him for being overworked and short-lived."

Li Yu is in a good mood,

The fire last night was well burned and saved.

It has educated the masses and raised their awareness, and the effect is very effective.

Anyone who has some wealth,
Who wouldn't send a house slave to buy a few promissory notes today?

20 taels a piece, not expensive!

It’s about the same as the average person’s food expenses for a year.

For those gentry, merchants, and subordinate officials' families, 20 taels is nothing.

In a coal cake shop on Daoqian Street, the shopkeeper stood on the counter.
shouted at the top of his lungs:

"Get in line, don't crowd."

"Promissory notes stamped with Mr. Li's private seal are open for supply."

"Two copies, with real names."

"Everyone, please voluntarily buy it voluntarily. Do what you can and don't be impulsive."

A house slave finally arrived,

He took out two ingots of silver and threw them into the basket:

"Master Duan of Loumen, one piece."

Mr. Accountant, take out two bills,
The buyer's name is written on them.

The man immediately took it aside and baked it over the fire until it was dry.

"Look, it's true. This is called the Qi Seizhan."

"Ride what?"

The clerk puts the two tickets together to form a complete seal, which is anti-counterfeiting.


"Oh, you're so particular."

"That is, Weigtang is the most particular about what we do."

The people lining up behind to watch also commented:

"Master Li is a very particular person. He never seems to cheat on what he promises."

"It's more sophisticated than the yamen anyway."

"Huh, the monks at Hanyuan Temple are more particular about their work than the yamen."

When the people behind heard it,
This gossip is interesting, come here quickly:
"Two brothers, the younger brother is the third-class servant of the Wang family on Cang Street. What are the monks doing?"

"Seeing that you have a good attitude, I will reveal a little bit."

"Hey, thank you very much, little brother."

"The Thirteenth Bank of Guangdong is fighting with foreign merchants. The two sides are deadlocked. The silk in the warehouse is unsaleable and the payment cannot be collected. Many big silk companies in the six prefectures in the south of the Yangtze River have gone bankrupt."

"Oh, but what does this have to do with monks?"

"The abbot of Hanyuan Temple has begun to return incense money to wealthy families. Tsk tsk, the Bodhisattva has descended to earth."


at this time,

This news,

It also reached Li Yu's ears.

Businessmen who have donated money for incense to Hanyuan Temple can now go to the temple to receive money.

This is a loan without interest.

After the big households get through it, they can donate to the temple.

If you go bankrupt, you don't have to pay back the money.

All in all, very interesting.

Doing good deeds on behalf of Buddha is a perfect combination of business and religion.

Lai Er of Chaozhou Prefecture sent someone to send detailed information.

Not only that, but a personal and secret letter from his sworn brother, Fucheng, was also attached.


After Li Yu read it,

With his eyes shining, he realized this was a good opportunity.

"Xiaowu, follow me to Hanyuan Temple and see the excitement."

More than a dozen riders braved the biting cold wind and walked out of the fort gate.

In early winter, the temperature is very cold.

There was no thermometer, but Li Yu thought it should be minus five degrees.

Jiangnan area,

It's a kind of gloomy cold. Although it's not as cold as the cold in the north, it still penetrates the bone marrow.

The whole world is like a big refrigerator, moistening things silently.

Fortunately, the fox fur cloak was wrapped tightly, blocking most of the chill.

A few days ago,
Li Yu purchased a batch of leather jackets and boots to keep out the cold through the Pan family.

Equipped with patrols and sailors under his command.

Before the lake froze, the transport boats were busy.

Traveling on the route between Xishan Island and Changxing County every day,
Transport coal, iron ore, and limestone to Xishan Island for storage.

Prepare for war and survive the winter.


Hanyuan Temple is not far from Xujiang Park.

You can hear the temple bells ringing.

Two Zhike monks came forward with their hands clasped together.

"Donor, are you borrowing money or offering incense?"

"I want to give some money for incense."

"Ah, my guest is welcome."

One person trotted to inform the higher-status supervisor.

Another person enthusiastically led the way.

Bypassing the noisy mountain gate, I took the small door on the other side.

The little door is closed,

After gently knocking on the door,
When the young novice saw that he was one of his own, he immediately unbolted the door and welcomed the distinguished guest in.

It was Li Yu's first time here, and he found the environment elegant and well-organized.

It is more like a Jiangnan garden than a temple.

"Little master, why is it so lively today?"

"The donor doesn't know something. Those are good people who donated incense money to this temple. Now they are short of money and come to get back the incense money."

Li Yu deliberately pretended to be surprised.


"How can there be any reason to get the money donated back?"


(End of this chapter)

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