Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 137: Donor Li, the poor monk looks at you, you have great wisdom.

Chapter 137: Donor Li, the poor monk looks at you, you have great wisdom.

The supervisor hurriedly arrived,

Middle-aged, fair and fat, wearing a Songjiang cotton monk's robe.

The treasures are strict and the appearance is dignified.
Anyone who sees him should praise him, he is such a good monk.

As soon as they met, they burst out with a friendly smile:
"The young monk Zhikong is the supervisor of this temple. Donor, please come this way!"

"Excuse me, Master Zhikong, I'm Li Yu."

Li Yu also followed the local customs and put his hands together.

and dispatched the rest of the guards,

Waiting outside the temple, don't disturb the purity of Buddhism.

Only Li Xiaowu was left, following him two steps away.

Zhikong saw it in his eyes and was happy in his heart.

There are bright clothes, angry horses, and a group of guards.

The high-roller is here.

Be sure to perform well today, satisfy the psychological needs of the high rollers, and voluntarily donate a huge sum of money for incense.

"Amitabha, Donor Li, please come to the Buddhist hall to have tea."

The Buddhist hall is solemn,

On both sides are the clay and gold statues of the Four Heavenly Kings, glaring with anger.

There is a faint smoke of sandalwood in the furnace.

"Donor Li, please sit down."

The monk who knew the guest immediately served two bowls of fragrant tea.

Li Yu tasted it briefly and praised:

"As expected of a thousand-year-old temple, even a bowl of tea tastes so good, which is unusual."


"Donor Li, this seems to be your first time coming to this temple?"

"Although I have a heart for Buddhism, I have no choice but to be busy with secular affairs and cannot get away from it. I have always had to entrust my female relatives to do it for me."

"Ah, last time there was a female donor named Yang who donated 100 taels of incense money."

"Master Zhikong has a good memory."

"As a young monk, I am in charge of the temple, and I have to take care of the food, clothing, housing and transportation of the dozens of people in the temple, as well as the dignity of the Bodhisattvas. I am not afraid of the jokes of Donor Li. He is far from the Buddha and very close to the money."

Li Yu laughed, and Master Zhikong also laughed.

All of a sudden, the distance was shortened.

Li Xiaowu stood on one side,
I thought to myself, this bald donkey is quite good at talking.


Li Yu answered:

"I came here this time because I am upset and seek enlightenment from the Bodhisattva. Xiaowu."

Xiao Wu immediately took out a banknote from his pocket.
Hold it with both hands and place it on the table.

Zhikong's expression remained unchanged, and he glanced at the corners of his eyes.

My heart suddenly became ecstatic,

A high roller, making extraordinary moves.

However, such a young and successful person must be respected and coaxed.

Although I am outside the world of mortals, I have still heard of Li Yu's name.

This government is powerful, making money like a whale swallowing, and killing people like mowing grass.


Wisdom is empty, and people live up to their names.

From time to time, Buddhist teachings are mixed into the chat content to explain trivial matters and troubles in life.

It's neither profound nor obscure, so people can understand it as soon as they hear it.

It resonates from time to time, like an enlightenment.

Someone once said,
Complicating simple things makes people unable to understand.

not easy! (e.g. brick house)
Simplify complex things so that even illiterate villagers can understand them.

Even more difficult! (I dare not give examples)
Li Yu couldn't help but admire:

"If a master wants to go to school, he will be indispensable."

"Donor Li, thank you very much."

I saw Li Yu looking at the rosary beads in his hand several times.

Zhi Kong confessed,

He hurriedly left for a while and brought two things.

Place on a tray lined with silk.

"The donor and the young monk hit it off immediately, and they have a close relationship with Buddhism."

"This rosary is a relic left by the former abbot after his death. This Ksitigarbha Sutra was copied by an eminent monk dipped in gold powder during the Kangxi period, and was consecrated by eight eminent monks of this temple."

Li Yu stood in awe,

Take it with both hands.

I strummed the rosary beads a few times and chanted the Buddha's name.


Zhikong was secretly happy,

But suddenly I heard Li Yu ask:

"Master, I have something I don't understand. How did the Pure Land of Buddhism start a bank business? It is said that it was the decision of the abbot of your temple?"

As soon as this is said,
Zhikong suddenly blushed, became embarrassed, and lost control of his expression:

"Absurd, ridiculous, unheard of."

He quickly explained:

"Donor, I'm not talking about you. The young monk is talking about the stinking behavior of returning the incense money."

Li Yu nodded in approval.

"I feel the same way."

Zhikong felt that he had found a resonance and quickly talked about the ins and outs of the matter and the conflicts within Hanyuan Temple.

He, and most of the middle-level monks,

They all opposed the abbot's "shocking" behavior.

"The sky is clear, the sky is clear, how can there be any reason to go back and get the incense money?"

"The old abbot drank some ecstasy soup during his lifetime, and insisted on passing on the mantle to him. This temple is unfortunate, and Buddhism is unfortunate."


In a sense,
Li Yu understood Zhikong's anger very well.
As a temple supervisor,

He was in charge of the general affairs of the temple, including warehouses, food, items, ritual instruments, and incense candles. He even managed the repairs of forests, farms, palaces, and buildings.

If it were compared to a group company, Jian Si would be the proper vice president.

The abbot's return of incense money to pilgrims is disturbing his foundation.

Without money in hand, the temple has no prestige.

"I would like to take the liberty to ask Master, how much is the refund amount this time?"

Zhikong hesitated for a moment, sighed, and said softly:
"Forty thousand taels, just a little more."

Hiss, Li Xiaowu, who was standing on one side, almost made a sound.

It turns out that incense is so expensive.

I really underestimated these bald donkeys and kept them hidden.

Compared to his shock and indignation,

Li Yu seemed very calm, his expression did not change at all, but comforted:

"When these businessmen get out of trouble in the future, they will repay your temple twice as much."

"I hope so."

At this moment, Zhi Kong doesn't have the wisdom of a transcendent master when he talks about Buddhism.
Just like a common man who is trapped by money.

This made Li Yu chuckle in his heart,

Everything in this world is calm and peaceful, all because things have nothing to do with you.

Once it gets involved with him, the master will be furious.


"This southern maritime trade dispute may not be resolved for a while."

At this sentence, Zhikong's expression became even more out of control.

There was already a trace of resentment in his eyes.

If knocking the wooden fish in front of you at this moment can make the current abbot pass away, then

Zhi Kong can knock from morning to night,

He will not stop until the wooden fish is broken into pieces.

"Don't worry, Master. The cold winter is coming. If you encounter some difficulties and lack rice, flour, and coal cakes, feel free to go to Lijiabao to find me."

"Almsgiver Li is kind and righteous, and I, the Buddha, will protect you."

Zhikong put away his mind and saluted with one hand.
Reciting Amitabha silently is quite pious.

In just one hour,
The relationship between the two has reached the point where they talk about everything.

Zhikong also put down his airs,

He told Li Yu all his worries.

Including, the bizarre rise to power history of the current abbot.

"You mean, Abbot Miekong, he came to your temple just 4 years ago?"


"how about you?"

"The young monk has been practicing in this temple for 16 years. He started as a young novice and worked as a temple supervisor step by step. It depends on his diligence."

Zhi Kong is very proud and angry,
Why can't he be the abbot?


"Abbot Miekong, you must be very knowledgeable about Buddhism, right?"

"Nothing, very ordinary."

"Then there must be something special about him?"

"I don't like to talk much. I meditate for half a day. Apart from being strong, I haven't found any advantages."

Li Yu almost laughed and tentatively said:

"But someone like Lu Zhishen? A fair-weather monk?"

This time, Zhikong did not throw dirty water and shook his head:
"The abbot is impeccable in terms of precepts and rules. Occasionally, poor people come to the temple to beg for help, and he will help those who have no money to eat and treat their illnesses."

"In this way, he is a pure monk."

"There is no problem with his character. Otherwise, even if the young monk goes to the Governor's Mansion, he will be pulled down. Hanyuan Temple's reputation has been clear for thousands of years, and it is hard-won."

these words,

Let Li Yu know more about Zhikong.

Although this person's utilitarianism has not diminished, he is still a qualified monk and has never lost his bottom line.

"Oh, it's lunch time."

"Donor Li, how about using some plain noodles with me?"

"As you please, please."



The monks each carried their rice bowls and queued up to get rice.

Rice monk,
Holding a big spoon, fill the bowls one by one.

Finally, add a ladle of clear topping.

Zhikong said softly:

"Mushrooms, fungus, mountain mushrooms, dried tofu, cooked with vegetable oil and soy sauce."

Li Yu took a taste,
The taste is refreshing but not bland.

So, he started eating.

After eating, I looked up,

He happened to make eye contact with the person at the next table.

Zhikong quickly introduced:
"This is Donor Li."

"This is the abbot of this temple, my junior brother, Mie Kong."

Li Yu nodded slightly, and Miekong also clasped his hands together, showing courtesy and thoughtfulness.

This is the second time we meet,
The last time was in Hengtang Town, during the ritual ceremony for the deceased people.

But for Abbot Miekong, this is the first time.

Because last time, he didn't open his eyes the whole time.

Li Yu politely looked at this person from a close distance.
Tall, fair and fat, with a shaved head and conspicuous scars.The palm is large and no fingers are missing.

No scars were seen outside the clothing area.


Leaving Hanyuan Temple,
Zhikong Jiansi insisted and personally sent the person one mile away.

Money ability is so terrifying.

Even if you escape from the world of mortals, you are not exempt from the secular world.

Geniuses who hide from the world often regret. For example, Mr. Liu, the mathematical genius of Longquan Temple, finally understood the human heart after many twists and turns.

"Master Zhikong, if you encounter difficulties, feel free to send someone to find me. Mr. Li is destined to be my Buddha and he will spare no expense or money."

"Amitabha, Donor Li will definitely achieve enlightenment."

After saying goodbye,
After walking far away, Li Xiaowu asked:
"Father, is there any secret in this temple?"

Li Yu avoided answering and asked:

"Look at Abbot Miekong, does he look like a gangster?"


"Where's Master Zhikong, does it look like him?"

Li Xiaowu calmed down and said:

"It doesn't look like any of them. Foster father, are you kidding me?"

"Well, let's take it for granted."

Li Yu tightened the fox fur cloak tightly and clamped it on the horse's belly.

white horse,

He immediately started running against the cold wind.

His riding skills have improved a lot compared to when he first crossed over.


Wu Si bought this Tatar,

Provides a lot of experience in raising and choosing horses.

Lijiabao trained more than a dozen specialized horse herders.

The south of the Yangtze River is different from the north. Horses are rare and gold is expensive.

Li Yu does not expect to have too many cavalry, but a small light cavalry is still necessary.

He bought 10 good horses from the horse market with great fanfare.
As a rich man,

It is very reasonable to meet the travel needs of Xianyi Numa.

At the same time, he secretly sent people to purchase 60 horses in batches from other states and counties and sent them to Xishan.

In short, Li Yu is both arrogant and reasonable in his actions.

On Xishan Island and near Lijiabao,

Some fertile fields were opened up and alfalfa was planted.

Alfalfa is a high-quality forage and a food that horses like very much.

Black beans, salt, apples, eggs, and soybeans are also on Ma's diet.

Li Yu told Wu Simai,

Train yourself a 50-man light cavalry force.
In the future, he will be the commander of this cavalry.

Muskets, swords, spears, bows and arrows, and cavalry can be freely chosen.

The few who chose bows and arrows all chose shotguns.

hanging by the saddle,
Load it in advance, and when you are in front of the enemy, pull out the hammer, open it, and finish with one shot.

shotgun flintlock,
It is tied with a rope to prevent accidental loss on a bumpy horseback.

This is Wu SiMai’s suggestion.
Li Yu saw it once and admired it greatly, thinking it was very practical.

The main weapon of the cavalry is a narrow single-edged long sword with a slight curvature at the front end.

Blacksmith Zhang supervised the production and his apprentices crafted it with precision.


Li Yu made a discovery that the key to the quality of weapons lies in the quality of steel.

As long as the steel is of high quality, it doesn't hurt that the blacksmith's skills don't have to be exquisite.

This is a good sign,

This means that more mediocre blacksmiths can be introduced.

History books say,

In order to enter the customs, Hou Jin

Outside the city of Shengjing, weapons workshops were set up to make armor, swords, and guns.

The workshop stretches for 30 miles, and the fire stays on all night.

Such a grand occasion will not take long,
It can be reproduced on Xishan Island.

In order to free up space, Xishan Island needs to make some adjustments.

Xishan Coal Mine is about to be closed.

Move half of the miners to Changxing Coal Mine.

The other half were incorporated into the army.

Added 6 musketry teams.

In Li's army, each musketeer team was composed of 50 people.

The most common formation is 5*10.

Lin Huaisheng,
He hasn't shown up for a long time and has been staying on the training ground.

Follow the training every day, reward the qualified team and punish the unqualified team.

As Li Yu's diehard loyalist,

He is ruthless and knows many strategic secrets.

Li Yu a few days ago,

I had a secret conversation with him and taught him the training secrets and battlefield positioning of the Musketeers.


Except for one or two elite, loyal and best-equipped Guards regiments,
The rest still need to train a standing qualified regiment with several times the strength, referring to the militia on the other side of the Pacific.

qualified militia,

When there is a war, he is at the front.

Fight a war of attrition with the enemy by lining up to kill.

Combat strength and fighting will do not need to be too high, and training usually does not take long, only 3 months.

Referring to the cheap mobilization of soldiers in a certain game, it is not only cheap but also cheap.

As long as Lijiabao's gun production capacity can keep up,
Such a "cheap, short-term, quick-repair" Musket Corps is completely feasible.

This strategic concept is relatively cruel.

It is only communicated on a small scale among key members.

For this reason, Li Yu is still making plans.

Once the situation becomes critical, they will no longer hide it and recruit strong men quickly.


The secret to training is:
Practice, fight, scare.

The oil seller said it very clearly, there is no other but familiarity.

Practice the loading action until it forms muscle memory, without thinking.

Anyone who makes a mistake will be punished by the captain.

Let the musketeers fear being beaten more than they fear death.

With accumulated prestige, other thoughts will not arise easily on the battlefield.

Just adapt to the battlefield atmosphere.

On the mountainside on both sides of the training ground, there are several cannons, which are only loaded with gunpowder and fired from time to time.

Scare these trained musketeers.

Occasionally, live ammunition is also fired.

The iron ball fell in the distance.

Until one time, the gunner had a fit, and the shell missed the team by only 1 meter and rolled past.


The 10 musketeers in the front row looked at such an iron ball bouncing past their eyes.

The soul was frightened.

If it were a little more crooked, wouldn't it mean that I would have to sit on a wooden cart for the rest of my life and rely on my hands to go out?

There was silence for a while,
The collective broke out, placing their muskets where they stood.

A group of people rushed up the mountainside and grabbed all the gunners.

They took turns beating each other, and the training ground was filled with smoke and dust.

Lin Huaisheng came over after hearing the news and said nothing.

he knows,
The anger during training needs to be vented regularly, otherwise it will cause a camp bombing accident.

The gunners were carried away after their beaten parents could not recognize them.


He was not punished and was given half a day off.

All qualified teams were issued a "Happy" coupon.

Li Yu didn't get this name, it was called by the Musketeers themselves.

The official name is:
"Li Jiajun Internal Leisure and Entertainment Vouchers".

With this coupon,
You can go to the most mysterious entertainment area on the island and stay there for no more than half an hour.

There are the female relatives of the convicted gentry in this mansion.

There are also the best items selected by the Jiaofang Secretary.

In short, all the people who rely on the door are official relatives, and all the people who come and go are old and rough.

this area,
The surrounding area was heavily guarded, comparable to the security of a gunpowder workshop.

Trenches were dug and water was put in,
Fences were erected and dogs were raised.

Just to defend against those crazy guys who want to sneak into heaven.

Last month, 4 were caught.

They were all stripped naked, whipped 50 times, and put in public for another day.


This area is strictly gated.
At the outermost door, there are two guards with muskets on their shoulders.

A couplet hangs on the camp gate:
Leftist Alliance: The Cavalry’s Speed ​​Bump
Right Union: The Shooting Range of the Lancers

Horizontal batch: surveying the sky with one shot

Visitors come here, hand over their tickets, and enter the second door.

Another couplet:
Zuolian: Usually sweat more
Right Alliance: Less bloodshed in wartime
Hengpi: This is the first class

Visitors are required to temporarily store the weapons they carry with them and are not allowed to bring them in to avoid jealousy and stealing weapons.

There is a third door inside,

Two muscular women with round waists stood there, with sharp knives hanging from their waists.

He was ordered to hand over his identity card and keep it for the time being.

There is another couplet here:
Leftist Coupon: One Day in the Cave

Right couplet: Thousands of years have passed in this world
Horizontal comment: every inch of money counts


These couplets were all written by Li Yu.

Although it is a bit tacky, it is down to earth.

Unfortunately, most of the guys who come here are illiterate.

Those who are literate don't have the heart to read these sour and fake couplets.

The fire is burning the rafters, the arrow is on the string,
Who has the heart to talk about literature with you while riding a horse?

This made Li Yu quite embarrassed.
However, I soon forgot about it.

I'm too busy, and there are so many things at hand.

Fucheng told him in the letter that there was trouble at Guangdong Customs.

The exploitation was so severe that it aroused protests from the merchants of the East India Company.

They suspended all commercial transactions, and merchant ships were anchored offshore and refused to enter the port, hoping that Guangdong Customs would make concessions.

Two demands were made, one was to reduce the tax rate, and the second was to cancel the business guarantee system.

The current tax rate is 6%.

Taking into account the special culture of the Qing Dynasty, this number should ultimately be around 12%.

The business guarantee system is ridiculous.

British businessmen wanted to use the "cage" of free trade to shut the Qing Dynasty into it.
As a result, the Qing government locked them into a cage of "one-to-one guarantee for merchants".

(End of this chapter)

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