Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 146: Test with a stick, the central nervous system of the empire

Chapter 146: Test it with a stick, the central nervous system of the empire

Fan Lanxin, although she is the daughter of the Fan family, has a firm stance.

She said to Fan Jing,
If you marry a chicken, follow the chicken, if you marry a dog, follow the dog. If you marry a rebel, you can only follow the flag and shout.

In good faith,

She also gave half of her dowry as military supplies.

Li Yu appreciated this very much,
This is what a rebellious couple should be like. You kill someone, and I hand over the knife.

My husband’s family is bigger than the sky!
Tan Muguang from the Cao Gang also came.

There are also some core hall masters who are also at the wine table.

Seeing Li Yu, they all stood up and signaled.

Tan Muguang is a smart man and can hide things quickly.

So, just tell him.

Tan Muguang breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

This is how people are, they feel relieved when the stone of worry falls to the ground.

If you want to rebel, just rebel.

Anyway, the Caodings are all people in the world, and it was originally a life of licking blood with the tip of a knife.


Those who are barefoot are often open-minded and see things openly.

Because there's nothing to lose, it's just a gamble.

If you lose the bet, get rid of it as soon as possible.

If you win the bet, you will get a lot of money.

But if you wear silk and satin, it is difficult to be open-minded.

They will definitely weigh, weigh again, repeatedly deduce on paper, and bet on both sides.

Until it became clear that one of them was going to win.

Only then will they cheer and contribute their loyalty.

Bet hard on the already tilted balance.

Put aside personal feelings,

Li Yu can understand this approach, because a person's butt must determine his head.

There may be individuals who betray the superiors, but there can never be individuals who betray the superiors.

As a leader,

Li Yu can't look at everyone with too much personal emotion, but should be as rational and even cold as possible.

The joining of Caobang core team,
It was a very important victory, which meant that he began to get involved in water transportation.

Next year's water transportation, if nothing unexpected happens, will definitely happen.

Li Yu was happy to give Qianlong a little surprise,
By the way, let's test how much impact a delay in grain delivery or a large-scale shipwreck will have on the empire's central nervous system.

Is it pain?Or a brief coma?Or a stroke?
Let the bullets fly for a while longer.


Patriarch Fan is here.

Braving the wind and snow, we first took a carriage and then changed to a sleigh.

He only brought two close followers with him, and they were simple and easy to follow.

Very low-key, deliberately avoiding the attention of others.

"Thank you for your hard work, Patriarch Fan. Let's go to the study to chat."

Two cups of tea,

The room was as warm as spring, without any smoke.

The earth dragon designed by Li Yu has been officially put into use.

Central heating is implemented in the camp area, office area, and production area.

This is a small step for southerners to take heating in winter.

For the next 300 years, no one took the second step.

Mainly, the cold in the south is just painful, but not life-threatening.

It's different in the north. Without heating, people will really die.

"I really didn't expect that Mr. Li is very resourceful and scheming, and Zhuge will be nothing more than that in his reincarnation."

"Clan Chief Fan is overly rewarded. If things are not kept secret, one will lose one's identity, and if one is not secretive, one will lose one's ministers." Li Yu said with a smile, "If I am so careless in doing things, how can I dare to covet Jiuzhou?"

Patriarch Fan trembled.
He didn't know whether it was because of the cold or because the word "Kyushu" stimulated him.

It's wild!

Too embarrassing!

Li Yu picked up the tea bowl, pushed aside the tea leaves, and took a sip:
"Clan Chief Fan, there are no outsiders here. If you have anything to say, feel free to say it. Even if it is an unpleasant thing, I will continue to say it."


Patriarch Fan gritted his teeth, stared and said:

"Okay, I'll be blunt."

"When will you rebel?"

“The day of exposure is the day of rebellion.”

"How many soldiers do you have?"

"My soldiers are enough to sweep away the green camp in the south of the Yangtze River and capture the three prefectures in the south of the Yangtze River, Songjiang, Suzhou, and Changzhou."

"and then?"

"Military secret, no comment."

"The Jinchuan soldiers, the Burmese soldiers, and the quasi-cavalry were all powerful armies in the world, but they were beaten into withered bones in the grave by the imperial court. How do you compare to them?"

"My strategy is 10 times better than that of the Great Khan, Burmese King, and Chieftain. No one knows the Qing Dynasty better than me."

"The south of the Yangtze River is flat and there is no danger to defend. Do you have a strategy?"

"The strong city fortress is the support point, and the river is the lifeline. Use the navy as the vehicle to fight out, break the attack war, fight public opinion war, fight proxy war, and cooperate with local defense."

"The current emperor has been in power for 40 years. He controls his ministers well, is sophisticated, ruthless and wise, ruthless and decisive. Can you compare?"

"I saw right through him, but he never looked at me."

"Is there any evidence?"

"Mission Siris, have you heard about it?"

Patriarch Fan jumped up in surprise:

"You, you sent me?"


Li Yu thought to himself, this world is really humorous.

The Emperor of the Qing Dynasty was the Series A investor in the anti-Qing cause and the leader.

"Okay, okay. I have nothing more to ask."

Patriarch Fan stood up and said,

Old, tired, and worried are all palpable.

"I know that the Fan family is like a blind horse galloping on a snowy night, and you are still whipping it. Now that things have happened, I don't blame anyone. I only hope that you are Zhu Yuanzhang."

"By the way, nephew, are you short of money?"

Li Yu bowed his hands and saluted:

"Although Jiangnan is a land of plenty, once the war breaks out, everything will be difficult to predict."

"Please, clan leader, stock up 10 stones of grain and grass for me, as well as high-quality shipbuilding timber, for later use when I raise an army. As for the reasons, you can make them up yourself."

Patriarch Fan nodded,

I walked out of the house and merged into the night again.

At his age, going through such a trip is indeed quite daunting.


His attitude is very satisfying.

Li Yu originally wanted to uproot the Fan family, but now his murderous intention has been reduced by 6%.

Hoarding food in such large quantities,

If you do it yourself, it will be as eye-catching as lighting a torch while walking at night.
If Fan comes forward to do it, it can save a lot of trouble and suspicion.

Even Zhu Gui, after Fukang'an knew about it,

It can only be assumed that Fan judged that the price of food would rise in the coming year, so he took action in advance.

Moreover, the Fan family has thousands of acres of fertile land and thousands of tenants.

It is indeed a common practice of the gentry to hoard food and make a profit in poor years.


The purpose of hoarding high-quality wood is to renovate the ancestral temple.

For such a big thing, it’s impossible to overstate how good the materials are.


Patriarch Fan is a smart man,

Without any hesitation, he decided to gamble his life.

This is the benefit of dealing with smart people, needless to say.


There is no room for him in the Qing court anymore.
A family that is married to the top three figures in the rebel group has a really bad conscience.

Qianlong did not kill all the Fan family members, but then dragged Fan Wenzheng out and whipped his body, removing him from the ranks of famous religious scholars.

I feel sorry for the nobles of the Eight Banners who fell under his knife over the years.

Li Yu likes to deal with smart people,
Because there is a track to follow,
You can always predict which foot the opponent will take first when entering the door.

And dealing with stupid people is a headache.

You never know which month he will use to open the door today.

A poor boy, a scholar who has never been admitted.

Wang Zhaoming.

On the third day of the Lunar New Year, I wrote a letter to the governor’s Yamen.
I hope that the imperial court will commend Li Yu and take back the Xujiang Park.

Provide a place to make a living for homeless people, beggars and coolies in Suzhou Prefecture.

Realize the great harmony of the world.

With Li Yu as a role model, more people in the Qing Dynasty will follow suit.

He beat the Denwen drum,

He even handed the letter to Fukangan in person.

Later, he was placed in the governor's Yamen.


When the news reached Li Yu's ears,
He almost suspected that some opponent sent this guy to disgust him.

He hurried to Fucheng and asked Huang Wenyun.

But got an embarrassing reply.

This guy is serious and no one is telling him what to do.

Fukangan has sent people to interrogate several times to confirm that there is no mastermind.

"Brother Li, Mr. Futai suspects that you were the instigator."

"Master Huang, do you think I'm crazy? Confucius doesn't understand, Zhuangzi doesn't understand, and I don't understand if I just donate like this."

Seeing Li Yu's furious look, Huang Wenyun couldn't help but laugh.

"To be honest, this is too outrageous. Even an individual would suspect that you directed and acted on your own."

"Why should I donate my hard-earned family fortune? This is kidnapping."

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhu and I have spoken for you. Mr. Futai will not believe that fool's words."

After all, Xujiang Park is one of Huang Wenyun’s achievements.

As spring begins, we hope to collect more taxes.

This is also one of the earliest p-friend transactions that reached consensus.

Create a benchmark terminal,
Then, each boat was charged a passing fee.

Passing money,

Half of it goes to the magistrate's office and is used as business tax.

This idea is absolutely feasible.


And Wang Liu, who came in a hurry,

Embarrassed, he told Li Yu that Wang Zhaoming was making a living under him.

He was recruited by him and was responsible for recording the number of trips and attendance of the coolies.

30 Wen a day.

There are 10 more articles than coolies, which is considered preferential treatment for scholars.

Wang Liu probably felt sympathy for the same problem and recruited this honest man who was shivering from hunger in the cold wind.

Unexpectedly, it was self-defeating.

Li Yu glanced at him meaningfully,
In a flash,

He felt what murderous intent was.

"Is this person bad? Or stupid? Or is there someone behind the scenes? Check it out for me. If you can't find it out, get out of here."

"Subordinates obey."

Wang Liu left with a dark face.
He summoned everyone who had come into contact with Wang Zhaoming for questioning.

The answer seems to be that this is pure stupidity.someone said,
He praised Li Yu every day for being a good man and a gentleman of ancient times, and he was filled with admiration for him.

I hope everyone in the world knows Li Yu’s good name.


And the governor’s Yamen,
Wang Zhaoming swore to heaven and expressed his loyalty in various ways.

"Wan Sheng is out of public interest. I hope the court can publicize this matter widely."

"Although it is the prosperous age of Qianlong, the world is declining, and the morality is in a depression that has not been seen in thousands of years. We, the Qing Dynasty, need a bright light to change the status quo where everyone only wants money."

"Put out one Li Yu, and there will be thousands of Li Yu."

Goshiha of Fukangan,
Think of this person as a lunatic.

However, Fukangan didn’t see it that way.

He had people call in all the information about Li Yu and Weigetang.

Combined with the previous,
There are more and more doubts about the private formation of a fire brigade.

in fact,

If the officials, gentry and subordinates of Suzhou Prefecture put aside their interests, it would be easy for them to figure out that there is something wrong with Li Yu's affairs.


Everyone was dazzled by the silver, and unconsciously added many filters to Li Yu.

Don't want to care, don't want to care.

No matter what he does, he will spontaneously find a reasonable explanation for it.

This is probably also a shortcoming of human nature.

Seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and are good at self-anaesthesia.

There is no need to evaluate it from a rational third-party, objective perspective.

Just ask you,
One person scolds you and mocks you every day.

The other man was so forthright and generous that he paid for all the food and drinks and visits to the brothels.

Who do you think is a good person?

Fukang'an was like a revolving door, summoning many officials and businessmen.

They asked about Li Yu separately.

He pieced the pieces of information together and came to a shocking conclusion.

Li Yu is a very restless and powerful man.
Friendship with the government, private money as thugs, mining to earn black money, lawless.

This kind of person may appear to be submissive, but in reality he is very bold.

He has no respect for the imperial court and is only interested in profit.

It is an unstable factor. Regardless of whether there is suspicion or not, it is best to eliminate it in advance.

"Ask the prefect's Yamen to send someone to call Li Yu."

"Master Futai, do you want to summon him?"

"A mere powerful person is not qualified. Just send someone to interrogate him, convict him, exile him, and confiscate his property."


What Fukang'an cares most about right now is Mancheng.

The elders in the capital will soon bring their families with them.

If you come here, you won’t have a place to live, and the food will be poor.

This group of people can go to the governor's Yamen every day to cause trouble.

Don't use your power to overwhelm others.
There is no guarantee, but there is an uncle in there, a relative of my own family.


The flag affairs are very complicated and difficult to understand.

Even a minister as smart and capable as He Shen did not dare to make too many changes to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

I just do some knocking occasionally to get some money to replenish the internal treasury.

Li Yu was exiled and his home was ransacked.
To eliminate possible hidden dangers.

Secondly, it can also increase funds for Mancheng.

"Third Young Master, drink a bowl of hot Tremella Fungus and Lotus Seed Soup, and take a rest early."

"Abo, go to bed first."

"Official affairs belong to the Qing Dynasty, but my body belongs to me. Can we meet again tomorrow?" The old housekeeper's expression was earnest, as if his father Fu Heng had been reincarnated.

Fukangan felt relieved and put down his brush:

"Sure, listen to you."

The old housekeeper left happily.

He knew very well that the men of the Fucha family were workaholics.

The old man Fu Heng died of overwork and illness because of the war in Burma.

He is a bystander,

In the entire governor's office, he was the only one qualified to speak like this.

after all,

He is a loyal domestic slave of the Fucha family and has served his master for several lifetimes.

Even someone as arrogant as Fukangan regards him as half an elder.


News from different channels arrived at Li Yu's case.

Everyone was shocked. It had just been the New Year.

Is the new governor going to take action?
Li Yu comprehensively considered several pieces of information.

Report your illness directly and see how the government reacts.

The governor's Yamen only said that they summoned him, but did not say that they would arrest him.

Fan Jing asked worriedly:
"Fukangan is not easy to fool, right?"

"Well, unless he is determined to send troops to catch me, I will wait until the end."

Huang Wenyun’s confidant butler also came.
He brought a piece of paper, and after opening it, there was only one word: drag!

It actually coincided with what I thought.

Li Yu clapped his hands and laughed,

I lamented that Magistrate Huang was really a wonderful man and a veteran in officialdom.

Game within the rules of officialdom,

Drag is a trump card.

Li Yu judged that Fukangan had not seen through him, and that was why he acted like this.


That's how it is in this world,
What many people lack is just an opportunity and a stage.

From time to time, the heaven and the earth have the same strength, and transporting heroes is not free!
If the First Emperor lived a long life, the people in Peixian County would slaughter dogs if they should, mourn if they should, and scrape the soup if they should.

If Cao Rui lived 30 more years, Sima Yi would be "the Duke of Zhou in the Wei Dynasty".

If Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty had not fallen in love with Wei Zifu, Wei Qing would have been the "number one war god in the sheepfold" and Huo Qubing would have been the "number two war god".

If you want to leave a name in history, ability is a necessary but not sufficient condition.

All the heroes whose names are recorded in history books are the result of the combined action of countless random and complex factors. Without any one factor, he will not be the image you see in the history books.

And you, holding your mobile phone and looking at this with a solemn expression,

If he had been born more than 100 years earlier, it would probably have been very different.


When I was doing general judgment,

Mr. Huang, who is doing nothing, is so ordinary.

Nowadays, he is so smart and capable.

Du Ren is not here, otherwise he will definitely understand the secret.

The word "drag",

It embodies [-]% of the wisdom of the officialdom, and non-experienced people cannot come up with it.

If something is urgent, it won't be urgent if you procrastinate.

The heavy burden will fall apart if you drag it.

If something is difficult, it won't be difficult if you procrastinate.

It's a trivial matter and will be forgotten if you procrastinate.

A pretentious visitor from the prefecture's Yamen learned that Li Yu had typhoid fever and was ill.

I copied a prescription and went back.

the next day,
Mixed with unimportant official documents, they were sent to the governor's office.

On the third day,
Finally someone saw it and gave it to Fukangan.

Fukang'an's instructions,
"Catch him, treat him, and interrogate him."

A few days later,
Finally got a response.

Ask the governor to give a clear explanation on what crime Li Yu will be arrested for.

It is easy to arrest people but difficult to release them.

The dredging project for the emperor's southern tour, as well as the bricks and tiles needed throughout the city, were all undertaken by Weigtang.

If Li Yu is arrested, the project will be stopped.

Of course, if Li Yu is indeed guilty of a serious crime,
The prefect's Yamen will never tolerate it.

But if the wrong arrest is made, who will bear the consequences?


at the same time,

On both sides of the canal, coolies suddenly went on strike.

The reason is that I haven't received my wages for a few days. I used to be paid on a daily basis, but recently I was 5 days in arrears.

In Weigtang, both hands are spread out.
He said that people are in panic now and are not in the mood to lead the team.

The coolies showed extraordinary unity,
There were even groups of people sitting at the gate of the city.

Hundreds of people, basking in the sun, staring at the passing merchants.

Whose eldest daughter and daughter-in-law passed by?
I could be stared at so hard that I would have nightmares for half the night.

The guards can't control it either.
Because they didn’t enter the city and didn’t block the doors.

There were no fights or troubles, just sitting quietly and basking in the sun. It doesn't seem to violate the "Laws of the Qing Dynasty", right?

And the people in the association know clearly,
The coolies were so united because Wang Liu sent people to spread the news.

The brother-in-law of a certain official in the government was jealous and wanted to steal the project.

Once Mr. Li fails, exit the project.

From now on, the daily salary of 20 cents will be gone.

Forget about the coolie canteen.

Let's all ride on the northwest wind.


It's about the stomach, but it's a big deal.

Even those who are cowardly and fearful of the government have inexplicable resentment.


The coolies all reached a consensus,
Mr. Li can't fail. If he fails, his job will be ruined.

And the one-penny set meal is also a waste.

city ​​west,

The half-built imperial pavilion has also been stopped.

Fukangan knew it immediately, before he could react.


The three kilns that supplied the city with bricks and tiles all collapsed.

The kiln maker ran away, leaving the kiln unattended and collapsed due to excessive heat.

The scene was in a panic.

The situation has a tendency to get out of control.

Fukangan threw his pen angrily and took off his saber from the wall.

I'm going to mobilize Fu Biao to get that little bastard named Li out and lock him in a cage at the city gate.


Duan Yingwu, the co-president of Taihu Hall, hurried over.
"Master Futai, Weigetang Li Yu, took a passenger ship and said he was going to Hangzhou to find a famous doctor for treatment."

"Do you want to intercept me, sir?"

When Fukangan heard this, he was furious and grabbed Duan Tongzhi:
"How long does it take to get to the dock from here?"

"Master Futai, the horses are fast, half an hour is enough."


"Master Futai, do you want to send a sea arrest document and ask the Hangzhou government to cooperate in arresting this person?"

Fukang'an resisted the urge to slash someone with a knife.
Taking a deep breath, he said:
"I won't see him for the time being and let him recover well."

"Yes, I also think it would be better not to see him. He has typhoid fever and the disease is contagious. Mr. Futai has a rich body and cannot be put in danger."

Fukangan did not want to express any further opinions on this matter.
He returned to the study angrily, and the old housekeeper quietly followed him in.

"Third Young Master, please calm down. The people below are like this, they all have their own little plans."

"Uncle, he is just a powerful man, but everyone from the prefect to the subordinates is protecting him. Is this still the Qing Dynasty? I am going to secretly mobilize a team of capable cavalry to arrest people first and then notify them."

(End of this chapter)

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