Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 147 Let’s join forces today to dig holes and kill dogs in front of the emperor

Chapter 147 Let’s join forces today to dig holes and kill dogs in front of the emperor

The old housekeeper sighed and whispered:
"In that case, we can't touch this person for the time being. If we touch him, we will affect the wealth of hundreds of people. As the saying goes, cutting off a person's wealth is like killing his parents. If it's just one or two, just chop them off. But that's it. You can't kill all the errands in Suzhou Prefecture, right?"

"Despicable Han subordinates, how dare they rebel?"

"Don't dare. But they dare to do everything in an unfavorable manner, letting the yamen leak out and everything goes wrong. These people have a very strong desire for revenge."

Fukangan suddenly remembered,

The small official who reported the death to the Ministry of Revenue was probably also a typical example of "being generous".

Gritting his teeth, he said:
"Even that old guy Zhu Gui spoke for him."

"Then you can't move even more. Zhu Gui is not a simple person."

Silence, Fukangan is not a brainless person.

He had given up the idea of ​​arresting Li Yu, but still asked:
"If I send troops to the door, how do you think this person will respond?"

“Every fish dies and the net is broken, people die and people die.”

The old housekeeper did not hesitate in his answer.

Based on his decades of experience, the final outcome must be like this.

If the guarantee is not complete, they will give you a cold blow before running away, burning a granary or something.

Although there were mostly sheep in the Qing Dynasty,
But the base number is too large, and there are many bloodthirsty wolves among them, with a strong desire for revenge.


Fu Kang'an gave up, but Li Yu hasn't given up yet.

He said fiercely that this matter is not over yet.

The price of coal cakes has increased across the city!
"Sir, what's the reason?"

"I'm scared. I need to make more money to calm down."

Yang Yunjiao couldn't hold back her laughter.

Consolation said:
"The slave family will let the shopkeepers let it out, the governor will make things difficult, and the coal cakes will be forced to increase the price, right?"


Since entering the Qing Dynasty, Li Yu has understood a truth more and more.

Once adults make enemies, they will never be able to reconcile them in their lives.

Therefore, remember your friends.

Once you have the opportunity to free up your hands, quickly shoot your enemy to death.

This is true in business wars, officialdom, and the political arena.

Good luck and peace of mind,
He was probably thinking about himself as well. As long as he had the right opportunity, he would definitely kill himself.

This childish idea of ​​repaying evil with kindness,
The Qing court never did. They only believed in settling accounts and eradicating the roots.

Just look at the huge bandits in various places and the fate of the rebel generals who surrendered.

He died soon after in mysterious circumstances.

Miao Youlin, the head of Qingfeng Village, also knows this truth very well.

Since the grass fell,

He rejected three waves of lobbyists seeking peace.

Both Huizhou Prefecture and Guangde Camp tried to recruit him.

The conditions are good and generous.

If he hadn't been the CEO of Guizhou Green Camp, he might have been tempted.

As a former Green Camp military attache,

He had heard of at least three similar cases of leaders dying mysteriously after being recruited.

You can't even try to lie to me.


Brother No. 200 has been reduced to 160 people.

I was trudging through the wind and snow without knowing where I was going.


They discovered a fishing village on the banks of the Xin'an River.

"Brothers, fight in." Miao Youlin roared hoarsely in the wind and snow.

A group of heroes,
It was too cold to hold the knife, and my fingers were stiff.

Even more terrifying is,
The knife and scabbard were frozen together and couldn't be pulled out.

Many people fell down after taking only a few steps and suffered severe frostbite.

It seems that he has lost his balance ability.

They didn't know the consequences, but Chang Jin, the second boss, knew it very well.

This is a frozen toe.

If it's serious, I might have to chop it off from the ankle down, otherwise I won't be able to save my life.

She looked at the fishing village not far away,

Already heard the barking of dogs and the sound of gongs inside.

Fishermen never sit back and wait for death.

They will definitely raise the harpoon and fight with their side to the end.


Miao Youlin suddenly asked:
"Who peeed?"

"Come here, melt the ice on the scabbard."

Some people gathered with difficulty, shivering from the cold.

Miao Youlin stood in the wind and snow,

Breathing back and forth on his frozen wrists, he prepared for a fierce battle.

In the village, the fishermen and men also rushed out of their houses.

Yelling and yelling at this side, holding the guy in his hand.

Although Wei Jun couldn't bear it, he had no choice.

He drew out the steel knife,

Following the crowd, he walked towards the village step by step.

Everyone in Qingfeng Village did not shout or encourage.
Just staggering, he fought with the fishermen.

Puffs of blood,

People kept falling and dying silently.

The casualty rate was higher on the side of Qingfeng Village.

In just one encounter, more than a dozen people fell.

Because he was frozen, his movements were slow and he could not avoid the harpoon on the other side.


Changjin watched helplessly as a brother jumped on the harpoon opposite.

Not even hiding,

The knife held high above his head fell to the ground quietly.

But his hand held the harpoon tightly, refusing to let go.

The fisherman thrust his fork forward hard and pierced the man.

But it can't be pulled out.

The young fisherman looked into each other's eyes,

For a moment, I thought of dead fish, which were also so cold, lifeless and dead.

His psychological defense collapsed,
Throw away the harpoon, turn around and run away.

Changjin picked up the knife on the ground and threw it.

The young fisherman fell to the ground, blood blooming on the snow.

It quickly froze, like a puddle of red smoothie.

A fight without any skills or formations,

After Qingfeng Village sacrificed 30 lives, the dove took over the magpie nest.

A warm house, hot water, hot food,
The men of Qingfeng Village finally escaped the disaster.

And this village on the bank of the Xin'an River was slaughtered.

When occupying the house,
Another dozen women, children, and elderly people were killed.

Very few escaped.


Everyone had a full meal and fell asleep soundly.

the next morning,

Miao Youlin gathered everyone and prepared to escape again.

They took away food from the village.

Eight fishing boats also became trophies.

"We went down the river to find a way to survive."

"Listen to big brother."

Miao Youlin is a talented person, calm and bold.

He realized that trudging through the snow was too difficult.

And Xin'anjiang,

The flow is fast and there is no freezing.

Going down the river is a good choice for winter escape.

"Brothers, I, Miao, will definitely lead you to find a way out."

"In life, we will live together. In death, I will die with you."

After a round of cheers,

The remaining more than 100 people in Qingfeng Village disappeared on the river.

Before leaving,
They also set a fire and burned the village to the ground.

Burnt together were the bodies of both parties.


Chang Jin looked at this scene with tears in his eyes.

She thought of the Battle of Jinchuan, when the village was captured.
The fires were also soaring into the sky, and corpses were everywhere.

Miao Youlin hugged her and said boldly:

"When I left the village, the fortune teller told me that if I encountered water, I would be lucky."

"When we reach the lower reaches, I will take you to build another stronghold. It will also build up the reputation of Qingfeng Village."

Chang Jin wiped away his tears,

Asked: "The downstream is Jiangnan, right?"


"According to legend, it was the richest and most prosperous place in the Qing Dynasty?"

"About it."

More than 10 years ago,
There was a man in Jinchuan who once went to Jiangnan to do business.

After going back, I brag about it everywhere.

As a result, many people have an inexplicable longing for Jiangnan.

It is not easy to establish a foothold in Jiangnan.

It is densely populated, with many towns and cities, and there is not a single idle field in the plains.

Everyone in Qingfeng Village soon became rats on the street.

In northern Zhejiang, people work on the move.

Lack of food, lack of strongholds, lack of long-range weapons,

Being chased by green camps and minzhuang from all walks of life.

This made all the heroes sigh:
Jiangnan is not suitable for starting a business.


the fifth day of the first lunar month,

The day when the God of Wealth descends to earth in folklore,
Inside and outside Suzhou, the sound of firecrackers never stopped.

The people were surprised to find that

The price of briquettes has increased, and so has the price of high-quality briquettes.

And the increase was fierce, it suddenly increased by 3%.

Before I could even accuse Li Daguan of being evil-hearted,

The kind-hearted shopkeeper reminded me that the money had been taken away by the governor.

"It is said that we are planning to levy a city-wide construction tax. It will take a year. Please bear with it."

"There's nothing we, Mr. Li, can do."


The people had no choice but to accept the high price of coal.

Immediately afterwards, the price of all coal in one prefecture and nine counties increased.

Huang Wenyun doesn’t care.

Because Li Yu promised to use one-third of the overcharged money to pay taxes.

Even the chief envoy Zhu Gui
They all appreciated this move very much and felt that Li Yu was a good young man.

A powerful person who puts his mind on exploitation is the right path.

Moreover, it is a scientific exploitation, which only increases the monthly expenditure of each household by 60 yuan.

People's hearts and minds are stable!

Resentful but patient!
In fact, it is a mature behavior to seek the country.

There are 10 households in Suzhou City, and this is what happened.

Every month, the government can collect an additional 200 million yuan, equivalent to 2000 taels of silver.

After one year, it is 24000 taels.

This is just a prefectural city, if it is extended to the whole province.At least 10 taels.

This money is almost like picking it up for nothing.

Lord Zhu,
I am already thinking about whether to assist Li Yu in selling coal cakes in the name of Chief Envoy Si Yamen.


Such a stable financial source,
Even a gentleman like Zhu Gui was tempted.

objective evaluation,
His governance ability and moral level are definitely far ahead of his contemporaries.

This isn't sarcasm, it's a matter of fact.

Zhu Gui in a recent book,

He took the initiative to recommend Li Yu and praised him for his willingness to share the court's worries and not to compete with the court for profits.

There is a measure of advance and retreat, and he is a strong man who has flaws in small details but no loss in righteousness.

The court should recruit people like this.

Appropriately grant official honors and incorporate them into the government system.

Everyone in the Military Aircraft Department has read this information.

There was minor disagreement over how to award the award.

"My dear friends, what do you think?"

Yu Minzhong said:
"The old minister feels that it is inappropriate. He is a powerful person with no fame. It would be a disgrace to the court to award him a reward."

Hu Yushi also jumped out:

"Although this person comes from a humble background, it is indeed not suitable to be awarded the imperial weapon. But we should also admit that he is a person who can do things and does not love money."

Yu Minzhong raised his eyelids.
I thought,

Shar Pei, if you haven’t seen him for three days, you should look at him with admiration.

In the past, it was jumping sideways repeatedly, but now it has become a matter of saying good and bad things at the same time, without fear of missing the mark.


Qianlong suddenly looked at Heshen:

"Heshen, why are you silent? Your brows are furrowed?"

"I have behaved inappropriately, and I beg the emperor to punish me."

"Hey, am I so scary?"

"I was just thinking about the household affairs and got distracted."

"Hubu, can't you open the pot again?"

"The imperial court spends a lot of money during the New Year's Day, and suddenly it feels a little hard to make ends meet."

"Then think of another way."

"I am going to ask the provinces that are well-off to hand over some of this year's spring tax first."

"You can handle these trivial matters. You don't have to ask me about everything." Qianlong waved his hand, "I can rest assured that you can handle the matter."

He Shen was flattered and quickly knelt down to thank him.

Inside the Forbidden City,

Everyone is a movie star and is in the spotlight every day.

The chief military minister, Agui, has been keeping a low profile recently.


Taking advantage of the merits of the Battle of Jinchuan, he became a very popular minister and became the most popular in the capital.

However, he is not arrogant at all.

He always reminds himself that accompanying you is like accompanying a tiger.

Especially people like me who are prestigious in the military are more likely to be feared.

"Agui, tell me too."

"I have just returned from the front line and am not familiar with the affairs of the capital. Everything will be done according to the emperor's wishes."

Qianlong frowned dissatisfied:
"This Qing Dynasty belongs to me, and it belongs to you too. How can you obey me in everything? Then wouldn't I become a willful and foolish king?"

The ministers knelt down quickly,
The emperor said so, it’s scary.


Hu Yushi raised his head, his eyes full of tears:
"I dare to say something. All the people in the world have clearly realized that the Qing Dynasty cannot be separated from the emperor's foresight. The ministers can pull the strings and raise the sails. But this rudder can only be controlled by the emperor."

Qianlong nodded with satisfaction,

He couldn't help but laugh, because he suddenly felt that Hu Yushi looked like a Shar Pei.

Two days ago, the governor of Guangdong presented some exotic animals.
There is a breed of dog among them that looks quite similar.

When the emperor smiled, it was Long Yan's joy.

Hu Yushi was very excited and put his hands on his knees:
"As a loyal minister of the Qing Dynasty, I only believe in the emperor's judgment. The direction chosen by the emperor must be right. I will not read or listen to other people's suggestions."

Yu Minzhong's face was expressionless.
I was secretly wary, this guy was progressing too fast.

He Shen couldn't help but glance at him in surprise and said nothing.

he has decided,

Find an opportunity to kick this bitch out of Beijing.

Came to local states and counties.

In front of the emperor, the space for patting horses is limited.

Just one person, Shen and I, is enough.

What's more, an official with such low moral character and such ugly appearance is not worthy of being in front of the emperor.

It is easy to disturb the Holy Driver.


Thinking of this, He Shen suddenly took a step forward:
"I suddenly remembered something and boldly reported it to the Emperor."


"Some of the students have written a letter saying that the selection of officials is based only on official appearance and not on true talent and learning. It should be revised. Do you want to ask for the emperor's order?"

When Qianlong heard this, he found this problem a bit difficult to solve.

The tradition of selecting officials based on their appearance has a long history and can probably be traced back to the Song Dynasty.

The senile Yu Minzhong raised his eyelids.
The eyes of He Shen collided in the air.

Immediately understood,

Although we have some conflicts on weekdays and often argue, we are all acting for the emperor to see.


They should join forces to dig holes and kill dogs.


Unexpectedly, Agui, the chief military minister, spoke:

"I feel that the selection of officials should not all be based on appearance, but on true talent and learning."

As a commander on the battlefield, it makes sense to think so.

After all, on the battlefield, generals are often ferocious-looking, very uncivilized, and very uneducated.

If you move, you will get a string of bad words.

If they disagree, the whole family will be killed.

Hu Yushi also quickly followed.

Expressed the attitude clearly:

"I second the proposal. The purpose of selecting officials is to select outstanding officials for the country. What is needed is the ability to govern the local area. It would be biased if we only look at appearance."

Yu Min's heart moved and he quickly said:

"Of course the selection of officials depends on talent. However, since you are an official, you should have an official appearance. You can't wear official robes and look like a pig butcher."

After that, he glanced at the Shar-Pei and thought, no, it's Lao Hu.

He was excited, he was excited.

Sure enough, Hu Yushi said loudly:

"If you can benefit the people and collect taxes for the court, you are an excellent local official. Can this official be used as food?"


Yu Minzhong raised his head and glanced at He Shen.

He Shen immediately moved forward and said with a smile:

"I don't agree with Master Hu's words."

"A local official is the pastor and guardian of the imperial court. He represents the majesty of the imperial court and the emperor's face. If he is ugly, he will be looked down upon by the people and think that there is no one in the Qing Dynasty."

Lao Hu's face suddenly turned red.

He Shen continued:

"Most people in the world are ignorant, superficial, and judge people by their appearance. If the official sitting in court has a dignified appearance, the people will be in awe. On the contrary, he will be laughed at behind the back of the ignorant people."

"In a small way, it would be a loss of one's own face. In a big way, it would be a loss of the court's face."

Lao Hu had already begun to tremble.

However, He Shen did not want to let him go and continued to punish him:
"Besides, why should we choose talents among a bunch of ugly people? Why doesn't the court choose people who are both talented and good-looking?"

Qianlong couldn't help it and smiled.

For some reason, everyone in the palace looked at Hu Yushi.

Qianlong, who knew he had lost his composure, coughed twice in embarrassment.

"My dear friends, you all said very well, very well."

"That's it for today, let's go."

out of the hall,

Yu Minzhong followed quietly and said:

"Sir, as I said last time, my nephew wants to fill the vacancy of the 8th rank in the household department."

He Shen said seriously:
"From the 8th grade? It's the 8th grade."

Yu Minzhong smiled with his beard straight up, and said repeatedly:

"Oh, Mr. He, you gave me a surprise today. Thank you."

at sunset,
Hu Yushi dragged his heavy steps out of Xihua Gate.

He was really tired and heartbroken.

This Forbidden City is too difficult to get along with.

Once again, I was completely humiliated in public,
want to cry!


Jiangsu Fansi Yamen,

Zhu Gui and Huang Wenyun sat opposite each other with worried expressions on their faces.

Because, this year’s tax source has lost another piece.

Su, Song, and Chang prefectures, plus Taicang Prefecture, have lost at least 20 taels of business tax.

All the big silk companies were on the streets.

Some people are worried about avoiding debt,
He actually shaved his hair and went to Hanyuan Temple to recite sutras while wearing a monk's robe.

When the creditor goes to ask, he is a monk. If he is pure and has few desires, how can he talk about money in front of the Buddha?

When I asked again, I was asked to give alms.

south side,

Guangdong Customs also came into conflict with British businessmen.

The imperial court rushed eight hundred miles away, and the order was strict and no concessions were allowed.

The Yi merchants were so bold and dared to challenge the Qing Dynasty. Qianlong felt a great humiliation.

"I have granted Guangzhou a single port for trade, which is a favor given to overseas barbarians."

"They dare to push their noses in the face, demanding the opening of multiple ports, lowering taxes, and allowing them to bring foreign women ashore."

"The Qing Dynasty is rich in products and cannot survive without trade. But European countries cannot do without our tea, silk and porcelain from the Qing Dynasty."

"Tell Li Shiyao to be on strict alert and improve the shore defense."

"Foreigners fear power but not virtue, and cannot show weakness."

"If the British businessmen dare to provoke, they will fight back fiercely and fire."


He Shen complained secretly,

Guangdong Customs' annual tax of several million taels is gone this year.

The household department, which was not already wealthy, was even worse.

Your Majesty, you are relieved. If you wave your big hand, you will fall out.

But it’s difficult for the people below.

Years ago, rewards were given to the heroes and soldiers who contributed to the Battle of Jinchuan, rewards were given to various grassland ministries, and the palace was renovated and renewed.

all of a sudden,

The account department was emptied, and there was no need to lock the bank.

Thick account books,
It recorded the losses over the years, and he was wondering where to make money.

"Master Zhu, I hope you can understand my painstaking efforts."

"Jiangsu is a prosperous place, let's give it a try."

"At least the people there can still eat porridge. If you change the province, there will be a popular uprising immediately."

3000 miles apart,
Zhu Gui also sighed. He received a personal letter from He Shen, the Minister of Household Affairs.

Tell him that the capital is in desperate need of money.

The bannermen's hard-core crops are enough for three months.

Then, it’s time to make an IOU.

It's impossible to make an IOU.

The flag masters don’t accept this trick.
Bird food from the little oriole (qiao, third tone), bills from the teahouse, rewards from the theater, as well as dried croquettes and snuff bottles are all waiting for the rice to be cooked.

Unpaid wages, white paper?

What are you thinking about? The bannerman is a Han citizen who is a tenant farmer.


(End of this chapter)

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