Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 151 The battle between Beijing Banner and Sauron, the first battle in Suzhou City

Chapter 151 The battle between Beijing Banner and Sauron, the first battle in the city of Suzhou

Outside Suzhou City, on the official road.

A slow procession, stretching for 3 miles.

They were bannermen who had trekked from the capital, numbering more than 600 people.

Among them, there are 250 bannermen and the rest are family members.

Someone in the team shouted in surprise:
"Hanshan Temple outside Gusu City, the bell rings at midnight to the passenger ship."

"Mom, we are in Suzhou."

The melodious bells and the looming city wall in the distance made these bannermen cheer.

You can see men everywhere, shaking their heads, reciting poems and composing poems, and possessing both civil and military skills.

Thanks to the hard-core crops, there are few bannermen in the capital who are illiterate.

Among them was Master Song. He took his wife and children and left the capital where his ancestors had lived for four generations.

Before leaving,
He really turned around in one step and burst into tears.

The old neighbors in Luoma Hutong all said goodbye and gave each other gifts.


In his own words,
This time I leave, it means goodbye forever.

This lineage will always be connected to Jiangnan.

Suzhou is full of new buildings, and these people transferred from Beijing Banner are all showmen.

In this flag,

They are both cowardly and soft-spoken, they are not good at horseback riding, but they are good at playing games.

Although the Military Aircraft Department has repeatedly stated that it will deploy elite soldiers and generals to guard the entire city of Suzhou.

However, all banner commanders agreed that,
There is no war in the Jiangnan area, so it would be a waste if the elite flag men are gone.

Moreover, Wu Nong's soft words in Jiangnan can easily turn elites into dandies.

It is better to keep the elite bannermen of our banner who are truly capable of fighting in our own hands, so as to avoid showing cowardice in case of war in the imperial court.

No matter how loyal they are to the emperor, these governors still have their own little thoughts.

Each banner finally reported 250 "elite bannermen" who were skilled in bows and horses and good at fighting.

The imperial court attached great importance to it. Even though the Treasury of the Ministry of Household Affairs was very tight, it still allocated 50 taels of silver, 10 bolts of cotton cloth, 4 large animals, and 3 large carts to each household.

There is also dry food needed on the road.

The Arsenal Department of the Ministry of War also prepared two war horses for each person, a set of cotton armor, a lance, two sabers, a riding bow, an infantry bow, four pots of carved feather arrows, and a matchlock gun.

The Minister of War said in the excerpt that he was armed to the teeth!

If you encounter ordinary bandits, even if they number in the thousands, they will not be able to stop such an elite 250 cavalry from attacking at once.

However, Mr. Song was sitting on the cart,

Holding the matchlock in disgust, he opened the barrel with big eyes to see if it was solid inside.

"Second Master, do you want to hunt rabbits?"

"The fire stick is very heavy. I'm afraid it will explode."

"Isn't it?"

"Hey, we can't say for sure about the Qing Dynasty."

Mr. Song originally wanted to talk about the rumors about inferior muskets he heard at Yutai Tea House.

On second thought, it would be better to say less, as misfortune comes from the mouth.


"This knife or gun is not suitable for the beautiful scenery of Jiangnan. I'd better put it away and put it at the bottom of the box."

As he spoke, he stuffed the blunderbuss into the cotton cloth and pressed it tightly.

Others laughed,

They are all banner men in the capital and know their roots well.

Song Er Ye has no power to tie a chicken, so he is collectively referred to as a "waste snack" by everyone in this banner.

However, this does not affect his feeling good about himself.

He cleared his throat and said to the young man riding next to him:
"Xiao Duozi, please give me an estimate. How many taels is this fire stick worth?"

The person he called Xiao Duozi was a young man with a white flag, Duolong, who cheated Huang Wenyun out of a fortune in the capital.

In the team, he is recognized as having economic acumen and being able to make money.

Along the way, he took the initiative to look for work from caravans and helped the caravans avoid exploitation by tax collectors along the way, using the tiger skin of the Beijing flag.

The caravan manager was extremely happy.
Forty percent of the usual taxes will be used as his service fee.


Duolong raised both hands, indicating that this could be sold for 10 taels.

The group continued to move forward, and the leader shouted loudly:

"Gentlemen, I have an immature suggestion."

"Let's find a river, wash our faces, describe ourselves, take out our armor, swords and guns, and let the Southern Barbarians have a good look at the majesty of our men in the capital. How do you think?"

This suggestion was very good, and it hit the hearts of all the bannermen.

If you don't pretend to beep, you would be worse off alive than dead.

So, the team went down the river bank in a mess and started "looking at the mirror and decaling yellow".

Wash off the dust, comb your hair, wipe off the mud from your boots, and apply some lamp oil on it.

The family members were laughing and laughing, helping to put on the armor.

"Dad, do you really want to wear this turtle shell?"

"Girls are talking nonsense, this is armor. Men have to wear this when going into battle."

"Come on, with your narrow shoulders, it's hard to carry water."

The woman curled her lips,
Sit on the big car and watch the fun with the mentality of watching a theater.

After all, as a Banner woman, I have known the virtues of these men since I was a child.

A group of female relatives were eating melon seeds and discussing which man looked most like a general in armor.


People depend on clothes, horses depend on saddles.

These men from Jingqi looked majestic after putting on their armor.

The sword and gun in his hand are swung like this, and he looks a bit like the exiled version of Guan Erye.

Everyone looked at each other and were very happy.

Damn it, we guys are all potential stocks.

If there is a war on the border, each of them can lead an army alone and return to the court victorious.

"Gentlemen, come into the city."

Everyone quickly mounted their horses and finally encountered the first difficulty.

The armor, swords and guns added together weigh at least thirty or forty pounds.I can’t climb on the horse~
Mr. Song tried hard several times but slipped off.

"Second Show, bring the big car."


"Amma, what do you want to do?"

"There you go."

Second Master Song stepped on the cart and then got on the horseback.

Said proudly:
"The glory of our ancestors who fought hard and fought with iron horses is now something we can count on in my generation."


Behind the official road,

The sudden rumble of horseshoes was heart-shaking.

Everyone looked back and saw smoke and dust billowing.

"With this posture, there must be hundreds of cavalry."

"I look at it, I'm afraid there are thousands of numbers."

As he spoke, this group of cavalry rushed in front of them and stopped.


The leading man pulled the horses' front hooves into the air.

The men and horses were all covered in dust and gray, and their armor was complete. Their faces were covered by black cloth, leaving only their eyes.

On the flag, it says "Ili Solon Camp".

Everyone in Beijing Banner was dumbfounded. Is this the legendary Northwest Wolf?
Your Majesty, why did you bring them here? This spanned more than 1 miles, right?

There are 4 battalions under General Yili.

Solon Camp, Xibo Camp, Erut Camp, and Chahar Camp.

This time, only 15 people from Solon Camp and 5 people from Xibo Camp were transferred. Including family members, there were only about 60 people.

Before leaving, except for a dozen baked naan, there was nothing else.

Because they were going to the prosperous Jiangnan.

The tribesmen are envious and have a mentality that you have become developed.
Divided their property.

These people did not complain, silently mounted their horses and said goodbye to the cold Horgos River.

All the way across deserts, plateaus, the Yellow River, mountains, and the Yangtze River,
If there are stations along the way, supply supplies; if there are no stations, hunt and be self-sufficient.

At night, tents and bonfires were set up.

Along the way, they killed more than 20 wolves, tigers and leopards, more than 10 bandits, and smashed three illegal shops.

Five people died on the way, falling into the water, falling ill, and rolling off the cliff.

Only 60 people finally arrived in Suzhou.


The Youjing Banner team was too bloated and blocked the official roads.

This Sauron camp is neither advancing nor retreating.

Just stood there silently, staring silently.

Second Master Song felt that the eyes of these people were too penetrating, so he hid in the middle of the team.

I happened to see Duolong, and the two of them had a tacit understanding and whispered to each other:
"Xiao Duozi, it is said that one Sauron can fight ten. Is it true?"


"They are also bannermen, why are they so good at fighting?"

"Because of being poor!"

Second Master Song didn't understand and was about to think about it carefully.

I heard chaotic shouting.

A guy from Jingqi:
"Men, are you too shabby? Go wash up at the river before entering the city."

The leader of Sauron Camp:
"We are about to move thousands of miles away. Don't care about these false gifts. Come into the city to pay homage to Shangguan."

"Hey, this is wrong. You are losing face to the Eight Banners, the court, and the emperor."

The Sauron people were clumsy. After thinking for a long time, they could not find a reason to refute.

This time, Jingqi found a sense of excellence.

All kinds of pointing fingers and great truths flying around.

The poor Sauron camp is worse than a critical dog, unfaithful, unfilial, and disrespectful.


A Sauron boy rushed out of the queue angrily.

He drew out the long knife on the saddle and shouted:
"To shut up."

This roar actually calmed the Jingqi gang.

The leader of Sauron's soldiers is a genuine 8th-grade left wing commander.He stopped the young man:
"Awang, let's take a detour."

So, these 60 riders went down the official road.

After stepping on a section of field ridge, we arrived at the official road in front.

This attitude made Jingqi very angry and disappointed.

A group of people cursed and enumerated the crimes of the people outside the Pass from all angles.

Including but not limited to: wild, savage, stupid, despicable, poor~
In short, although they are the same kind, they are comparable to aliens, but their hearts are even more different.

After scolding him, he followed him into the city angrily.


Sauron's soldiers entered Changmen in a flash. After asking where the city gate government office was, they rode straight to Daoqian Street.

Before the city gate officials and soldiers had time to be surprised, they saw a more majestic team approaching.

"This is this?" "Quick, quick, the Eight Banners soldiers from the capital are here."

The city gate official shouted quickly and cleared the way.

The vendors who set up stalls nearby smashed their stalls.

Prevent those radishes and cabbages from affecting the effect of the Eight Banners' entering ceremony.

250 flag men from the capital, fully armored, holding swords and guns high, riding war horses.

At a slow speed, he came towards Changmen.

They actually used drums and trumpets.

On a large cart, Erye Song and Duolong were taking turns playing drums.

This is the war drum issued by the Ministry of War!

There were a few guys nearby, playing gongs with their eyes closed.

In short, the drum beats are very exciting. If you listen carefully, you can still taste them. This is the music of King Qin breaking the formation.

For such a big battle, Suzhou people who love to watch the excitement have already crowded out.

On the city walls, on both sides of the streets, on the second floors of shops, and even on boats in the river,

They were all crowded with melon-eating people.

I want to see what the bastard who occupies the magpie's nest looks like.


The enthusiasm of the people in Suzhou Prefecture completely ignited Jingqi's desire to perform.

Mud, if you don’t fix such a big scene, you will regret it for 30 years!
Everyone tried their best to put on the most dignified appearance,
The left hand holds the reins, and the right hand holds the weapon.

The spearhead is like a forest, and the blade is sharp.

They are all facing up, standard inspection style.

Look straight ahead and never take a peek at the scenery on either side of the street.

Even in the brothel in Changmen, where the girls were leaning on the railings and waving handkerchiefs, they didn't take a second glance.

In the past, gentlemen from Beijing had to get out of the car, shake their hands and apply some hair oil.

Men in the capital are good at this, they know right and wrong.

In the words of Mr. Song:
"Although our bannermen are bastards, we know the importance at critical moments."

Enter the city from Changmen and end at Mancheng in the east.

At least tens of thousands of people saw this shocking scene.

For a time, the power of the Eight Banners Heavenly Soldiers spread throughout Suzhou.

Except for Fu Kang'an, all other officials in the yamen believed it.

Distance creates illusions, the further the distance, the more filters.

As the capital of Xianghuang Banner and a nobleman in the capital, Fukang was as relieved as Zhishui and didn't want to deal with these people.


Fukang'an had people reward the 60 people transferred from Yili.
In addition to arranging the house, each household was also given 1 stone of white rice, 2 cubic meters of fodder, and 10 pounds of oil and salt each.
And 10 taels of Anjia silver.

He was also gentle and encouraging, and very kind.

Because he knew that from now on, these dozens of people, plus the governor's personal guards, would be the tip of his sword.

Fubiao Green Camp is the back of the knife.

As for the hundreds of people in Jingqi, they are just knife handles.

Hey, Eight Banners!

The people of Sauron were grateful and contented.

After kowtowing to express gratitude, "under the leadership of the junior officials, we went to their station.

They kept their eyes wide open along the way, everything was so new.

"Chief Zuozhou, Suzhou City is such a good place."


Everyone rejoiced and they lived a good life from then on.

Although the Sauron people are not afraid of death, it does not mean that they do not want to live a good life.

The city walls are still under construction.It's just a prototype, only 2 meters high.

Enemy road is narrow!

As soon as Suolun camp entered Mancheng, they saw the embarrassed Jingqi.

These people were finally exposed, wearing armor all the way, holding swords and guns, their hands were numb, their waists were sore, and they had no strength.

When dismounting, it's all in rolling mode.

Very embarrassed.

A guy wearing cotton armor first threw the knife on the ground with a bang.

Then he took off his helmet again and threw it to the ground.

Then, he dismounted, Gululu, and rolled to the side.

"Hey, my wavy bones."

The scene was so funny that the people of Sauron couldn't help but laugh.

This laughter caused Jing Qi to be extremely dissatisfied.

They cursed angrily:
"Get lost, Sauron wild man."

"Things that don't know etiquette and education."

"Everyone in our banner is well-educated and sensible, how come there are rat turds like you?"


The Sauron people finally couldn't bear it anymore.
He dismounted, waved his fists, and wanted to charge forward.

"Stop." Zuo Zui shouted loudly.

All the Saurons stopped immediately, and the people in Jingqi breathed a sigh of relief.

They brought stools and asked their companions to step on them one by one to dismount.

Second Master Song had already taken off his helmet and leaned against the cart:

"I also worked hard today. The drums were beaten so loudly that the whole city of Suzhou heard it."

Someone immediately praised him:

"The second master is right. Your majesty today is comparable to that of Liang Hongyu who beat drums for her husband on the battlefield."

Second Master Song wanted to reason out that Liang Hongyu was a woman.

On second thought, he is a hero after all.So he gladly accepted the compliment.

Sauron people don't want to get involved with these dandies,
Get ready to go to your own house and plan your future happy life.

Suddenly I heard:
"They actually brought a little cub with them."

This time, a hornet's nest was stirred.


This baby was born on the way.

Her mother died shortly after giving birth because she was constantly on the road.

The Sauron people suddenly exploded, grabbing the capital's Zhenglan Banner, Rui Ye, who was making sarcastic remarks.


"Oh, Sauron's barbarians are beating people and bullying our men in the capital."

this voice,

Both sides huffed and started to spray each other.

Jing Qi is famous for being a talkative, talkative, holding his head high, and deliberately hitting people with his chest.

The Sauron man's face turned red as he was scolded, and his fists clenched.

Duolong is a shrewd man. He has already sat on the big bus and avoided the risk of front-line confrontation.

To advance can be attacked, and retreat can be defended.

Dependent on winning or losing, very flexible.

He held a stone and asked the excited Second Master Song beside him: "Second Master, what do you think?"

"250 vs 20, the advantage is mine."

"Second Master is wise."

Having said that, Doron felt insecure.

Fumbling around in sacks on carts,

"Just a cart of black beans to feed the horses. No gold or silver."



Heila, the leader of Sauron's left wing, couldn't help but feel angry in his heart.

He shouted in a low voice: "Don't use the knife, beat them hard."

The Saurons, who had long been unable to hold themselves back, immediately started going berserk, creating chaos.

The little official who led the way saw that the situation was out of control and hurried to report the news.

The big men of Jingqi finally got beaten.

Although it is 250 to 20, the ratio is extremely disparate and the advantage is extremely obvious.

But fights often rely on the leader to be brave and good at fighting, charge forward, and stabilize the front.

The brothers at the back can fight smoothly.

Obviously, Jingqi had no leader and was beaten like a rat.

Sauron's hands were so dark that with one punch, he would spit out his breakfast.

As Duolong watched, the battle line retreated step by step.

He immediately threw the stone in his hand and hit a Sauron man.The man seemed to have practiced Iron Head Kung Fu and ignored it.

Duolong was instantly frightened and whispered:
"Are you okay?"

Mr. Song immediately responded and threw away his cotton armor.

However, the front was defeated too quickly.

In the blink of an eye, the battle line retreated to the cart.

The ferocious Sauron people chased closely and kicked one down.

The wounded from Jingqi lay on the ground.

Really cruel.

Doron quickly untied the sack and spilled a bag of beans on the ground.


Soybeans, black beans, splashed on the ground.

People who are fighting will fall down if stepped on.

Mainly attacking one enemy and not distinguishing between ourselves,
The effect is outstanding!

The instigator, Duolong, crouched and hid in a safe area.

Looking back, he suddenly became happy and shouted loudly: "Men from Jingqi, stand shoulder to shoulder, five of us. We have more people, so we won't suffer."

In the past, the probability of turning defeat into victory was almost zero.

Jingqi doesn't believe in miracles, they only believe that the 36 strategies are the best.

However, today the city entry ceremony was probably very successful, inspiring their hidden ancestral bloodline.

He actually started a charge.

Looking at Sauron who fell to the ground and couldn't get up, he pressed hard on him.

One, two, three, four, stacked Arhats.

Finally, the Sauron people were suppressed, using their own weight to offset the difference in force.


After all, the Sauron people are few in number. There are only twenty or thirty people fighting.

A dozen of them were subdued in this way, suppressed and beaten.

When it comes to fighting with the wind and being immoral, Jingqi really has no fear of anyone.

I saw Duolong, grabbing a ball of horse dung and stuffing it into the mouth of Sauron, who was pressed under the crowd.
While wiping it, he cursed:

"Isn't Sauron very good at fighting?"

"Get up and beat your grandpa."

(End of this chapter)

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