Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 152 Qianlong: Why should I not allow such a good thing?

Chapter 152 Qianlong: Why should I not allow such a good thing?
This Sauron man struggled with his head from side to side, but in the end, his face was covered with fresh horse manure.

"I cao~"

As soon as he roared, he was drowned in horse manure.

When the Sauron women and children behind saw it, they became anxious.

He immediately came up to help with his whip and scabbard.

It's okay, the Jingqi man who had been watching the battle from behind and didn't dare to take action immediately found his opponent.

Holding the scabbard, the stick faced him.

With more enemies and fewer casualties, they succeeded in drowning these fierce Sauron women and children.

One trick is fresh, eat all over the sky.

Fight with pressure and add a few more people.

Even those Jingqi aunts and grandmothers who were watching the excitement also got on board.

They twisted and pinched the flesh, secretly pricked them with needles, even slapped them in the face and pulled their hair.


Outside the city, people were watching, riding on the unfinished city wall and gloating over the misfortune.

Everyone called directly:
"Look at the bannermen, they are so particular. When we arrived in Mancheng, we didn't even have time to put down our luggage, so we had to have a fight to warm up."

"You're really cruel, tsk tsk."

"They are so cruel to their own people, so they will treat us in the future~"

The speaker has a heart, and the listener has a heart.

The people are full of worries about the days to come.

A family with bad neighbors makes life difficult.

After hearing the news, the officers from Suzhou Prefecture rushed over.

He stood aside and watched, not daring to intervene.

In Huang Si’s words: “This is all Master Man, how dare we take care of it?”

Huang Wenyun arrived in a sedan and showed his name, but it didn't work.

The Beijing flag is not a bird at all. Calling the prefect directly is a bird, not as rare as the bastard in Yongding River.

You have nothing to do with the lawsuits of our bannermen.

The image of our banner people doesn’t matter even if you say it.

Second Master Song shouted:
"Our Beijing flag man finally started shaking today."

"How majestic this is!"

"We, the most elite Sauron soldier in the Qing Dynasty, were pushed to the ground and beaten by us. Hey, I can brag about this deed for the rest of my life."


"Capital Commander of Xianghuang Banner, governor of Jiangsu, temporary deputy commander-in-chief of Suzhou. Lord Fukang'an has arrived."

"Both parties in the fight should let go immediately, otherwise Suo will be imprisoned and exiled to Yili."

Jing Qi knew the best and quickly kicked him a few times, then stepped aside.

With pride and reserve on their faces, everyone knelt down on one knee and shouted:
"Welcome to you, Lord Tong."

Fukangan was riding on the horse, his expression changing.

I wanted to curse and hit others, but I held back.

Put the overall situation first and don’t lose face.

It was embarrassing to spread the news and make the Han officials and people in the city laugh.

"Everyone, please go back to camp and rest for three days."

"If there is another provocateur, he will be punished and exiled to Yili."

In this battle, except for the left wing leader, all the Saurons suffered injuries, ranging in severity.

The minor ones were skin injuries, and the serious ones were several broken ribs.
More common was psychological harm, with half of the people being stuffed with horse manure.

So much so that when horse dung was mentioned in the capital flag, the Sauron people became furious.

This hurdle will never be overcome.


In the governor's office, Fukangan had doubts about his judgment for the first time.

Could it be that I have been wrongly blaming these cowards in Jingqi, but they are actually very bloody?
Today's entry into the city ceremony was done in a decent manner, and everyone in the yamen gave a thumbs up.

Feeling powerful from the heart is not hypocritical.

Then there was another fight.

Although the number of people is more than ten times.

But based on his understanding of Jingqi and Sauron, it would be unusual for him to win.

After all, that was the Sauron Camp from Yili, the "Dinghai Shenzhen" of the Western Regions, a group of warriors who never stopped fighting.

The old housekeeper who came to deliver lotus seeds and tremella soup saw him thinking hard and asked why.

"Third Young Master, don't worry, I know what's going on."


"The people in Beijing Banner are cheating. If it were on the battlefield, they might not be able to defeat these 20 Sauron soldiers."


"I have been in the capital all my life, and I know the virtues of these boys very well. They can only pick up ready-made military achievements, and they are full of bad ideas. They are invincible when fighting against the wind. If they encounter a slight setback, they will immediately grease their feet."

This farce ends here.

People say that it has been a hundred years since the founding of the Qing Dynasty, but it still maintains such bravery.

It is indeed the imperial court's good fortune and the country's good fortune.

It's a matter of national importance and we dare not hide it.The book was sent to the Forbidden City, and Qianlong read it carefully four times.

Then he put down the book in confusion and asked the eunuch beside him:

"Can fighting really make a man more passionate?"

The eunuch lowered his head:
"Master, this slave doesn't understand and doesn't dare to answer."

Qianlong smiled generously and asked the wrong person.

However, if Jingqi can stimulate bleeding in the process of beating the Sauron people, why wouldn't I allow it?
Suffer Sauron one more time.


The Eight Banners of Qingzhou, the Eight Banners of Jiangning, the Eight Banners of Jingzhou, and the Eight Banners of Chengdu arrived later.

They all felt incredible about this.

It made Jingqi proud for a while, and with this momentum, he secured some of the best houses on Pingjiang Road.

Fukangan has been waiting patiently to collect evidence of Li Yu's crimes.

Weigtang mines privately, recruits thugs to guard the courtyard, befriends subordinates, distributes dividends and bribes, and may also be involved in multiple murder cases and arson cases.

He already had some clues.

However, he needs a reasonable event,

With undisputed criminal facts, Li Yu was captured on the spot.

Only then can the officials in Suzhou Prefecture be speechless and helpless.

Otherwise, if the guarantee is not complete, some temporary workers will take the initiative to plead guilty and take over all the incidents, proving in court that Li Yu is innocent and completely unaware.

Hey, the Qing Dynasty.

According to his Goshkha report,
Li Yu was a cautious person and stayed in Lijiabao or Xishan Island all year round.

Occasionally when I travel, I am always surrounded by bodyguards, wearing bright clothes and angry horses.

If you want to arrest them on the spot, you need to mobilize troops in advance, and it is best to do it in the city.

Fukangan was even a little annoyed,
A mere tyrant actually made such a noble clan nobleman as him, and the border official cautious and prudent.

In addition to the protection of the Manchu officials and gentry, there is another important factor, which is the award from the court.

The gold-plated plaque of "Jiangnan Yimin" hangs at the gate of Lijiabao.

He is a graduate of the Imperial College and has the status of candidate for a seventh-grade official, which is the next best thing.

These false names have actually become this thief's protective color, which is really ridiculous.


Fukang'an even misses how high-spirited he was in those days in the military camp.

There are no bullshit twists and turns, and there are not so many obstacles that get in the way.

Everything is focused on military merit.

An idea flashed across his mind: rebuild the Taihu Association!
Then, he played with Li Yu in a familiar way.

All the warships of the Taihu Association were sent to Xishan Island to patrol and exert pressure.

Slowly, evidence will naturally be caught.

For example, intercepting ore ships.

There was a conflict with the thugs on Xishan Island, and then the officers and soldiers took advantage of the situation to suppress the thieves.

In this way, no one of the officials and gentry who protected Li Yu could come out to intercede.

Once someone is arrested, a solid case can be made.

If you send it to the capital, no one will take the opportunity to cause trouble for you.

"Come on."

"The mark is on."

"How far is the Taihu Association's reconstruction progress? Let the person in charge come to see me."


At this time, Li Yu was also thinking about how to play within the rules and try to buy himself as much time as possible.

The governor's Yamen's informants have been sending back all kinds of news about him.

Fukangan was very keen on sharpening his sword, and he knew all about it.

He was not surprised at all the fights in the city.

A fight to the death and a fight are two different things.

He just ordered his men to pay close attention to the movements in the city and understand the reality.

The rest is nothing important.

There are only 2000 bannermen. As long as the strategy is appropriate, they can just close the door and beat the dogs.

The city is both a protective shell and a coffin.

As long as we control the city and block it from all sides, we can slowly kill these bannermen.

The city's planning map is on his desk. The camps, warehouses, and even the arsenal are all clearly marked.

Among them, the gunpowder magazine is located opposite the Humble Administrator's Garden.

The south of the Yangtze River is humid, so there are many things to pay attention to when building a gunpowder magazine.

Just laying the foundation and waterproofing requires many steps.

If complete confidentiality is required, unless the flag levy men carry out the work themselves.

Obviously this is impossible!

The people in Jingqi clamored every day that I came to Jiangnan not to endure hardship, but to enjoy it.

Unless Fukang'an takes care of everything, they won't give face to the officials who handle it.

If you don't listen, what can you do to this man?
Hundreds of years ago, these Eight Banners disciples were awakened and took the lead in practicing "lying down".

As it turned out, they were right.


Theoretically, the whole city is off limits to Han people.
Every day hundreds of coolies go in to build houses and paint walls.

Therefore, Li Yu also had a copy of the sketch of the gunpowder magazine.

Even more detailed than Fukang'an's.Even the drainage outlets were well known to him.

He has already transferred Zhao Erhu back from Changxing.

He was instructed to disguise himself as a mason, mix with the coolies, and do some tricks on the roofs of gunpowder depots all over the city.

Make sure that during the rainy season, the roof will leak.

Moreover, it is an internal leak that will not be discovered until the wall turns black.

To solve this problem, we have to tear it down and rebuild!
Business at Xujiang Wharf is booming, with more than 150 merchant ships coming and going every day.

The warehouse that had been vacant for a long time finally had nowhere to store the joys and sorrows.

There are more than 2000 terminal employees.Mainly porters, there are also various types of workers gathered, from those who weave cables, to those who repair leaks, those who mend sails, and even those who sharpen scissors.

The cranes were overwhelmed, so they had to rush to build 4 cranes and install them on the pier.

Although the business is booming, there are many people coveting it.

But among the officials in one government and three counties, more than 6% of them received fixed benefits from Li Yu.

According to the grade, get the silver.

Therefore, no one dares to speak loudly and break the rules.

If you want to take one more bite, what will others do?
In the Qing Dynasty, it was most taboo to do such things that offended the public.

Therefore, although the subordinate officials are very greedy, they can only consciously maintain the order of dividing the spoils.


Those who formulate and implement order are the biggest winners.

Li Yu soon tasted the benefits. The income of Xujiang Terminal was rising at a straight rate, which shocked everyone.

Even Huang Wenyun asked in private several times, is the toll really so high?

Li Yu smiled and said nothing, saying that he was an honest person.

Huang Wenyun naturally didn't believe it.
However, Zhu Gui is a true believer.

He once again encouraged Li Yu with gentle words to make money for the government. In a year and a half, he would definitely help recommend a real vacancy.

He even gave thoughtful advice not to get too involved in business, otherwise there will be disaster in the future.

A person who cannot shed his identity as a merchant is destined to not go far in the officialdom of the Qing Dynasty.

Once there is a real shortage of officials, Xujiang Pier will be sold quickly.

Just keep a very small stake.

The rest was exchanged for money and land, to build a large manor, to have more wives and concubines, to have more children, and to spend a lot of money to hire excellent private school teachers.

If you have that kind heart, you can spend money to build two bridges and leave a good name.

In less than two generations, the Li family would have been a serious gentry family in Gusu, with a scholarly family background.

Lao Zhu is too honest, and his words are full of truth and have no moisture.

Li Yu was inexplicably moved. If he had no plans to rebel and followed Zhu Gui, his future in the Qing Dynasty would be really bright.

Because Zhu Gui is the future imperial master of Jiaqing and has a bright future.


With Zhu Gui's love, it is more convenient for Li Yu to do things.

He changed the dock's charging standards again.

Berth fees, handling fees, storage fees, and transaction intermediary fees have all increased by 3% to 5%.

As he expected, the merchant ship didn't protest at all and paid the money honestly.

The businessmen of the Qing Dynasty were the group of people who best understood the logic of social operation.

The anti-smuggling boats in the canal are at Li Yu's command.

The government office in Fucheng also took care of Li Yu.

Xujiang Pier is the only terminal nearby.

Even the coolies listen to him.

With such a concentrated advantage, if Li Yu didn't make more money, he would be in trouble.

What's more, although I paid more money, the dock is very particular about things.There are no invisible traps, no private extortion, and the government will no longer get involved.

Businessmen are very satisfied if they can make money with peace of mind and worry-free.

Businessmen in the Qing Dynasty longed for order, even if it was darker and more powerful, as long as it was logically clear and transparent.

In the words of a certain shop owner:

"For merchants, no matter how bad the order is, it is better than no order at all."

"It would be great if there was a clear order on the table."


After clarifying the Suzhou Canal, Li Yu turned his attention to Taihu Lake.

He had already known about Fukang'an's urging to speed up the reconstruction of the Taihu Association.

This is a red flag!

The governor wanted to challenge himself within the rules.

As long as the Taihu Battleship is still there, it will keep an eye on the ships and personnel entering and exiting Xishan Island every day, intercepting or tracking them, and catching the reasonable ones.

Then, grab the little braid and pull it hard.

In the end, a big girl can be pulled out.

When the time comes, neither Huang Wenyun nor Zhu Gui will be able to change things for him.

Fan Jing came in a hurry,
After reading the briefing on all the intelligence, I thought for a moment and discovered the truth:
"Fukangan obviously didn't realize that we were going to rebel! He just wanted to kill us out of his previous inertia."

"We must never allow the Taihu Association's warships to resume patrolling Taihu Lake."

Li Yu nodded:
"Even if I use force, I will destroy the warship on the slipway."

"The Dongshan team training team is watching them every day."

Speaking of which,

Both of them couldn't help laughing. Dongshan Tuanlian and Taihu Xieying District were neighbors, separated by a hill.

At the top of the mountain, a telescope can be used to monitor shipbuilding progress in real time.

The news came 2 days ago that newly built houses in the camp have been completed, with a total of 40 houses.

The pier has also been rebuilt.

The keels of five warships have been finalized, the ribs have been fixed, and the ship plates on both sides are being attached. One of them is 5% complete.

The wood used is pretty good, all century-old giant trees from the mountainous areas of northern Sichuan.


Fan Jing suddenly remembered something and whispered:
"My father-in-law caught a thief, I guess you might be interested."


"He's the author of that series of books on the market. You've also read them."

Li Yu slapped his forehead and suddenly realized, Damn it, he is the editor-in-chief of the Tauren series of books.

Liu Qian has been busy recently and has no time to check.

As a result, he was found out by the Fan family by accident.

"Why did it hit your father-in-law's hand?"

"My colleague, his printing skills were not up to par, so he went to Fan's Printing Shop to steal his skills, and he was discovered."

"Where are people now?"

"In Wu County Prison."

"Bring it over and give it to me."

"Subordinates obey."

After the prisoner was delivered, Li Yu couldn't help but laugh.

He had read this person's series of books and commented that they were very imaginative and bold.


"Do you know what your sin is?"

"I know, according to the laws of the Qing Dynasty, Ning Guta or Yili will be exiled."

Li Yu looked at this guy with interest, and Liu Qian was also present.

The reason why I called him here is because the next plan requires the cooperation of the intelligence organization.

"Will you do something for me?"


Obviously, this is a smart man, and his energy is not spent on the right path.

However, those who write outstanding books are not very serious, which is understandable.

Dealing with smart people is easy and takes just a moment.

This scholar named Jia Xiaozhen became Li Yu's subordinate with a low eyebrow.

From now on, he became Li Yu's publicity consultant under the pseudonym "Xiao Xiaosheng".Waving the flag and shouting for rebellion.

To put it simply and crudely, they were writing various pamphlets to smear the Qing Dynasty on Xishan Island.

The first one to be attacked was Fukangan!
"Xiao Jia, you are a smart man. If you work hard, you will have a better future than you doing those pirated books."

"Yes, my lord."

This scholar is very knowledgeable.He was directly called "Lord", and Li Yu did not refuse this time.

Soon, the backbone of the Li family army began to call them "Lord".

The change of title is a signal.


A room, pen, ink, paper, inkstone, paint and powder.

It took Jia Xiaozhen a few days to compile a complete story, with 20 pages of text and 10 pages of illustrations.

As far as the plot is concerned, it's quite a gimmick, and the writing is sophisticated and has a lot of room for imagination.

However, Li Yu frowned and asked:
"Why are you still doing this (Niutou)?"

"Lord, this is what people like."


"Over the years, I have secretly printed more than 10 books, and finally I found that the ones with this routine were the most popular."

"Okay, let's test the water first."

Fan Jing came forward and asked for more than 10 craftsmen from his father-in-law's printing shop.

I vacated several rooms on Xishan Island and started printing secretly.A batch of paper produced in Yangzhou was also purchased.

Under the temptation of money, the craftsmen tried their best to come up with the technology of set printing.

The illustrations are very beautiful and colorful.

Li Yu also contributed a picture.Nothing else, mainly itchy hands.

When Jia Xiaozhen saw it, he was in awe.

To put it bluntly, the master is a buried artistic genius of the world.

This line, this shadow, it's amazing.

So this picture was used as the cover.

The title of the book is "The Secret History of Fulkan of the Four Evil Men in the Capital".

The author's signature is Xiaoxiaosheng.


500 volumes, Liu Qian thought about it and felt that it was better to be cautious.

100 copies of them were sent to Yangzhou Prefecture Fengyue Market for sale.

The price is very high, 5 taels per book.

However, when a customer who knew the product opened it, his eyes lit up, and all 100 copies were sold out.

Then it was quietly sold in Suzhou Prefecture, targeting the banner people.

Little 2000 Banner Man actually purchased more than 300 copies.

How dare you spend money!

The last remaining ones were quietly sold to wealthy people in Fucheng.

The buyer took it home and read it carefully, only to discover that the book was so audacious that it actually alluded to the governor.

There was no mention of dynasty, but their age, family background, official position, and even appearance were all very similar.

The timid ones will burn it after reading it, while the bold ones will hide it secretly and take it out to read it again when nothing happens.

The illustrations are all torn.

The whole city is even more so.

In the brothel of "resting with the country",
These guys even openly discussed whether Fulkang was Fu Heng's son.


(End of this chapter)

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