Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 164: Stop pretending and be your true self!

Chapter 164: Stop pretending and be your true selves!

General Liang Fengye has rich battlefield experience and a keen sense of smell.

He saw clearly that a stray thief who lost mobility and concealment was meat on the chopping block.

The officers and soldiers can use superior forces to surround them on all sides, defeat them in one battle, and then pursue and kill them.

The cooks began to feel uneasy.

Deep down, there is still fear of officers and soldiers.

Li Dahu sneered. He had heard his adoptive father talk about similar battle cases.

"Go down with the order and eat quickly. After eating, I will take most of the troops and set off immediately. The fusiliers will stay behind, and you can command the two dogs."

"Hey, you're tall, I'll listen to you."

The two sides were facing each other strangely across the river.

Even though we were more than 200 meters away, no one was firing guns and cannons indiscriminately.

The battlefield here is quiet.

Suddenly, General Liang Fengye was surprised to find that the bandits broke out of camp and fled.

It was very fast, as if trying to escape.

"Send the order and prepare to cross the river to pursue."

"As ordered."

Suddenly, he saw a strange scene. A small group of thieves, more than a hundred people in size, were standing still in place.

Not only that, but a dozen large cars were left behind.

The mules and horses were driven aside in preparation for using the cart as a barrier.

"You want to survive by cutting off your tail? It seems that there is someone who knows how to fight among the bandits."

"Sir, will you pursue me?"

"Hmph, of course we have to pursue him. All the troops take off their boots, put away their weapons, and cross the river!"


Li Ergou's eyes were excited as he looked at the Green Camp soldiers who were preparing to cross the river.

"Brothers, what we have in our hands is the best flintlock gun. It is a good thing that the green soldiers of the Qing Dynasty have never tasted."

"You guys will target the official later."

"Captain Ergou, I'm not sure."

"Those who ride horses, those who wear armor, and those who hold swords must be officials."


At the front, more than 100 green soldiers holding shields carefully walked into the river.

Not deep, but cold.

Liang Fengye was a qualified general and knew how to ask the soldiers to roll up their cotton trousers and boots and carry them across the river.

Otherwise, when the cold wind blows after landing, dozens of people will fall ill.


Gunshots rang out, and President Qian and President Gu were shot and fell down.

Immediately, there was intensive gunfire.

Li Ergou was so elated that he loved the rifled flintlock gun in his hand.

Their location was 150 meters away from the river bank, and they could still kill or injure the enemy. This was the difference in weapons generation.

The Qing army also began to fight back, with shotguns crackling.However, the range is not enough and it poses no threat at all.

Liang Fengye got off the horse and squatted behind the shield.

"Pull the cannon over and shoot them."

"Tell the brothers crossing the river that the first one to break into the enemy's position will be rewarded with 20 taels of silver."

This reward is not low.

A group of brave people finally crossed the river and charged, regardless of wearing their boots.

They were hit by a volley of fire, and they all fell to pieces.Apparently, a shield couldn't stop lead bullets.

The shooting speed of four rounds per minute was something the Qing army had never imagined.

It is impossible for the green battalion soldiers to have the courage to charge in the face of death.

The people crossing the river lay still, and the people behind did not dare to cross the river again.

On the battlefield, only the sound of gunfire from both sides was heard.

The occasional roar of the bronze cannon posed a threat to the Li family's army. One person was rolled by the cannonball and died on the spot.

The rest immediately retreated to avoid the threat of shells.

If the inferior copper cannon fires three rounds in a row, it needs to be cooled down.

This short-barreled copper cannon was originally used to fire shotgun shells, but now it is risky to fire solid bullets with a full charge.

If you continue to fight, it will definitely explode.


Under the cover of artillery shells, the Qing troops who crossed the river withdrew again.

I have lost all my courage and am no longer willing to attack by force.

Liang Fengye had no choice but to send people to explore the road. There was a stone bridge 2 miles downstream. The whole army crossed the bridge and continued the pursuit.

And Li Ergou also gave up when he saw the situation, and ran away with his men, chasing the main force.

If this Qing army is tenacious, the whole army can cross the river with casualties.

Then Li Dahu will lead Zao Ding to kill a carbine.

Fortunately, this situation did not appear.

Liang Fengye wanted to save his soldiers, and Li Dahu also wanted to board the ship as a guerrilla.

Li Yu warned him not to fight forcefully before rendezvousing with Liu Wu's warship.

After rendezvous, go down the river, then turn into the Huangpu River in Songjiang Prefecture, and choose the opportunity for a decisive battle!
It's crazy!

Li Dahu and others encountered two more interceptions by small groups of Qing troops along the way.

They were all about a hundred or ten people. After a brief exchange of fire, they hid far away, but they didn't leave. They just followed them all the way.

This is a dangerous sign.

Li Dahu finally understood why his adoptive father repeatedly emphasized that he should act quickly and follow a carefree trajectory.

Because Jiangnan was densely populated, his whereabouts could not be concealed. Once he was chased by the Qing army, he would no longer be able to hide.

The fog of war has been torn away.

Jiangnan Admiral Nan Yunsheng and Governor Fukang An both led their troops on a forced march, preparing to encircle them.

In particular, the more than 100 cavalrymen under Fukang'an left behind the Fubiao infantry and rushed straight to the battlefield.

Wang Liu was also encouraging along the way:

"Brothers, as long as we board the ship, we will win."

"Sixth Brother, the world belongs to the imperial court, where can we run to?"

"The only way to survive is to fight to the death. If we rebel half way, the court will not tolerate us. Beheading is a light thing."


The two warships led by Liu Wu finally arrived in Taicang Prefecture and met up with the manpower left by Li Dahu to guard the ships. This was part of the prior agreement.

In the evening, the retreating group was finally received.

Li Dahu was very happy. If it weren't for these mules and horses to carry the foot power, he might not be so fast.

In fact, the nearest cavalry was already 20 miles away.

When fighting a war, it is one thing to make a plan in advance.If they really fight, it's another matter.

If there is a slight error on the way, it will continue to be magnified later until it is beyond recognition and is a mess.

Not daring to delay, everyone boarded the ship overnight.

Then, eat quietly, rest, and accumulate strength.

It wasn't until the early morning of the next day that I saw the Qing cavalry on the shore.

Fukangan was among them, riding an Ili horse with sharp eyes.

He frowned and looked at the boats in the river.

"The bandits are so powerful?"

"This is not Salt Owl Zao Ding, it is clearly an army!"

"Go and shout to find out."

As soon as he received the order, he urged his horse to run up to the dock and said, "Who is the leader? Master Futai wants to talk to him in front of the battle."

This person shouted very loudly, but he was a bit stupid.

When Fukangan heard this, he immediately galloped away.

Sure enough, the next moment, shells flew out of the ship.

The sailors were eager to fire, cut the covering on the side of the ship and threw it directly into the river.

Liu Wu was still shouting loudly on the deck: "Fire the cannon and kill Fukang'an."

The Eight Banners cavalry retreated in embarrassment, leaving 12 corpses behind.


The idiot who shouted was killed by a concentrated fire from a flintlock gun. He and his horse were knocked down into the river, causing a huge splash.

Liu Wu looked regretfully at the back of the galloping horse and shook his head regretfully:
"I have always heard that the Eight Banners elites are skilled in equestrian skills, and I know it is true when I see them today."

The polite way he spoke made Li Ergou laugh.

"Little beggar, why are you laughing?"

"Uncle Liu, stop pretending to be a scholar. You know Confucius, but Confucius doesn't know you."

"Go to the back."

Li Ergou chuckled and went to play in the back.

Liu Wu stood on the bow of the ship and experienced the loneliness of "the great river goes eastward, and the waves sweep away all the heroes of the ages."

Recently, I have been immersed in chasing the Three Kingdoms, which is quite fascinating.

In his own words, studying Three Kingdoms is good because you can learn not only culture but also the art of war.

His meager literacy reserves were rising sharply.

Two warships took the lead, followed by more than a dozen civilian ships, heading down the river.

He quickly disappeared from everyone's sight,
Fukang'an's face was ashen and he said word by word:
"800 miles urgent, report to the emperor, there is a giant thief in the south of the Yangtze River. The warships are advanced and the firearms are sharp. They should not be ordinary civilians."

He didn't say the last sentence.

However, the princes of the imperial court must have guessed that there was something wrong within the imperial court.

The Qing Dynasty had been a country for more than a hundred years, and it had never seen rebels with warships and artillery.

Even King Li Chuang in the late Ming Dynasty did not have artillery in the early days.

Based on common sense, Fukang'an immediately discovered something fishy.

He continued to order:
"Send a few more messengers to report to the imperial envoy and General Hangzhou to set up defenses. It is difficult to judge the whereabouts of the bandits."

"Deploy the navy under the command of Susong Town Commander-in-Chief to patrol the Yangtze River Estuary."

"Inform all states and counties in the south of the Yangtze River to prevent sneak attacks and sieges by bandits. Those who lose the city must be killed!"


Count the battle damage,

Four of Sauron's soldiers died, and eight of Fukangan's own guards died. The losses were heavy.

In Fukang'an's eyes, the death of one Green Battalion (usually about 500 people) was a trivial matter.

The death of one Sauron soldier is also a big deal.

Four people died in this battle today, I feel so sad.

And he was killed by cannonballs, which was such a waste.

The only way to die worthy of Sauron's warrior is to be the first to reach the battlefield, kill the general and seize the flag.

The reason is very simple. If the Green Battalion is finished today, it will be completed tomorrow.

As for Sauron, it was too strenuous.After leaving Shanhaiguan, we walked another 2000 miles to catch the wild Sauron in the old forest.

The number of arresters must not be too small, otherwise they will easily be counterattacked or escape.

After finally catching it, he used force, food, and money as bait to recruit him into an army.

This is how Hailancha came to be.

Every Sauron male is a core asset of the imperial court.

In Sauron's army, no one except the emperor has the right to mobilize a single soldier.

After pacifying the Western Region, General Yili stationed land and built cities there, and dispersed his troops in various important pass cities.

The troop layout plan was sent to the Forbidden City.
Qianlong pondered for a long time, then wrote and gave instructions: Five more Saurons can be added to the checkpoint here.


The city guard camp led by Hu Zhihuang marched all the way.

He was quite uneasy and felt that Li Yu's arrangement was too risky.

Once exposed, you become passive.

What the hell is the so-called "undulating rebellion"? After listening to a lecture, he felt that he didn't understand it anyway.

The most absurd thing is that Li Yu actually forced the fortune teller to change the auspicious date for the wedding.

I arrived tomorrow so early that I almost exhausted Wang Po, who was in charge of the preparations.

She was so anxious that she went shopping all over the city without eating or sleeping.

Buy red silk in the east market and jewelry in the west market.

Hurrying slowly, I finally managed to put together the lavish ceremony required for the wedding.

The amount of money spent cannot be counted.

In short, the businessmen in Fucheng were overjoyed to meet their big customers.

Wherever Mrs. Wang goes, the counter will be cleared.

In Li Yu's words, my rich brother doesn't like to listen to advice when doing things.

Outside the Xujiang Park, 200 acres of flat land were temporarily leveled to serve as the wedding venue.

There are 700 gilded invitations.

Let's put it this way, if you don't receive the invitation, you will be embarrassed to say that you are doing well in Suzhou.

All the famous chefs in Fucheng were hired by him.

The warehouse is filled with all kinds of ingredients.

All three shifts of government officials in Wuxian County were dispatched.Wearing a red hat to maintain order.

This alone is definitely not enough, Dongshan team training is also here.

On a wedding day, swords and guns are definitely unlucky.

But if something happens, it won't work without some force.

For a change, paint the wooden stick with red paint and wrap the weapon with red silk.

Master Hu hurried from Huai'an Mansion, complaining all the way.

Her beloved Hu Ling'er arrived in Suzhou two days in advance.

Two strangers, develop a relationship.

At least, the height, shortness, fatness, appearance, and ups and downs of the ravines should have some impression.

Otherwise, it would be bad if you admit the wrong person.


"Master, why are you so early?"

"To avoid suspicion."

On Xishan Island, a new combat conference room was opened.

In the middle is a long table covered with blue satin, with high-backed chairs on both sides, which can accommodate 20 people at the same time.

At the top, naturally, is Li Yu's special seat.

As an art student, I care more about atmosphere.

With such an arrangement, the lord is very wise at first glance.

Huge maps hang on the walls on both sides.

On one side is the map of Suzhou Prefecture, and on the other side is the map of Jiangnan.

There is also a sand table where you can see the undulations of the terrain.

There is a "baton" next to it.

Made of steel, heavy and looks very domineering.

"I'm going to Hanyuan Temple another day to have Abbot Miekong consecrate it."

"to whom?"

"Give me this baton!"

Yang Yunjiao smiled, she was already familiar with this man's style and his unconstrained style.

"Yunjiao, are you uncomfortable with my wedding?"

"Slave, I'm forcing myself to smile."

"After this happens, I will give you a title."

"My concubine thanks my husband."

Yang Yunjiao bowed slightly, and just as she was about to stand up, she felt a weight on her shoulders.

"Kneel down."

"The concubine obeys."

Yang Yunjiao didn't feel disgusted at all and served her happily.


In Fucheng, a horseman suddenly rushed into the city.

Heading straight to the magistrate's office, the knight rolled off his horse and shouted:
"Taihu Lake water bandits landed and attacked Zhenze County. The county magistrate died in the battle and the county government office was burned."

Huang Wenyun was in disbelief:
"How big are the bandits? Are they the ones Futai wants to encircle and suppress?"

"A small group of 200 men captured the city gate in a surprise attack and ran away after they succeeded."

"They didn't occupy the county seat?"


Huang Wenyun breathed a sigh of relief, as long as the city was not lost.

"Quick, go and report to Mr. Futai. Please send a partial force to come back for reinforcements."

"As ordered."

Tan Ma galloped away again, the military situation was extremely urgent.

As for which troops Fukang'an would deploy, it was not something Huang Wenyun could consider.

It's nothing more than city guard camp or Pingwang camp, choose one of the two.

When all the bannermen in Suzhou heard that there were bandits in their hometown, their first reaction was to close the city gates.

Anyway, Mancheng is self-contained, so just ensure the safety of your own home.

A group of Beijing banners sighed with emotion, letting the city guard camp replace the money spent on the expedition, it was well spent!
If this happened on the battlefield, many people would be mourning and mourning.

Second Master Song kept thinking that Jiangnan was not peaceful at all.

I often hear in Beijing that there is heaven above and Suzhou and Hangzhou below. The people are simple, respectful and gentle.

That's it?

It’s almost time to catch up with the trumpet Jinchuan.


No matter how much he thought about it, no matter what the situation on the east side was like.

Li Yu's wedding was held as scheduled.

Next to Xujiang Park, countless colored silks were erected.

One is beautiful, and the other is windproof.

There were so many guests attending that no restaurant could accommodate them, so they had to choose flowing water seats.

It was sunny and calm.

This made Mr. Hu sigh with emotion, God is nostalgic, which shows where destiny lies.

The reason is a bit far-fetched, but for a rebellious couple, it is still very important to have a good start.

Magistrates, county magistrates, county magistrates, gentry, subordinate officials, businessmen, all came.

Naturally, VIPs are not allowed to eat in the open air, as it would be detrimental to their appearance.

Li Yu built a temporary wooden house with the walls all wrapped in colored silk and only two tables inside.

Only the leading figures in this mansion are qualified to sit in.

Zhu Gui didn't come, which was expected.

After all, as the chief envoy of a province, being able to send a pair of couplets is already a special favor.

Huang Wenyun came. After drinking a few glasses of wine, he chatted with Li Yu for a while and then left early, which was consistent with his status.

The rest of the people don't have so many concerns.

Several county magistrates and magistrates were drunk and chatting happily.The topic was not high-end, it was just about getting promoted, getting rich, building a garden, and marrying a concubine.

The Qing Dynasty is loyal and the saints are loyal, that is what they say to outsiders.

There is no need to pretend when it is a gathering of your own people.

Be true to yourself!

Li Yu's high profile alleviated many people's suspicions.

The officials and gentry of this government all agreed that the bandits came from the north of the Yangtze River. Since the governor personally led the troops, he must be able to capture them easily.

It won’t affect everyone’s drinking and playing.

However, at this time, Fukang'an and Nan Yunsheng's expressions looked like pig liver.

"The bandit sailed into the Huangpu River?"

"What do the Wusongkou defenders do for food? The fort didn't stop them?"

(Wusongkou is the intersection where the Huangpu River flows into the Yangtze River, where a large fort is built.)
Mr. Luying Qian, who came to report the news, had a bloody face and said in pain:
"Master Futai, our brothers died unjustly."

"They hung the flag of the Jingzhou Navy and wore the official uniforms of the Qing Dynasty. They drove warships with cannons one after another. They sailed into the Huangpu River in a swagger. The brothers in the fort thought they were friendly troops and looked too formal. ”

"and then?"

"Then they docked for supplies and attacked the fort. The brothers were unable to stop them, and the garrison master died in the battle."

Jiangnan Admiral Nan Yunsheng also looked unhappy. He couldn't figure out what kind of bird war this was.

Until now, we still haven't figured out the origin of the enemy.

"Futai, I think this is an opportunity."


"When thieves enter the Huangpu River, the road becomes narrower. It's better than drifting in the Yangtze River."

Fukangan nodded, this is the truth.

As long as he can catch the bandits' marching trajectory, he can mobilize troops from all sides to encircle and annihilate them.

The analysis of the two seems to be very reasonable.
But if you look at it from another angle, it can also be seen as a bandit entering the Huangpu River system that extends in all directions, just like a mouse entering a porcelain shop.

Wherever you run, you can be happy.


Hu Zhihuang breathed a sigh of relief, and the stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

The governor's military order arrived, asking him to return with reinforcements and kill the small group of thieves in Zhenze County.

He kept saying, "It's good to suppress thieves, and you'll get promoted and get rich."

After all, the leader of the thieves was sitting in his tent drinking tea.

(End of this chapter)

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