Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 165 As a man of high moral character and proficient in the laws of the Qing Dynasty, Li Yu k

Chapter 165 As a man of noble moral character and proficient in the laws of the Qing Dynasty, Li Yu knew that he could not violate the will of women
In the big tent,
Guerrilla general Hu Zhihuang was joking with "bandit leader" Zhou Dahai.

Zhou Dahai, now as an idle chess piece, moves around Sanshan Island. This time he landed on the island as he was ordered to do!

"My lord wields soldiers like a god, and his subordinates are in awe of him."

"Hehe, this sworn brother of mine is Zhuge Liang's supporter. Three steps are a plan, and five steps are a trap."

"What should we do next?"

"You run away, I will hunt you down. Don't take it for granted, be serious."

"Do not worry."

After entering the Huangpu River, Li Dahu clearly felt the difference between the two sides.

Standing on the deck and looking out,
To the west of the Huangpu River, there are many villages.The east bank is nothing but wasteland, with an occasional thatched house.

A river blocks it, making travel inconvenient.

As for building a bridge across the river, the common people today would not even dare to think about it. It would have to be a deity descending to earth to do it.

With the recent series of actions, he was surprised to find that Jiangnan's defense was extremely fragile.

The scattered green battalion soldiers are so bad that they can be worn out almost immediately.


"So, what is Mr. Li's next strategy?" Wang Liu asked on the deck.

"Lead the Qing troops and make them exhausted, then find a piece of land to build fortifications and destroy the Jiangnan Green Camp."

"Just these 1000 people will fight against the entire Jiangnan Green Camp?"


Wang Liu's eyes were filled with disbelief.

He couldn't help but ask: "Have you ever been beaten? Isn't this looking for death?"

Li Ergou couldn't hold himself back and jumped down from the cable:

"Brother Six, do you think the guy in our hands is a fire stick?"

Wang Liu also held back his anger and lowered his voice:

"The hundreds of soldiers you brought are elites, but what about these cooks? How many days have they been using guns? A dozen days ago, they were still busy boiling salt."

At this time, the general of Susong Town stationed in Chongming led more than 20 of his main warships to weigh anchor and prepare to encircle Wusongkou.


There is a war at the front and a wedding at the back.

Li Yu felt that this was just a difference in the division of labor in the rebellion.

He was still fighting for the cause of anti-Qing Dynasty, and he was so carefree. How dare the officials and gentry label him as the "chief leader of the anti-thieves"?

It's impossible to think about it!
After seeing off all the distinguished guests, it was natural to get down to business.

There is no need to rush, but there is no time to slow down!
Although Hu Ling'er is still young, she has grown up.

The moment the red hijab was lifted off, Li Yu felt relieved.

Tomorrow, eat two more bowls of rice!
"Husband, I will take off my armor for you."

This call is quite pleasant, which is another plus.

However, as a man of high moral character and proficient in the laws of the Qing Dynasty, Li Yu knew that he could not violate a woman's will.

To refuse is to violate, to violate is to violate the law, and to violate the law means to be beheaded.

What follows is too bloody, so the author will skip it for you.


Early the next morning, the maid came quietly.

"Master, my father-in-law wants to see you."

Li Yu rushed over and saw Master Hu already sitting in the living room drinking tea, a little absent-minded.

"Meet Lao Taishan."

"Sir, please sit down quickly. I have a few things I can't wait to ask you."

As he spoke, everyone was dismissed.

Master Hu went straight to the point: "How far have you progressed in that matter?"

"The chaos in the north of the Yangtze River, the blockage of water transportation, and the flow of thieves in the south of the Yangtze River are all my fault."

"Okay, these are all national players." Master Hu's eyes lit up, "Will you show me your family background?"

So, the two quietly took a boat to Xishan Island.

“It’s a great retreat in the city, and the location was chosen well.”

"Yes, there is no better choice around Suzhou City."

"However, the name of this place is a bit unlucky."

Li Yu smiled and pointed to the east:

"So I took Dongshan as a hedge."

Hahahaha, Master Hu couldn't help laughing.

When people talk about Xishan, they will think of the sunset on Xishan, looking ruined.

Speaking of Dongshan, it means a comeback and prosperity.

Not to mention people in the Qing Dynasty didn't mind, people hundreds of years later still cared and changed the name abruptly.

"What is this?"

"A new building material called cement. It's strong, convenient, and easy to use. I'll explain its specific properties to you in detail."

Master Hu patted the wall of the turret, quite surprised.

The two climbed to a high place and overlooked the entire island.

It happened that the sun was shining brightly and there were no clouds or fog. Li Yu pointed and started to introduce:
"The side with the black smoke is the iron factory, the long strip is the gun factory, the separate area is the gunpowder factory, and the side of the dock is the shipyard."

Master Hu suddenly asked:
"So, this is a secret industry, and the public industries are all in Xujiang Park. Right?"

"Goodbye, Lao Taishan."

"Let me make another blind guess as to your real intention of inciting the coolies in Jiangbei to rebel and move to Jiangnan."

Li Yu smiled, waiting for this old Taishan's advice.

"On the surface, you are testing the imperial court's adaptability and military strength. Privately, you want to know whether ordinary strong men, equipped with firearms and given simple training, can fight? What is their combat effectiveness?"


Master Hu's eyes full of wisdom made Li Yu stand in awe.

He took a step back, cupped his hands and said:
"My father-in-law taught me."

"You don't have to be polite, family. How about I place a bet with you first? Bet on the future of this army of cooks? The bet is only 10 taels."

Li Yu drew out his sword, walked behind a tree, and carved words.

Master Hu took the sword and carved words on another tree.

Li Yu wrote "miserable victory", and Master Hu wrote "Dui Zi".

Whoever guesses more accurately will be revealed soon.

"Master-in-law, how about taking a look at the muskets of my Li family army?"

Li Xiaowu, who was accompanying him, handed over a flintlock gun.

Master Hu looked at it carefully and after asking for the data, he gave a very high evaluation: a military weapon.

"How much do you produce per month for such flintlock guns? Do you produce them entirely by yourself?"

"The current monthly output is 2500 guns and 200 cannons. As long as the supply of raw materials can keep up, all components can be produced by ourselves."

Master Hu was very shocked and said with emotion:
"Xian son-in-law, you can compete in the Central Plains."

"The wealth you have accumulated is several times stronger than I expected. It's not easy."

Li Xiaowu raised his head proudly:
"The talent of my adopted father is even worse than that of Zhuge Liang."

After a while, when they walked to another mountain road, Master Hu asked in a low voice:

"Xian son-in-law, you have become a foster father at such a young age?"

"Ahem, there are about one or two hundred adopted sons, not including adopted daughters. Is there anything wrong?"

Master Hu shook his head: "In the initial stage, there is nothing wrong with it. Practicality comes first."

The topic quickly changed, and the two of them talked about the thing they cared about the most.

When will the Yizheng Canal be dredged?

"Qian Feng activated the imperial envoy's seal and mobilized more than 12 people from 5 counties in Jiangbei. The Governor of Water Transport moved his family to Yizheng County."

"how is the progress?"

"I took a look when I was crossing the river. I saw that a temporary embankment had been built to block the backflow of the river water. Everyone was busy draining the water. My dear son-in-law, your hands are quite dark."

"But I don't know the extent of the siltation?"

"It is expected to be very serious. The river banks have collapsed and only the outline of the river channel is left. Oh, by the way, I have copied more than 5 words of secret water transport documents for you. I believe you will be interested."

Li Yu flipped through it and was pleasantly surprised.

Among them is a report on the dredging status of the Yizheng Canal over the years.

If it is not cleaned up every year, ships with more than 1000 pieces of material will not be able to pass through.

"If I were the emperor, I would change water transportation to sea transportation to save money and trouble."

"Hey, dear son-in-law, you are being ridiculous. No matter who sits in the Jinluan Palace, he would not dare to abolish water transportation."

"What are the food and clothing requirements for millions of water workers?"

"More than that. Hundreds of civil and military officials gathered in the Jinluan Palace as if they were mourning for their heirs, and they collectively resisted."

Weng son-in-law made a joke, and then changed the subject,
Li Yu suddenly asked: "What will happen if the people dig out a stone statue from the river?"

"What did you say? Did you bury it?"

Li Yu suppressed his pride and put his hands on his hips.

Under the breeze of the lake, he looks particularly handsome and unrestrained.

We just asked Tan Muguang to lead the Cao Gang and throw down an 800-pound stone statue of Maitreya before destroying the sluice.

On the back of Maitreya Buddha, six words were accidentally carved.

The stone statues in the river will be buried by the silt, and then discovered by the people who are clearing the silt~
As an art student (who failed the exam), isn't it normal to have to mix in society and master some skills to make a living?

It's impossible to work part-time without a degree.

With your hands spread out, you can only start a business.


Back to Lijiapu,
Master Hu saw his daughter, who was very beautiful, and felt that he had taken advantage of Li Yu.

"Dad, how would you rate the son-in-law you chose?"

"Well, his elegance makes even an old man in his prime shun him."


"Why, you don't believe what dad said?"

"My daughter is wrong. Actually, she wants to ask about his military strategy?"

"Very wild."

Hu Ling'er was dumbfounded, what kind of comment was this.

wild?Is this a compliment?

Liang Fengye, a general of the Guerrilla Bureau before the bid was raised, expressed dissatisfaction.

First, more than 100 brothers were lost in the battle across the river. After reuniting with the main force, there was a rapid march.

Admiral Nan Yunsheng is a veteran general, and he is determined to win this military award.

"Junmen, this group of thieves is very evil. I always feel that there is something weird in it."

"Hmph, it's a human or a ghost. If we surround him, the truth will come out."

"Why did Master Futai come to supervise the battle in person?"


At this time, the fleet commanded by Li Dahu almost slowed down.

"Is that river in front of you?"

"Wusong River." The Caobang disciple who diverted the water immediately replied.

(The Wusong River, also known as the Suzhou River, originates from the Wujiang River in Suzhou, is more than 100 kilometers long, and eventually merges into the Huangpu River.)
Li Dahu unfolded the map, and his adoptive father recommended to him the locations for the three executions.

"Go forward at full speed and drag these officers and soldiers to death."

Marching by boat is much more comfortable than marching on land.

The Qing army was exhausted all the way and complained endlessly as they ran.

For the 3500 soldiers raised in the bid, Fukang'an brought more than 1000 soldiers, as well as more than 1000 rural soldiers temporarily recruited from the local area.

This army of nearly 6000 people has long been scolded.


Admiral Nan Yunsheng's beard has turned white. As General Qian, he participated in the war to pacify Junggar and was promoted with military merit.

As a Han military attache, he has reached the career ceiling.

Now his biggest wish is to pave the way for his nephews and close friends.

"Report to the military gate that bandits have attacked a market town and set up camp."


Tan Ma announced a place name, and the soldier next to him immediately unfolded the sheepskin map.Nan Yunsheng saw it and laughed:

"This is a dead place, where thieves don't know how to fight."

"Let's go, follow me to ask Futai for instructions. Send troops quickly and surround them."

In the big tent, Fukangan also showed a relaxed smile.

"At the South Army Gate, gather all the cavalry and rush here overnight. There is no need to attack. Monitor the bandits and wait for the army to arrive before launching an attack."

"The general also has this intention."

Since the two people's ideas are highly overlapping, there is nothing much to say.

There are more than 300 cavalry under Tibiao's command. In addition to those who are sent out to scout horses, there are also 200 cavalry.

Including Sauron and the governor's personal soldiers, there were a total of 300 cavalry.

Under the setting sun, we left the camp.

At this time, Wang Liu was admonishing Li Dahu:
"This is a dead place, surrounded by water on three sides, don't stay for a long time!"

"Brother Six, I'm just preparing to fight to the bitter end so that I can have a chance of winning."

"Then if the Qing navy arrives for reinforcements, we will be surrounded by enemies on all sides. We cannot rely on our backs."

Li Dahu signaled Wang Liu to follow him out.

When attacking the market town, they captured more than 30 flood soldiers and a dozen tax collectors.

Jiangnan was peaceful, and the flood soldiers were almost unprepared.

All the people in the town knelt on their knees and kowtowed in fear.

Li Dahu stood up high and said loudly:

"The women, elderly, and children of each family can leave now, but all the men will stay."

"The men help us build fortifications."

"You will only work for one day. When you are done, I will pay each of you and let you go."

"Don't have other thoughts, otherwise don't blame me for being rude with my sword."


After that, he slashed to death a pig that was grunting and looking for food.

Barbecue tonight!
"Brothers, take action. Everyone must supervise the work. The more stable the fortifications are, the safer we will be when fighting tomorrow."

Hundreds of torches and bonfires lit up the entire entrance to the town.

After arranging this matter, Li Dahu said:

"Brother Six, have you noticed that the earthen dam along the river is much higher than the town?"

"Is it flood control?"

"Yes, although it is not too high, it is very thick. When the water rises in summer, the town will not be flooded by the river water."

The two of them walked and talked until they climbed to the highest point of the earthen dam, feeling that the rooftops of the town were under their feet.

The cross-section of the embankment is trapezoidal and is not prone to collapse.

"What do you want to say?"

"I want to tell you that the cannons from the warships on the river cannot hit the market town. All the cannonballs will hit this earthen dam."

In the night, Wang Liu's expression was as frightened as a ghost.

He looked around for a long time and finally understood the mystery inside.

"Brother Six, let's have a decisive battle here tomorrow and cripple the Jiangnan Green Camp."

"How many of these cooks will survive tomorrow?"

"One has to believe in destiny."

Li Dahu dropped a motto that was inappropriate for his age and walked down the earth dam.

Outside the market town, it is becoming a hot construction site.


The women, children, old and weak were all gone, and the remaining people did not dare to neglect. They obediently took the tools and dug trenches according to the lines drawn on the ground.

The cooks sat on the spot, eating and supervising the work.

Occasionally, he would curse a few times to speed things up.

At the entrance of the town, a circular trench was built.

It is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, with an opening of 2 meters and a depth of 2 meters.

Infantrymen cannot cross it and have to jump down and then climb up. However, they will find it difficult to climb up.

Since it is a town, there is no shortage of building materials.

Carts, tables, chairs and benches were pulled out and piled behind the trench to form a simple barrier.

The houses in the town are also very good fortifications. With slight modifications, they can serve as a natural second line of defense.

Remove door panels, smash windows, and place musketeers on the roof.

Even better, food, wells, and firewood are all readily available.

Li Ergou calculated that it would be enough to eat food for half a month.

He ordered most of the livestock and poultry to be slaughtered to save food.

In this weather, the meat can survive.

Ergou always misses his food, which is also an occupational disease. Just like Lin Huaisheng, he is afraid of hunger.


"Brothers, think about the days we lived in the past. Are you afraid that you can't bear to eat the fragrant barbecue during the Chinese New Year?" Wang Liu started to encourage, "It's not because of the guns and cannons in our hands. Officers and soldiers only bully the weak and fear the strong, they are cowards." Very. Tomorrow, we will take care of these grandchildren."

The cooks laughed, and someone asked:

"Brother Six, do we have cannons?"

"Yes, there are many more."

Liu Wu was commanding the sailors to unload the artillery on the ship and arrange it on the position.

Artillery is a technical job and cannot be left to Zao Ding.

Gunners and sailors will set up positions throughout the market town based on experience.Earth bags should also be built in front of the artillery to protect against artillery.

Although he and Li Dahu had differences, they could distinguish the seriousness.

At this time, everyone is in the same boat and must not fight among themselves.


Liu Wu was in pain and stood on the deck of Ji Kang No. 1, unwilling to leave.

Such a good warship must be scuttled after unloading its artillery.

He tried to fight for it, but the lord said that he could not afford to lose a small amount, and the target of the warship was too big to be taken.

Abandon ship and bail out!

The two warships slowly sank to the bottom of the river after being damaged.

It happened to block the pier.

If the Qing warships wanted to dock directly, it would be impossible to attack the rear of the town.

We can only put small sampans far away and let the sailors paddle ashore.

Late at night, trench digging continued.

Only half of the people were left to supervise the work, while the rest rested in the house.

At dawn, the Qing cavalry arrived.Although there are only 300 riders, the momentum is amazing.

"The cavalry is so majestic."

"Yes, I wrongly blamed Wusi for buying that tartar."

On Xishan Island, Wusimai, a Mongolian Tatar who surrendered, was very keen on forming a cavalry.

Li Ergou always felt that he was bragging, but now it seemed that he had been wronged.

After only 300 rides, the ground is shaking and smoke is billowing.

If it's a few thousand riders, that's fine.

"Brothers, don't panic, we have artillery. Leave a group of people on guard, and the rest will do whatever they are supposed to do."


Sauron has a tiger named Heila on his left wing, standing on the saddle.

His 3.0 vision eyes were patrolling the town.

Trenches, obstacles, firearms, and alley houses, these things combined together make it "hard to chew on."

"Sir, do you want to feint?"

"No need, rest where you are and wait for the army to encircle you."


Mr. Qian, who proposed the horse team, breathed a long sigh of relief. He was afraid of being used as cannon fodder.

After running all night, we were tired and exhausted.

Many people leaned against the field ridge and began to catch up on their sleep.

The same goes for Sauron. He ate some dried meat and water and quickly closed his eyes to rest.They are natural hunters, and their ears work even while they sleep.

Li Dahu had no intention of making a sneak attack, and the two sides just maintained a distance of 3 miles in tacit agreement.

"Commander, let's fire a cannon to harass them, shall we?"


Liu Wu refused, and once again emphasized that there were 24 cannons in total, which should be added one by one, and the Qing army could not easily figure out the number.

According to the Lord's estimation, the Qing army must be adding fuel to the fire.

Therefore, our artillery must also add fuel to our tactics.

It wasn't until they launched a general attack that the four 4-pounder guns were allowed to make a sound.

This time, Liu Wu also brought 200 flintlock guns and 50 carrying guns with the ship.

Except for the sailors, the rest were all distributed to the cooks.

Wang Liu also held a flintlock gun in his hand.

He kept repeating the loading steps in his mind without any distracting thoughts.No matter what happens, win this battle first.

Bang, the sailors carried two wooden boxes and walked to the first line of defense.

The cooks squatting behind the low wall were stunned: "What is this?"


"Why did you use it?"

"When officers and soldiers rush in front of you, just hit them with this thing."

A sailor gave a demonstration and drew out the hatchet tucked behind his waist.

With a strong movement of his right arm, he flew out and got stuck on the door panel ten meters away.

"Don't be in a hurry, wait until the officers and soldiers rush in and throw it away together."


In the morning, the bidder arrived.

The dark crowd of officers and soldiers completely blocked the land road.

Everyone was no longer relaxed and looked nervous.

"Let all the people go, and each one can catch a handful of copper coins."

Many of the people who had been frightened to death quickly ran away without even bothering to take the money.

Although the people of the Qing Dynasty did not read, they had all heard the saying "Thieves are like a comb, soldiers are like a grate".

The officers and soldiers are going to fight with the bandits, so run as far away as possible.

Otherwise, you will hear the familiar "Don't run away, fellow, I'll lend you something."

However, more than 300 civilians were still intercepted, and the officers and soldiers who raised the bids faced each other with swords and guns.

He ordered them to kneel down and search "whether there are any stray thieves among them."

Nan Yunsheng did not stop it because it was reasonable.Hundreds of men ran out from the enemy lines and claimed that they were innocent people. Who would believe it?

Some who were too nervous and slow to answer questions were immediately stabbed to the ground with spears.Some of them were too vicious and had calluses on their thumbs and were killed on the spot.

After screening, these people were detained as laborers.

Fukangan finally arrived, covered in mud and water.

That's because during the march, his horse stumbled and fell.

Fortunately, he reacted in time and rolled far forward on the spot, absorbing most of the impact.

If this fall were caused by Li Yu, the marriage would not be consummated and the bones would be broken.


Li Yu, who had just put on his cotton robe, sneezed and closed the window again.

"Husband, be careful of catching a cold."

Hu Ling'er hurriedly waited on him and asked him to wash and change clothes.

Looking at the delicate and tender girl's face, he lamented that it was a good thing he was in the Qing Dynasty. If he had traveled there before, he would have had to squat there for 10 years.

The ancients were different. They wanted to become famous early, kill people early, and start a family early. In short, they should do everything sooner rather than later.

(End of this chapter)

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