Great Qing Dynasty talker

Chapter 192 Nine birds beat up the old man

Chapter 192 The nine-headed bird beats the old man violently
Yi Ha Chun happened to be resting near Liang Rui.

Even the man and the horse seemed to be fished out of blood, and the handle of the knife was too slippery to hold.

He could only pull up a White Lotus Sect flag and wipe the handle of the knife vigorously.

"Capital, after this battle, you must report to the court."


"These gang of grandsons in Guan Nei dare to make any shady money! They actually dare to sell firecrackers to the bandits."

"Humph, it's really outrageous."

Liang Rui couldn't help but shake his head. He couldn't understand many things in Guan.

Those cowardly and ostentatious bannermen in the capital might not survive the spring if they were placed in Ninggu Pagoda.

"Our Heilongjiang Cavalry is the face of the Qing Dynasty. Go ahead and kill these bandits with guns and pay attention to the safety of your brothers."

"The slave obeys."

Yiha Chun rushed onto his horse and temporarily replenished two arrow pots.

They gathered 500 cavalry and charged towards the White Lotus Sect's Musketeer Holy Army.


The old rule is still that the cavalry raid the formation and fire arrows repeatedly.

It's impossible to charge directly into the formation, that's what heavy cavalry can do!

Eight Banners cavalry, more archers.

Shoot at close range, wait for the enemy to become confused and there is a gap in the military formation, then rush in in time to separate the enemy.

500 cavalry versus 2500 infantry is more than enough.

Yiha Chun rode on the horse and watched the distance between the two sides getting closer and closer, already less than half a mile.

Suddenly a kind of doubt arose, this group of religious bandits actually fired without panic?
However, time does not allow for overthinking.

These sturdy banner men outside the Pass have begun to run at full speed, holding bows and arrows in vain.

100 meters away!
The White Lotus Sect remained calm and composed, striding forward with a matchlock gun in hand.

Shouting long live, the level of madness is terrifying.

Yiha Chun let out an arrow and shot down the enemy who was walking at the front carrying the flag.

The 500 cavalrymen under his command also skillfully divided into two groups, swept the formation horizontally, and began to fire arrows rapidly.

The White Lotus cultists in the first two rows suffered huge casualties.

However, the musket counterattack finally began.

When infantry fights cavalry, it is impossible to "shoot in the face."

The Holy Musketeers stopped in place and raised their guns to shoot.

The front row suffered too many casualties, and the people in the rear row immediately moved forward to fill the gaps and increase the firepower density.


Liang Rui, who was watching the battle from behind, felt nervous. He saw many of his subordinates being shot and fell from their horses.

This is very wrong!
The shooting accuracy of firearms is impressive. How could it be so accurate?

Even if it is a dense volley, it will not be so efficient!

He could not have imagined that the crazy musket warriors would have double the charge in their guns, and half of them would be filled with shotguns.

Tiny pieces of iron were flying all over the sky.

The position not covered by armor would be miserable.The war horse and flag bearer suffered a great loss.

At the end of the horizontal sweep, more than half of the 500 cavalry were lost.

Yiha Chun also broke.

Unlucky for him, his horse was shot and he was shot in the face.

A small piece of iron was embedded deeply into his cheekbone, causing unbearable pain.

He grabbed the iron piece with his fingers, howled in pain like a beast, and pulled out the bloody iron piece fiercely.

Due to the excessive pain, a small piece of the tooth was broken.

He spat out the bloody foam and took off the helmet that was in the way.

He raised his sword and rushed towards the White Lotus cultist who was striding forward with a musket in his hand.

After taking five steps, a brilliant spark suddenly bloomed in front of his eyes.

Immediately, the person lost strength and consciousness.

The moment he lowered his head, he seemed to see a big hole in Yue Xiong's front cotton armor.

It fell down and blood soaked into the soil.

"Master Xie Ling."

The two fallen flag men who wanted to snatch the body also died from close range gunfire.

Deputy Commander Liang Rui could clearly see that one of them was even hit half a meter back by a musket, and the effect was very shocking.

"Come on."

"The slave is here."

"Gather the cavalry and retreat 2 miles. Send an order to Yichang to hold the mark and go up."


Pan Shigui, the commander-in-chief of Yichang Town, was shocked when he received the military order.

He wanted to slap himself twice, pretending to be a brave general.

After relieving the siege just now, he should not have pursued and killed him, he acted so bravely.

This share of the credit was already firmly in his hands.

It is entirely possible to use the excuse of heavy casualties to rest on the spot or even return to the east bank of the Shending River to replace other Green Camp soldiers.

well now,

A man from the Guanwai Banner with a fierce look in his eyes, holding the hilt of his sword, was staring at him and supervising him.

Pan Shigui felt bitter in his mouth and ordered his troops to withdraw their troops.

After gathering more than 1000 soldiers, they were urged:

"Mr. Pan, don't wait any longer, come on first."

"it is good."

It took another stick of incense to work,
Arrange the shield soldiers in front, the archers and gunners in the middle, and a large number of melee soldiers in the back. This formation slowly advances forward.

The Qi Ding, who had two scars on his face, big yellow teeth, bow-legged legs and sparse braids, still followed Pan Shigui step by step.

This made Pan Shigui secretly resentful:
After all, I am also the commander-in-chief of the town, a second-rank official. You, a flagman without an official position, drive me like a domestic animal.

He glanced sideways and happened to meet the ugly flag man.

The other party's eyes were cruel and sharp, as if he could see through his own mind.

Said fiercely:

"Don't waste time, Lord Tutong is watching us."

"If you are afraid of fighting, kill!"


The green camp soldiers in Yichang Town were all resentful, but they did not dare to disobey.

Behind, thousands of Eight Banners cavalry were supervising the battle.

They really dare to kill people!
The Holy Musketeers of the White Lotus Religion reorganized their formation on the spot, reloaded their ammunition, and came over again with high morale.

1 mile, half a mile, 100 meters~
The distance is getting closer and closer, and the green battalion sword and shield soldiers in the front row have raised their shields.

Everyone is praying in their hearts for the blessings of gods and Buddhas. If they can go back alive, they must carry a pig head to the temple.

Pan Shigui's cat lowered its waist and lowered its head. This is a way to increase the probability of survival.

He was wondering, why didn't the bandit shoot?
"Fire arrows, shoot."

Regardless, Yichang Town Green Camp took the lead in firing, arrows pierced the air, and shotguns roared.

The ugly short man Qi Ding beside him jumped up and glanced at the sky with a confused look on his face.

The cult bandits on the opposite side have already fallen and suffered heavy casualties. Why don't they fight back?

Could it be that all their firecrackers are broken?
Both sides quickened their pace and eagerly prepared for hand-to-hand combat.

After taking another twenty or thirty steps, the archers from Yichang Town had already fired three rounds of arrows, but the opponent still didn't respond and was beaten silently.

Pan Shigui suddenly thought of something and stopped.

He grabbed a shield from the soldier beside him and shrank back.

At the front, the green camp soldiers had begun to tremble and their teeth chattered.

Because they saw that the back row of the cult bandits on the opposite side was added to the front row, and the distance between them was also shortened.

A flat-ended musket with a maniacal smile on his face.

It was already less than ten steps.

Many green soldiers with shields could no longer bear the psychological pressure, threw away their shields and ran back.

Some shotgunners who were unskilled in loading and whose hands were trembling also threw away their shotguns and joined in the escape sequence.

However, it's too late!

Behind him, a high-pitched shout came:

"Long live Bailian, fight."

There was a deafening sound of gunfire, and white smoke suddenly spurted out.


Yichang Town no longer exists.

Half were emptied by musketry, the others fled wildly.

Leader Hong, who was watching the battle from a distance, smiled, and the shooting technique from close to the face was really good.

No kind of infantry can withstand this kind of tactics.

The frantically fleeing Yichang Zhenbiao caused chaos to the Eight Banners cavalry supervising the battle a mile away.

Liang Rui cursed angrily:

"Green camp deserter, kill!"

The Eight Banners soldiers on horseback immediately drew their swords and slashed at the Green Camp soldiers crazily.

However, the most important advantage of the cavalry is still lost, space!

Leader Hong seized the opportunity and made a decisive move.

Issued three military orders:

"The army of swords, shields and spears formed by the old brothers will attack quickly." "The Holy Army of Muskets, continue to advance."

"The protective army will detour to the east side of the Shending River, block the retreat, and surround and annihilate the Eight Banners cavalry."

This is a very bold arrangement.Quite a bit like a snake swallowing an elephant.

On this battlefield, the number of Qing troops seemed small, less than 3000 Eight Banners cavalry, plus hundreds of Yichang Town Green Camp troops.

But trying to make dumplings and annihilate them all is crazy!

At the critical moment, the Musketeers, with only 1500 people left, played the mainstay role.

After they reloaded, they actually stopped forming.

Amidst the endless shouts of long live, we ran forward.

There was no time left for the Heilongjiang cavalry supervising the battle to disperse the deserters and speed up the charge, so they rushed in front of them.

Still firing at about ten steps, very brutal.

Even a double layer of cotton armor can't stop such violent kinetic energy. With double the charge, there's no distance~
A philosopher once said that if the photos you take are not exciting enough, it means you are not close enough!
Later, it was widely used.

If the score on the test (copying) is not high enough, it means you are not close enough.

If the relationship between two people is not good enough, it means you are not close enough!
In short, if you get close to Dafa, it is omnipotent and invincible!
The Musketeer Holy Army has fallen into madness.

A believer who had emptied his matchlock gun found that he had dropped his gunpowder bag, so he turned the gun head and frantically hit the nearest horse's head with the gun butt!

From time to time, Eight Banners soldiers on horseback were shot backwards and fell to the ground.

Of course, there are also a lot of people who have their bodies exploded.

The deputy governor of Heilongjiang saw with his own eyes a crazy religious bandit shooting at the cavalry within five steps.

The cavalryman fell off his horse, the bandit's chest exploded, and he ran around covering his face.

You can never imagine how many times the gun was filled with gunpowder before it exploded.

2 times?You are too conservative!
The gunpowder bag was poured into it all at once, and I don't know how much.

Believe in Maitreya and don’t explode!
This is the reason why Li Yu is unwilling to get involved in religion, a double-edged sword.

Being brave and not afraid of death is true!
Seeking death is also true!

There are more and more arquebuses with exploding barrels all around, and every dozen of them makes a trumpet, asking you if you are afraid.


The Heilongjiang cavalry team was frightened.

This is not a war, this is a madman fighting for his life.

Those White Lotus believers wearing "Holy" uniforms have crazy faces, as if they are saying "Kill me, or I will kill you"!
No matter the casualties, no matter what.

Breaking into the Eight Banners cavalry and shooting wildly.

The Eight Banners garrisoned in Jingzhou were located far back. They were frightened by the sight and did not want to fight with the madman.

So, I wanted to attack that bright yellow flag and capture the bandit leader alive!

He was intercepted by old brother Wan Yu Bailian and fell into a hard fight.

Swords, shields, and spears gradually eliminated the advantage of the cavalry.

In just half an hour, the entire 1500 Jingzhou Eight Banners land force disappeared.

Although the price Bailian paid was far more than 2000 people.

But for the White Lotus Sect, it was still a great victory!

The senior White Lotus sect standing high up, with tears in his eyes, said excitedly:
"Leader, give the order and we will come too."

Leader Hong is worthy of being a dragon and a phoenix among men. He pushed the boat along with the current, untied his bright yellow cloak, fastened his golden crown, waved his sword and shouted:

"Long live the White Lotus Holy Kingdom, long live!"

Take the lead and stride forward.

All the White Lotus cultists were inspired and filled with fighting spirit.

On both sides of the Shending River, the shouts of long live were like rolling thunder, overwhelming the roar of artillery.


The Qing artillery left on the east bank of the Shending River has become silent.

Bai Lian guarded the soldiers and rushed to the east bank with their horse hooves stepping on the river water.

Upon seeing this, the Qing artillerymen immediately scattered and fled for their lives.

The believers were overjoyed that the artillery was not nailed to the fire gate, and immediately turned the muzzle of the artillery to bombard the Heilongjiang cavalry.

It's still the familiar formula, with added gunpowder.

Once fired, the mountain-splitting cannon had the effect of a heavy cannon.

The addition of artillery limited the number of kills, but it poured another bucket of ice water on the confidence of the Heilongjiang cavalry.

The deputy capital commander, Liang Rui, had run out of arrow pots and was in a state of extreme distress.

His forehead was bleeding.

"Master, we can't fight, just run."

"Send the order to retreat eastward and join the Governor."

At this time, Chen Huizu, who was 10 miles away, led more than 5000 Green Camp troops to march.

He was still wondering if he might be late.

Maybe he’s already won!
After all, that was the Heilongjiang Cavalry of 2000 people, the essence of the Eight Banners of the Qing Dynasty.

Suddenly, someone came to report:

"On the west bank of the Shending River, the sound of killing was loud. The two sides were strangled together, and the status of the battle was unknown."


Chen Huizu suddenly became nervous.

"What does it mean that the battle situation is unknown?"

"The White Lotus cavalry has appeared on the east coast, and Tan Ma doesn't dare to get too close."

This once again proves that we are close to Dafa!
If the intelligence you investigate is not accurate enough, it means you are not close enough!

"Taiwan making, what should I do?"

"The whole army stopped advancing and sent more scouting horses to find out the enemy's situation."

Chen Huizu was the same type as Wang Danwang. He was a typical frontier official in the Qing Dynasty. He was a refined and shrewd official!
He just thought about it for a while and made the decision that was best for him.

At the same time, someone was also sent to inform the baggage team at the rear that they were not allowed to unload the trucks and were to stop where they were and stand by.

Tan Ma saw the tragic scene from a distance.

The remaining few hundred people riding in Heilongjiang broke through the encirclement and crossed the Shending River.

Encountering the interception of the White Lotus Guardsmen who were waiting in full formation, five artillery pieces first fired a round of cannonballs.

Liang Rui died in this round of shelling, and a shot shot penetrated the cotton armor.

Immediately, the Eight Banners cavalry lost their command and could only break out in all directions.

They were all wiped out by the extremely high morale of the protective army, and not even one of them escaped.

The young man Chun Shou was also delighted to win one person.

An Eight Banners soldier was injured and fell off his horse. He picked up his spear and stabbed him to death.

Finally, he obtained the trophy, two knives, one long and one short.

"Father, I'll give you the silver I got from the corpse."

"Okay, after the battle, I'll buy a roast chicken, and we'll get half of it each."

"Can we leave the buttocks and neck to Xiaoju?"

"it is good."

The White Lotus cultists were in jubilation. This battle was too difficult.

It was a miracle to eat 3500 Eight Banners cavalry and 3000 Green Camp soldiers in one go.

Although it cost 2 casualties, it was still worth it.

The exchange ratio of three to one is absolutely excellent.


The prestige of Master Hong has reached its highest level.

Everywhere you go, there are thunderous cheers, long live!
Many believers shed tears and knelt aside.

He was lifted up kindly and encouraged with gentle words.

The dispersed new believers were gradually gathered back.

The main reason is that there is no food in the nearby area, and only by returning to the White Lotus Sect family can we have food to eat!

Hanyang Prefecture was very wise in seizing the grain.

"Reporting to the leader, Huguang Governor Chen Huizu has retreated. Do you want to pursue him?"

Leader Hong waved his hand:
"Guardian Guards, order your troops to pursue the officers and soldiers. Don't beat them hard and frighten the officers and soldiers. Just abandon the baggage."

"As ordered."

The pro-religious army experienced this bloody battle, and only about 700 people remained.

Went toward the east.

Two hours later, they caught up with the retreating Qing army, successfully seized several hundred vehicles of baggage, and killed more than 2 straggler Qing troops.

Chen Huizu was also unambiguous, leaving two battalions of Dubiao to strengthen Xiangyang city defense, and the main force returned to Wuchang Prefecture.

He knew that the current situation was broken and the entire province was in decay.

Before the imperial court mobilized a large army and the surrounding provinces joined forces to suppress the enemy, Bai Lian had the upper hand.

Therefore, his most critical task as the governor of Huguang is to defend Wuchang!
If Wuchang is not lost, Hubei still has hope.

If Wuchang is lost, all of Hubei will belong to Bailian.


The Yichang town signs, Yunyang town signs, and the Eight Banners cavalry were all burned out.

The entire western half of Hubei is extremely empty.

Chen Huizu saw it, and so did Master Hong.

Leader Hong divided four partial divisions and began to reap the fruits of victory, conquering cities and territories along the way and promoting the White Lotus doctrine.

Officials and gentry of the Qing court fled in a hurry, fearing that they would be caught too late.

The White Lotus Sect was very decisive in its work. All officials, gentry, and gentry were killed, their property confiscated, and merchants were not spared.

The leader said that merchants were also accomplices of the government and should not be forgiven.

Only refugees, hungry people, tenants, and craftsmen are recruited to join the White Lotus Sect.

(End of this chapter)

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